

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
    Hello ladies: OK, crazy lady here who does not do entertaining much less the fancy kind agreed to do a table at the church tea. Knew I was responsible for setting table for eight. Now I found out I need to have two teapots for that table. Yikes! I have one silver one that belonged to my DMIL and it needs lots of polishing. I do NOT drink tea so now will have to try to find another teapot. I don't really want to buy one especially if it costs much since I would not use it. I also have to provide a small gift for each person at the table. I have decided to use DH's grandmother's pressed glass tea cups, plates, etc. and will use pink and yellow placemats and napkins. I have an orchid in a pink pot that will be the centerpiece with tiny Italian candies wrapped in glittery foil scattered around. DD brought me some shiny silvery napkin rings from the store where she works. The theme for the tea is "sparkle and shine" so I hope this will all work. If it doesn't then I don't have to worry about being asked again for next year, right?

    Katiebug - Yeah for onederland!!

    Joyce - Breathe deep.

    Pip - Congrats on the workout buddy.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie - thank you. I'm loving every minute of it. Who woulda thunk it? :)

    Janetr okc
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Slja2013 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies! I feel like I have arrived finding you all here! It seems like finding a good group on MFP is like finding a needle in a haystack or worse! But let me introduce myself: I am a soon to be 55 year old woman wo is a wife, mother, nurse and a host of other things depending on the day. It seems I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life with most of the last five years being a constant climb. May 12 I made a new commitment to find a way to lose the weight and become the active me I want to be again. I need some accountability girls to keep me pushing in the right direction and I am hoping to find that here!

    Here's to a fantastic day!

    Welcome, Welcome. Yours is the perfect posting for me today, as just yesterday and today, I felt a renewed commitment to MFP and this group. You said it perfectly- you HAVE arrived. The best part about this group is that when we slide down the rabbit hole, there is always someone there to catch us before we hit the bottom and knock ourselves out!!!
    What do you want us to call you? I am CJ

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11min, 16amph, 152mhr, 2.9mi = 112c
    OTHER- PHYSICAL THERAPY @ gym- 35min, 8 stretches, 2sets of 15 some w/5lb weights = 125c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.33min, 13amph, 138mhr, 1.4mi = 68c
    ride dome 2 hm- 20.20min, 7.5amph, 146mhr, 2.5mi = 180c WINDY!
    total cal 485
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    My shoulder is still sore but don't think I did any major damage. Have not went back to gym yet. Figured I needed to let whatever I did time to heal. Asprin and ice are really helping. Feel lazy though.

    Mightylolo great news on the swim. Has to feel wonderful.

    Sue in WA good luck with your table. I had luck finding a pretty tea pot at the second hand store in my town. If you have one it may be a great place to look.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Went to see my mom in the nursing home yesterday and sad to see that she is going downhill mentally and physically. She is being sent to a gastroenterologist soon due to unexplained bleeding. She has gained a lot (and I mean a lot) of weight. Due to her dementia, whatever they put on her plate she eats it all. My mom has always been a very pretty woman and to see this happening is heart breaking.

    I know just how you feel. If you can, go to your keyboard and you will feel my hand reaching out to hold your hand. :'(
    Here it goes- some public sharing that I have been afraid to do before. I am dealing with the same thing with my DH who has been in and out of hospice for years with early onset. He has been bedridden for a long time. He had gained so much weight that he is almost unrecognizable, despite being on small portions and having to be fed soft food. He still chews. (he has not been able to move his arms, legs, or anything for some time) A few weeks ago he had to be placed on oxygen when sleeping because of wheezing. At this point, I am concerned for the wonderful and loving staff that has to move and lift him, even with electric lifts. He has a very, very strict medical directive that does not allow ANY measures but I was told that the oxygen for sleeping is to limit the pain of wheezing and the fear that goes with it. They insisted that this is not life-prolonging. This week, he began having problems swallowing liquid and will have thickener added to clear liquids to prevent choking and all that brings. I don't know if I made the right decisions on his behalf- if I am doing nothing but prolonging his death rather than adding to his comfort. A friend of mine who has a background in a wonderful Catholic nursing home said that I will know when it is time to say goodbye for good. :'(
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    CSSJ (((((hugs)))))
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Now that I feel better, I am going to do a nice post supporting YOU.
    Sue in WAIn France, after babies, mothers get PTP for their female parts to get back in shape. Vive la différence. The tea sounds lovely. Goodwill Always has nice tea pots for next to nothing since so many mothers and grandmothers had them but the current young ladies seem to live on Starbucks. Pick out one you really like and use it for a flower holder for centerpieces in the future.

    Joyce I really hope that you AND Charlie get good news. This has to be such an awful time for you.

    Pip Grrr. Bad wind, bad wind.....

    I hope Sylvia si so busy with ceramics shows and the new shop that she simply can't squeeze in posting time. I hope Bethwill come back soon.

    Heather Deep breaths for both of you. Has he tried the Calm app yet?

    Katla I bet you are tired. Now time for you to tire out a horse or two.

    Kim I loved the story of the bird.

    Chris Love the Cape. What part are you going to? Whenever I fly back from overseas, the Cape is a landmark to show me I am close to home.

    DJ You are so right about kids. What does it take to get a letter or thank you note? A call or misspelled and abbreviated text does not suffice. And no, formal affairs such as this are not exactly routine for me. I am an aid worker, not a diplomat or business leader. I have been on panels at technical conferences overseas with government ministers, prime ministers, presidents, and even a princess and a tsar. But 99% of the world would think that these were highly boring events - lots of "death by PowerPoint " presentations with slides filled with equations or so much writing that they were illegible from even the presenter table. I never got invited to the night-time, private dinners. A good thing. It will take quite a while for my budget to recover, even with the thrift shop formal dress.

