

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Checking in...take care everyone. Off to bed ...and off to work again.. what a boring life...ha ha

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,

    Miriam - so yes I do know about grey water, in CA there is treated grey water available to haul from your water company sites and it is free, it is technically illegal to re-route your grey water here, but not saying if I do it, but my yard looks pretty good with a pretty low water bill…. LOL

    Joyce – thinking of you and Charlie – sending ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

    PeachyCarol – is the pom ok? Sorry to hear about the wine issues, but you’ll save some serious calories too.

    Linda – Mom’s are funny in what they want to do, but maybe is the organizing clutter control angels giving you a deadline.

    Heather - fingers crossed on the beetroot… do you do fingers crossed in England, it is a silly good luck thing kids here do.

    Allie – sending you hugs and good thoughts to your friends family. As for the dog…I don’t expect you to do this, but kennel? You did not “hire on” to be a dog sitter too, so they can put the pup in a kennel for the 5 days?

    Karen from NY – take care ! it’s tough but you are doing the right thing.

    Charleen – quiet happy dance

    Dawn – I am a horrid speller and was having a hard time with your name, so this is easier for me… I do think that there is something to the minimum calorie count and the regularness of that to really help your body get the hang of losing weight. Great pic

    So feel like I have some time to write… and there are so many new faces, thought I do my introduction again:

    I’m Kim – I live in N. California (SF bay area); I am single -never married; I have a dog Levi, one DN (darling nephew 17 years old -senior in high school), a DGS (darling god-son 23 years old – has his BS – wants his Masters but is looking for work as a break between BS and MS), a DGD (darling god daughter 19 years old – sophomore in college). I am 57 years old; I own 3 small businesses – of which I am the only employee; I teach cooking classes via the local community center and to private clients; I do gardening for 3 clients – 2 are older and I do the “heavy lifting” and one who is also older but has a tour garden of specialty roses – so I maintain 120+ roses and other filler plants. And my main business is I own a machine embroidery business – 2 large commercial machines, I do a lot of letterjackets for high school kids, team items, and then names on many things and logos for small businesses on jackets/shirts/bags. My bio-family is a mess, and I am finding myself emotionally and am slowly replacing the toxic folks in my life with life affirming folks.
    And more:

    The potential gardening job is still a bit up in the air, the gal gave notice, but now they are re-organizing … hope that doesn’t affect the possibility.. – a couple of weeks and the reorg should be done. This would be a “regular job” fitting in with my gardening business and generating a set amount each month – which would be super helpful.

    I read a “fun” book – it is non-fiction, but not heavy, I heard the author interviewed on NPR (National Public Radio) and I liked his humor, so borrowed this book and enjoyed it “ A Thousand Naked Strangers – a paramedic’s wild ride to the edge and back” by Kevin Hazzard. It is about his 10 years as a paramedic at Gavin Hospital in GA

    So today was a hiking day and I did 20,788 steps, 8.27 miles….ate about 100 of my exercise calories – which I find I almost have to do to not be crazy hungry on the higher exercise days, but that is mellowing out as I do it more, the first couple of times I was eating an extra 4-500 calories… maybe my body is learning.

    So I have 2 thick cut, boneless pork chops in my freezer and my friend who is coming over the weekend loves pork, I almost NEVER cook it, I find it difficult as pork cooks so fast I overcook it and end up with a dish I am not happy with…I looked at the recipes on skinnytaste, any one tried any of them? Or have a favorite recipe they would like to share?


    Kim from N. California
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Dear All,
    Thank you so much for all your understanding and support. I am not sure why I am so depressed although the toxic relationship ( some people do not get the message) and crazy career have certainly not helped. In any case, I am doing a bit better. Yesterday, I worked in my garden for a couple of hours. Gardening is healing for me and I really miss not being able to get out. That and riding. None in several weeks. We have had so much rain that all my delicate seedlings that I grew from seed in pods and put into beds got washed out. I ended up going to the Southern States for locally grown vegetable plants ( all sorts of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and herbs) and replanted them in the raised beds at the far end of my back yard and in the kitchen garden by my kitchen door. Michele What bushes did you end up planting by your garage? I saw that one of the loose leaf lettuces I had planted before Peru had gotten big enough to pick some leaves so I helped myself to a munch while working. Delicious. And low calorie.

    Today, I was much better with eating and forced myself to exercise - only 3 miles at 12 minutes per mile, but it is a start.

    Joyce {{{{hugs}}}} and prayers for you and Charlie. You are handling so much right now. Please be sure to get your rapid weight gain checked out. Please take care of yourself.

    Carol I have had several friends who needed to reduce or eliminate their wine consumption. It is not easy, but a side benefit was that the weight just melted away and they had so much more energy.

