

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Penny that little floof of a flower is adorable!! So glad you shared it and the photo of bunnies (??), they look big. At first I thought I was seeing wolves.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Charleen - I was in Snowmass donkey's years ago and can still see all the beautiful columbines. And the hummingbirds! I had a doozer of an altitude headache, though. For the first two days I could hardly stand upright. How high up are you?

    Those are hares. About twice as big as bunny wabbits but way smaller than wolves. They're just starting to change from winter to summer coats. Three weeks ago they were still pure white, with delightful little black spots at the tips of their ears.


    There was a lot more snow then, too. It's amazing how quickly it melts once the midnight sun starts trundling clockwise around the heavens.

    In other wildlife news, the male ptarmigans are competing for territory and hens. Here are two of them.


    We'll be going out to this wonderful place tomorrow afternoon. :smiley:
    /Penny, who realizes that there are other nice places to be besides the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Well.........I went shopping today for more jeans. I went from my beautiful size 12 jeans to size 16. The brand I had before I did get some 16s but they are a misses and the thighs are tight. But I found another that I got a women's 16 and the thighs are very comfortable. It is surprising how difficult it is to find jeans. It was all capris, shorts, etc. But the good thing is the jeans were on nice sales. I will keep my size 12s hanging on the outside of my closet as inspiration. I was really uncomfortable in those jeans. I just didn't want to admit my failure. Also I know that my leg can get in the Escape. It isn't the lip on the door frame problem. It was the tight pants.
    Joyce, eating crow in Indiana

    You are not alone. Had a reality check yesterday. Heading to Kohl's for pants myself. This coming weekend we will travel to NY to the unveiling of my FIL headstone. He passed last October. In Jewish tradition there is a small service at the time of the headstone placement. Anyhow, I reached in the ole closet for my standby black dress slacks and they are a bit tight again. The good thing regarding the downward spiral this time is I am really evaluating what I have learned and continue to learn about this "weight loss" process.

    1. It is really, really, really hard for ME to lose weight at this time in my life. I think I have negative metabolism at this point.
    2. It's not necessarily my fault. There are metabolic things going on inside that I am unaware of.
    3. I can log everything I put in my mouth and be under/at calorie goal for weeks on end and not lose anything.
    4. It's about being realistic about the process.
    5. I'm a carb addict-plain and simple. Enough said.
    6. I cannot keep up the walking schedule I want/need to do without keeping my feet in perpetual pain. That any amount of walking is healthy and will do.
    7. Even though I am at a weight I am not comfortable with there is no reason I cannot purchase nice clothes at whatever size they are and look/feel fantastic.

    So off to Kohl's I go with my $5 rewards money, my 30% coupon and a tenuous mindset to purchase an outfit that I WILL FEEL BEAUTIFUL in for next weekend.

    Joyce, lol about the Escape. For me it is the Honda CR-V! And my size 16 and 14 jeans ARE HANGING on the door to my closet ready to be put on again!!!!

    Chilly in May Fairlawn, oHIo

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lenora ~ I think I would shell out the money and have someone else do the taxes. That would take a lot of stress off the friendship.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Miriam - please forgive me for taking so long to congratulate you. I keep forgetting when I'm on here ( old age?) So happy for you that the smaller jeans were too loose. What a terrific feeling. Doing the happy dance for you. Way to go.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    morning peep-c's -

    overcast this morning so i think i'll take the kids with to the gym. pretty soon it will be too hot for me to take them and they'll have to stay home. i was planning on not taking them this morning cuz i was going to run outside cuz i gotta do 12 mi today. i thought this morning was going 2b warm but it's not. the treadmill only goes up to 2hrs b4 it shuts off so i should be able to do the 12 in that time and if not, oh well.

    kirby is at work, he rode in, i'm curious 2 hear how him new rims felt. he works in OR today so he said he should be home early.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Lenora - ditto Peach. No amount of money is worth the stress. I am not a person who buys a lot of "things", but I am prepared to pay for services that will make my life easier. Of course, if money is really tight, that is not an option, but I don't think you have that problem. Nothing is a better feeling than hiring the right people to do the job properly and professionally and second to that is being able to sack them if they don't come up to scratch! :laugh: Friendships and free professional tasks just don't mix. Our friend does our painting, but we pay the going rate for a professional job. No get outs, no corners cut, no excuses or no pay!

    It all comes back to boundaries again - one of the biggest lessons we have to learn. As Margaret says so often, ANGER is just a message that something has to change. Only we can change things - waiting for someone else to change is never going to work.

    Here's the latest pic of Bea, sent by my DDIL. I hope it brings cheer to all you baby lovers out there and apologies to any who are not .


