Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OMG, Connie, all I can say is WOW!,,,Thank you!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    This post got lost somewhere, but thought it worth re-posting. It's from the Duke Diet newsletter:

    Using Meal Replacements

    You've probably seen shakes and bars designed to be drunk or eaten in place of a regular meal. You may wonder, Are they a good choice for weight loss?

    In general, it's better to learn how to choose healthy foods and eat them in reasonable portions than rely on a shake or bar to do it for you. However, meal replacements can be a good choice if you use them to replace a meal, such as breakfast, that you would normally skip. They can also be a healthy choice if you're caught in a pinch or need to eat on the go.

    While meal replacements can be a convenient way to cut calories, it's important to keep in mind that not all products are created equal. Check the Nutrition Facts panel and make sure that the number of calories and other nutrient values fit in with your meal plan. At the Duke Diet & Fitness Center, we often recommend brands like Slim-Fast and Glucerna.

    Also keep in mind that drinking a shake or eating a bar may not be as emotionally or physically satisfying as eating a well-balanced meal containing the same amount of calories. For example, compare drinking a 220-calorie meal replacement shake with eating a breakfast of one cup of fresh strawberries, four ounces of low-fat yogurt, and a slice of whole wheat toast. The second meal has the same amount of calories, but it would probably leave you feeling much more satisfied.

    So make time for "real" food whenever you can, and use meal replacements as a backup plan. Remember, a meal replacement may be a better choice than a burger and fries, but there's no substitute for learning to make healthy food choices for life.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome. Been busy with two message boards and work and sometimes life just gets in the way of posting. But I am around cause I am determined to lose the extra pounds plus some more. I quit smoking in March, did good in watching what I was eating at the beginning, then went to Italy with hubby on a Insight bus tour and came home a couple pounds heavy. Once home, I just couldn't see to quit eating........I was a garbage can for everything!!! lol

    Nice to read you posts and very inspiring to try and look as great as you women do at your ages. WOW, you are all great women!!

    Off to do the elliptical...catch ya later!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: this is a busy day for us so I'm just checking in to say that you all mean so much to me and your presence in my life has made a huge difference.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Buzz, you look fabulous in all your pictures....I want to be like you when I grow up

    :bigsmile: bada_bing, if you can quit smoking, you can do anything:bigsmile: I know you'll be successful on the weight loss trail

    :bigsmile: Becky, I thought I was an early riser but you put me to shame :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, thanks for the safety tip :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, we dog parents never have a complete day of rest :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, congrats on catching a fish :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: piquilter, how great that you could help make graduation a good occasion for your friend's daughter
    they are lucky to have you in their lives

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: piquilter...I understand what it is like to lose all that you have typed. I just made a fairly long post and forgot to hit reply.:mad:

    :flowerforyou: bada_bing...I quit smoking on November 19 of last year. If you like we can talk and maybe help each other stay smoke-free. This is NOT us: :smokin:

    :flowerforyou: is so nice to see your "frisky poodles" picture at this thread. So glad that you are here.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz...thank you for posting the information on meal replacements. I have never found them to be very satifying.

    I will have to miss my water aerobic class tonight because I will be working over.:grumble:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Good morning Sneakers!

    SANDY, No I don't have a job with the Ministry, however I am a representative for Tim's. I work with various Government outlets to keep updated and receive information that is related to my area. It was just a instance that I see on a regular basis at home and work, that is a constant reminder to enforce our control and thought before actions.

    BUZZ, I was wondering if you use the word processor on your comp to do copy and paste to this page. I am not in practice with that angle as yet but for experience I should put some effort towards it.

    EVERYONE, I do feel grateful for all your thoughts and insight you give me, and I am here to help, or give my two cents should you wish to hear it. My time at the comp is short, due to a lot of chores, or work, or studies that have to be done. So please do not feel I am just printing a spot.

    Trying to get out and walk on my days off, instead, of working long hours and walking. My feet just throb when I get home. May- be with out the work hours my feet will be better, less pain too I hope. Let you know how it goes, when I get back.

    Have a good day ladies, smile, you are looking good; the effort you put in every day is proof:drinker:

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well our postal strike is over in Canada.
    The Government legislated them back to work. :drinker:
    Now I can mail my thank you cards. We received gifts
    from people at the Renaming/Non-Renaming party of the

    I am also waiting for an invitation in the mail for a wedding
    we are attending in August. It should be coming too.

