40+yrs motivation group. We aren't getting any younger!



  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    bbordner wrote: »
    So far my biggest issues have been my enjoyment of craft beer, snacking on weekends when I know there's food just around the corner, and making sure I don't make excuses to not go to the gym because something hurts (I have a varied collection of joint and muscular pain issues).

    My biggest challenges are time to get a good workout, fibromyalgia and I am a very good cook but I special in high calorie comfort foods
  • bbordner
    bbordner Posts: 59 Member
    When it came to exercising, I finally had enough of my whining about not having time and decided that 30 minutes at lunch at least three times a week was better than an hour every second or third week. Comfort food is half the reason I ended up where I did. The past several years have been a stress roller coaster. Things are leveling out now, and want to get the habits in place befor the next time the stress hits hard.
  • sachanena
    sachanena Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all,
    Hearted to see people here struggling with different immune disorders or fibro. I have that too. And meds that cause weight gain. So trying to get off some.
    I've just started tracking again. Anyone else trying 12 step for cravings/support? A lot of the time I'm not really hungry just emotional.
    Does anyone else get this?
  • doinwatigottado
    doinwatigottado Posts: 6 Member
    I am the mother of 3. My oldest is 26 and married. I am currently foster parenting 2 young boys ages 2 and 4. This was unexpected, but it is what it is. As you can imagine I am very busy with a full time job to boot! I have to now be very strict and budget my time which has been very difficult for me to do, as my self motivation is non existent! I am not a morning person but it looks like I will have to become one. My first goal is to lose 15 lbs. I am currently at 147 lbs. and am feeling sluggish and exhausted all the time. I have not been careful with my eating and it's destroying me! I have a thyroid issue too, which I swear is my achilles heel! but nothing I can do about that, but fight to stay healthy and fit. I always fluctuate 15-20 lbs in between my dieting and falling off. I've also been under a lot of stress which I'm trying to get handled naturally by not stressing!! Not easy all the time. This is why I need to exercise. I'm looking for support and maybe motivation? Is there anyone here looking to partner up on Let's do this!!!
  • HoolaHoopsMcGee
    HoolaHoopsMcGee Posts: 2,749 Member
    sachanena wrote: »
    Hi all,
    Hearted to see people here struggling with different immune disorders or fibro. I have that too. And meds that cause weight gain. So trying to get off some.
    I've just started tracking again. Anyone else trying 12 step for cravings/support? A lot of the time I'm not really hungry just emotional.
    Does anyone else get this?

    Yes, I'm sober 22 yrs and do the steps. I've applied them to my food/eating issues as well. Feel free to pm and friend me, I don't discuss specifics in the forums.
  • HoolaHoopsMcGee
    HoolaHoopsMcGee Posts: 2,749 Member
    I'm not certain about fibromyalgia, but I started taking pharmaceutical grade fish oil about 6 months ago for chronic inflamation and nerve issues from diabetes, and it's helped tremendously! It's almost eliminated my pain at this point without any pain killers or injections that degrade soft tissue. OmegaVia is the brand I take. Good stuff.
  • HoolaHoopsMcGee
    HoolaHoopsMcGee Posts: 2,749 Member
    I also meditate twice a day (Transcendental), and have to say that THAT is a healing force like no other.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I'm 47 and just started back trying to lose weight this year at the end of January. I've lost 25 pounds so far but want to lose about 10-15 more. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • imamomwifedaughter
    imamomwifedaughter Posts: 26 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »
    Lost about 5 lbs. needing do more exercise. Fibromyalgia is slowing me down. Anyone with tips to reduce the pain.

    Hi. A friend of mine suffers with fibromyalgia. I suggested cryotherapy. She tried it and says it really helps. She goes every week now. It's supposed to reduce inflammation.
  • imamomwifedaughter
    imamomwifedaughter Posts: 26 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »

    HA! Actually I DO regret one. I wasn't doing too well and my wife told me to stay home. I went injured my shoulder and was out of the gym and ended up gaining 80lbs. I worked out and ate ALOT.

