

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    There is a good post called What is your WHY?

    This is my post from that thread:

    1) I want to see my grandchildren grow up and have children.
    2) I want to savor food without feeling guilty about every morsel I put in my mouth.
    3) I want to be able to look at myself, my whole self, in the mirror and meet my own gaze.
    4) I want to feel comfortable in my own skin again.
    5) I want to fly in an airplane and not worry about my thighs infringing on the passenger next to me.
    6) I want to fuel my body so I am as energetic as possible.
    7) I want to experience optimal health.
    8) I want to be healthy enough to take care of other loved ones if they are failing.

    Thank you @MikePXstream for this post.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • JoMo1951
    JoMo1951 Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2016
    @JoMo1951 Howdy from a neighbor in Virginia! (I love NC, sometimes I wish I lived there but too far from grandchildren). What would you prefer to be called?

    Karen in Virginia

  • JoMo1951
    JoMo1951 Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi Karen. I'm Joan Really going through a learning curve here on the board. No telling how my posts will come out. lol
  • timckeown
    timckeown Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies - I have been on MFP for a while... But have not really gotten past logging food and exercise (half-heartedly at that). I am glad to be here and seeing your posts.

    I have two grown children. My son is 29 and lives in Florida with my daughter-in-law and four grandkids (ages 10, almost 6, 2, and 4 months!). I hate that they are so far away. My daughter is 24 and lives with me in Ohio. We have four dogs; a German Shepherd, Terrier Mix, Long-Haired Chihuahua Mix, and a little Miniature Dachshund.

    I work part-time in the mornings (but due to staffing issues more like full time) as a grill cook at a little cafe in a bank office building. I also have a little cleaning business.

    Nice to meet you all!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Teresa
  • JoMo1951
    JoMo1951 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Teresa, welcome. I'm a newbie here too.
  • tracefork421
    tracefork421 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    It's a beautiful, sunny day here in Northern Indiana, but our temperatures are still cool. Working on my lesson for church this morning, because I teach the 3 year old class. Hoping to finish my flowers today and get more weeding done in the flower gardens.
    Joyce-I admire you for standing up for your principles. I can't remember who posted the picture from Colorado, but it's so beautiful.
    My In-laws live on our property in the summer and they are heading home from Florida this morning. Our home will be full and bustling by the end of the month.
    Happy Sunday to you all. Have a wonderful day.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    I'm taking the time this morning to post while I await the rest of the family to rise before I resume shredding business documents.

    Charleen...what a gorgeous place you live in, thanks for sharing. Like a lot of us here it is always so interesting to see where we all live. Although we are flung far and wide we can find someone who shares similar challenges. Congratulations on fitting into smaller pants.

    Marcelyn....a prom as a first date is so wonderful and exciting. I hope your daughter has a wonderful time and it is the beginning of her allowing herself to seek a new and better relationship. Congrats on your 38 years of marriage.

    Janetr...I am so sorry about your step daughter, I just don't know what else to say.

    Penny...keep those pics coming!

    Lenora...what a week you've had. Take deep breaths and hopefully the worst is behind you.

    Heather...thank you for my Bea fix. I bet she has wonderful baby feet, I just love baby feet, they are so kissable.

    Joyce...I hope your mouth will get better soon. I know how it feels to go for a seemingly routine medical procedure and then have an unexpected bad outcome. I went in for some foot surgery in 1999 and it took 15 years before I was able to walk normally and wear cute shoes again. Not the expected outcome at all and I certainly hope nothing like that happens to you.

    Calivictoria...begin one step at a time, both with walking and with your lifestyle changes to make weight loss work. You will find help, advice and encouragement here. Do not be afraid to ask. Have you considered a fitness tracker as a motivator to increase your walking? I had terrible knees a couple of years ago and now walk at least 4 miles/day pain free.

    Miriam...thank you for sharing your expertise on so many subjects. How wonderful that those jeans are too big. Perhaps you may want to check those measurement charts when you reorder next time. As we know, each manufacturer has their own sizing scale.

    Annie...good job on your weight loss! I want to respond to your mother's observation that fat people look younger because they have less wrinkles...although my neck and upper arms have more wrinkles, I have been told that I look 10-15 years younger since I lost the weight. I can stretch my neck and not flap my arms if I want to conceal my wrinkles.

    Meg...I can't imagine what you are going thru dealing with your daughters. Stay strong.

    Larissa...congratulations on your achievement. You certainly worked hard for it and we are all here cheering for you in the Nationals.

