100+ lbs to lose support group



  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    So, here I am. Four days out of town, and, while I did go over every day, I didn't go over my "now you're gaining" line--the scale still liked me when I got home. AND (!!!) I was able to have a small mousse without bothering my blood sugar! No, no worries, I'm not wandering into "steak every night with dessert" territory--that was special, and even if I wanted to eat like that, I can't AFFORD to!

    It was great, though, being away for a few days. But now I'm back in it, and I'm glad to be!

    I hope everyone's doing well and smiling!

    Oh, and welcome new folks! So happy to have you!

  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    So I am starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today... Pretty happy about that. joined a challenge team for July... supposed to lose 10lbs. a month, also joined a 90day weightloss group at work... to keep me motivated with some touchable friends... -not that y'all aren't great but it makes a diffrerence if they see you in person. So who thinks I have got enough going on this month? Yay for me...

    Ooooh definately YAY you !! Look forward to hear how it goes - GOOD LUCK :)
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Back to the world of the working today. :-P Oh well, guess someone in my house needs to make some money! :-)

    Rose - I'm in the process of doing 30ds, too. But I'm mixing it in with other stuff. I hate that Jillian Michaels. Seriously. I cuss at her during the workout. The jumping jacks!!???!! Go to hell, Jillian. :-) I don't think I could stick with it if I only did her workout every day. So, I alternate. I do two days of Bob (Biggest Loser DVD) and one day of Jillian and then a day off. Or I'll sub one of the days for an hour at the gym.

    Things have been so hectic lately!!! Summer always means a TON of commitments for me. I have Bunco with some lady friends tonight. I'm making appetizers for the party today, too. Making a hot spinach dip from skinnytaste.com, a summer fruit salad (with amaretto!) from dlife.com & baked crab rangoon from hungry-girl.com. Going to be busy busy busy tonight! Get off work at 3 - home at 4. Have to chop all the fruit and assemble the fruit salad and then make the crab rangoons. The spinach dip is ready to go - just need to pop it in the oven for 20 minutes. And I have to leave my house at 7. Keep your fingers crossed that I will be able to get it all done! :-)

    I hope everyone is having a good week!!
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    hey everyone! thought i should check in since i have yet to do that. i saw that c25k was being talked about so i guess i should start by saying that i started the program six weeks ago.. but the past.. i guess three weeks now? well, anyway, they haven't been so awesome. i got through the first three weeks fine and was really proud! i did day 1 of week four and failed miserably at it. i am actually starting to think my mind just has a mental block to the thought of jogging for 5 minutes straight. it just seems like an eternity when you're not used to it! also, right after day 1 i went out of town for a week so that put me behind anyway. i WANT to be able to do it but i tried it again after i got home and STILL couldn't get through it. i've been taking a break from it, which probably isn't the best idea but i don't like discouraging myself by having to stop to walk time and time again. one day i WILL complete that program and run a 5k. i WILL do it.

    the upside? i've been shaving time off my mile. i ran my fastest the last time i tried to do w4d1.. 13:40! i think that's the fastest i've ever been able to do it, lol. i seriously loathed those stupid PE mile tests back in school.

    in taking a break from c25k i've fallen in love with exercise tv on demand. so far i've done a couple different yogas, barre 3, burn it up dance, 30 day jumpstart and pilates abs. all super great burns and are anywhere between 10-50 minutes long. plus they're free!

    last night i changed it up and swam laps for 30 minutes, which is another really awesome burn. a couple laps in and my legs and arms were already on fire! also, i had the most ridiculous NSV. i was swimming along, powering through the burn when i had to stop in the middle of the pool to yank up my bathing suit bottoms. uhh, yep! almost swam completely out of them. thank goodness nobody was around to have to witness that one :laugh:

    okay i think i've made this mini novel long enough for now. i'll have to check in more periodically! (: i'm so glad i found this board. you are all awesome, keep up the great work and dedication!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hey All!!! I was stalking Kaitlyn a little bit :laugh: and came across another challenge:


    I know Kaitlyn said she wanted to do it, and I'm totally in (and would love to be a captain), so if we can get 13 more people that want to jump in the boat, we've got a team! Anyone interested????
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    Hey All!!! I was stalking Kaitlyn a little bit :laugh: and came across another challenge:


    I know Kaitlyn said she wanted to do it, and I'm totally in (and would love to be a captain), so if we can get 13 more people that want to jump in the boat, we've got a team! Anyone interested????