    I am so not organized for the upcoming week of vacation
    and parties we are about to host. I am sure everything will
    go well but I am very anal when it comes to functions and I
    want them to go just right. Starting to feel anxious. :ohwell:

    Rain today again and I just wish this week will go fast so i can
    get my head wrapped around all I have to do. :noway:

    Have great day today Ladies.

    <<Always be a little kinder than necessary>> James M. Barrie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :bigsmile: Summer has arrived!! Love summer!!

    I lost another few ounces but not recording but the scale did say 124.6 which is awesome!! :bigsmile: I made goal one which was 129, then moved it to 125 and made it, but now my new thing is to get to 123 so that my actually weight will be 125 with room to fluctuate, make sense?? I know I am crazy, but it keeps me happy. :laugh:

    Marilyn, where are you from again? The first thing I thought of when you said the Ministry was Harry Potter. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I hope your feet feel better and you will be able to continue to walk, just do the best you can.:love:

    Becky, those water aerobics are wonderful, there are lots of MFP who do them and have great success. :happy:

    Barbie, aren't all your days busy? You are the most active person I know, do you ever just chill out and do nothing? :tongue:

    Bada Bing, congratulations on quitting smoking!! As Barbie said if you can do that you can do anything.:bigsmile: What a great place to gain those extra pounds, my dream vacation, Italy!! Stick with the program, record the calories and exercise, before you know it those unwanted pounds will be gone. :happy:

    Buzz, I don't do any bars or drinks because most of them are so high in calories. I watch my sugar and when I read the label and see all the sugar in those things I pass. I think there are healthy supplements such as the ones Barbie and Jake use, so it is a personal choice. :drinker:

    Tonight I am taking Marisa and Bryanna to Medieval Times where we get to eat chicken with our hands and no silverware. :laugh: Aww, the smell of horses and dust kicking up, who could ask for a better time? :laugh: :laugh: Just kidding it is a great time and we will have fun. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day, hoping to get some bike riding and sun in today, although it might be too hot for the sun. :tongue:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I for one, LOVE the smell of horses !!! I envy you...have a wonderful time.

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, I am sure that you will be a great hostess. Relax and enjoy your company.

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, I hope your feet get to feeling better. Having them hurt must make it hard to be active.:frown:

    I had such a large, fattening breakfast that I can't think of lunch. I will probably grab a snack this afternoon.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    SANDY, BECKY, :laugh: :laugh: Too funny Sandy! I'm in Ontario, Canada, City of Pembroke. Ministry of Labour. Did a little walk today to see if it would be better. It would have been good, however Buttons suffers with a bit of asthma, so I did not go far. Next time the weather is bad in humidity I'll leave her home and see how far I can go. But I think it will be a good way to get my walking in. Shin bone was picking up some shock, so I'll change up my shoes to a air absorbtion type, that will smooth the walk out.:smile:
    As far as the pain goes I will monitor it so it continues to be a hum, to the tune that the muscles and bones are building up. If I feel the pain is in displacement of the bones, then I will go to the specialist and get what ever I need. I am not giving up exercise unless I am put in a straight jacket! I feel if I can do everything in my power and control to keep my body from getting out of good health and fitness, then I have won half the battle of troubles.:smile:

    Catch you gals later;

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Back from the hospital a little worse for wear but not too bad or too sore. I spent the night there and came home today. I had a great nap and although I am a little sore I am better than I thought I would be. I'll be counting down the 2 weeks until I get the results back from the pathologist to see if they got all the cancer. Wish me well.

    I caught up on the posts and had some good chuckles with all the jokes. I really love to laugh. If you knew me in person you'd know that I am always laughing and usually have a smile on my face.

    Best wishes to all.
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    hello to all you lovely ladies - well, our winter has finally arrived - very cold and wet here today but I've just finished a nice aerobic session which warmed me up and I'm going to try zumba tomorrow so am getting a lot of different exercising in instead of just hopping on the treadmil,l although i do enjoy it

    What a great photo Buzz - hard to believe you're 84.

    Jeri - positive thoughts sent your way and hope you results are have such a great atitude, I know you'll be fine.

    Barbie - our sunrise is 30 mins earlier than Christchurch in fact we are the 1st city in the world to see the sun, or should I say, greet the new day...the sun is certainly not going to shine today.

    Sandy, your medieval evening sounds like such fun - the grandkids keep you young eh?

    Well, have a great Tuesday and I will enjoy the rest of my Wednesday. Take care.

    Irish Mirror

    After living in the remote countryside of Ireland all his life,
    an old Irishman decided it was time to visit Dublin.

