

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Janetr - sending {{{hugs}}} your way. So very sorry about the lost of your stepdaughter. Another angel flew. <3
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Janetr - so very sorry to hear about the loss of your stepdaughter. Sending {{{hugs}}} your way. Another angel who flew to heaven. <3

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    KarenH, I know what you mean about being awkward when people ask how much weight we’ve lost. It’s a pretty personal question, actually. belly-dance.gif

    Meg, my DD has done and said a few things over the years that hurt my feelings but my heart really goes out to you. I know you didn’t raise her that way and that she can be so (???I don’t even know what word to use????) about being someplace on time. OMG It sounds like you are insulting her by telling her what time a meal will be served!!! I’m sure your DH doesn’t expect much on Father’s Day so I suggest you go on with your plans and don’t worry about her.

    Terri, it’s so good to hear from you again. We really miss you when you are so busy. And yes, girl, answer that phone.

    Penny, glad you are getting to buy some special things that aren’t available where you live. I’ll bet the poplars smell wonderful. Have fun.

    Joyce, I’m glad you will keep your old jeans as inspiration. You did it once so you know you can do it again. We are with you all the way. With what you have been through it’s no wonder your healthy eating went by the wayside. ((((Hugs))))

    Larisa, way to go on all that swimming. I hope you will keep it up.

    Debby CA, welcome. This is a great place for support and information so come often and join right in.

    CarolNC, what a wonderful friend to share her winnings with you. When you strike it rich you can share with someone else. 

    Chris, great use of being homebound to get rid of your “fat clothes”. I did the same for fear that I’d go back to that size.

    MicheleNC, you said, “Did an hour of a horizontal conditioning DVD”. I did some horizontal conditioning today myself but no DVD involved. Hubby called it a “nap”. sleep-in-bed.gif

    Pip, at that price they could have made the Rolls Royce emblem a little bigger on those rims.

    Anne, believe me, there are many of us on here that feel the same way you do. Even though we haven’t met I feel like I know many of you and consider you close friends. The support and acceptance here is not to be found most places. I am so grateful that I found this wonderful group of women.

    Kay, so glad you had your knee looked at and even happier that it is better already. It is nice once we know that we aren’t harming our bodies. Get better soon. (((Hugs))) smiley-sick020.gif

    CJ, you don’t have to worry about depressing us but please know that we care and are sending best thoughts your way. Good for you to know it was time to cut that person out of your life. Feel better soon! (((Hugs)))

    Charleen, I love your flowers. Thanks for the picture. We have terrible soil here too and some of the clay is so hard that DH can’t even dig in it. Sure makes it hard to grow things.

    Marcelyn, so happy for your daughter and hope her prom is a success.

    KarenBC, even when I was younger I can’t imagine working 12 hour shifts back to back. You go girl!

    Katla, it sounds like you are having a great time with DD and grands.

    Vicky, welcome. This is a great place for support and information so come often. I was type II diabetic for a number of years. I lost weight with the help of these wonderful ladies here and have been off my diabetes meds for just over a year now. I just had my labs done and my A1C was 5.1, so you can do this. Good luck.

    Penny, pretty little flowers!!! Such an interesting place you live!! Wow, that picture of the hares has really been all around the world. LOL

    Margaret, I love the song, You Raise Me Up and just reading it in your post gave me such a positive feeling. Thanks.

    Heather, thanks for my Bea fix. She is just so darn cute!!!

    Annie, welcome. It sounds like you are off to a great start. When I started losing weight, no one noticed until I had lost 45 pounds. It is strange how we have to lose so much before it all of a sudden starts to show. Come often and join right in. This is a great group of ladies.

    Anne, I know you went to dinner last night so this suggestion is for future reference. Barbie taught me that in any restaurant, you can actually ask for what you want even if it’s not on the menu and they will often be able to prepare it for you. I’m really good about telling them how I “need” my protein prepared. Hope the dinner was a success. Well I see Barbie told you herself. ROFL

    Barbie, glad to hear about Vicki.

    Charlene, sorry about your neighbor but happy about the pants. It is beautiful there but I’ll stick to the flat lands and the ocean, thanks.
    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I just joined Planet Fitness…the no Judgement Zone. I hope it is. I prefer to work out at home but since I’m only doing a half-as@@# job of it I thought it was time to get serious. It has taken me all day and into tomorrow to catch up but I did it, by golly. Now it’s off to bed. I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Charleen2 wrote: »
    Janetr - so very sorry to hear about the loss of your stepdaughter. Sending {{{hugs}}} your way. Another angel who flew to heaven. <3


    Thanks, Charleen

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ Way to go on joining Planet Fitness. I think you'll rock it!!