    Katla I am so pleased that you have been able to spend some time with DD and the grands. How is your DS and family doing in DC? I don't imagine that they have seen the sun yet since they arrived. Have you been able to ride recently? The story about the sourdough was so fascinating. A concrete link with history. I never thought to ask where my starter came from. If I had, perhaps we would have been more conscientious about keeping it going during a move out of state. It really is alive and after reading your history, feel awful that we killed the yeast.

    Marcelyn - Аз преподава в висшето търговско управление училище в Москва, когато Горбачов беше там. Аз също имаше опит виждам Елцин кампания на Арбат. Знам, знам. Лоши български, не руски. Но, съм живял в България.Аз не пътуват много и това беше зимата.

    Karen {{{{hugs}}}}}} to you also. Difficult work/friend situations are especially complex and hard to resolve. There never seems to be any good solution that leaves everyone content.

    Chris Your new BF loaned you his Porsche????? Although it is sad that after 19 1/2 years a door has closed, I never heard of a BF with Porsche come roaring through the open window. Vrooom.

    Dawn What a lot of work in your garden. It would be nice if we could ship all this rain to California and Canada and the upper west. Navy rocks. A long time ago, DH and I went to the inaugural Army-Navy rugby game in the new stadium at West Point. The good guys won and I was not sure my DH, in his officer's pea coat, would get out alive. Our host, a WP grad, and the other folks in grey were not too happy. He had the smarts to take it off before we got to the bar afterwards. I am not sure why rugby games always end up at bars. Heather, can you answer this?

    Penny The hares are amazing. Best of luck on the proposal. I just had a project canceled ( change in government ministers) so I know that waiting for positive decisions on RFPs can be stress-inducing. You live in a magical place and I hope you are getting to relax for just a bit.

    As to the career high (in my lows I really could not talk about it since I was overwhelmed with toxic loss at the time) -
    I was invited to an official dinner for the Prime Minister of a country with which I have started working ( no, not Peru). For the new people, I do international aid work. It was not a State Dinner (only the President has those and he was not there) but pretty special, none the less. After the big reception for which we had to go through security, sign in, etc., we went to another location for what was a much smaller dinner (no press) . When I checked in, I was told to go to a table marked "reserved" at the end of the room by the windows. I assumed that I was being placed in Siberia as befitting a nobody. Instead, I was seated next to the Prime Minister at the head table. It was an unforgettable evening.

    I think I was more nervous about having to get a formal dress (mine was short, not long), hair and make-up done, than I was having to make a presentation at the dinner. This is probably TMI, but the undergarments cost more than the dress which I purchased at a charity thrift shop. I was told that the dress was a Nordstrom's brand and it fit perfectly (as long as I did not breathe) and looked like it cost a fortune, which it probably did when purchased initially. The hair and make-up together, definitely cost more.

    Speaking of Nordstrom's - for anyone who has had a mastectomy, lumpectomy or other surgery, radiation, etc - Nordstrom's offers FREE bra adjustments and puts in the pockets for prosthetics. Just pick out whatever bra you want, and they will tailor it to your needs.

    I was stupid to stay away from the club when feeling low. I actually feel much better now than when I started writing this.

    Love to all.


  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Crazy, all the new posts, while I was writing.
    Barbie Thank you for posting Mary's note. Now, back to my kettle bell. I don't want her to be disappointed.

    Lenora I am sorry that you had a seizure after the accident. Definitely not what you need.

    Kim Good luck on the gardening job. It I taking a really long time for them to make up their minds. As for grey water- during a bad drought, we were encouraged to capture laundry and kitchen water, let it settle, and reuse it on non-edible vegetation.

    Lillian Sending water your way...those unfortunate people near Fort McMurray.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Today I sent a personal face book message to both our girls from the place where DH had the colonoscopy. Both of them replied back fairly quickly. Expressed shock but that it is the best thing and he will feel better. That was it. So I am sitting at home this evening assuming oldest daughter would call and see how things are, how he is, how I am, how we feel about it. All that stuff. I knew Michelle was at work and wouldn't be home until midnight. So I finally texted Christina and said 'call me'. She does a couple of hours later and asks what's up. I texted Michelle to call me when she got home. After I told her what I wanted to talk to her about, she said she texted that he would feel so much better. Am I wrong in thinking that a personal phone call is wrong? They both assumed that their short text was all I needed. I need them here with me. I need to have them wrap their arms around me and let me cry. I would ask that of Charlie but he is void of emotions. When my Mom died, he just came over to be by my side. As I was driving him home today and we were talking about this I tried to take and hold his hand. There was no movement in his hand or fingers to respond to me. It just isn't there, hasn't been there for a very long time.

    Oh well. We will get through this. My appointment is at 1:30 with NP. Charlie asked if I wanted him to go with me. I told him that I would be OK but if he wanted he could. He said he wanted to. So he has the emotion of love. He just can't express it physically.

