

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited May 2016
    Marcelyn Happy Anniversary!

    Miriam congrats on the smaller size!

    Larisa hope things settle doen for you. Great job on the swimming!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2016
    @Lagopus Penny, I took the photo on a trip to Sanibel Island. I love birds.

    @jmkmomm Joyce, I am commiserating with you about the jeans. Plug away.

    Karen from Virginia
  • living48
    living48 Posts: 7 Member
    May Resolutions
    1: Follow the Lee Labrada Lean 12-Week Plan
    2. Log every item I injest
    3. Perform extra cardio
    4. Drink 3, 23ounce bottles of water or more daily
    5. Won't get frustrated when my day gets out of kilter
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hi ladies: Got my hair cut this morning, yeah! Groceries are bought and I got some fresh raspberries on sale plus we found a few wild ones way out in the back in the brush. We knew we had lots of blackberries but not raspberries. Thought maybe we would not have apples since we had to severely prune the apple tree but it looks like we will maybe have more than last year. Also will have more blueberries than last year, just have to get net over them so the birds will not get them. We have two trellises near the gazebo so have decided to try cherry tomatoes and green beans. We will see how that goes.

    Pip - PCP is primary care physician. She takes care of my general health and I see a pulmonologist to manage the sarcoidosis. I live on ten acres between Snohomish and Monroe north of you, near Hwy 2 going up to Wenatchee.

    Marcelyn - Happy Anniversary, enjoy!

    Karen from VA - Welcome.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    home from work, in my jammies and in a funk... Tom got cranky with me because I took a stool sample to the vet.Homer for the last few days has been having tummy issues and needing to go out 2-3 times a night and leaving presents for us to clean during the day....so I figure i would cut out the middle and not take him in for a dr visit and just take a stool sample down. they will call Tom tomorrow with results... not I am guessing be got some type of parasite and it will get taken care of with antibiotics, but Tom was all sorts of cranky asking how I knew and did I ask and did they need to see him...Oh Lordy I was just trying to skip a step....working 7:30-12 tomorrow...
  • snavemom
    snavemom Posts: 56 Member
    Greeting to all you 50 + year olds. I am 62, this past March. My name is Debby and I am from Northern California. I was doing fine and then all of a sudden I got lazy and put on some weight. Last night I weighed myself at 177.8. So I'm back! I need to get a grip and sounds like you gals, do.

    Maybe joining in, will keep me motivated. Friend me if you want.

    Have a great day Ladies and on to the weekend....
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    ....never mind.... forget my 'stupid' question earlier today....
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good Friday evening! I am soooo glad it's the weekend. It has not been a particularly bad week (other than computer issues this morning), but the only evening I was home was on Wednesday. Although nutrition hasn't been spectacular, I've done well with calories. I made the Fitbit's request of 250 steps per workday hour (10 hours) all but two days and barely missed it then.

    Chris - I am so happy for you!! He sounds like close to perfection.

    Terri - So glad to see you back!

    Miriam - Congrats on the too big pants!

    Michele - The lighthouse made of pots was something that came across my Facebook news feed--someone had glued (?) them together and then painted them. I saw a big ceramic fish outside a consignment store today and though about you!

    Joyce - I'm beginning to wonder about my continuing jaw pain. It doesn't hurt at the joint but below the tooth I had worked on. I'm sorry you are so miserable!

    Becca - You are such a brave woman to encourage your sons to join the military. I have to admit that I am secretly very relieved that Celiac Disease will keep my son out.

    Lisa - Good luck with your sale tomorrow!

    Pip - I'm glad that "tap" from the car was nothing but a tap!

    To those of you I missed mentioning, please know that I read and thought about you individually as I read. Welcome newbies!

    To whomever it was that talked about their motivational dress (or pants, etc.) - Thank you! I think it's time to get mine back out where I can see it. I bought a dress when I first started losing that was my goal dress. I got to the point I could get into it but never quite small enough to wear it. Now that the weight has crept up some and the muscle tone has disappeared, it might do me good to have a visual reminder.

    I keep putting off calling the orthopedist but I can't any longer. I'm setting a reminder in my phone to call on Monday. The shoulder gets a little better then it gets worse again. I want to nip it in the bud!

    The weather is supposed to be gorgeous here tomorrow with highs in the sixties and sunny. I plan to make myself get my butt out of the house and into the park for some walking.

    Oh!! Some of you may remember that I went to a coworker's home for Thanksgiving last year. Well, she's been telling me for years that when she wins the big lottery that she's going to be sure that I am all taken care of. She wins with some frequency up to $2,000. Last week she told me on Wednesday that she had won $500. Yesterday, she walked into my office and handed me $50 and said that was my share of her winnings! I couldn't believe it and tried to refuse it but she was having none of it (she's retired from the Army). I passed it along by tipping my hairdresser last night.

    I think I need to go find some dinner. I sent the boy child to the grocery store for me but I don't have anything ready at this point. I'll be cooking tomorrow! Tonight, it may just be cereal.

    :heart: Carol in NC

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    My car is still in the shop so I was homebound. The pic you see is 7 bags of clothing I am finally donating because they are too big. I have finally decided that I cannot have the option of having "fat" clothes. It would be too easy to slid if I knew there was a whole wardrobe downstairs.