    Janet (the 2nd, right behind DJ the 1st) :)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Rode the recumbant bike for an hour today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Pilates DVD

    Charleen - beautiful plants

    Marcelyn - that's just great about your daughter. I never went to my prom, either

    Went to dinner with the Newcomers and then to the show "Young Frankenstein". I can't believe how long it lasted. I was pretty good at dinner, had a salad of spinach, gorgonzola cheese, strawberries, I asked them to leave off the almonds but they put them on so I picked them off. Got the dressing on the side but didn't have any. Then I pretty well blew it and had a chocolate chip cookie when I got home. Just had water to drink

    Picked up my dress today. When I asked her how much, at first she didn't want to take anything because whenever I go over there I usually bring some treats with me. Then after I insisted she said $10. So I gave her $20. she's such a nice lady.

    Joyce - I'm with you on the pants. Everything is capris (and I can't wear them decently) or bermuda shorts (yuk). Occasionally I can find shorter shorts. I can't wait for the skinny jeans to go out of style. I can't wear them and that's what everything is, unless you go for a blue jean.

    Cheri - it seem the weight comes on so very fast for me, but it takes FOREVER to come off.

    Heather - Bea keeps getting more beautiful and more beautiful each time you post her pic

    Penny - love your pics

    Vince likes his food PLAIN. I kept telling him he can order a hamburger without this and that. Well, tonight he finally did it. And he got what he wanted, a hamburger with lettuce and tomato. That's IT.

    barbie - thanks for the update about Vicki

    Chris - can this BF get any better?

    Joyce - I one time posted something not-favorable on a store's facebook page any they must have filtered it because it never showed up

    Charleen - so sorry about your neighbor -- and so young, too. Yea for comfortable pants

    DJ - LOL "horizontal conditioning" Good luck at Planet Fitness. I know you'll make lots of friends there and then it'll get to the point where you don't want to disappoint them and not go.

    Went to the Hallmark store this a.m. Was talking to one of our neighbors and she was mentioning how we no longer have neighborhood get together. Maybe we'd have one next April, but I don't want there to be children here because of the pool. I can just see a kid wandering outside to go look at the pool and then falling into it.

    We didn't blow up my float for the pool today, so I definitely want to do it tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    caught up on reading but no comments, just to tired for words... hugs to all.

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Wow 6 pages to read! Everybody is busy...So am I & ive got to get back to sleep...family get together this afternoon
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited May 2016
    JanetR and Charleen - I've got four different "homes" and they're all essentially at sea level. It's only rarely I go anywhere I suffer from the altitude. Down here in the lowlands my stamina is pretty darn good, but put me anywhere near Mile High City and I feel like a physical wreck. Colorado was worth it, though!

    The advantage of northern Norway is we have high mountains "at sea level". Just east of our holiday home is a place where extreme sports enthusiasts arrange helicopter transport to 5000 ft for themselves and their skis, then ski all the way down the mountain to the water, transfer their stuff to seagoing kayaks and paddle back to civilization. Maybe I can arrange a pic later.

    I'm going out for a run now. Type to you later!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Talking about altitude - 2001 when I was in Peru, in Cusco, I was at 10,400 ft. Felt OK, if a little light headed when I arrived. My son (who is now a father ) wanted to go out to a bar on my first day, so I went with him and his then girlfriend. It was Happy Hour - whoops! The next day I had the worst headache ever!!! I was going on an English speaking bus tour of the surrounding area with the girlfriend that day. The English tour was cancelled so we had to take the Spanish one. Double whoops! I had to translate for the girlfriend with my inadequate Spanish, all the while with a banging headache. Dosed up on pills. Amazing I still remember where we went. It was worth it, but I hardly drank anything for the rest of the holiday. :D

    Barbie - Thank you for contacting Vicki. :flowerforyou:

    The photo of the Rockies is outstanding. Wow! What a view from the deck!
    Keep hoping I'm going to get over to the US at some point. So many amazing areas to choose from. I thought of Kim when I was reading the travel pages of our newspaper yesterday. Oakland was featured. Is that near you?
    A yoga lady is flying to San Fransisco on Tuesday to see her daughter and then they are going to drive up the West Coast. I thought of those of you she would be passing on her route. <3 I would so love to do that. Will have to work on DH. :D

    Going to put up the runner bean poles today (string beans?) and stick some beans in the ground. It'll be sink or swim with us going away. Ditto some yellow zucchini. Worth a try. I've got next door's 11 yr old daughter coming in to water our pots while we are away, but I can't ask her to do the garden. Our herbs, arugula, radishes etc are ready to pick, so I will celebrate by scattering some over my anti Alzheimers scrambled eggs. :D

    Tomorrow I'm going on the train to Portsmouth to see my old friend. We will probably eat at the beach café. Nice salads. :D It's the last time I'll see her before the cruise as the old school group outing is the following week, which I have bowed out of because one of our foursome is annoying me at the moment. I'm afraid I lied as an excuse, even to my friend I'm seeing tomorrow. It's easier for her that way.
    I will join them on the next outing in the autumn and try to button my lip. :ohwell:

    Love Heather UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Good Morning! Condolences to Janetr and Charleen on the loss of young neighbor and young step daughter. So very sad not to have a chance to grow old.