    I regret one too when I tore my pec muscles at the gym and ended up with chronic costochondritis. That was 13 years ago and still get achy
  • imamomwifedaughter
    imamomwifedaughter Posts: 26 Member
    I am 57 years old...went to the Dr in January at 307.6 pounds and he sd I was pre-diabetic. Tested at 7.4 I weighed myself on Feb 29th (after trying to work out in Feb and really just gave up) and was at 308# I started my own diet and exercise program on March 1st. Drastic 1200 calories a day..and riding a stationary bike. I am now doing 1200-1400 calories a day and riding the bike 60 minutes to 70 minutes a day. I also do some light weights in the morning. I am down to 268.4 at my last weigh in on Monday and saw my Dr. in April My test was 5.4 and not diabetic!!!! Anyone feel free to add me..we can all use motivated friends on this journey.! I wish you all success on your lifestyle changes.

    Awesome. I had a client who went from IDDM (insulin dependent) type 2 who was morbidly obese, he has to have surgery for an unrelated condition which made him lose half his body weight. Afterwards he only had to monitor his BG weekly and required NO meds, no insulin, only diet control.
    I bet you feel a lot better! It's amazing how extra weight effects the whole body so negatively.
  • bbordner
    bbordner Posts: 59 Member
    So, I got a new scale yesterday. Got on it this morning and confirmed what I was concerned with. My old scale was lying to me. So, instead of 175, I actually weigh 189 lbs. Rather disheartening and frustrating, but not insurmountable. So I guess my new intermediate goal is 175 lbs. Just gotta stick with the plan.
  • PamelaW41
    PamelaW41 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi, 2 years ago I was more than 100 pounds over weight. I could barely walk across a department store with out being out of breath and hurting. I have RA and the weight was not helping. I finally decided to do something about it. I have lost 85 pounds, so far. I started walking on my treadmill 5 minutes a day, then 10, then 15 and so on. I truly never dreamed I would lose the weight, I kept saying if I could just lose 50 pounds and had accepted that I was over 40 and my fit years were behind me. I CAN NOT believe how wrong I was! Once I got to 50 pounds I KNEW I could do it. I joined a gym and I work out about every day. I am 43 now and am in the best shape of my life. I just keep pushing bc now I wonder what my body is capable of instead of what it's not capable of.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Is 40 like the most dreaded milestone? I will be there in four years. Goddamn, I will be pushing 50 when my kid is 10. Wife and I have been trying to conceive.

    I don't mind being 44. I just had some health crap pop up. Seems like it is a magic number for some health issues to rear their ugly head. I know others who are 50 feeling great and nothing wrong. It seems to be all in the genes and how well you take care of health.

    Best wishes for the kid. I am sure you are going to love it.
  • ladybugtee
    ladybugtee Posts: 1 Member
    New here. Trying to get my weightloss journey off the ground. So, I have hit the ground and running. I have bought all this stuff to help me make healthier choices in eating. I am trying get my weight down in order to be able to exercise more comfortably. However, finding support resources within my busy SAHM life are limited in my area.
  • Mrmiller0422
    Mrmiller0422 Posts: 91 Member
    blpjsmith wrote: »
    I am almost 69 yrs . old and weigh over 300 lbs. all my vitals are good , but I am very uncomfortable .I stay below 1800 cals, do water aerobics 3 days a week, 60 min each day. I gained 100 lbs years ago by quitting smoking while going through menopause. cant seem to lose. my question , is there anyone else my age on here?

    I will be 50 July 4 any one can send a friend request
  • Mrmiller0422
    Mrmiller0422 Posts: 91 Member
    lyssa1210 wrote: »
    I am 54 can I join your group ? I have 30 lbs to lose and it's hard to stay motivated.

    hi i will be 50 July 4
  • s955
    s955 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 48. Fibromyalgia is not easy in this journey to weight loss. Add me if you wish. Supporting one another is so helpful
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member

    This is how I feel about my late night cravings. If I can just get through the next hour. Stay strong friends it does get better.