    Lisa...I am so happy that the sale was a big success. You must be so gratified that your vision, hard work and the community came out to support you. Enjoy a well deserved rest, at least for a couple of hours. And a 5 lb. loss to boot!

    Anne from WI...I can relate to what you are going thru having had my heart broken also. As you know, you need to heal and it doesn't happen over night. You are doing the right thing by focusing on yourself, do something everyday that makes you happy, it can be big or small. You have experienced the death of your relationship and you have to go thru the mourning process. You will still experience things that will make you cry, but as time goes on you will find yourself smiling more than you are crying. Believe me when I tell you that exercise helps, I logged many hours sweating on my elliptical letting go of the hurt and anger. It is exactly 2 years since my last relationship ended at the absolutely lowest point of my life, he just left. Yesterday I was driving around in new boy friend's Porche and I was grinning from ear to ear and thinking how my old boy friend's jaw would just drop if he saw me. Just like losing weight, it's one day at a time.

    Drkatiebug...how awesome that your knee is feeling better already. Hope it continues to improve.

    CJ...I have had to cut people from my life for self preservation. It's hard but you need to do what is best for you. As you see, you have a lot of support here.

    Sorry if I've missed some of you, I do share your highs and lows and send hugs and cheers.

    Motivational clothes....as some of you know, I love thrift stores and I bought a pair of size 10 jeans because my goal was to fit into size 10 jeans. They hung outside my closet door and I would try them on periodically to gauge my non scale progress. When they fit I bought a pair of size 8 which is my size now. I do have a couple of size 6's that just thrill me when I wear them. I began wearing size 16 but squeezing into 14 because I just would own up to 16.

    I helped a friend move yesterday and inherited about 15 new tops that she no longer wanted. A year ago I would have ever fit into them. Yeah, better than going to a thrift store.

    Ready or not, the shredding must begin. I want to get it done so I can do some more Porche driving.

    Chris in very windy MA

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Hello Friends,

    I've missed you. I haven't been posting for quite a while. It's not that I haven't been thinking about all of you, just that I've gone back to work full time. For those of you that work full time I'm not sure how you manage to keep up. <3

    I'm still working hard at staying active - doing Tai Chi 2 - 3 times a week and working at getting to 10,000 steps a day. I'm currently at about 9,000.

    Working full time has impacted my meal planning so I'm juggling and trying to find the time and energy to do it more effectively.

    It's so good to see so many of you still here not to mention all the newbies. I'll try to drop in more often.

    Thought for the day: “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” ~ Ralph Marston

    Carey-Northern Alberta (Where we need rain desperately)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol – You’re probably ‘right’ about that (tax prep and strain on friendship). It just hasn’t been ‘this bad’ before. This year, for her, has been fraught with ‘problems’ that her ‘sisters’ put on her about her GS. They’ve helped, she says ‘won’t do it again’; but, they keep telling her WHY she should continue helping him. Guilt trip, big time. I’m about as pissed with them over some things that have happened in the past where ‘they also lied to me about what was going on with her … when I am as close to her as I’d be with one of my sisters’. Mmmmm. Trying NOT to ‘open mouth, insert foot’ as it is. LOL!

    Heather – I will probably tell DH that I am not willing to destroy my friendship over ‘tax preparation’ next year before 4/15. I just am not so sure that I want to have to prepare the doggie spreadsheet for the preparer.
    Not something I am used to doing; but, will definitely do if I have to. OMG! SALMON! DDnL#1 says ‘sal man’ … DGMD ‘corrected’ her Thursday night with ‘it is pronounce ‘sa mon’. DDnL#1 got ‘angry’ and she replied that ‘she is sorry that she doesn’t say things right’….. Then DMGD said, ‘well, I am just doing what my Nana does to me …’ I wanted to crawl under the chair. She (DDnL#1) picked up the pillow and hit DGD, then she threw it down and really started hitting at her. I wanted to tell DMGD, ‘you OWE your mother an apology’ … but; she’s right … I would have ‘maybe’ corrected her. She really was trying to be ‘discreet’ when she corrected her; but, that is still NOT something a child should do to an adult … especially NOT in front of others, especially not in front of a MnL that she already thinks does not like her. MMmmmmmmmmm. I’m NOT going to say what she did this weekend that has me ‘hot under the collar’. Typical teenager; but, ‘still’ against what MY rules would have been. Especially, when she says ‘I told you ….’. NO, YOU DID NOT TELL ME; and IF YOU HAD … you would NOT have done that. GRRRRrrrrrrrrr. Now I know why God did not give me ‘little girls’ to raise.