    In one of the stores he picks up a mirror and looks in it.

    Not ever having seen one before, he remarked at the image staring
    back at him. 'How 'bout that!' he exclaims, 'Here's a picture of me Fadder.'

    He bought the mirror thinking it was a picture of his dad, but on
    the way home he remembered his wife didn't like his father, so he hung it in
    the shed, and every morning before leaving to go fishin', he would go there
    and look at it.

    His wife began to get suspicious of these many trips to the shed.
    So, one day after her husband left, she went to the shed and found
    the mirror...........................................................................................

    As she looked into the glass, she fumed, 'So that's the ugly b!@# he's runnin' around with.'
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Sneakers.
    It was so hot here yesterday. I was melting. I had the grandkids and put the paddling pool out for them. They looked so hot! We have been forecast storms but nothing as yet. Last week when we had rain everyone was complaining, then we had a mini heatwave and everyone complained it was too hot:laugh:

    Jeri: So good to hear from you. Your posts tell us that you are a cheery person with a positive attitude. We are rooting for you:flowerforyou:

    Buzz: What a gorgeous photo. Would love to see one of you in your youth. You must have been a right stunner:flowerforyou: Going to Hawaii for the wedding sounds exciting. I have never been but it looks wonderful in the brochures.

    Bada Bing: I gave up smoking august 2008. I never thought I could do it after over 30 years of puffing. I have done it though and its thew best thing. I have put on quite a few pounds but now trying to get rid of them with the help of the sneakers & MFP. You have done fantastic so far. Keep it up. You will get days of 'I could with a cig' at the most strangest times, but they don't last long and get less frequent. We are here to help you, so call on us if you need to.:drinker:

    Becky: I agree we are definately NOT :smokin: I would'nt be able to Zumba if I were:happy:

    Marilyn: Hope your feet get less painful. You are a strong lady.:flowerforyou: Thanks for the knife tip. I have done that on many occasions. It's amazing that I have'nt lost any fingers or toes.

    Sandy: Medieval night sounds like great fun. Eating chicken with your fingers is the the best way I find:happy: Congratulations on your weight loss. I understand what your saying about getting a bit lower. You'll do it:drinker:

    Buzz: I don't go for the shakes or bars either. Don't appeal to me much. I like my 'real' food too much:laugh:

    Barbie: You mean so much to us too. You are a great inspiration to me.You are so strong with your choices. I often think of you when I have a difficult choice to make, especially your commandment, 'if you can't have a small portion and then leave it, then don't have it at all' It works for me most of the time, but I do occassionally cave in! I get tired just reading about your active day:laugh:

    Shirley: Try not too worry you will make a great host I am sure:flowerforyou: Enjoy:drinker:

    Marie: Was it today Jerry had his appointment? How did he get on? Ever since you posted your Icecream. I have had some. I am blaming you:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: How's your melons?:bigsmile:

    Maddie; Hope you're well. When are you going to show us some more dancers?

    Well this turned out to be a long post, Sorry girls. Hope I have'nt bored you too much.

    Take care
    Deb:yawn: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri so glad to see you are back home.......................The doctor gave Jerry a clean bill of health today. He has to go back n 6 months. What a big relief

    debs our melons are growing just fine, They are the persnoal size ones. so shouldn't take too long to get ripe. sorry about the icecream. . I admit I have been temper to get into Jerry ice cream. But so far Have not done so.
    Hello to all of you Sneakers.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Becky, I didn't realize or didn't remember that you had quit smoking. Congratulations to you for that.........I have heard that quitting smoking is harder than quitting alcohol or heroin and anyone who can successfully quit smoking is a real winner in my book:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, you are amazing the way you juggle all your jobs and your exercise and your health challenges :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, take it one day at a time and all will go well for your events.....your careful planning will serve you well.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I understand exactly what you mean about your weight. I didn't record my most recent weight until I had been at or below it for a week and now I am below my goal but will not post it, just use it for "wiggle room".....yes, I relax a lot.....we have DVR and record a lot of favorite TV shows and Jake and I watch them together in the evening :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Medieval Times sounds like a lot of fun.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jeri, thanks for letting us know that you are home from the hospital. I will think healthy thoughts for you as you await the test results.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Judy, what is the weather like for you in the winter (temperatures, snow ? icy roads ?) I loved your story about the mirror :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Deb, wow, you quit smoking years ago and are still quit......that is fabulous:bigsmile: and now you'll be getting rid of those extra pounds. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, glad to hear the good news about strong and stay away from his ice cream:bigsmile: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I went out to lunch today at a lavender farm with a group of 12 women celebrating one of our friends achieving 15 years of continuous sobriety :bigsmile: I didn't know if I'd eat anything or not, but when I saw french baguettes with a scoop of pesto, a scoop of hummus, and a scoop of lavender tapanade , I knew that I found the treat I was looking for. it was yummy and a small enough serving that I didn't overdo.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Ditto on all that Barbie said.:laugh: Girl, you are just wonderful when it comes to posting. The baguettes sound wonderful. I love them with a bit of olive oil. I know, fattening, but it is the sort of fat that is good for us.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, I did Zumba for two years while smoking. Well, not the two of them together, but you know what I mean.:laugh: I have quit smoking twice in my lifetime. First time was in 1981 and then this past November. I had taken it back up when I broke my arm in 2006. Had a lot of stress at that time and was living with and being visited by people who smoke. Personally, the only way I am able to quit is to do it cold turkey. I can't just wean off of them. I am the same with food. Once I begin to eat there is no stopping me.:mad:

    :flowerforyou: Judy...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeri...just remember they are doing miraculous things with medical treatments. I believe that you will be just fine. My supervisor had breast cancer when she was in her early 30s (about 25 years ago). She is doing great. Her only problem has been with one of the inserts. It ruptured and had to be replaced. She found out at that time that her inserts had been recalled !!! Back then they removed everything. So, I am just saying that you will be OK.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie...I probably didn't mention that I smoked. It isn't the sort of thing that one would discuss at a heathy weight lose site.:laugh: They did find out about it at the YMCA. I think one of the employees found me outside with a cigarette. Most of them know that I have stopped.

    Well, have to be running. I am scheduled to donate blood this morning.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Good morning ladies,

    Just a quickie, time for the gym. Did a bit of overeating yesterday, I think it is the weather, dull, damp and cooler than I like it. I'll calculate the calories in a bit, have today's to log in. I'm doing this on my daily calendar, find it easier, quicker and I can go back as far as needed to find a food or amount.

    BARBIE, thanks, but it will be a challenge come next month, I'm told that vacations start in July and go through the top of September. I took a leave of absence at Tim's to free my time for the other two. I am casual at the Civic, in other words I get call in's or scheduled for furture dates. Miramichi is a three day a week job, and call in's. September 12, I am to start back at Tim's full time. Crossing my fingers that will be the end of vacations. I am hoping to get on a full time part time position, in other words get a guaranteed set of hours per week or two weeks. Either at the Civic or Miramichi. Then I can schedule days at Tim's and leave open days for off time or call in's. By September too I am hoping I will be back on a full work out plan to get all my body back in order. Right now it is focused on my back, abdominals, and pelvic muscles, with some arm exercises with weights, squats, lunges for my knees, then stretches that are limited to legs, glutes.

    Feeling very lazy, but I am going to get going, catch you gals in a bit.

  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Hi everyone! Yay we have sun today and it's supposed to get in the 80's today and the rest of the week. Busy getting ready for a week at the lake with our friends and their 2 daughters. I'm doing laundry, packing, have 4 pans of cookies ready to go in the oven (don't be too impressed they are the "dough boy's" creation :laugh: ), have ingredients for 2 batches of rice krispie bars, and for some dumb reason decided this was the week to empty the hot tub and clean it :noway: Spent yesterday afternoon working on that, my back was really 'crabby' about it last night, I but will wait until we get back to refill it. Could have really used it last night. Got up at 4:30 this morning so I could be at the athletic club when it opened at 5. Had to cut exercise short this morning because I had a 6:45 platelet donation appointment, that's the reason for the 'pretzel' breakfast. This was my 120 blood/platelet donation and I got my 15 gallon pin today too, along with 'gift' day so I got another blood donation t-shirt, I've gotten some really good gifts along the way :smile:

    Buzz--OMG, I have no plans to 'grow up' :happy: , but when I get more 'chronologically challenged' I want to look like you! :love: You remind me of Sally at the club where I work out, she's about your age, drives a VW beetle convertible, and wears fun bright clothes and accessories. I just love her! On a different note I do agree with the information about meal replacements, 'one' of the times I lost weight I ate Smart Ones & Lean Cuisines, but besides being high in sodium for the most part I did not learn the skill that is one of the main parts of my problem, portion control. I'm one of those people who needs to 'chew' so I could never do a liquid replacement.