    I have a potentially tempting week coming up, lots of dining out and celebrating (surrounding a family wedding). I am actually looking forward to the challenge. I plan to fake it 'til I make it. I am going to pretend I am a normal person when it comes to managing food! Ha! I always have some grand plan for situations like this. Not this time, just going to play a role like any diva would. "Karen, the normal person". I have a nice dress and Spanx so I'm set!

    Going now to drink peppermint tea, catch up on politics (so amusing), scratch dog tummies, and then go to work for a few hours before finishing preparations for a busy upcoming week.

    I made kale chips yesterday. I kinda like them!

    WOMEN AGES 50+, Have a lovely day or afternoon/evening, depending on where you are in the world!

    Karen in Virginia
  • JoMo1951
    JoMo1951 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello ladies, I've been on FP for a while but just started really using it. I've started a ketogenic diet and FP is great for keeping up with carbs. I definitely fall into the 50+ category and am thrilled to see other NC ladies on here. Look forward to your support and hopefully my helping some of you.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2016
    @JoMo1951 Howdy from a neighbor in Virginia! (I love NC, sometimes I wish I lived there but too far from grandchildren). What would you prefer to be called?

    Karen in Virginia
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    dj have fun at planet fitness. I think it is great to mix it up with the exercise! I don't have the inner discipline to workout at home like a lot of great ladies on this site do! So I make going to the gym part of my daily schedule.

    We have decided to continue our annual tradition and head to DC for a long Memorial Day vacation. DD has extra days off from school so I took a personal day from work, something I never do, and we are taking the train down before DH joins us. We love it down there and with my overtime cash we can just afford it.

    I have made a decision to add my new weight gain to MFP. In the past I would feel guilty about gaining the weight back and stop being honest with my tracking and then just give up. NOT GONNA DO THAT THIS TIME
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all (and afternoon for our European chums...), welcome to the new ones, hugs to the rest...

    The sale went well--literally had people parked around us for blocks. Had a dozen people who came in late tell me they would have come in early, but we were just too crowded for them to get in. Only a couple of the items over $100 went, but still was well into the black. The vast majority of that was selling pieces 50 cents and a quarter at a time, just because there was so much. My phone's doing an upgrade, or I'd post pictures of how it looked before and after. One pair of ladies showed up at 8 a.m. for a 9 a.m. sale... so funny. I'll be posting the higher dollar pieces online, so those will hopefully sell, as well.

    The picture here is of the friend who owns the coffee shop, and they were selling coffee to the people in line... You can just barely see me at the bay door, with my head down, just at the leading edge of the china cabinet. The first hour was solid people, I'm so glad I had two friends, one who could speak Spanish, to come in and help, because it was all I could do to get people checked out.

    Anyway, I feel like somebody beat me with a stick, but finally got on the scale out here at the ranch this morning... was 183 when I left the house Monday morning, and 178 this morning. It's not a diet that I would recommend! Had zero time or energy to cook all week, especially on a dinky hotplate, so it was mostly fast food. But it reminded me of a pattern that works for me. I cannot eat breakfast, or I'm hungry all day long. I'd let myself forget that. If I don't eat until at least 11 a.m., I simply don't get as many cravings, and don't do the grazing that is so harmful.

    Haven't been to the gym in weeks, either, and hope to get back to that, as well, this week, especially now that I can shower at the warehouse, and not at the cootie-infested wellness center. :) My bathroom may be cootie-infested, but they're my cooties! :p

    Laundry to do, bread to make for the hubster. So glad to be at the ranch, even if it's only for a couple nights!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good morning every one! Happy Sunday! I have been reading every day and posting if I have the time. Many of your posts have caught my eye, so I will try to remember the ones I wanted to comment on. Sorry if I miss some one!
    Heather- What's not to love about the new pic of baby Bea! She is just a doll!
    Anne- It is so nice to see your posts on here! You look and sound like you are in a good/better place emotionally! Like you, I don't know what I would do with out this group of ladies!
    Pip-glad you are okay from being clipped by the mirror! Oh! and I LOVE the wooden bike! The rims are nice, too. What was on it before? Maybe a wider white wall? I definitely like the black and silver with the wood.
    Penny- As usual, your pictures are magical.
    Meg- I am so sorry for what you are going through with your daughter. Coming from a family of six very different siblings, I have always been amazed that we all turned out differently and with different opinions about our upbringing/parents. In talking with both of my sisters, my memories of my childhood are SO different that theirs. My older sister remembers a much stricter childhood (possibly due to my mother's "born-again" conversion), my younger sister remembers a neglected childhood (not true, but her perception), I remember a harried and frazzled mama, but lots of love. Love and hugs going out to you. My own kids, now in their mid/late twenties, often go back and forth with the "mom liked you best" thing. It seems to be all in fun; but I sometimes wonder if there is some underlying resentment between them.
    Lenora - Holy Crow! What a week you have had! Hope you and all those things upsetting you are on the mend. Love and hugs to you, my friend! <3
    Miriam-Big hug for you! and a question for the garden girl...I know this sounds disgusting, but I just cleaned out my gutters and some decomposed leaves, sticks, etc. were in there. I am wondering if I can use that as compost (add it to my compost barrel)?

