

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    KJ, Good decision - we'll still be here when you get back.

    Kristi in NC, good to see you!

    Charleen, I'm a quilter as well, but that quilt puts me in the shade. I'm struggling with freestyle machine quilting, I've got the right foot, the right needle, the right thread, but mine always ends up looking jerky, angular and irregular and I've not been happy with it so far. I do fine with straight-line stuff, but I love the look of machine quilting and want to learn to do it well, even to the point where I can teach others. I've watched videos, everything, still not happy. Any tips on videos or books I could pick up to help me learn it right?

    I slept in 'til 6 a.m. this morning, MOST unusual, about to start on my second cup of coffee. So exhausted, but the coffee's beginning to do it's magic. I received zero response to my e-mails to the publisher this weekend, so hope nothing went wrong in her life. She's had one hell of a year, between nearly losing her grandmother twice and helping her rehab from hospital stays so she can stay in her home, and her husband breaking his hip in a fall (he's in his 30's, and it was a BAD break, he fell on some equipment in the oilfield). He literally couldn't move around at all for six weeks, and is just now up on crutches. Really hoping everything's OK and she just took a weekend off while she can. Still don't know whether she's still planning on going through with the drug test and background check on me, but have to go into town anyway.

    I forgot to take pictures of the trailerload and vanload we had, but it was crazy. My husband didn't feel comfortable going more than 65, and it still dropped our miles per gallon from 20 on the way there to 10 mpg on the way back. We needed to get that trailer here for my DBiL's sake (long, LONG story), but probably won't be using it much. I don't recover from these marathon weekends as fast as I used to! Feel like I have a hangover, and I don't drink.

    The turkeys are gobbling outside, so they're up and going. Time to get that second cup of coffee going for me, too.

    Love y'all,
    So glad to be...
    Lisa in West Texas again.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited May 2016
    Morning. Guess what. It rained. :(

    Marcelyn in the swamp called Houston.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    KJ, Good decision - we'll still be here when you get back.

    Charleen, I'm a quilter as well, but that quilt puts me in the shade. I'm struggling with freestyle machine quilting, I've got the right foot, the right needle, the right thread, but mine always ends up looking jerky, angular and irregular and I've not been happy with it so far. I do fine with straight-line stuff, but I love the look of machine quilting and want to learn to do it well, even to the point where I can teach others. I've watched videos, everything, still not happy. Any tips on videos or books I could pick up to help me learn it right?

    I don't recover from these marathon weekends as fast as I used to! Feel like I have a hangover, and I don't drink.

    Love y'all,
    So glad to be...
    Lisa in West Texas again.

    Lisa I agree with you on the quilting. Charleen makes me look like a beginner! I sew all my quilts and try a decent in-the-ditch machine quilting. Not perfect in any means of the word but very serviceable. My long term plans for quilting are to incorporate my 34 yo wedding dress into an heirloom quilt for myself. Explained to the hubs that I would rather sleep under the memories of that day than save it in a box for...for what....

    We are moving our daughter from Chicago to Richmond, VA in a couple of weeks. We are already both moaning about the physical effects on us. We did have the forsight to arrange for someone else to load and unload the U Haul truck we rented. But even this long distance driving is getting to us.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Cheri - Same plans for my wedding dress... and fully agree on the long distance driving, as well!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    morning peeps -
    well , the skinny bike is out... supposed to be nice today so I will ride home. Usually I do a spin class today but since she wasn't there and the person that's subbing is not for me I decided to run instead.
    I am glad to say that the bike that we donated back got more than what we had bid on it when we got it. it went for 725 or 750 (can't remember)! that was awesome to see!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    edited May 2016
    Pip - Great news on the bike auction! :flowerforyou:

    Typical bank holiday weather. At least the rain held off until the afternoon so DH could watch half a day's cricket. Under strict instructions he popped into the supermarket on the way back to buy more fresh veggies and fish for the week. I feel a bit stuck without a car and was beginning to feel a bit lonely, but he was back in the house when I woke up from a short nap. :love:

    Tonight is Tandoori Monkfish with mixed salad, including blanched cauliflower and a raita. Rice for DH.
    For lunch I had one of my "funny" soups. :laugh: Miso with extra seaweed, wan ton dumplings and any veg I can seize from the salad drawer. Lots of chilli. Sooooooo yummy I could burst! 300 calories. For afternoon snack I had 200 calories of steel cut oats. :D
    I spent a happy half hour re-ordering miso bonito soup and seaweed etc from Amazon. Plus some Mexican tomatillo sauce for a skinnytaste.com recipe with chicken.

    Lisa - I don't know how you do it! You should be a skinny, muscular goddess with all the effort you put into things. Nothing I hate more than long haul driving. Apart from loading things!
    In fact, hard work in general :laugh: Kudos to you! :flowerforyou:
    Love to all, Heather UK
  • angely512
    angely512 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies! Happy May everyone!

    April Accomplishments
    • Lost 5 lbs this month.
    • 1 quart of water daily
    • Exercise 10 min daily (Prevention Fit in 10 series)
    • Running 3x week
    • Found hidden calories
    • Added protein to each meal and found snacks that get me through the afternoon.
    May Goals
    • Get more sleep
    • Switch to eating 5 small meals a day
    • Take notes on my digestion and regularity to deal with bloating and constipation.
    • Remember to take my supplements.

    Thank you Barbie for creating the thread each month and to all the regulars on this discussion for their support.

