

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited May 2016
    LOL! The word altered to *kitten* in my previous post is the proper term for what is also called a rooster. Maybe MFP would accept "cockerels"? We'll see...
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning folks. Another hectic work week ahead but glad I checked on to read all your posts. Keeps me motivated

    Loved the chicken shwarma recipe I made this Saturday and maybe I am back on track a little. Don't feel guilty. Being honest with you all and adding my weight gain is a good thing and getting back to the gym is the way to go.

    All this talk about weight or strength training has got me thinking.......

    Gardening is a happy pursuit for me but I don't take it too seriously. I just do what I feel like and stay in the moment. Smell the earth look at the little bits of growth
    I only do it for the enjoyment not the results or produce or anything. I just like listening to the birds while I do it and I can't invest a lot into it. Just take it for what it is a simple thing for me
    Have a good Monday am thinking of you all.

    Karen from my

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am awake and had my first cup of tea...
    Yesterday was just not a good day for me....
    I left well enough alone.. did not bring up anything with Tom.. but as it would have escalated.. he is just miserable.. all the time.. every day...
    He is working from 4:30-3 5 days a week and then come home and keep it up every weekend.. he has no hobbies ,except playing freecell on the computer and watch the Mets every once in awhile..
    I like to relax every once in awhile,but when he is home I can't because I am expected to keep up with him..
    Sean and Jean are leaving friday afternoon for New Hampshire, I dont know if they are opening up both places up there or just one.. but I will be staying with Faith from the 20th-25th .. so they can do what they need to do what they need to do...
    I didn't tell you they are thinking of getting a dog, Faith wants a white highland terrier and they are going to look at one today..now this woman is 81 yrs old with alzheimers, and if they bring this dog home today.. I dont know how thats gonna work?am I going to have to take care of the dog too?
    I have not been going down to see my DFIL daily,I go down a few times a week, at least until my DD gets back...
    I am trying to just finish up at dad's - have to get the paint off the floor in my daughter's room and ,dad is finishing Tal's room,got the closet painted and will finish the outlet and he has to finish painting the ceiling in Tracy's room. and I will wash the floors with Murphy's oil soap... I have to wait until Memorial weekend to finish the bathroom because my son will not give up that bathroom :neutral: ,then will try and clean the kitchen that weekend too.its a mess...
    ok enough of that...
    I hope everyone is well , and enjoyed there weekend..
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Back to my day job - up early to write my editorial, clean some of this wreck of a warehouse. Off to the shower, still got 50 or so photos from a stock photo driveby on the all the hotels last Friday to clean up and save, the Chamber of Commerce magazine to edit, and some short pieces to write before my 10 a.m. commissioner's court budget meeting. Sounds kinda awful, bluntly. Such is the exciting life of a newspaper editor. There are worse things!

    Supposed to be 92 degrees here, today. Short sleeves, I'm thinking!
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! All this talk of lilacs and I have to chime in. The lilacs are blooming in West Michigan this week, too. I don't have any in my yard, but they line many of the streets. I LOVE the smell! When I was growing up we had lilacs growing along the road in our yard, and then the neighbors across the road had honeysuckle growing along the road! It was heaven, as a child, to walk along our lilacs and then cross the road to the neighbor's yard and walk among the honeysuckle. Thanks for the memories, ladies! I can smell them now! Great day to you all! <3
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Kim in CA, do you practice gray water conservation? Gray water is the water from sinks and bathtubs and washing machines. It can be diverted to use on the garden. You cannot divert the water from the toilet! But the other water is safe to use on gardens. In Idaho there was a drought for many years while we lived there. The water authority (irrigation) wouldn't allow water use for home gardens. So we did a minor plumbing change and diverted all our gray water to the garden. You can also capture some gray water without a plumbing change by washing dishes and hands in/ over dish pans then tossing the water into the garden.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    edited May 2016
    Penny wrote:
    Joyce - I wonder if your troubles are indirectly related to your tooth extraction. Being a person with autoimmune issues myself, I've noticed that if my body has to mobilize and defend itself against one threat, the effect often spills over and causes pain in completely different areas. A minor infection will cause sore joints or a rash or something. You wrote: My body seems to be attacking me. That may be exactly what's happening! Have it checked up, please... (((((hugs)))))

    I agree

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone!

    Started losing my voice yesterday, awakened this morning totally laryngitic. Very inconvenient as this is the last day before a 5 day whirlwind of activity culminating in my stepson's Big Fat Wedding! I have all kinds of phone calls to make and now I can't talk above a whisper. HRRRRMMPPHHH!!!!!

    On the other hand, my knockout roses are blooming and are lovely and fragrant. Tomato plants are growing without a lot of attention from me, just good soil and plenty of rain.

    I so love lilacs...my mom did too...I remember the biggest bush between the grade school and the library I used to just bury my face in it every spring on my way to school...ummmmmm!

    Ok, I am off and (silently) running on my last free day before the wedding windup!

    Have a nice week, everyone! It may be a few days until I can catch up again!

    Karen in Virginia
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    morning peeps
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penney: Another sourdough fan! So far I think of us as a group of three, you and Heather and me. My sourdough starter was a gift from a friend in 1970. Her elderly neighbor gave it to her. The neighbor's family brought it to Oregon on one of the last wagon trains that crossed the Applegate Trail, which lead to the southern part of the state. I've never named my starter, and don't know the name of the pioneer family, so I guess I should call it Applegate Trail Sourdough.