    Well, I had my big three pound weight loss last week, this week I stayed the same. Which is okay, because I know this is what my body does. I am actually quite thrilled with it, because I didn't get my swimming in due to pool closed for "event" swimming, and due to the rain and cold temps, I didn't get my walks in three out of the five days this week. I did have success yesterday with a garage sale find/barter. I went to one of my daycare family's homes to drop off their kids jackets that were left at my house and to pick up a check; when I saw that they were selling their Burley (the child wagon type attachment for bikes). She let me take it for the money she owed, even though she had it marked for about twice the amount! Whoot! Been looking for a reasonably priced one for years! This is a very active community and finding a Burley for less than $75 is impossible. Got it in trade for $30! She laughed when I told her that I might be able to use it for the kids, if I ever have less than six (six on bikes is too many for me to feel "safe" riding with them), but I REALLY plan to use it to do my grocery shopping! Eeeeeek! So excited!

    The other new thing going on in my life is that I have been chosen to participate in a pilot program to introduce learning through tablet technology to pre-schoolers. I know, I know...pre-schoolers and younger are already using this kind of technology at home. But it is a program designed and sponsored by SchoolZone Publishing company (they are one of the top companies that put out the flashcards and work books in the U.S.), it is designed to record and keep track of how fast the kids learn using apps and tablet games. I have a "no electronics" rule in my daycare; because as these things have become more prevalent in kid's lives; I have noticed that they are isolating in the fact that only one kid is able to use them at a time and they are missing out on "face time" with friends, play time, etc. Anyway, I will be taking each of my 3-5 year olds aside for 20 minutes each, and going over letter recognition, letter sounds, shapes, numbers, word building, etc.. I am thinking I can do this during rest time, because at this age, most of them are really fighting resting anyway. SchoolZone HQ is located in my town and along with the free training I also got a two free android tablets, fully loaded with the SchoolZone catalogue of materials and two sets of over the ear headphones! If this pilot program works the way they hope; they are planning to implement it in the Muskegon Head Start pre-school program first. This is an inner city school district, where a lot of the younger ones are coming in with little or no access to technology. Because it is a lower income district, the children are usually "at risk" due to lack of toddler/pre-school cognitive abilities, lack of parental involvement (not always because of neglect; many times parents working two jobs or simply lack parenting skills themselves). Anyway, I am finding it all very interesting to see how the kids learn with the gadgets. They are very excited to start using them (tomorrow, 1st day).

    Well, it's 8am and I have to get started cleaning again. Family visiting next weekend. Trying to wipe all the smudges off the walls, re-attach things the kids have dismantled, spackle and paint a couple spots where the Tonkas have met the wall...
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    KJ, yes, definitely use the muck from the gutters in your compost. It is half decomposed leaves and tree seeds! The only caveat is if your roof is new there may be grit from the shingles in it. I noticed that my new roof shed a bit at first. But I don't think there is anything in there that you cannot have in the compost- the shingles would have to come with a warning if that was the case because it also is in the runoff water. I skip the compost stage and just toss the junk down in to my flower beds below. But I am a bit of a lazy gardener and also have a very cottage garden look to my yard. I have heard through the grapevine that there are some people in town that complain that my gardens look messy, but many of the people in town stop and thank me for their beauty. It is hard to get any work done on the front hell strip for all the people stopping in their cars to compliment me/ thank me! LOL And when I am in the front yard working, almost everyone walking by does the same.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Oh, and KJ, congrats on the study! That sounds like fun!
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Good morning ladies. Going to try and finish yard work today. Not very motivated. Woke up filled with anxiety. Can't seem to shake it today. Reading a new book that was recommended about learning to accept who you are and to love yourself more. Should not have read it before bed. Making me really face how I feel about myself. Ugh.

    Dinner last night was good. Watched my portions and did not order desert. So wanted a canoli but passed on it. I did drink a glass of wine.

    Most of you are so busy don't know how you do it.

    For those of you who lost loved ones I am so sorry for your lose.

    The pics people have been posting are great. Love seeing them.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member