    Charleen - Beautiful quilt. I lived in Colorado for 13 years. Miss the Rockies.

    Very pleased with my April accomplishments. The challenges have been with bloating and remembering to eat right during busy moments in my day. I have certain cravings that I know are emotionally and convenience based. The comfort foods always contribute to my bloating. Mac and cheese, sausage, pasta, candy, etc., any family dinner that reminds me of home.

    I’ve gotten my husband on board and he is also seeing results. My brother is also working on losing weight and we talk about his challenges. He’s having issues because he had his gall bladder removed and is pre-diabetic. I’m most worried about him but I know he can do it. In the past, I've felt alone in my weight loss journey. It's nice to be able to talk to my husband and brother and share our challenges and accomplishments.

    My dad's marker is finally done and installed. I designed it and haven't seen it yet. Hoping to see it in person in June or July when I visit my mom and family in California. Miss him so much. :'(

    Found another workout that I like, but it’s super hard. It’s called the Hilliard Studio Method. It’s from the Hilliard Studio in North Carolina. These ladies are awesome. Truly an inspiration. I can barely get through 15 minutes of a 30 minute workout. My long term goal is to be as fit as Liz Hilliard one day.

    Remember, it's only a thought, and thoughts can change.

    Brenda (Austin, TX)
  • 2strive4fitness
    2strive4fitness Posts: 17 Member
    Goals for May.
    1) Exercise daily for 30 mins (walk and/or bike ride)
    2) Nautilaus weights 3 times per week
    3) Log my food daily (incorporate more fruits & veggies into meals & and avoid processed sugar)
    4) Drink 10 glasses of water per day
    5) Clean and prepare yard for graduation party
    6) Spring clean the house
    7) Clean and do maintenance on fifth wheel trailer
    8) Have a garage sale
    9) Visit my sister and help her with the kids

    Well, this seems like a big enough list or now, so I better get started
  • tracefork421
    tracefork421 Posts: 13 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good Morning from Indiana,

    I so enjoy reading all your posts and catching up on your news. I just joined and already have found such joy.

    Janetr-Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family today. You have been thru a lot. So very sorry. ❤️

    Joyce- your tooth may not have formed a clot over it if you rinsed too soon and that maybe why your tooth hurts. I was a dental assistant for 28 years until my tremors wouldn't allow me to do my job any longer. I loved it! Best of luck. Just call your dentist abs talk to him

    I'm babysitting my sweet granddaughter today who is 17 months and full of life. Have a wonderful Monday
    Jamie from Indiana
  • 2strive4fitness
    2strive4fitness Posts: 17 Member
    Goals for May.
    1) Exercise daily for 30 mins (walk and/or bike ride)
    2) Nautilaus weights 3 times per week
    3) Log my food daily (incorporate more fruits & veggies into meals & and avoid processed sugar)
    4) Drink 10 glasses of water per day
    5) Clean and prepare yard for graduation party
    6) Spring clean the house
    7) Clean and do maintenance on fifth wheel trailer
    8) Have a garage sale
    9) Visit my sister and help her with the kids

    Well, this seems like a big enough list for now, so I better get started

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi gals,

    Lisa – LOL

    Well, I canceled everything for today (I have not done that in years) with a goal of going slow and batting this darn cold down. I feel fine from the shoulders down but my nose and throat are something else. I can't remember having this sore of a throat - it hurts, but no temp and no swelling of glands... I really think it is just a cold - Today is the only day I can take off this week so it better darn help.

    I thought of you Heather last night, and of the *kitten* from here, my across the street neighbors are nice enough a bit loud - 4 teenagers - and the teens are a bit wild children - really not bad kids, but mom is a "friend" more often than a "mom" and last night she decided to be a MOM and there was a 2 hour screaming match with flying Fbombs... oh my! I'd take the building noises any day over that - but I did think how funny it would be if instead of fthis and fthat it was kitten this and kitten that....


    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I am going to walk on the treadmill today and now that I have put that in writing, I must do it :# I have not fit in exercise, hasn't been a priority these past 2 weeks and now it is unacceptable....I can walk on the treadmill for a half hour after work today and still get to where I need to get to and that is that :#

    There! I've said it in public and now must do it!!! Karen from ny
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all. I have been feeling very negative lately so didn't want to come on and be a downer to all. I am trying to get back to my old routine so that will be my goal for May. Now that I have most of the feeling back in my foot and leg I think I can do it. Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2016
    DJ - we miss you terribly when you aren't here, your wit, humor and encouragement are the highlight of my day. Lol shows you what an exciting life I lead. Hope you find time to work us in to your busy schedule every once in a while :)

    Kim - Warm thots, hope you feel better soon and the nasty cold goes on its way.

    Karen from NY - you go girl. That's why I just said (below) I was going to the Y in the morning. I have to be held accountable. We CAN do it. :)

    Meg from Omaha- hey with all you have been thru lately feeling negative kind of comes with it. We have missed you and glad you are back and will be here to cheer you on. Don't ever feel your negativity will be a downer to all of us, we all go thru it. That's when we need encouragement the most. WE ARE HERE for you, girl friend.

    Did my weights workout this morning. Its been almost two weeks. Felt good. I've missed it. Now I'm trying to talk myself into going to water aerobics in the morning. I haven't gone since I had shingles back in December. I feel like it would be good for me to get out of the house more and have at least a little social interaction. Also I'm paying for the Y membership so I need to either use it or drop it. Also it would give me more variety to the work outs I've been doing. I might plan on two days a week on days I don't do weights.

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member