    Anniespruce – Sometimes it is difficult for those who see us daily … to see changes (even over time). We get used to the slow loss and we don’t necessarily comment about it. Or if we do, we might discourage the person. That is the way it is with my DDnL#1 – if I saw her daily … I probably would not have been as ‘conscious’ about the weight she has been losing. Since I choose not to see her on a daily basis … it is a shock when she comes and has lost more. This is the 1st time she has stuck to a ‘diet’ this long and lost this much (maybe?). I know as long as she is willing to go to the MD and lose weight through him, that DOS will continue paying. It’s when she has not lost anything that the issue of the price to be followed comes up. I’m now to the point that I don’t have to buy the product connected to my weight loss program. One, I have a ‘supply’ built up for a month or more. I am adding ‘regular food’ to my daily diet meals. It’s making me ‘more aware’ of what I am eating and how much it is costing me as well.

    Barbiecat – It hasn’t been a problem until THIS year (really); but, I am going to figure out how to approach it next year. I’m all for changing who we get to prepare it … or let DH be the @$$ about it, to her. Don’t involve me. Our friendship has suffered, also, for my disagreement over how she deals with a ‘drug-addicted GS’. I don’t really know ‘how she feels’, so I don’t understand why she cannot deal with him with some ‘tough love’. Throwing him ‘out’; then, allowing him to ‘come by and dump his stuff at HER house’ … well …. For ME, it would STOP! I’d get one of those security systems that would also ‘notify’ me … when someone was ‘in my house’ and also the Sheriff. She was 'surprised' that he came by ... I'm not; he wanted to be 'in and out' before SHE knew he was there looking for 'stuff' to hock. Then she could ‘meet’ them there. She doesn’t ‘want’ him to be ‘thrown in jail’ … but, other than finding ‘new connections’ … that IS the BEST place for him. I worry about HER safety and well-being … it is NOT that GS would do anything to her … it is ‘those who supply him’ … doing things to her. But, I can ‘talk until I am BLUE in the face’ and she will ALWAYS say, ‘but, he is my GS and I’d never be able to live with myself if something happened to him’. NO, none of us would be able to ‘live with ourselves’ if we felt that we could have done something different to prevent it. She isn’t going to be able to PREVENT anything from happening to him. He loves her; but, he loves ‘drugs’ more. That is just a fact of life. Deal with it.

    Betty – I agree … what have I done to ‘agree’ to let this happen to me? Given in when I know I should have ‘stood MY ground’ and how it affect(s/ed) me. HER problem became mine because she wanted someone to help take on the load, and I did. Now to step back. She answered my text from yesterday to her; now she is ‘promising’ to bring it out to me … NOT GOING TO HAPPEN and I KNOW IT! THIS is what 'angers' me. "Don't piss on me; and, tell me 'it is raining'."

    Joyce – Growing up in the 50’s and in the home of an ENGLISH GRAMMAR/LIT teacher, I ALAWYS got corrected … even ‘in public’ (but quietly). DH and I will watch news television reports and when they say something grammatically wrong, we just look at one another. Is it them, or is the person who writes the commentary? Either way … you’d think they would look it over and make a note to correct it in their reporting. Maybe they don’t have the time. I’m NOT perfect either … but I ‘try’ to ‘think’ about what I am going to say and put it out there as correctly as I can. Gee, I am the Queen of Run-on Sentences’ and the over-use of commas, etc. But, FB uses the word “DONE” on a button that should be “FINISHED”. “You are only ‘done’ if you are a steak!”

    Karen in Virginia – I’d BURN every one of my bras if I did not ‘have to worry’ about some of my ‘tops’ being too revealing. I had to laugh when a sister had her reconstructive surgery done and did not have them reconstruct her nipples (the 2nd time around) … so she could go braless whenever she wanted to. Gee, if you are that self-conscious … have the nipple ‘tattooed’ on. EEEEWWWWW, the ‘thought’ of that makes my skin crawl. LOL!

    Janetr – Sorry for your loss. Love and {{{{{hugs}}}}}!!!!!

    DJ – “Horizontal Conditioning” – NAP – Love it! I think I will do the same today at some point.

    KJLaMore – Yeah, been a ‘rough week’ … I ‘think’ the seizure just topped it off like the ‘cherry on top’. I don’t like cherries very much. Did as a kid; not so much now.