    Joyce, teary eyed in Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    edited May 2016
    CJ - Lovely to see your long post. :flowerforyou: :smile:
    Yes, rugby is associated with bars, or pubs over here. More specifically, with beer. Large quantities of it. With drinking songs, stripping off and generally being a #×÷+. Not my cup of tea at all. I'm definitely not into macho.
    My first husband was a university rugby player. I refused to let him take part in stupid drinking games and stood my ground, despite everyone's bafflement. Even at his 21st birthday.
    My elder son played for Middlesex Colts, touring Italy. At university he resigned from the club because of the casual, unthinking racism and joined the sky divers instead. :D
    My DH likes to watch the rugby on screen. Sometimes with a beer (small) in hand.

    Got to get DH that cup of tea. Morning all!

    Love Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce & Charlie I am keeping you both in my prayers. The surgeon, too, that God guides his hands. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2016
    Lenora, Carol/Peach, Joyce and Charlie--sending good thoughts... as many as the ether can hold.

    Joyce, my sister married my brother-in-law shortly after his last surgery, which (TMI for the rest, sorry) removed his anu$ and a fair chunk of his colon. He is permanently on a bag, but is scrupulous about taking care of it and himself. He has good days and bad, but that was five years ago, and he is doing very, very well. There is never any smell when you're near him, the bag is completely non-intrusive, and he just wears a loose shirt. My sister will call him a *kitten*, and he'll just pop off and say he has no butt, and they both laugh. He's older than I am, nearing 60, but wouldn't have made it this far without the surgery... He lives the way he's always done, still works, and overall it changed his life, other than the private side of it, very little. He made his peace with it. So yes, there is definitely life afterward. Most of his pain is gone, he says, and the inability to control his bowels along with it, so it's much less embarrassing and traumatic. My hopes for the best outcome for Charlie and for you.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Took this week's editorial to writer's group last night, and one of the ladies ran from the room crying. A youngster who truly inspired this town to come together to celebrate his life and grant his last wishes died on Sunday, and the editorial is about that. We're putting together a feature for this week's paper around his life and his impact on Fort Stockton.

    Still up at 3:30 this morning, but was asleep by 9, so got quite a bit of rest. Getting tired of this "up at 3:30" business, wish my body would just take a break. It's probably the third cup of coffee each morning, when I had been restricting myself to only two most of the time before.

    Lots to do, so I'll sign off here...
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas, where we've had rain the last couple days and are really happy about it! :wink:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    GodMomKim~No kennel ,the dog is for Faith and with them gone ,it will be up to me to take care of it.. you know how much I love dogs,but I just sort of feel taken advantage of...I am working on Friday,Monday,Tuesday,Weds, and I have hair appt and working at dads on thursday, and probably this weekend also..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Just wanted to give a big "cyber Hug" to all of you that need it! Joyce and Charlie, Carol, Lenora, CJ (it is wonderful to see you posting!). Big, big hugs and you are all in my thoughts each day!
    Newbies Welcome! Can't say enough about how I feel about my new friends on mfp. The support and accountability is incredible!
    Heather- A BIG thank you to you for putting the "bug in my ear" about Duolingo. Having a job that entails talking to toddlers and pre-schoolers at their level for 23 years; has made me feel like I am going crazy. Fun sometimes, but not very stimulating. Duolingo has truly been a life-saver/sanity saver for me. I studied languages when I was in school, but in the 30+ years since of not using any of them, they have faded into the dark, cob-webby corners of my mind. My Spanish is coming back at great speed and I have begun German (which I struggled with in school). Big, Big Thank you!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I second klanders30!!!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Just want to express my support for Joyce...sorry you are having to go through so much and the kids seem a bit clueless about how to handle things...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    I am simply in awe of the strong, sensitive women on this forum. With all the difficult things coming your way everyone seems to add a thoughtful note about others or some supportive comment for someone else's situation. You women are amazing.

    Ditto, goes threefold for me...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    Joyce and Charlie (((Hugs))).

    Barbie thank yo for the update on Mary.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited May 2016
    Norway's national holiday today. They celebrate by putting on traditional dress and either walking in or watching a parade. As usual in northern Norway, 17 May is cold and windy with a bit of snow.

    But we did have a couple hours of sun, too. I just came back from a nice long walk with my husband. Sure, it was cold and windy but we lucked out on catching the two sunny hours. We strolled out to the point, had a picnic, then came back. We saw lots of birds along the way: eider ducks, oystercatchers, ptarmigan, various little "chirpy-birdies", one sea eagle and three golden eagles.

    Allie, I wish I could whisk you over here and sit you down in front of my picture window overlooking the bird feeder. I think you would enjoy that :) You CERTAINLY deserve some down time. :flowerforyou:

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Joyce: You and Charlie are in my thoughts and prayers

    Margaret: Thank you for sharing the lilacs..I have a white one in my backyard but I miss the purple ones.

    Katla: I love that Tibetan proverb.

    DJ/Lillian: I'll try to be here more regularly. I have missed all the wonderful ladies on the site.

    We'll take all the rain you want to send

    Carey-Northern Alberta (Where we need rain desperately)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member