Why is being a stripper bad?



  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,277 Member
    Do it. There's nothing wrong with it at all. Flaunt that shiz.
  • alleyneagle193
    alleyneagle193 Posts: 23 Member
    Where's the OP? Has she deserted us as we all discuss the merits/non-merits of stripping? Just curious as someone mentioned this might be a troll thread of sorts.
    Sorry been busy I try to read comments but I don't have much time

  • JeffreyMGiron
    JeffreyMGiron Posts: 3,582 Member
    and cute names like The Amazon
  • JeffreyMGiron
    JeffreyMGiron Posts: 3,582 Member
    edited May 2016
    synchkat wrote: »
    Char231023 wrote: »
    Be careful with the frosting, it can get sticky.

    Isn't that just the icing on the cake

    i should strip for you ;););););)@synchkat
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Tsartele wrote: »
    Tsartele wrote: »
    Tsartele wrote: »
    I've been wondering why being a stripper is bad because I honestly want to be a stripper. They make really good money and can wear really cute clothes. I see nothing morally wrong with being a stripper unless you have kids... Then you should probably get a better job. What do you think?

    Your young enough to be my daughter so let me explain this too you as if I was talking to my daughter. Your young and beautiful but you do not yet have the life experience of someone who is older and who has been around the block a few times. I believe that you are much more valuable than to let yourself be drawn into that world. It is a very dark world filled with many unsavory characters who are looking to only use you and take advantage of you. My of these women, whom I have know personally, have drug habits and end up doing things much worse than stripping .. like prostitution and worse.

    Even if it didn't lead to drugs and prostitution why would you want to lower yourself to be someone who is objectified and treated like a piece of meat. Many of these women have lasting emotional and psychological damage from their experiences in strip clubs and bars. They are left feeling empty and broken inside. Some have even been followed after work and raped or even killed. You have to understand the male mind to be able to comprehend what you are opening yourself up to. If a man is paying you to take off your clothes than you are of absolutely no value to him.. you are the lowest form of life around. That means for some that they develop a feeling of possession over you and can demonstrate stalkerish behavior. It can end up being a nightmare that you might not wake up from.

    You also should consider your long term future. Stripping is not really a path way to success.. the money will not last forever and what are you going to do when your looks fade ? Everyone ages and nothing stays the same. I would encourage your to goto college and get an education that will help you earn a living for the rest of your life.

    You should also think about your future husband or kids and how you might feel if they ever found out that their mom was a stripper. Everything goes on the internet today and once its out there it stays out there.. think about your family today.. your mother and your father.. Have you considered how much you might hurt them if they found out what you are doing ?

    Paternalism at its best.
    Didn't we do a mansplaining thread earlier?

    "Think of the men!" sheez dude, really?

    In a nut shell think of your clientele and how you will be viewed.. think of the danger. If that is wrong I never want to be right !!!

    All well and good, but you aren't her father or even have an inkling of what she has or has not as a life experience. All that is just presumption paternalistic BS.

    I mean you seem to know many women personally that are strippers, drug addicts and prostitutes. Or so you say. What kind of moral code are you navigating that places you in close personal association but at the same type hypercritical of the self-determination of what and how a young woman positions her body.

    Are you truly criticising the profession from the close proximity of experience? That's like a john critiquing the "hooker lifestyle".

    Just for the record I have a close personal friend who I grew up with who chose this lifestyle and I visited a few establishments when I was younger. So that is my frame of reference. To be honest I am really shocked that anyone would take issue with someone who was advising her to take the high road. Maybe you would want your daughter, sister or mother to work in one of these places ??? I think not.. but I could be wrong. At 18 years old how much life exp could anyone really have ?? Let alone the maturity to make such decisions. I wish her the best of luck.

    I have four daughters.

    I don't have an issue with you advising her to not do this. I happen to agree that it is a decision with a bunch of risk that she might or might not be aware of.

    Tonality and the "I know better than you" attitude is what I have issue with. The "I went but it isn't ok" attitude.

    My two oldest would laugh at you. It most certainly is not something that they would choose for themselves, but they would decide to as adults, fully owning their decisions and not from the shaming viewpoint of future husband material - heck, that attitude would certainly had them choose different careers and self goals - just pick to stay pretty and serviceable for their "future husband's" world view.