    Becky & Buzz--Oh, Tom Selleck in those shorts he wore on Magnum, and that chest? Oh, and then when he stood up after his morning ocean swim and was all dripping.......I get 'warm' just thinking about it :tongue: Blue Bloods is one of our favorites, but as much as I like him, Johnny Depp is really my 'main man'. Sigh..............what I wouldn't give........ Our friends know I'm a huge fan so courtesy of them I have 2 big posters of Captain Jack in my sewing room, a Captain Jack coffee mug, and a Captain Jack beach towel, at least when I get done swimming I wrap him around me--hee, hee, hee

    Bada_Bing--this truly is a great group, they cheer for the victories encourage and lift your spirits on days you get discouraged.:drinker:

    Marilyn--Great timing with the knife information, it happened to be the day I'd gone to Gander Mountain for an electric knife sharpener and had been busy sharpening all of my kitchen knives and the my husband's fish fileting knives. We go fishing during 2 weeks of the entire year, 2 vacations, and we don't catch that many fish, but when we do he's always cussing out the knives because he can never get them sharp enough! He sent me out for a sharpener that morning.

    Well, as much as I love you guys, nothing is getting done on my 'to do' list so I better get at it!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I have been MIA because hubby and I are coming to the sad conclusion that we cannot afford to live in the house we live in now. :cry: It was my first husband’s homestead that was left to him and I.:flowerforyou: He died when my children were little.:brokenheart: I’ve remained there keeping up all the traditional “homestead” activities,:flowerforyou: brought up my 3 daughters there,:heart::heart: :heart: have an In-law apartment that housed my first MIL:heart: and after her death my current husbands mother:heart: until she died last year.:ohwell: My second hubby and I have lived there for 19 years:bigsmile: …..memories…..memories…memories….. I have lived there 35 years.:love: Now there is just the 2 of us living in a large cape, with an In-Law apartment and we live in a town with probably the highest taxes is Rhode Island.:angry: It’s such a difficult decision to sell this special house and downsize, but it is inevitable that if we don’t do it now…..we will need to do it at some point. We are at a point in time where we are healthy and have options.:flowerforyou: I don’t want to wait until we are forced to.:noway: I know it’s just a house…..but to me….it’s filled with a lifetime of memories:sad: . We are having a friend who is a realtor talk to us next week and in the meantime we are cleaning out and sorting all the “stuff” that’s accumulated for 63 years.:noway:
    I am not keeping up with the posts but continue to exercise and track every day.:wink:
    It is a bitter sweet situation as it will be much easier for me to maintain a smaller dwelling and I know the good Lord has a darling little house picked out for us already (as I have put it all in His hands).:love: We will do our “do diligence” and I’m sure we will be better off. In the meantime, I can’t help but reminisce as I walk through the house and think “if only these walls could talk”. :cry: :laugh: :mad: :heart: :sick: :happy: :heart::brokenheart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    So I may be moving to another house, eventually, but I’ll never leave my MFP home.:happy: :smooched: If you don’t hear from me often….I’m sure I’ll be busy:ohwell: . As I have succeeded in my weight loss journey doing things “one day at a time”, I intend to apply the same principals to this new journey. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sending hugs to all and hope you are all well.:love:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers, just checking in to ensure everyone is doing and keeping well.

    Marie, that's great news about Jerry and must be a load off both your minds. Now relax and enjoy life again!:heart:

    Buzz, love the photo which goes to prove being young at heart puts a huge twinkle in the eye! Sorry I missed your birthday but delighted to hear you had the family with you and obviously had a great time.:heart:

    Deb, great to see you posting which hopefully means you are feeling a whole lot better. Don't say too much about the hot weather because before we know it the evenings will be drawing in and it'll all be over for another year!!

    bada_bing, welcome! I'm sure you will get loads of inspiration and ideas for losing weight from these wonderful Sneakers. I have!

    Sandy, you're still chipping away at those pounds and that's brilliant but don't go fading away on us!!! You look perfect in your photos so I can't see you need to lose much more.

    I'm going to visit friends in Gloucestershire for a long weekend planned around an annual Wimbledon Ladies finals party on Saturday. There will be lots of strawberries and cream, smoked salmon and jugs of Pimms but I'll do my best to behave. We might get to watch the tennis match too but more often than not we are so busy chatting and catching up we forget until it's all over!!! Anyway that's where I'll be so won't be able to log in for a few days. Still think of you all even if I don't get to check in so you all take care.:flowerforyou:

    Back next week!