    Chris in very windy MA – I’m praying that it will be better this week. But, like they say, “be careful what you pray for.” LOL! I started off at a good 16; maybe closer to an 18 – just did not want to have to buy any more of them; I have set my goals, to get to the next size lower. Easier to do than to say, “I’m going to lose “X” number of pounds.” About a 10-15lbs loss for each size down (more or less). Now in a 12; and, some of them are getting loose of me. But … I will not buy many 10s until I get to where all of them fit me consistently … like the 12’s are doing right now. I do want to set my next goal at 145-150lbs. I’m not so sure I can lose down below 145lbs without looking ‘gaunt’. I can usually tell if I have lost weight by what I try on. My husband used to own an old Porsche (before we married); but, I know what you mean about ‘riding in a Porsche’. I’d like to have my hair blowing in the breeze; but, I’m not so sure that I like riding in a convertible.

    Well, 3 days into a '6-month driving restriction'. Already a 'little antsy'. DH to go to town today to pick up Rxs. Need to go now; or he will get there when they close for lunch. That won't make HIM happy and I need then TODAY. Need to go out and pick the blueberries now ... have a wonderful day!!!!!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    edited May 2016
    morning peeps - only one minor cramp last night. spap is doing it's job. yesterday i soaked my clothes full of sweat, i had to put them in the spinner to wring out the excess sweat. ( machine for swimsuits ). usually sweat off about 2#'s of sweat after a workout like that, i think that was more like 3 or 4!e
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Chris in MA... I ordered from the company I always get my jeans from, and the same style I always get. So I thought just getting a size smaller was good. I have a hard time using the sizing charts anyway. My body is so weirdly shaped (think German peasants) that even those aren't very helpful. And as far as wearing cute shoes "again", I have NEVER been able to wear cute shoes. They do not make cute shoes in size EEEE width! If I wear a woman's EEEE width shoe, I still fall over the sides of the footbed. Only in men's EEEE do the footbeds come as wide as my feet. It gets VERY frustrating!
  • Pollance
    Pollance Posts: 28 Member

    Popping in to say hi. I'm back from Florida, (no internet connection where I was staying) and trying to catch up. Wow, lots happening!

    Larisa, congrats on winning the competition!

    Chris, BF sounds like he is wonderful! Keep us posted! Congratulations on your new job!

    Joyce, sorry your jaw is still so painful. Hope the high dose ibuprofen helps!

    Lisa, congratulations on the success of your sale!

    Pip, nice bike!

    It was 80-88 degrees every day in Florida - glorious weather! I could learn to live there! Went for some long walks by myself, and despite using sunscreen and large RayBan sunglasses, I managed to get a very significant burn on my face, complete with an entire lower lip of sun blisters (sigh). Not the look that I was planning on when going for the 2 job interviews that I have scheduled for this week. (but Florida was wonderful)

    Nikki in MA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2016
    Joyce: Your dad is not the only man to come back from the South Pacific with nightmares. My dad did, too. His ship was attacked by Kamakazi fighters in the South Pacific, and he was in an area where flame throwers were used in the jungles. Both were horrible experiences. Back in those days, they gave the returning veterans a big hello & a parade, but no real help dealing with what they'd been through. Dad's brother served as a fighter pilot & bombed Germany. He was also left with no way of dealing with the horrible memories. He had a volatile temper and drank too much as long as I knew him. I didn't witness any of his anger episodes but a cousin told me about them after spending a week at their house. :broken_heart::heart:

    Penny: Technology is amazing. I love the picture of the hares. I've never seen one before. We've been in areas where there are feral rabbits, but they were small & bunny sized. :flowerforyou:

    Heather & Lenore: I agree with the advice you and Peach gave to Lenore. "Friendships and free professional tasks just don't mix." It is time for her to find a professional tax person and pay them the going rate. Bea is adorable. :bigsmile:

    Anniespruce: Welcome to a great group. Exercises that are easy on the knees include swimming and riding a bike or recumbent bike. I also recommend yoga. You need a teacher who can help you modify the positions that are not right for your knees. I wouldn't do a video or app with yoga. You need a live teacher who can see what you're doing and help you get in the correct positions. In regards to comments from friends and coworkers, they may not know what to say. I had a coworker who was on a diet with Weight Watchers for a long time and lost a lot of weight. I never knew what to say. I finally thought of something I was comfortable about saying & told her that she looked wonderful. It put a smile on her face and I felt good, too. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I'm sorry about the loss of your lovely tree, but the safety of the house is important. Perhaps you can plant a new tree in a better location. :heart: Thanks for the update on Vicki. :smiley:

    Pip: 12 miles in less than 2 hours is an amazing accomplishment from my point of view. WTG!!! The wooden bike is beautiful. :bigsmile:

    Charleen2: Congrats on the too small dress slacks fitting again. This is proof that you are succeeding. :smiley:

    janetr: I'm so sorry about the loss of your stepdaughter. What will become of her 18 year old son? Losing his mom while still a high school kid must be horrible for him. Horrible for your DH, too. :broken_heart::heart:

    Heather: If you ever convince your DH to travel to the west coast I hope we will get the chance to meet in person. It would be wonderful. :heart:

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group of supportive women! :flowerforyou:

    I slept well last night and have a decent amount of energy this morning. We had a long drive up the Oregon coast from Newport to Astoria, and then home. The whole coast portion of the trip was daylight but overcast. We got home in the dark. It is amazing how long the days are getting. It was close to 9pm by the time we got home and not fully dark.