    It happens that my girls live in cities where burlesque - what the OP calls "classy stripping" - are quite common (and difficult to get into) and, no, not the environments you paint. Paris and Strasbourg have various variety shows of this type, it is reserved mostly for girls that really know how to dance or sing too. If my girls had the skills and wanted to do the, I'd be concerned about their long term careers (but I'm concerned about them always) not about their association with "the male mind", they've got that down.

    One of them has some skill in painting and has a class for nudes and has herself posed nude. Not an issue. It is traditionally an environment where, in Paris, it was full of drugs, guys trying to get at the models, etc... Just like modelling. It is likely that your attitude towards stripping is (versus modelling, acting, etc...) that it is seen as "cheap" versus "glamorous" of the other paths.

    Your other points? Doesn't even seem like you read her post. She isn't considering this as a career goal.
  • jaz1993x
    jaz1993x Posts: 11 Member
    If you want to do it but I stand by the above comments do a class first so you know what your getting into and one thing if you do do it *PLEASE PLEASE* be careful my dad in his youth used to be in the HA and knew a lot of strippers (dating his friends at the time) and one who I knew and is a long life term friend of mine and my dad told me horror stories of men getting to handie, she's been beaten and sexually abused so if you do go down this route please make sure they have high security and you know how to handle your self xx
  • Tonydevolanii
    Tonydevolanii Posts: 657 Member
    Exposing your body for money=*kitten*.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited May 2016
    Tsartele wrote: »
    Tsartele wrote: »
    Tsartele wrote: »
    I've been wondering why being a stripper is bad because I honestly want to be a stripper. They make really good money and can wear really cute clothes. I see nothing morally wrong with being a stripper unless you have kids... Then you should probably get a better job. What do you think?

    Your young enough to be my daughter so let me explain this too you as if I was talking to my daughter. Your young and beautiful but you do not yet have the life experience of someone who is older and who has been around the block a few times. I believe that you are much more valuable than to let yourself be drawn into that world. It is a very dark world filled with many unsavory characters who are looking to only use you and take advantage of you. My of these women, whom I have know personally, have drug habits and end up doing things much worse than stripping .. like prostitution and worse.

    Even if it didn't lead to drugs and prostitution why would you want to lower yourself to be someone who is objectified and treated like a piece of meat. Many of these women have lasting emotional and psychological damage from their experiences in strip clubs and bars. They are left feeling empty and broken inside. Some have even been followed after work and raped or even killed. You have to understand the male mind to be able to comprehend what you are opening yourself up to. If a man is paying you to take off your clothes than you are of absolutely no value to him.. you are the lowest form of life around. That means for some that they develop a feeling of possession over you and can demonstrate stalkerish behavior. It can end up being a nightmare that you might not wake up from.

    You also should consider your long term future. Stripping is not really a path way to success.. the money will not last forever and what are you going to do when your looks fade ? Everyone ages and nothing stays the same. I would encourage your to goto college and get an education that will help you earn a living for the rest of your life.

    You should also think about your future husband or kids and how you might feel if they ever found out that their mom was a stripper. Everything goes on the internet today and once its out there it stays out there.. think about your family today.. your mother and your father.. Have you considered how much you might hurt them if they found out what you are doing ?

    Paternalism at its best.
    Didn't we do a mansplaining thread earlier?

    "Think of the men!" sheez dude, really?

    In a nut shell think of your clientele and how you will be viewed.. think of the danger. If that is wrong I never want to be right !!!

    All well and good, but you aren't her father or even have an inkling of what she has or has not as a life experience. All that is just presumption paternalistic BS.

    I mean you seem to know many women personally that are strippers, drug addicts and prostitutes. Or so you say. What kind of moral code are you navigating that places you in close personal association but at the same type hypercritical of the self-determination of what and how a young woman positions her body.

    Are you truly criticising the profession from the close proximity of experience? That's like a john critiquing the "hooker lifestyle".

    Just for the record I have a close personal friend who I grew up with who chose this lifestyle and I visited a few establishments when I was younger. So that is my frame of reference. To be honest I am really shocked that anyone would take issue with someone who was advising her to take the high road. Maybe you would want your daughter, sister or mother to work in one of these places ??? I think not.. but I could be wrong. At 18 years old how much life exp could anyone really have ?? Let alone the maturity to make such decisions. I wish her the best of luck.

    I have four daughters.

