May 2016 Running Challenge



  • cbrunenkant
    cbrunenkant Posts: 16 Member
    @CariTJR I'm so sorry for your loss!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    I love cast iron, but can't use it (too heavy) on my glass cook-top. Someday, if I ever get my dream house, I'll have a gas stove and go back to using it!
    Off-topic: I use cast iron on my glass cooktop, and have no problems. I was very concerned, but all the reputable sources I read say it's okay, as long as you don't drop it on the glass (duh!) and don't slide it - lift and move. But then again, that's pretty much for everything on glass.

    I use mine on the glass top too. No problems yet.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @Ohhim - Interesting links on the BQ stats. I'd known that 2016 had a historically high cutoff, but hadn't thought about factors influencing that other than the popularity of Boston among qualifiers. It makes a lot of sense that the prior year Boston should have a bigger impact on the Boston field than any other marathon; I saw a lot of people in prior year Boston celebration jackets there. It also makes sense that a lower percentage of qualifiers from European marathons will run Boston than from North American marathons, as the travel time and expense for Europeans will be a higher hurdle than for those of us on this side of the pond. And perhaps Boston doesn't have as much mystique in Europe as it does in the United States.

    So the early prognosis is for a lower cutoff in 2017 than 2016. That's good news for folks who are on the bubble for the cutoff; with a 1919 second margin, I'm not terribly worried about the cutoff being higher than forecast. And yes, I'm leaning toward going back in 2017 even before I finish recovering from Boston 2016. It's one heck of an experience.
  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member


    I am sorry for your loss.

    When my dad was taken ill I scrapped a month, which turned into two months when he died. Which turned into a year.

    Running after a massive loss was terribly difficult, as soon as started running, I couldn't see much point in it... so I stopped.

    I don't have anything useful or helpful to say. But I wish I could go back now and tell me to keep going, I really wish I hadn't lost that year. My dad would have been fuming with me for that.

    But I can't go back, so I'll tell you instead, I know how you are feeling. Keep going.
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    @instantmartian hang on to him good ones are hard to find. I had to laugh at the boyfriend comment, Allen and I have been together for almost 8 years and I'm in my 50s so it always sounds funny to me too. When his mom introduces me to people she says "this is Allen's friend" his dad says "this is my daughter in law" LOL!!

    This is actually too funny! My dad introduces Dave to people as my "friend," though Dave's mom and family go about business as if we are married. haha
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    edited May 2016



    2016 Races
    5/14: Glacier Ridge Ultra -- 50k (Portersville, PA)
    6/4: Kettle 100 Night Fun Run -- 38 miles (Whitewater, WI)
    7/16: ColorRun --5k (with my 15 year old)(Pittsburgh, PA)
    7/17: Presque Isle Half-Marathon (Erie, PA) -- This is maybe.. road races have too many people...
    9/10: 1st Annual Possum Glory Endurance Race -- 50k (Northern Cambria, PA)
    10/1: Cloudsplitter 100 -- 100 Miles (Pine Mountain, KY)

  • Mathsrunner
    Mathsrunner Posts: 93 Member
    1/5: 8.1 Miles
    3/5: 5.0 Miles


  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    How do you guys have toe nail problems? I hear this a lot but I never had problems with it so far.

    I've lost a couple nails over the past six years. I lost the nail on toe next to my big toe on my right foot twice. All I can figure is that that toe is a little longer than my other toes and my right foot is a bit smaller than my left, so my right foot must move around a little more than it should and bump against the front of my shoe. Both times with that toenail, it was a gradual process - it never hurt, but it slowly turned black and then it it just mostly fell off one day, only attached by bits of the cuticle, so I assisted it along. After my half in February, however, when I was running in the most awful shoes known to mankind, the toenail on my right little toe fell off almost immediately. That one was quite painful. I blame the awful shoes. I am also in the process of losing the same nail I lost twice before, and I believe those issues started with that half, as well.
  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    Ready to do this! Technically, I already started. :p
    5/1 - rest
    5/2 - 4m
    5/3 - 4m

    Distance to date: 8m
    Goal: 90m (8.9% complete)
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    5/1 - 2.66 mi walk
    5/2 - 30 min indoor cardio, 12 min lower body pilates focusing on hips
    5/3 - 3.1 mi run (not yet, but I'm putting it down so I have to do it later!)

    @CariTJR So sorry about your mom. I lost mine in 2008 after a 9 month illness.
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    @5BeautifulDays: It was awful, and I want to try to figure out the swelling issue, though it seemed to only be my hands that were swollen. My feet, ankles, wrists, etc. appeared and felt just fine (aside from the cramping/muscle spasm thing). I will enter myself into the lottery for next year and see if I win a bib. I actually have two friend who both deferred from last year who didn't run this year, either. I think they have to use their bibs next year or they lose it. If they don't want to run it next year, I'll probably just buy one of their bibs and forget the whole lottery thing. Temple was never on my college radar. I'm not entirely sure why. I have a friend who's niece is there currently. She plays with the band, and she absolutely loves it there. Based on the energy from the students yesterday, who spent several hours outside in the cold, wet, miserableness to cheer on tens of thousands of strangers who ran by, there does seem to be a great sense of pride and camaraderie seems pretty special. Best of luck to your daughter, and maybe I will see her as I run by next year!
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Hello everyone, i'm back after a break throughout April...
    Not to put a downer on you all but I went on holiday at the beginning of April and my Mum was taken seriously ill, so I abandoned my ski trip, flew back to the UK to be with her, but despite the very excellent care she received she didn't make it. :'( So I scrapped April entirely and haven't run at all for a month now. I think i'm going to have to take it easy this month getting back into it so I'll stick with my March goal of 30 miles. Good luck everyone.


    I lost my 58-year-old mother this past October, not even six weeks after she had been diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. She spent two weeks on hospice before she passed and was more-or-less in some sort of coma during that time. She was legitimately my best friend. I'd like to say the loss gets easier, but for me, nearly seven months later, it's actually harder in some ways. I am so very sorry for you. I found that running helped me relax. It was the only time I could truly escape some of my thoughts.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I have a confession to make. Brooks had the Ghost 8 on sale for $90, in my size, and I just got $50 for Teacher Appreciation week....So I bought them...Net cost was $40 after I put the $50 in the bank and pay that part of the CC payment off.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I have a confession to make. Brooks had the Ghost 8 on sale for $90, in my size, and I just got $50 for Teacher Appreciation week....So I bought them...Net cost was $40 after I put the $50 in the bank and pay that part of the CC payment off.

    That's fantastic!
  • amyjeanw84
    amyjeanw84 Posts: 46 Member


  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Hello everyone, i'm back after a break throughout April...
    Not to put a downer on you all but I went on holiday at the beginning of April and my Mum was taken seriously ill, so I abandoned my ski trip, flew back to the UK to be with her, but despite the very excellent care she received she didn't make it. :'( So I scrapped April entirely and haven't run at all for a month now. I think i'm going to have to take it easy this month getting back into it so I'll stick with my March goal of 30 miles. Good luck everyone.

    I am sorry for your loss. I lost my mom a couple of years ago... I posted this shortly after she passed...
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @instantmartian - I'm so sorry for your loss too. My Mum had just turned 60, no age at all really. My dad died 14 years ago now, and in that time my Mum became even more my world, she was extra special to me, and I miss her terribly. I'm hoping the running will give me a focus, time to clear my brain and relax like you say.
    @PoppetsMaster - Thank you for sharing that, what a beautiful post. :smile:
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    Any Goal which is more than not moving is a good Goal !
    30k for me this month[img][/img]