    All my plants are in pots, the ex pot plants have found spaces in the garden and my salads are growing. We are having home grown chard with the guinea fowl and roasted root veg tonight. :D

    Penny - loving the hares and ptarmigan. :bigsmile:

    Love Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather - Bea is indeed a sweetheart. She's really growing, they seem to grow so quickly at this age. What a gorgeous smile. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr OKC
  • anniespruce
    anniespruce Posts: 9 Member
    I am a 61 year old woman, started diet at 220 lbs, 5'8", former work out nut, long distance cyclist, skier, boulder climber, hiker....now with very bad knees (I left them somewhere in Colorado and haven't seen them since). So exercise is hard. My thyroid quit and I was sort of living off the grid for 10 years and that's how long it took to get me to a doctor where a sharp NP had my thyroid tested. In the meantime I had quit doing anything except walking because I just didn't feel like it anymore. I went from 155 lbs, very fit, great shape, to 225 lbs, at my highest. Thyroid replacement did nothing as far as losing weight. My mother once commented to me that one thing about being overweight is a person looks younger due to less wrinkles....so that's been one huge reason I haven't tried to lose weight - she was right. But my son, who had developed a little tummy, decided to start a low carb diet. When the loss started to show everyone at his workplace wanted to know what he was doing and decided to join him. Then it became a competition and everyone put in $50, which the winner would get in....August or December when it ends or there is no more weight to lose. So my granddaughter and I joined on April 16th. I had just gone to the doctor a week or so before so I know my weight was a bit over 218 when I began. Saturdays are weigh-ins and today I am 204. I haven't been under 200 since...uh, maybe 2003 or 2004. I find My Fitness Pal helps - it helps to be able to count calories and carbs and try to stay on goal. My end goal is 160. One thing i can say is find ONE scale and stick with it. Scale differences were as much as 8 lbs difference (between 3 scales). One sad thing is that I've worked at the same place since 1992 and NO ONE has commented on my weight loss. That never would have happened when i was 35, so that's not so cool. I have to say that my eating is healthier than it's been in years. No more poptarts! If anyone has any ideas on exercise that doesn't involve knees, i would love to hear about it. But I feel better, i really do. I'm doing this for my joints, primarily. They just can't take lugging me around all day anymore. --annie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :)Lenora, I agree that paying a professional would be worth it to get rid of the stress and anger.....I know that I can't afford the "price" of having a friend do a job for me for "free"....there are too many emotions that get messed up in the process....I know that I would gladly pay hundreds of dollars for serenity and peace of mind.

    :) We had four trees cut down yesterday because they were too close to the house and were likely to cause problems with the sidewalk and the foundation.....the pine tree was dropping needles into heat pump and when we had it serviced, the technician recommended getting rid of the tree....I liked the other three so I'm sad to see them gone...two of them had beautiful white flowers in the spring. I love trees and I hate to see them cut down even when I know it's for our safety or the safety of our house.

    :) I have finished my snack and visit with all of you and now I'm headed out to pull weeds for an hour and enjoy my yard.

    <3 Barbie from overcast NW Washington
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Mowed the grass today. It was so long took me twice the time. It rains everyday lately so it is growing like crazy and could not mow because it was so wet. Starting to sprinkle now so rest of it will have to wait till tomorrow.

    Going to dinner tonight for my future dl birthday. Looked at menu not a single good choice on the menu. So portion control will be the best I can do. It is also a wine bar so that may be a challenge. Lol. Should be fun though.

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Anne from Wisconsin

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone. Had a lovely morning with DH doing little errands. Nothing special but happy to have company. Goals for today, Plant my cucumbers and get to the gym

    Looking for a shwarma recipe for something different to do with chicken.

    Haven't seen beth posting lately. Hope all is well Beth?

    Karen from my
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I want to thank you all for helping me figure out that I can now have the freedom of cutting my sister in law out of my life and not feel guilty about it. I woke up today feeling good about it.

    Welcome Cynthia. Heather has written childrens books also.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    Going to dinner tonight for my future dl birthday. Looked at menu not a single good choice on the menu. So portion control will be the best I can do. It is also a wine bar so that may be a challenge. Lol. Should be fun though.

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    :) Many restaurants will accommodate special orders. If there is something on the menu then you can order it without the sauces or ala carte. I order salads w/o dressing or sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. If there is chicken anywhere on the menu, I order grilled chicken with no sauce. If there are vegetables, you can order them steamed without butter. Use your creativity and imagination so you aren't faced with sauces and additions that you don't want.

    <3 Barbie

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    stat for the day:
    jog- 1hr 57min 13sec, 140ahr, 157mhr, 1st 1/4mi 3.5sp, then 3/4mi @ 5.5sp, next 8mi @ 6.2-6.7sp, last 3mi @ 6.3-7.0sp, 12mi = 1271cal
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    guess i was able to do the 12mi b4 the 2hr run out time of the treadmill
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2016
    Karen from NY - I too am concerned about Beth and Vicki in NE. Hope they are both ok.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Pip - Wowsa! :D

    Janetr - Yes, it's been ages since we heard from either of them. Vicki especially. (Motorbikes)

    Joyce - WTG! <3

    Just been watching a programme about Alzheimers. They are developing and trialling a new drug to use in the early stages of the disease. Good first results.
    Also important is lots of deep sleep. Eat fish, especially salmon. Eat eggs, especially egg yolks. Lots of vegetables. All different colours. Olive oil. Oooooohhhh, sounds just like my diet. Going to have scrambled eggs for lunch tomorrow. :D

    Lots of love, Heather UK