    My insurance company called today to inform me they were reimbursing me for the $825 tow bill from NJ. Yeah!! That will help pay for this latest repair if they ever figure out what it is.

    House is in shambles trying to organize and make room for the stuff coming in from my office. A good weekend to be housebound. Getting alot of exercise. Just finished Marie Kondo's book about the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing and have applied a lot of her principles.

    Gotta get back to it.
    Have a great evening

    Chris in MA
    PS...BF is still quite wonderful...

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2016
    Chris, so glad to see you happy!

    I am past exhaustion and on to happy lunacy. At least it's happy. I can tell when I'm nearly done, when I start getting absent-minded. Worse than any professor. I had to go hunt my phone for an HOUR this evening. Found it at work, on my desk under a piece of paper. Once my blood pressure came down, I could see the humor. Lordie.

    But - the sale's in the morning... I will have help... and it will be a success. Indeed, it's the talk of the town. My boss put a free 4x3 ad in the paper, AND a nice long classified, and people have been stopping me to ask about it. As well as congratulate me on the job. One good thing about small towns.

    Can't say I'm looking forward to both a county and city meeting Monday, but there are worse things. The more they see my face and understand I'm not there to snitch on them, but to give a balanced and fair picture, the more they'll open up. It's a really, really interesting thing, digging this deep into the underbelly of a small town.

    And my sis is coming this way, with two nieces in tow, with the next load. The timing's a bit up in the air, but at this point, the longer the better! Give me time to take what doesn't sell and rework it, clean it, sell it online, whatever. Much of what I'd hoped to refinish, there just wasn't time to accomplish. So I took the cost of my time off the refinished price, and selling it for a profit over what I'm paying for it (most of which is ten percent to my sister). Win-win. Less work for me, cheaper for them, and everyone's happy.

    Time to go make signs. If the weather-critters are right, the rain's supposed to hold off until 5 p.m. tomorrow, and I'm closing the sale at two, so fingers crossed!

    Love y'all... thank you all VERY much for the good wishes... Once I've sold a bit over $800 worth, the rest is profit, and I've got more than $8,000 in priced goods. If I sell a tenth of it, I'm in the black, and if I sell half (reasonable guess), it's a really good profit.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Hi gals,

    Meg – I forgot until I read Heather’s post about your daughters history, but it still seems that she could make a list or something to balance her feelings with reality. Sending you ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))

    Becca – you and DH have raised him right and he’ll do you proud!

    Larisa – stress affects your body, and it will not respond as you expect…. Just be patient with yourself

    Chris – good job on donating, you can’t go back and you are helping some woman have a new wardrobe.

    I have a bunch on my plate, and not sure how I am going to fit in everything…. But just keep plugging along… I have done a bunch of clutter control which always helps me, but need to face my cookbook collection! It’s hard!

    Next week is a zoo – company for Friday/Sat/Sun, then Monday making dinner for 7 folks from my bookclub, in addition to work…. I can do mostly healthy, with sides I skip or eat little portions of … so just a bunch of work!

    Kim from N. California
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    @cityjaneLondon and others who have welcomed me. I have been unfortunate enough to have blundered into some of the snarkier threads on this site. I have to say, this thread is breath of fresh air, and much more worthy of the limited screen time I am going to allow myself. Thank goodness I found you!

    Karen in Virginia

    Sorry to hear , but welcome!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Open fishing, will be below freezing !! Question if you fished would you in this cold, wet , windy weather? I would because of tradition, not all day n I would go n have a wonderful warm lovely breakfast. Hubby is a fisherman n no, he claims not good fishing. Have been warned to cover plants, happy spring! Gayle Minneapolis
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    @barbicat Who are those two beauties in your avatar? I have 4 little dogs, 3 Yorkies and a Coton.

    :) the dogs in the picture are Brandy and Sasha, the frisky poodles, who love to walk. We get up very early in the morning to allow as much as two hours for walking before I have to shower and dress for the activities of the day...we walk again in the afternoon. They make walking a lot of fun. We are only allowed two pets in our neighborhood or we might have more dogs.

    <3 Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Did an hour of a horizontal conditioning DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to ride the recumbant bike. Haven't done that in a while.

    Trying to get ready to leave for VA Tues. Remember, the wedding is Sat but I neeed to take the cake up earlier then Jess needs to decorate it. Honestly, I can't wait to get those 9 cake layers out of my freezer! Jess doesn't think they taste good when they're in the freezer, but I've told her that every cake she buys has been frozen before it's been iced.

    Karen - we'd love to have ya. Where in VA are you? I understand that when we're overweight, our fat cells are bigger. When we lose the weight, the fat cells just get smaller but don't go away. Unfortunately, when we gain weight, those same fat cells fill up again. Moral? I guess is not to get overweight in the first place. <snicker> Thanks for telling me now! I'm lucky to find the one hour to do aerobics or weight training. How in the world do you find 4 hours in your day?