    So far I know that you, Heather & I have & use sourdough. I wonder whether there are other sourdoughs in our group.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • SaffronMeadow2
    SaffronMeadow2 Posts: 7 Member
    Do any of you reward yourselves when you've lost a certain amount of weight? I'm thinking about doing that. I've lost seven pounds so far, and I think when I reach ten, I'm going to treat myself to a pedicure!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @Katla49 Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon - OMG I love that sourdough story. Coolest thing ever. Thank you for sharing that!

    Karen in Virginia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    At the chiropractor. I come here twice a month
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla Penny Heather - I LOVE sour dough, but have no clue about getting/keeping starter nor baking it. But I'm VERY good at eating it. :)

    Janetr okc
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    I was so busy over the weekend that I didn’t read, so for now I will finish reading the page where I left off, then jump to posts from today. Anyone in the middle, please accept my apologies and Hugs ! ! !

    Joyce – you have lost the weight before; I know you can lose it again. Hugs ! // Re: your health - I agree with Penny. I have RA, so when my body is busy fighting The Flu, it allows other diseases to take control, so my joints swell and I end up with pneumonia as well. Likewise, my DH had sinus infections over and over again last year. Then this year the pain was focused on a tooth, so when the tooth was removed, his sinus pain suddenly went away. Hopefully your issue is something that can be fixed or improved quickly and easily.

    Lorisa – Congrats on your swimming NSV !

    Carol – Thanks! And Congrats that your friend keeps being a winner. Paying it Forward is SO nice of you ! ! !

    Chris in MA – Congrats on having too big clothes, and for donating them ! ! !

    Kaitebug – my rheumatologist just switched me to Meloxicam for pain. I like it, but it does make me a little tired, so I do my best to take it at the same time every evening. I hope you continue to see improvement ! ! !

    – hugs and empathy. I hope things turn to the better for you soon ! ! !

    Becca – A group at Miller collects gifts for the Vets at the Hospital. Last year I didn’t have a warning, so I shopped for men’s and lady’s socks. This year I am making hats, but most of them look really feminine, even if I try to make them more masculine. Any suggestions? Or should I just keep doing what I’m doing since so many people forget that ladies can be Vets, too? Thanks for all you and your family do for my safety !

    I also read a suggestion somewhere about filling old purses instead of donating them empty. This suggestion was to fill the purses you plan on donating with feminine hygiene products, also including hand wipes, hand warmers, socks, etc, and keep them in your car to hand to a female homeless person you see. I need to get prepared for this soon.

    This weekend turned my eating back to upside-down, but I never cheated. Quick breakfast, practically no lunch, then a hearty supper. Starting today I am having pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast, hearty lunch, and light supper again. Not my favorite way to eat, but hopefully I can do it long enough to kick my plateau.

    DS did a weird thing Friday after school. As he was walking to baseball try-outs, he realized that there were only 4 boys in the group that he likes, so he turned around and called DH to bring him home – no baseball try-outs. However yesterday with one of his baseball friends he was told that nobody tried out for the catchers position, so he packed his belongings and will hopefully show up for tryouts today. He plans on telling the coach a portion of the truth (for missing Saturday anyway) – that he had a huge Bowling Championship Tournament this weekend, and that he placed third in the State.

    DS bowling was 83% phenomenal on Saturday. His first 5 games were each over 210. Then, he crashed and burned for a 163, which took him from 50 pins into first place, to 40 pins into third. But he said of himself “I just proved that I am the third best 15 year old bowler in the whole state of Wisconsin, even though I couldn’t pick up my spares in the sixth game”, and I appreciate the scholarship money he earned.

    This is all I have time for right now. Lunch time soon, and we have a float nurse, so must get my work done.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (cold but sunny)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Whew. 116 posts later and I can't even remember half of them. I did take notes but gave up after about 50 posts. lol

    Had a lovely day yesterday. Half the family came over to swim. It started to rain so we sat on the porch and talked. My son-in-law's mother is here visiting and so it was a challenge as everything has to be translated. I can understand much of what she says but she can't understand me as I can understand but not speak Russian. It is fun though and my daughter and her husband are always willing to translate. She always finds our life here so fascinating, different and a bit "too much." She lives in a small village in Russia. Truly a village, no city near. We visited there about six years ago and took showers in the garden with water collected in a barrel and heated by the sun, walked everywhere and were the first Americans the village had ever seen (except my daughter but most people don't realize she's American as she passes easily as Russian). Our lives are worlds apart but it is always fun to see her. We would be good friends if we lived near each other.

    Starting into travel, New Mexico and Colorado this week. A week home and then our first dive trip of the year. So I get mountains and ocean all in a month's time!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Marcelyn - Your future travel sounds amazing! I have only scuba dived once, in the Red Sea, but I loved it. I had practiced in our local pool and had a lesson at the resort. Saw a HUGE clam and a gigantic manta ray. :D

    My lunch with my friend was nice. My food was pleasant, but I don't think she was so impressed with her choice. I had a beetroot and watercress salad and some pork with veggies. Left the mashed potato. Then we walked back to her flat. A good hour's march. My poor hips were fit to bust by the end of that! Ouch! Then a quick cup of tea and off to catch the train home. Beautiful sunny day as we walked beside the sea. It's called The Solent and has four tides a day! The Isle of Wight is opposite.

    Seabass, veg and a sauce vierge tonight. New potatoes for DH. No alcohol. :D

    Going to watch my French film tonight. It's actually 4 episodes of a tv series, so it's very long. Two discs!

    Yoga tomorrow. Love Heather UK