    I don't have an issue with you advising her to not do this. I happen to agree that it is a decision with a bunch of risk that she might or might not be aware of.

    Tonality and the "I know better than you" attitude is what I have issue with. The "I went but it isn't ok" attitude.

    My two oldest would laugh at you. It most certainly is not something that they would choose for themselves, but they would decide to as adults, fully owning their decisions and not from the shaming viewpoint of future husband material - heck, that attitude would certainly had them choose different careers and self goals - just pick to stay pretty and serviceable for their "future husband's" world view.

    It happens that my girls live in cities where burlesque - what the OP calls "classy stripping" - are quite common (and difficult to get into) and, no, not the environments you paint. Paris and Strasbourg have various variety shows of this type, it is reserved mostly for girls that really know how to dance or sing too. If my girls had the skills and wanted to do the, I'd be concerned about their long term careers (but I'm concerned about them always) not about their association with "the male mind", they've got that down.

    One of them has some skill in painting and has a class for nudes and has herself posed nude. Not an issue. It is traditionally an environment where, in Paris, it was full of drugs, guys trying to get at the models, etc... Just like modelling. It is likely that your attitude towards stripping is (versus modelling, acting, etc...) that it is seen as "cheap" versus "glamorous" of the other paths.

    Your other points? Doesn't even seem like you read her post. She isn't considering this as a career goal.

    I obviously know better than you if you would ...

    Tsartele wrote: »
    Tsartele wrote: »
    Tsartele wrote: »
    I've been wondering why being a stripper is bad because I honestly want to be a stripper. They make really good money and can wear really cute clothes. I see nothing morally wrong with being a stripper unless you have kids... Then you should probably get a better job. What do you think?

    Your young enough to be my daughter so let me explain this too you as if I was talking to my daughter. Your young and beautiful but you do not yet have the life experience of someone who is older and who has been around the block a few times. I believe that you are much more valuable than to let yourself be drawn into that world. It is a very dark world filled with many unsavory characters who are looking to only use you and take advantage of you. My of these women, whom I have know personally, have drug habits and end up doing things much worse than stripping .. like prostitution and worse.

    Even if it didn't lead to drugs and prostitution why would you want to lower yourself to be someone who is objectified and treated like a piece of meat. Many of these women have lasting emotional and psychological damage from their experiences in strip clubs and bars. They are left feeling empty and broken inside. Some have even been followed after work and raped or even killed. You have to understand the male mind to be able to comprehend what you are opening yourself up to. If a man is paying you to take off your clothes than you are of absolutely no value to him.. you are the lowest form of life around. That means for some that they develop a feeling of possession over you and can demonstrate stalkerish behavior. It can end up being a nightmare that you might not wake up from.

    You also should consider your long term future. Stripping is not really a path way to success.. the money will not last forever and what are you going to do when your looks fade ? Everyone ages and nothing stays the same. I would encourage your to goto college and get an education that will help you earn a living for the rest of your life.

    You should also think about your future husband or kids and how you might feel if they ever found out that their mom was a stripper. Everything goes on the internet today and once its out there it stays out there.. think about your family today.. your mother and your father.. Have you considered how much you might hurt them if they found out what you are doing ?

    Paternalism at its best.
    Didn't we do a mansplaining thread earlier?

    "Think of the men!" sheez dude, really?

    In a nut shell think of your clientele and how you will be viewed.. think of the danger. If that is wrong I never want to be right !!!

    All well and good, but you aren't her father or even have an inkling of what she has or has not as a life experience. All that is just presumption paternalistic BS.

    I mean you seem to know many women personally that are strippers, drug addicts and prostitutes. Or so you say. What kind of moral code are you navigating that places you in close personal association but at the same type hypercritical of the self-determination of what and how a young woman positions her body.

    Are you truly criticising the profession from the close proximity of experience? That's like a john critiquing the "hooker lifestyle".

    Just for the record I have a close personal friend who I grew up with who chose this lifestyle and I visited a few establishments when I was younger. So that is my frame of reference. To be honest I am really shocked that anyone would take issue with someone who was advising her to take the high road. Maybe you would want your daughter, sister or mother to work in one of these places ??? I think not.. but I could be wrong. At 18 years old how much life exp could anyone really have ?? Let alone the maturity to make such decisions. I wish her the best of luck.

    I have four daughters.

    I don't have an issue with you advising her to not do this. I happen to agree that it is a decision with a bunch of risk that she might or might not be aware of.