    Saffon - not gaining is definitely a plus. Don't know what it is, clothing has never motivated me. I just don't like when I feel like it's getting tight on me. But just putting something in view just doesn't motivate me.

    Marcelyn - happy anniversary!

    Dot - one day at a time is the way to go! Welcome

    DJ - I'm just so small on top that I need at least a cap sleeve. Otherwise, you can usually see my bra or at least the bra straps (which I hate, looks so messy). I'm thinking that I just may bring that crochet'd bolero thing because, as you say, you never can tell if it's going to be cold or not. Guess it can't hurt to have with me. So many times I just want something in my mouth. I try to have gum around for those times.

    pip - PCP = Personal Care Physician. You WOULD think of the drug...lol

    Karen in VA - yes, this is a great place to be. I think part of the reason is because we're older and wiser. So many of the 20 and 30-somethings think they know it all. We're helpful and know that sometimes we will need help, too.

    Just came back from my MRI. Vince wants to go out and cut the grass in a bit

    Well, cut the grass. Vince has a problem with the tractor so I did all the weedwacking and then sweeping. He did comment that "you missed here, you missed there". Big deal! To me, it didn't look bad at all. So I just left it. Came in and had dinner. Now on here, then will probably watch a little bit of TV

    Debbie - welcome! Join in lots, tell us more about yourself

    Carol - how nice of your friend to share her winnings with you!

    Michele in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    aw thanks ladies for the nice words :-) As a mom I have to look at the military as a company. Great savings plan, medical and dental plans, college opportunities, travel the world, have babies without going into debt, and instilling a sense of pride. I know the military hasn't always been looked in high esteem for many people, and lives lost for the sake of war sickens me. But there isn't a job I can think of that instills a sense of purpose, that life's privileges aren't just an expectation, that you are part of a picture bigger than yourself, than the Navy. Proving to yourself that you aren't a kid anymore, that you aren't apron-tied to your momma (even though I do try to re-tie them when they come home on leave), is an important stepping stone. These are my views now, and everyone has had many different experiences with the military. These opinions keep me grounded, when I think of my middle son far out in the Big Blue in the North China Sea. The way I look at how the military keeps me thinking positive about my eldest son working on jets up in Washington state. I respect everyone's opinion and how they think. All I know is that I do say thank you to every person in a Navy hat, saying "thank you for your service from a retired Chiefs wife". Like today at the grocery store I saw an elderly gentleman in a Navy hat, and went up to say thanks, and he took my hand so tight and started talking about his Navy experiences. He is 93 yrs old, was at The Battle of Guadalcanal, in Manila, and Hawaii during WWII. He painted a picture of him at 19 yrs old, just goddamn fighting old school. He was still so affected by it all, his eyes pained, but you talk about being proud.... He was a hero plain and simple. Veterans are still trying to get their proper dues. Today we are all thanking the guys coming home from Afghanistan, and other battles more recent, but those veterans that are still living thru the nightmares of WWII need care too. Even if its just lending an ear to "their stories".
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,674 Member
    This is what $800 rims look like. After a flat 2 days in a row, he deserves it. So a $5k bike just became $6k
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Have not posted for a bit but have been keeping up on the posts. Many new people greet to see. I love this group. Alway supportive through good and bad. Have enjoyed the pictures that have been posted and all that is going on in your busy lives. For those of you going through some kind of pain physically or emotionally I think about all of you hoping that things get better for you soon.

    Many have supported me through my struggles and I truly appreciate that. Working on trying to love myself more and feel that I deserve better. Part of that is keeping a journal. This group is always in my gratitude journal. You have helped to encourage me to stay positive and keep me on track with my diet and exercise. I am truly grateful for that. It is amazing that I may not know any of you personally but feel that many of you truly care about everyone in this group.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart as broken as it maybe right now but you all are amazing women. I strive to be like many of you in my daily life. Just know I am grateful that you are part of my life.

    Thank you.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Happy TGIF, Friday the 13th, etc!

    I had a mammogram and bone density test today right across the street from the orthopedic urgent care, so I decided to walk in and get my knee evaluated. I saw the same PA who set my wrist back in 2014. They x-rayed the knee. He said I had a little arthritis and some fluid build-up on one side. He prescribed Meloxicam and a pin ice/heat regime. He said that I could continue my exercise class/weight lifting but stop the jumping and running.

    It feels better already. I'm going back in a month for a re-eval.

    No time for more today, but I did catch up on the reading. Welcome to the newbs!
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    Dear all,
    I am so sorry to have been MIA. I have not had the emotional capacity to read, respond to and support you. It has been a bifurcated two weeks. Lots of personal depression punctuated by an incredible professional high.

    I do want to say thank you for the wedding advice. I said to my friend that I was uncomfortable driving myself so late in rural areas on bad roads after a long evening and she agreed completely. She also said no gift necessary. They need nothing. Whew and thank you.

    As for depression- I am having to completely cut someone out of my life again for my own protection. I thought I could renew a relationship with family member. No such luck. Long history of poor communication and lots of hurt. This person has an excuse for everything and blames everyone for everything. Toxic, toxic, toxic. It spilled into my eating and exercising this week and I am in such a deep hole over this.

    I better stop before I depress you.