    hahaha, yes! i think it would be so much fun. i'm gonna post it to see if anybody on my list would be interested as well! (:
  • JEWEL776
    JEWEL776 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi my name is Jes. I am 34 almost 35 years old, I have been big all my life. I have finally gotten sick of being sick and tired and decided to do something about it!! My kids are going to be 9 and 12 coming up in July, all our birthdays are in July!!
    The thing that really changed my mind was bringing my son to Six Flags last year for his birthday. We had been excited for weeks to get on the new Superman ride called Bizarro, we waited the hour to get on and then......the belt didn't fit!! My son and his friend were able to go, but I had to get off!! So I said no more! I am hoping to get to a point where my kids get tired by watching me and not the opposite!! :) Please feel free to friend me!
  • JEWEL776
    JEWEL776 Posts: 30 Member
    "last night i changed it up and swam laps for 30 minutes, which is another really awesome burn. a couple laps in and my legs and arms were already on fire! also, i had the most ridiculous NSV. i was swimming along, powering through the burn when i had to stop in the middle of the pool to yank up my bathing suit bottoms. uhh, yep! almost swam completely out of them. thank goodness nobody was around to have to witness that one laugh"

    Funny, the same thing happened to me yesterday!!! I had on my swimming shorts over my bathing suit, jumped in, started swimming and whoops they fell right off!! LOL the kids were laughing and my son said " I guess you are losing weight"!!
  • Hi,

    I just have under 100 pds to lose its actually 86 so close enough for me. I wanted to join a group that will lend me support and can also be there for everyone. I have struggled all my life with my weight and this is it for me, no more. I refuse to let food control me and want a more healthier life style. Glad to be apart of such a wonderful group.
  • YES! I'd love to join this group b/c I haven't even lost a single pound yet! I could use some support! Everyone, please feel free to add me!:bigsmile:
  • Texas_Nana
    Texas_Nana Posts: 92 Member
    Me too please!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hello New friends!!! Welcome!! This is definitely a great group of people. I hope you feel like you are able to come to us for support and motivation. :-) If any of you would like to friend me, feel free!!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hey All!!! I was stalking Kaitlyn a little bit :laugh: and came across another challenge:


    I know Kaitlyn said she wanted to do it, and I'm totally in (and would love to be a captain), so if we can get 13 more people that want to jump in the boat, we've got a team! Anyone interested????

    hahaha, yes! i think it would be so much fun. i'm gonna post it to see if anybody on my list would be interested as well! (:

    I have one more that's joining us, so now we only need 12. If I understand correctly, you don't actually have to do rowing. You just monitor how many calories you're burning. Then the person that's organizing the challenge converts that into "miles rowed" and we get a total of how many miles we've gone, based on the calories we've burned. The winner is whichever team makes it to the finish line first.

    I hope some of you will join us! I think this sounds like a ton of fun and a great way for us to keep one another motivated to BURN those calories!!!!
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    So I am starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today... Pretty happy about that. joined a challenge team for July... supposed to lose 10lbs. a month, also joined a 90day weightloss group at work... to keep me motivated with some touchable friends... -not that y'all aren't great but it makes a diffrerence if they see you in person. So who thinks I have got enough going on this month? Yay for me...

    Were you able to get through the whole workout? I've heard so much about it on here I am thinking I need to gove it a try.
  • heretic911
    heretic911 Posts: 66 Member
    I just joined and need all the support I can get!! Count me in.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am curious what your daily allowable calories are. Many of my MFP friends have open diaries and I see that most everyone is allowed more daily calories than I am and I am curious about it. I know it varies based on current weight, activity level, and how much you want to lose.

    I am allowed 1240 cals (not including any exercise cals). My current weight is 235, I'm 5'7" and 36 years old. I am sedentary (sit at a desk 8-9 hrs perday) and want to lose 2 lbs per week.

    Is that similar to anyone else here?
  • babynurse123
    babynurse123 Posts: 50 Member
    Count me in!
  • msmgis
    msmgis Posts: 15
    I'm in too. I need all the support I can get.

    My name is Michelle and I am 36 years old. I work full time and am also working on my PhD. Single, no kids. I just joined MFP but have been doing Weight Watchers for the 100th time. Just needed something different, having a hard time with the new system at WW. Feel free to send friend requests if you like.

    Good luck to everyone!

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hello new people!! Welcome!!! :-)

    sbrown - I actually have the opposite problem. MFP gives me like 1900 cals for 2lbs loss per week. Granted, I'm about 100lbs heavier than you, but it's entirely too much. I've manually adjusted mine down to 1500, and even that is a challenge. I'm lucky if I can eat 1200 cals for the day.
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Hello new people!! Welcome!!! :-)

    sbrown - I actually have the opposite problem. MFP gives me like 1900 cals for 2lbs loss per week. Granted, I'm about 100lbs heavier than you, but it's entirely too much. I've manually adjusted mine down to 1500, and even that is a challenge. I'm lucky if I can eat 1200 cals for the day.

    That's what I don't get. Did you choos a sedentary activity level? And even though your heavier, I still can't see 700 more cals!