    A busy day today. I had a computer class on the new Windows 10 followed by a working lunch. I just had a sandwich and apple and ended up saving half the sandwich for dinner. Yea for MFP and making me far more conscious of portion size. Back to the computer to catch up on emails and start a presentation. I am very aware that this presentation needs to be lively so I am going to try out some new graphics skills. This evening, I planned to walk. About 2 blocks from the house, I went back because the weeds at the edge of the lawn and strip next to the street bothered me so much that I had to deal with them immediately. So I weeded for an hour under an almost full moon until it was too dark. Not nearly as many calories expended, but the lawn is ready to mow in the morning, assuming that it does not rain.

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Miriam Thank you very much.
  • mrspaws91
    mrspaws91 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome. I do have 7 children, aged 9-21.
    I am trying hard to learn each of you and your stories.
    After 2 weeks of vacation it felt good to get back on plan today with diet and exercise.
    Barb in Colorado
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited May 2016
    CSSJ (((((hugs)))))

    Well I had a first today. Spent the entire day quilting with a friend. Am making a fast and furious baby quilt. Ran out the house after breakfast, grabbed a sandwich for lunch and had light Asian fare for dinner. MFP scolded me for eating too few calories for the day. Well! I fixed that by having a serving of home made ice cream. Scold me will they! Hah! Even with the dessert I was still under my daily calorie count. :p

    Charleen in Colorado (Sunny skies and not cloudy all day)
  • dotsgal1
    dotsgal1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Ladies. Just checking in to see what's going on with everyone. I have been having a good week and am glad to have a place to share, learn and be inspired. I enjoy reading your posts and finding out more about so many of you.

    I recently moved from Virginia to Florida and am starting a new life at 55. Part of that life includes taking care of myself and putting myself first. Like so many women, I've taken care of others and put myself last for so long. No more. It's all about me! At first I felt guilty with this mentality, but then I realized that it is okay to put myself first. I deserve it. I deserve to focus on what makes me happy, on getting back to being healthier, and on doing the things I love. MFP fits great into my new mindset, and being a part of this forum helps so much too.

    Thanks for listening. Do something great for yourself!

    All the best....Alyson
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Suein Wash. Go to thrift stores and look to see if there is a hidden gem just waiting to be polished up and shine again. Also reach out to friends and see if they have one to borrow. We have a group on face book here or even your church group if you have one and just ask. Many people are more than willing to help. As far as the table maybe Pinterest would give you some ideas.

    CSSJ, no one can tell you what to do but I can tell you what my parents did when my sister was dying. She had cancer and it had spread to several critical areas. As much as it hurt them, they made the decision to have the nurses do nothing if she needed it to save her life. Not 10 minutes later she choked on her clear liquid diet and they would not allow the staff to suction her. That ended up to be what caused her death.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Hi gals,

    Sue – I would LOVE to come up….I was in seattle for graduation last year and loved being north… maybe next year… the tea set up sounds beautiful!!! I bet a neighbor has a tea pot you could borrow!

    Joyce – sending you both good thoughts… Keep us posted. 8 lbs of water gone, all I could think of was how many rolls of toilet paper does 8 lbs take….

    Peach – sorry to hear about mom…. It is so hard

    Katiebug – glad you are back!!!

    Chris – and Allie too – you guys talk about the cape and I miss my Aunt, - Aunt Betsy and Uncle Tom ran a B&B in Yarmouth Port… both have passed, I was only there twice, but such good memories and so many wonderful phone calls, letters and pictures…

    Pip – that is awesome!

    CJ - I knew DH had health issues, but you have a ton on your plate! You are making the best decisions you know how, and that is enough. Sending (((((hugs))))

    Well company tomorrow, sat, sun and then a dinner party on Monday…. And a ton left to do to get ready, so read and commented over dinner, and now off to get some stuff done, making spinach feta pie, and a cream of asparagus soup – from cooking light, sounds good and 177 calories a cup – I’ll share if it is good. That should get me ready food wise!


    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    CJ - BIG BIG BIG (((hugs))). It's a bad situation to be in, sending you warm and positive thots.

    Janetr OKC
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    For those who asked, I go to Dennisport which is right next to Yarmouthport on the Cape. The weather is not supposed to be too good on Sunday so we may go to the very tip of the Cape which is Provincetown. I used to have a house in Dennisport and would spend every weekend from late April to early November there. I miss it so much but I'm so fortunate to have the use of a former neighbor's house. I'm packed and ready to go after a short day of work tomorrow.

    CJ...I can't imagine what you are going thru with your husband and his illness. I hope sharing has allowed you to lighten your burden a little. Sending prayers to you both.

    Chris in MA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps -

    I don't know why I rode home, it was windy when I started :-1: oh well, at least I burned more. today it's raining and I am NOT going to ride home.

    Kirby wants to dolly up the airstream. it has a perfectly good awning but he wants to buy a new one with a better color that will make it "pop". I told him that we can as long as we pay a medical bill that we got for me (my pt, over 1k) first then look at the finances THEN I will give him the green light or no. he's having me look at colors and I picked either a red one or yellow. they have coordinating colors for the curtains too. one thing at a time, we'll see

    Kirby sounds like quite the decorator! We are hoping to find a trailer (retro new one) for when we go out on the road (not this summer but next summer). Our plan is to start driving, see my sister in Moses lake Washington, maybe our son, (You?) and then travel across to Great Lakes Training Center where son graduates from bootcamp. I got to see eldest son graduate, (no one saw our middle son graduate, poor phase of life), so its only fitting that we both see this last one.

    Kirby is glad to have you as financial adviser for the household. Hey my husband went out to buy STAMPS and came back with our Chevy Spark car.....
