For the people who work out like crazy and are not losing



  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    great post thanks =)
  • jody0912
    jody0912 Posts: 33
    As a newcomer to this process, I'd really like to thank you for explaining this so clearly and fully. I posted just last night that I had 700 exercise calories left after dinner that I didn't know what to do with, and many people advised me that I shouldn't worry about eating them. I appreciate everyone's advice, but I'm very grateful to learn everything your wrote in your post. I will look into the topics you suggested and educate myself. Thanks again!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks, lots of great advise here.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Bump to read later
  • faythe38
    faythe38 Posts: 2 Member
    WOW thanks for the good info this post will help me out on my fitness road. Thanks
  • Excellent advise and thanks for sharing.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    i'm new to the message boards, coming off major hip surgery and have been working out like crazy but keeping to 1200 cals per day - found this very helpful (and not condescending) thanks!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    AGREE 100% I am replying so that I can point some of my MFP pals to this thread!
  • froggy15
    froggy15 Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks for the words of wisdom!
  • jenjam27
    jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks I needed to hear/read this yet again. Makes complete sense when reading it. I am trying those suggestions this week. I think I do not eat enough
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    This should be required reading for everyone just starting out.

    DEFINITELY!!! xx
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Awesome!! I, like some on this topic, have been reading Tom Venuto and after I started reading I changed the way I think about food and exercise. I am not there 100% yet--I think I have a mental block still on how many calories I should eat each day especially if I dont get to exercise, but I am working on it and trying to do better. Thanks for spending the time to put the initial post together.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    i just want to bookmark this!!! thank you
  • mwatson23
    mwatson23 Posts: 18
    thanks for this, straight forward and easy (in theory) to for the consistent application :happy: