

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    It's cold today, there were snow flurries early this morning. So I warmed up the house by baking a potato while some chicken thighs were roasting. Nice lunch.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    a quick hidee ho~
    Tom is being miserable today, (most days) gonna see if I can get an answer why out of him.... went and fed DFIL and then came home, went out to my dads for less than an hour and am back, made 2 kinds of muffins and homemade chocolate chip cookies, took some of the muffins up to dad, and the funny papers.. things he likes ...
    Told Tom that there are other people who need my help too, and think that got him in the nasty mood... oh well...
    off to do laundry and get dinner made.. that is the good thing when he is not here, I dont have to run hell bent for election constantly....
    will check in later...

    You give so much to everyone. I admire you, but worry about you. ((((((hugs))))
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I must have a face that screams: "SUCKER!" Have you ever wanted to snatch a knot in someone (family member, close) that tells you they 'asked "PP" and he said 'ok'; when you did not hear it (and you were sitting right there)' ... it would NOT have been 'ok'; and, they tell you this looking off in the distance. MMmmmm, I am 'glad' that I did not have to raise girls. But, ... won't be watching out for them again either. Not if I am expected to keep in doing or not doing what parents expect. I even got the 'I did not say that' when I brought up her doing something that made this other person react they way they did. When I asked DH ... he agreed with me. Ain't gonna happen (again); next time they'll have to go with them.
  • anniespruce
    anniespruce Posts: 9 Member
    To Annr - what you're doing are cardinal acts of mercy - utter kindness. Just remember the love and that to give is what it's all about. I sometimes wonder - what if everyone in the world did what you do for everyone else in the same way? The face of the world would change in an instant. You are a blessing to them.

    annie from wy
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Purchased n planted a new variety tomato plant, "ketchup n fries". From one plant you can harvest tomatoes n potatoes, sounds fun ! Gayle Minneapolis
  • anniespruce
    anniespruce Posts: 9 Member
    GritSand - I had to smile when I saw your post! My mother was an english teacher, too, and how we love to slum. We mispronounce words all the time on purpose and try to get as many negatives as possible in one sentence. For us it was fun because we learned it so early. We're all big readers so we picked up as many slang words as possible. We'd see an old western with some grizzled old miner and go around verbally mimicking him for days. Mom used to say, as a writer, that it was more important to write than to worry about the rules. It was the universal communication of thought and feeling that was most important. I miss joking around with it (brothers all live far away and all in separate parts of the US). So I had to laugh when I read what you wrote. Great memories and Mom sighing, and then laughing.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Heather, sometimes a lie like you told is the kindest thing to do. That way it protects all concerned.

    Jo, welcome. This is a wonderful place for support and information. Most of us don’t do “diets” but have taken on a healthy lifestyle of eating right and exercise. And yes, MFP is an easy and effective way to track our intake. What part of NC do you live in? I moved here from Charlotte.

    Klanders, good for you on posting honestly to MFP. It is for your use, after all. Glad you get to take the trip to DC and hope you have tons of fun.

    Lisa, glad the sale was a success and that it’s over for you. Now how often are you going to be doing that now that you have a full time job? LOL

    KJ, great buy on the wagon! Don’t you just love a bargain. Cool beans on your participation on the pilot program. I know many parents use tablets to baby sit their little ones so it will be nice for them to be used for learning.

    Anne, I hate that the book ended up being a downer for you. We all think you’re great so try to squeeze those negative thoughts right out of your head. ((((Hugs))))

    Teresa, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Just work on getting that logging and exercise whole heartedly in the future and you’re on the right track. Come often.

    Chris, how nice to get all those new (to you) tops from your friend! Well worth helping out, huh?

    Carey, so great to see you!!! I’m sorry work is keeping you from us but I understand. I get behind and I don’t even work…well, er, ah, not at a paying job anyway. Tee hee hee

    Nikki, welcome back. Sorry about the sunburn. Good luck on the interviews.

    Katla, I know you are glad to be home even though you had a good time. That was a good statement to your friend that lost the weight. We don’t want to say something that makes it sound like they were fat!! Although I knew I was fat when I weighed over 200 pounds.

    Larisa, way to go on the swimming. Keep it up. I don’t blame you for not posing in a bikini! I think you should find one of those old flapper swim suits with the knee length legs and sleeves and pose in that. sexy-girl-waving-hello-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Annie, how wonderful that you have your granddaughter as your coach. It’s way easier to go on this journey with someone else.

    Gayle, I saw one of those plants on tv the other day. Can’t wait to see how it does.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Need to get outside in this beautiful weather and help DH with the yard work. I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Got all my beans and seeds planted and did a bit of weeding. Still more weeding to do, but it will wait. Pots watered. I'm trying not to get too attached to my plants this year as we are going to be away.. Let's hope we don't have a heatwave!

    Made a stir fry with the left over guinea fowl. Tasty and low in calories.

    Now for bed. :D Got my crime book to read. Looking forward to seeing my friend tomorrow. She has changed the venue to a restaurant in Portsmouth. That's fine by me, but I will have to trim the calories. I'll have to think of something slimming for dinner. :ohwell:

    In 5 days I will have done 100 days of Duolingo Norwegian. I think it's finally making sense. :laugh: I definitely can't remember all the vocabulary, but the structure seems more familiar and when I revise I can remember some of it. They have a lot of "polite" phrases, which is nice. Always oils the social wheel. I hope I get the chance to say more than, "Two coffees please"!

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 29.28min, 6.2-7.0sp, 136ahr, 147mhr, 9.31ap, 5k= 305c
    rope pull- 20min, 1726ft, 68ftpmin, 126mhr, lvl7, topset= 122c
    rowing machine- 15min, 48aw, 108ahr, 142mhr, 2339meters = 111c
    pt @ gym- 21min, 125mhr, 102ahr, various = 120c
    total cal 658
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    5:45 and im pooped.. gonna go to bed..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Took a moment to enjoy the lilacs today!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Margaret - I don't have any lilacs and have not had any since I moved to Oklahoma. I think I need to go buy me a nice size bush and plant in my yard. Do they need partial shade or are they all right in full sun. My back yard faces west and there is not much shade out there during the hot summer

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    DJ, interesting question. Much of what I did this time won't have to be done again ( like building tables), but thankfully, my sis and nieces are bringing the next load sometime around the beginning of the month, so I have time to decide after that one. Probably not as often as I'd like, but much will depend on my energy levels, too. I offered to pay for their gas, because they're saving me $600 and three days, not to mention, all I'll have to do is unload, and I'll have help!

    Margaret, I miss lilacs and camellias, and all the green and flowers from our years in Oregon... thank you!

    Lisa in West Texas
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Wonderful beautiful Sunday afternoon. It's in the 60's but that's OK. All of my 'Sunday' outfits are sweater sets. I don't do sleeveless of even short sleeve clothes. We have a lady in the choir whose husband is the one who when he comes in in the morning sets the thermostat for the sanctuary. And she is having hot flashes. So the very large fan in the choir loft is pretty cool.

    Michele, I just don't like the term skinny jeans. It denotes that being skinny is desireable. Skinny people are to skinny. Personally I like the boot cut. But misses boot cut doesn't fit my huge thunder thighs. But a womans size is a little to lose.

    I think I am gaining weight at an alarming rate. It as about 2 weeks ago that I was around 205. Today I weighed 219.8. My legs are huge. I really need to measure my ankle and calf when I wake up and then again when I go to bed. I know there was a huge difference when I came home from church and that was only a 4 hour difference. I thought about what Heather said about when she could hardly walk up the steps to her flat and now she does wonderful. We have 2 flights of steps going up from the choir rehearsal room. They are about the same amount as our steps here at home, just steeper. It is quite difficult for my legs and lungs to make that climb but I quickly recover. I do have a little bit of cough for no reason. Time for me to call and get appointment with nurse practitioner.I want to know why my jaw suddenly went from no arthritis to severe, my hips really bothering me, the bursitis never stops. My body seems to be attacking me.

    KJ, good luck with the new learning system. I agree with the kiddos having to much electronic time but if we can use that enthusiasm for learning, why not.

    Karen from Virginia. Thanks for the 'why' statements. I think we all need to go back and look at our 'whys'. Mine is to be able to be able to get to know and be a part of the life of my DaDgreat grandchildren. My oldest grand child is only 14 so I think I have a while to get to that. I also know that I may need to physically care for my husband in the future and I have MS so I need to be in good condition. I also need to be in better health which means better weight in order to be proud of myself and maybe in the process be an inspiration to others. Does that sound self centered???? But as a child of God, my body is His temple and I should take better care of it.

    Teresa that is one house full of dogs!

    Lenora, the main reason I was concerned about my grammar is that I know how those trolls can be. I already had more than my share of them calling me an embicile, stupid, don't know how in the world I am even smart enough to use a computer, etc, etc. So I didn't want to add anymore fuel to the fire.

    Katla, my Dad came home from the war to live in a chicken coop with my Mom. That's how poor they were. Now granted the chicken coop was 'renovated' into a studio apartment.

    My Dad called that a pomato and you get a bumper crop of of tomatoes and potatoes.

    Margaret, thank you for letting us enjoy your lilac bush also.

    About the Target post on face book. As I said last night, my daughter's were worried about me doing that and being involved and how I would be attacked. So I made one final post and said that my job was done, I had a purpose in writing it and had fulfilled that purpose. I thanked all of the respondents for all of their 'lively' discussions and that I would not go back to it. They should feel free to continue in it if they wanted but I was not going to be there. There has not been a single post since I said goodby to it. So I am very proud of myself in how I handled myself, calmly and respectfully, did not insult anyone, never let myself go down to their level.

    Charlie starts his colonoscopy prep in a few minutes. Fun times here!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, check out this site for information about shrubs, including lilacs in OK.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    anniespruce – Yeah, I would not ‘give up’ my ‘upbringing’ for the world. I did not ‘like’ to read for ‘pleasure’ until I was an adult. NOW, I can’t seem to be without a library book in hand or nearby.

    Joyce – I know what you mean about not wanting to add fuel to the fire when posting, and having someone ‘correct it’ … I can’t believe that a total stranger would call some names, i.e. imbecile, stupid, etc. That only show lack of ‘class’; my mother also taught us that you ‘can’t buy class, it is something that you grow up with, with someone ‘showing’ it. I learned more class from the ‘colored woman’ who my parents had for us to come home to after school, while they worked (or out of town) and I was ‘expected’ to treat her with respect and dignity. She was, after all, the next best thing to having my own mother there. She placed her 5 young sons in the care of someone else … to ‘teach them right from wrong’. In some areas of the country, “The Help” was as important as anything. The only 2 that I had growing up were ‘aunt and niece’. Gee, I loved when my Daddy would take me out to the farmland, so I could place around and get ‘spoiled’ by the sharecroppers. My Daddy was an attorney, and many times I would witness Wills so that nobody could take away a piece of property that had been ‘given’ to them. When it came time to Probate the Wills, I was always able to tell him where we were when the signed it. He taught me so much and I am ‘thankful’ that I had the parents that I did. Good for you, for not allowing them to ‘drag you down to their level’. One of the reasons I ‘deleted’ my FB account was (smart@$$ remarks & DRAMA). Do you think that maybe you have an issue with your ‘thyroid’? That is always good to have checked out. It is the ‘thermostat’ of the body. When ‘it’ is out of whack, the entire body is out of whack. That seems like an excessive amount of weight for such a short period of time. Do you think that maybe your MS has anything to do with your weight (or body holding on to fluid)?

    I 'love' this site; so many friends to help me over my 'humps' and to give me 'different ways to look at issues'.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited May 2016
    Joyce sounds like a call to the doctor is in order. You could be retaining fluid.

    I think lilacs like our cooler temps up here in Minnesota. I don't remember them so much in Missouri where I grew up. I miss the huge azalea bushes they have down there. We are too cold for those. Our bush is in a part shade spot, but I notice it reaches out to the sun. This bush is a French lilac which is a deeper purple. Always a treat and simple pleasure.

    I remember going to a retirement party here and that was the retiree remark was now they had time to enjoy the lilacs when they bloom. They only bloom for a couple of weeks.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @jmkmomm Joyce, not self centered, just honoring your body. We ask a lot of our bodies. They serve us pretty well, for the most part, and for a lot of years. Our bodies deserve to be honored and cherished and taken care of. My mom, who had bilateral mastectomies, used to say her body had served her well even with parts lopped off and that was pretty amazing. I have to agree...and take a lesson from my dear mom...

    Karen in Virginia