Urban phrases that you HATE!!



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member

    My younger brother and his basketball friends yelled it out at his basketball games whenever someone made a good move, or anything else 'cool' happened. I even explained to him what a douche is and how women use them for feminine hygiene of thier VGs, and how it probably would be inappropriote or him to be yelling that out in plublic. (many older adults were looking shocked and confused in the crowds). He didn't care to change.
    HA!! that's hilarious. I remember when my cousin,he's probably 10 years old at the time, and he called his younger sister a dingleberry and his mom explained that a dingleberry is the poop that gets stuck in the butt hair of a cow and did he really want to call his sister that? He said, "yup."
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,117 Member
    How about. "that's creep".

    For example:
    Mom, can I borrow the car? NO. That's creep. LOL!


    What yo name iz?

    Very entertaining thread :flowerforyou:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    "Put on your big girl panties."
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    HA!! that's hilarious. I remember when my cousin,he's probably 10 years old at the time, and he called his younger sister a dingleberry and his mom explained that a dingleberry is the poop that gets stuck in the butt hair of a cow and did he really want to call his sister that? He said, "yup."

    That's so funny!
  • eillims
    eillims Posts: 11
    I hate when women call other women:


    First, why would you use the word "Fake" to describe a human being. It only makes you look unintelligent because you can't actually come up with a real adjective to describe them.

    And second, when woman call other women derogatory names, it only makes it ok for men to disrespect us and call us those names as well.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    "Shut the frront door." HATE IT! It sounds so stupid.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Ya feel me???

    (No, I don't, and I'd rather not...)

    And here's a question, maybe someone can answer for me. I am no where near racist and would never use the "N" word...but then, around here the people who actually DO use that word are black people, and they are not being mean to each other it's like a synonym for "friend" or something. How is that someone other than a black person calls a black person the "N" word no matter what the intention it is like the most horrible thing ever, but when a black person calls another black person the exact same thing it is like a way to recognize or acknowledge them as a "friend?" I don't get it? Cause it's like when women call other women "bi*ch" some women don't mind but I would be very offended if it happened to me no matter what or who said it.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    saying or typing "k" instead of ok... really its just one more letter!

    even better is when people type "kk"...seriously?

    Yes, the whole "kk" thing annoys the crap out of me.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Really! and Seriously! Makes me want to scream!!
  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    I hate when people call soda "pop". Although I've grown up in Detroit my whole life, I just don't get it.

    presumably because the bubbles go 'pop'. I grew up in Manchester (The UK one), and 'soda' was either called pop or mineral. Now neither is used particularly often, and it's generally just denoted as a soft or fizzy drink.

    One of my hates is when people use 'txt spk' when they have a full keyboard in front of them. Is it so much trouble to actually have some respect for any perspective reader and type the full word. Even if you aren't completely sure of the spelling you can always use the (sp) after the word, and at least people have a better idea of what it is you're trying to say without having to get somebody else to translate for them. Actually, I hate text speak all the time, but I will accept that sometimes there are character restraints on a mobile phone.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Anyone that says "hella" as a descriptive....makes me cringe, yes there are still people who say this......
    And for some reason it gets on my nerves when people on ebay describe an item as TDF "to die for"!!!!!!
    Nothing is to die for and as many times as they use it shouldn't they be dead already????? :grumble:
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    Keeping it 100.
    One Love
    The word "mines". Not in the dictionary!!! Not a real word!
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    i just found out what SMH meant!

    What does it mean? I usually have to google the abbreviations like that! IDK what they mean! (LOL)
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    "Gotta Love it."

    ...no... actually I dont.
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    Some of the English 'phrases' I hate;
    When a boy calls his girlfriend 'bird'
    When a girl gets called 'tidy'
    'Bang tidy'
    'Smashed it'
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    Very entertaining thread, it made me laugh while giving me something to do to take my mind off work for a few minutes. Most of the "real" phrases people complained about are old. The words people commented on are either abbreviations, slang or a mispronunciation of certain words. I may use an occasional slang word or urban phrase (as it is described) but only when in the company of those who are not offended by it. There are phrases I do despise for example, when a man refers to his child as "that's my seed", or when I hear someone express "where they do that at?" I knew someone who used to say "now she's got a nice pooper" and I'd shake my head in amazement. Today phrases are basically used by all races and cultures because we all live together, our young people use them and older folks pick them up...it's a cycle that continues on. We must either get over it or get with it:D

    The word I hate hearing the most is DAWG only when used by Randy on American Idol, his use of it annoys me to no end! :explode: Lol!
  • Viewparadise
    "It is what it is" I've never personally met anyone who wasn't using that as an excuse NOT to deal with something or as a reason to wuss out on taking care of something that they should.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i just found out what SMH meant!

    What does it mean? I usually have to google the abbreviations like that! IDK what they mean! (LOL)

    shaking me head or shake my head
    when i found out i felt dumb laughing out loud shaking my head
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    Wow, I pretty much agree on all these. I also can't deal with (although it's not urban) "ginormous."

    Also, I heard 2 people recently say "awesome sauce," and it made me contemplate violence.

    I like you! Because both of these are truly annoying. Ginormous sounds like porn and anything with sauce (awesome or weak) should be confined to restaurants.

    Also hate the following previously mentioned: "it is what it is." My husband says it when he wants to ignore something that pisses me off. "Cool beans" is dorky and for old people. My kids say "epic fail" too much, which has also turned it dorky. Peeps also makes me think of marshmallow chickens, yet with longing, so then I am annoyed with the people who made me wish for Easter treats in their fruitless attempts to be "street."

    However, I do routinely call all women friends and my sister "Dude." It makes for humorous playing against type given that I am wicked smaht and an editor who speaks and writes uber-correctly. (Don't think I am over-full of myself. I am fat--we all got gifts and problems.) Also gotta represent Hawaii--"brah" is entirely legitimate pidgin for a male friend/brother. Don't like it, don't use it, but don't crap on the culture. :)
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    Aw shoot and I totally forgot all the family-related ones: hubs, hubby, DH (anything other than "My husband" or "Steve", if you know him, is damn annoying). Preggers and preggo are hideous. Simply hideous. Way to make an already undignified time of life sound even more stupid. (Make no mistake, my children are my life's most important creations, now and forever, but I didn't enjoy a) being as big as a Volkswagen b) having my sex life, breasts, and other bodily functions open season for conversation c) People thinking they could touch me on the stomach because I was growing a human.)