    Tonality and the "I know better than you" attitude is what I have issue with. The "I went but it isn't ok" attitude.

    My two oldest would laugh at you. It most certainly is not something that they would choose for themselves, but they would decide to as adults, fully owning their decisions and not from the shaming viewpoint of future husband material - heck, that attitude would certainly had them choose different careers and self goals - just pick to stay pretty and serviceable for their "future husband's" world view.

    It happens that my girls live in cities where burlesque - what the OP calls "classy stripping" - are quite common (and difficult to get into) and, no, not the environments you paint. Paris and Strasbourg have various variety shows of this type, it is reserved mostly for girls that really know how to dance or sing too. If my girls had the skills and wanted to do the, I'd be concerned about their long term careers (but I'm concerned about them always) not about their association with "the male mind", they've got that down.

    One of them has some skill in painting and has a class for nudes and has herself posed nude. Not an issue. It is traditionally an environment where, in Paris, it was full of drugs, guys trying to get at the models, etc... Just like modelling. It is likely that your attitude towards stripping is (versus modelling, acting, etc...) that it is seen as "cheap" versus "glamorous" of the other paths.

    Your other points? Doesn't even seem like you read her post. She isn't considering this as a career goal.

    I obviously know better than you if you would encourage someone to get into a career that has the high probability of being exploited, abusing drugs, rape, unwanted sexual advances and lowering oneself in the social structure for literally no reason. There are other ways to make money that don't involve the risk of self destruction. I would give the exact same advice for someone considering to be a drug mule, or an addict getting involved in the medical field. I am not judgmental of strippers, as if I didn't have God protecting me from myself, knowing me, I'd probably be swinging on a pole right now. I just care about people enough not to encourage them along a path of self destruction.

    Please explain where I am encouraging someone to get into any career?
    Hyperbole much?

    If anything, I am saying be respectful of a young woman's self determination while giving advice. If you abhor her being treated as a "piece of meat" don't do the paternalistic intellectual equivalent.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    Rottified wrote: »
    Just be careful of the weirdos. A strip club maybe better than private, unless you have someone to tag along for security.
    My cousin was for a while and she came across many creepy people. Our uncle and her brother played bouncer for her several times.

    Am I the only one freaked out about the thought of my uncle or brother watching me dance naked? Well it's freaky thinking about anybody I'm not intimate with seeing me naked, but male family members? Yikes. LOL.

    They weren't in watching. They were outside. Big dudes who could bust down a door if they were needed. They weren't impressed with her job choice but were going to make sure she was safe.
  • Erik8484
    Erik8484 Posts: 458 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    Erik8484 wrote: »
    Exposing your body for money=*kitten*.

    Topless picture of you online to complete strangers = a-ok

    Is this why you deny my requests all the time??

    Yep, not enough topless pictures
  • duckforceone
    duckforceone Posts: 121 Member
    nothing wrong at all.. it's just that stupid people try to force you to think you should not do what you want...
  • dwatson925
    dwatson925 Posts: 143 Member
    I've been wondering why being a stripper is bad because I honestly want to be a stripper. They make really good money and can wear really cute clothes. I see nothing morally wrong with being a stripper unless you have kids... Then you should probably get a better job. What do you think?

  • granadan
    granadan Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 2016
    Do it and enjoy it. Read the blog "surviving the club" for inspiration. https://survivetheclub.wordpress.com/category/most-popular/ I hear people say you narrow your choice of partners in future - yep, to non small minded ones. As for alcohol fuelled environments - been to any pubs lately? If you're a tough cookie with strong boundaries and an unshakeable sense of self respect, youll do fine.
  • carolyne2003
    carolyne2003 Posts: 3 Member
    if you don't get into the drugs, alcohol, prostitution and keep your mind on the fact you are making great money and putting that aside for some realistic goals like purchasing a condo, house, etc... and your education then if you feel you could do it, by all means go ahead... yet remember that in life all catches up to you and nothing lasts for ever so be wise in your choices and remember that your past can really catch up to you in the best / worse of times...
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    edited May 2016
    There is nothing wrong with sex work. If you want to be a stripper and can be successful go ahead. Try it out you will make good money if you can hustle and truly enjoy your work. There are a lot of "extras" though that go on at some strip clubs. Yes, drugs and alcohol are also a factor in this line of work.