    Our dog wasn't feeling well by the time we got home and is still not feeling well this morning. We have no idea what he might have gotten into to cause this. He threw up this morning's breakfast. We're going to feed him white rice cooked in chicken stock for a bit and see how he does. If he's still under the weather later on, I'll call the vet for advice.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Good morning! Today is the one-year anniversary of my first swim class. I'm celebrating by going to swim class. :smiley:
    Have a great day, my friends! <3

    Larisa in Seattle
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
  • anniespruce
    anniespruce Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! Too many names for an introvert to learn quickly, but I'll get it. Thanks for the replies. I think swimming is a great idea and reminded me that my daughter in law and granddaughter were talking about doing that every other day at the local pool or maybe the Y. I live in Wyoming - there aren't a lot of pool options around. My granddaughter had gained about 60 lbs (she's 15) due to inherited back problems mostly. She's the big winner so far in this competition; she's lost 17 lbs so far (Yippee!). Once she gets to weight where she'll wear a bathing suit, maybe we can go together. She lectures me regularly (i.e., every day) on what I'm doing wrong :^) and I love it, she makes me stronger. We are getting a recumbent bike and I have my long distance cycle, but it needs tuning. It has thousands of miles on it. A Bianchi cross trainer (from 1993). Twenty-one gears and many times I wished I had a couple more (on mountain passes). I never rode on a sponsored ride, just a group of friends on a biking mission every summer. All of our bikes had names (our leader's bike name was "Bucky.") My bike's name is Spirit (as in "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."). My knees get better when I ride; I don't know why except building up the muscle support is helping keep things aligned. I just don't have anywhere to put it in the house (I have a trainer I can put it on). Now that the weather is getting better maybe I can start there, slowly.
    Katia: Your comment to your friend was exactly the right thing to say. Interesting - I've never been brought down by comments on weight loss; they've always been inspiring to me. I mean, like long distance cycling or skiing - many people asked me why I did it so often, waste of money (skiing), and time, but it's just sheer fun and nothing else. I hope it isn't oppositional (haha), but when something is good, you know it in your heart, and anyone who wants to mess with that for their own reasons must be treated with gentle respect, but you can't let them alter your course, you know? My thyroid changed all that by itself.
    The diet I'm on is low carbs, upped a bit for my age and based on my current BMI, height, weight, age, sex. My daily goals are 1430 calories a day, 143 grams carbs, and everything else that I don't pay too much attention to. I absolutely love the way MFP lets you enter your exercise and adjusts our calories and carbs you can eat (again!).
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    a quick hidee ho~
    Tom is being miserable today, (most days) gonna see if I can get an answer why out of him.... went and fed DFIL and then came home, went out to my dads for less than an hour and am back, made 2 kinds of muffins and homemade chocolate chip cookies, took some of the muffins up to dad, and the funny papers.. things he likes ...
    Told Tom that there are other people who need my help too, and think that got him in the nasty mood... oh well...
    off to do laundry and get dinner made.. that is the good thing when he is not here, I dont have to run hell bent for election constantly....
    will check in later...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :)Annie in Wyoming, None of us is that great with remembering names....that's why we sign our posts with a name and location. You'll notice, also, that many of us don't reply to a lot of people, or just talk about ourselves. We do whatever works for us...just like finding the right food and exercise program that works. I walk my Standard Poodles for several hours every day. I live in a 55+ manufactured home park with tall trees, smooth private roads and big green spaces and a view of the Olympic Mountains. I go to line dance classes three days a week, do weight training in the living room while watching TV, and ride the recumbent exercise bike that is in the middle of the living room so I can watch TV.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited May 2016
    BTW thank you kind ladies who are offering to root for me in the national competition...but you have to pose in a bikini (even at our age), to win nationals. And I posed in leggings and a fitted shirt. I just didn't need to win, in that way. I have already won in the way that I cared about. :wink:
    And actually? you all were a big part of my getting there. :flowerforyou: