Focus T25 by Shaun T - Just starting. Accountability and motivation.



  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Haha well done @AnniePenny I feel the same way sometimes and puts me off.

    So first week of Beta done and nothing good has come of it on my weekly weigh in update.
    If I compare to my first weigh in at the gym 4weeks ago there is progress and loss. If I compare to the progression I was making in Alpha compared to Beta there is bad news. Ofcourse I'm going to stick out this next week and continue as normal and see if anything incredible happens this week or in the next 3 I'm over half way there. I'll do a break down of stats for last 4weeks.

    End of week 4 compared to end of week 6
    *my scales at home show me in 69.3 so must be broken unfortunately.
    5ft7 female 28yrs old
    Weight - 71.3kg / 70.2kg
    Fat % - 34.9% / 34%
    Fat Mass - 25.9 / 23.9
    Muscle Mass - 44kg / 43.9kg
    Metabolic Age - 43 / 41
    BMI - 24.7 / 24.3
    Degree of obesity - 12.1% / 10.4%

    I was steadily gaining muscle mass and losing body fat % into this week of Beta (week before Tom just starting).
    Body fat % - 34.9% / 33.2% / 33.2% / 34%
    Muscle Mass - 44kg / 44.9kg / 44.4kg / 43.9kg

    Anyone got advice, help? Is it because it's Beta now and my body needs to adapt or retaining water or anything like that? Or am I doing something wrong? Nothing changed except the workouts from Alpha to Beta? Should I go back to Alpha or keep moving forward with Beta and Gamma?? Really stuck and feeling down hearted. I do notice huge changes in my body and muscle definition and thought I'd been gaining more muscle.. but now that seems unlikely unless that no. Will just change suddenly in a week or two?

    Thanks in advance guys.

  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    Did my 1st day of Beta yesterday- Core Cardio- holy moly did I sweat! I made it through the entire 25 minutes but i did modify some.. not going to lie, I felt like i was going to puke after for a little bit LOL

    @rachelriley87 don't be discouraged! I haven't done my measurements since the 1st time about a month ago because I don't want the numbers to mess with my head- I am going by how I feel- I haven't lost anymore weight (down 2.5 pounds in 5 weeks) but I can tell I am getting stronger everyday. I do the elliptical every morning and 5 weeks ago I could barely do 12 minutes with a very low resistance. Today I am doing over 20 minutes with the resistance almost all the way up and getting 4 miles done. I also noticed in T25 I am able to do a lot more without modifying. You got this girl!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks @cgibs87 just what I needed to hear! Sounds like you are killing it!! I just did core cardio now too. I can barely breathe but I think the weigh in made me push even more than usual til the point I got dizzy. I'm still sweating now as per usual and trying to recover. I'm genuinely upset that I decided to weigh in each week at the gym, I am feeling tons better and barely modify anything except planks and push ups now. Maybe I will try to do a little more like you and see if I progress there too. I am trying to get fit and healthy but I also really want to lose the belly/back fat I've gained. I thought by now 6weeks in I would see a change in the stomach more as I really want to be ready for the beach. Looks like I might miss it this year. I have some stretch marks from when I was on steroids and lost weight from my chemo and biopsy scars bone marrow scars pic line scars etc. that I'm really self conscious of and thought by toning up and losing weight I'd feel more comfortable on the beach. I guess my results will just come slower when it comes to the physical. Mum always said they are battle scars but at my age I don't want them haha!!
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    Thanks @cgibs87 just what I needed to hear! Sounds like you are killing it!! I just did core cardio now too. I can barely breathe but I think the weigh in made me push even more than usual til the point I got dizzy. I'm still sweating now as per usual and trying to recover. I'm genuinely upset that I decided to weigh in each week at the gym, I am feeling tons better and barely modify anything except planks and push ups now. Maybe I will try to do a little more like you and see if I progress there too. I am trying to get fit and healthy but I also really want to lose the belly/back fat I've gained. I thought by now 6weeks in I would see a change in the stomach more as I really want to be ready for the beach. Looks like I might miss it this year. I have some stretch marks from when I was on steroids and lost weight from my chemo and biopsy scars bone marrow scars pic line scars etc. that I'm really self conscious of and thought by toning up and losing weight I'd feel more comfortable on the beach. I guess my results will just come slower when it comes to the physical. Mum always said they are battle scars but at my age I don't want them haha!!
    The pushups kill me! And stuff like Vsits dont quite look as "v" as the demonstrators. Keep working through it. I'm gonna splurge on Gamma and find the right balance between "strength" and "cardio" with this program!
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    hi Rachel not sure if I'm missing something but your results look great. everything going in the right direction. if your muscles are aching more since starting beta or if you had high sodium or food like rice yesterday this would lead to temporary water weight and I
    could affect results. I don't think you can read too much into one week. it also could be just the fact it is a new workout so you won't have been familiar with the routine so maybe done slightly less than last weeks alpha? I don't think you need to feel despondent . give it a few more weeks.
    it sounds like your body has done amazing things and looked after you wonderfully beating cancer. mine has too. my battle scars cant be seen and I do have daily inconvenience because of the treatment I had. cant be too cross about it though. without them I wouldn't be here.

    I think generally people are so hung up about their own bodies and bits they aren't proud of they are too preoccupied to look at other peoples. try not to be too hard on your body. its done good things for you and is getting fitter by then day. x
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    just did beta 2.0 forgot how much fun it is. time flew by. so nice to have a day off push ups too! don't think I worked as hard as I could as I usually work out first thing and couldn't o it til this evening today. Sun was streaming in and it was really hot. so not all sweat was due to the workout !
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    are you doing speed 2.0 tomorrow cGibs? hope you enjoy it. there are a few breather moves interspersed to get your breath back along the way!
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    @chookywillow doing speed 2.0 tonight after work! Looking forward to it but I am a bit scared haha

    @rachelriley87 you have been through a lot at such a young age, concurring cancer is AMAZING. Be proud of yourself and let your "battle scars" be a reminder at how strong you are and how far you have come
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @chookywillow thanks for your post I know those daily struggles only too well. Maybe your right with the food but it's the fat % going up in the last week and the muscle mass going down past 2weeks that's my concern. I'm generally good with foods and nothing changed except the workout. Glad to see your doing well on Beta workouts speed 2.0 is a killer especially in hot weather I feel for you! I also feel later workouts don't suit me as my brain just does the motions and no real effort shutting off ready for bed.

    @cgibs87 thankyou for support needed it today. I have my good days and bad I think it just depends on my mood it's a daily struggle. Some days I feel great about myself and progress other days I feel like it is such slow progress and dragging. Although these changes will stick for life as maintenence I just want to get there a little faster. I'm very impatient.

    On that note I decided to take a picture of my stomach from the side I took a few selfish snaps at the start and even after a massive sweet baked potato there is a huge difference wish I knew how to upload to show and see if you guys can tell. It's made me more optimistic.
  • kittehkitteh88
    kittehkitteh88 Posts: 40 Member
    Weight loss isn't always linear, you are doing really well! keep up the fab work
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    Survived Speed 2.0- I like it!
  • kittehkitteh88
    kittehkitteh88 Posts: 40 Member
    Love Speed 2, Upper Body and Rip't, HATE Core cardio, the jumps are horrible!
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    Love Speed 2, Upper Body and Rip't, HATE Core cardio, the jumps are horrible!
    Dynamic core is horrible
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    oh dear kitte think i have core cardio tomorrow. cant remember it at all. which is worrying . may have blanked it out!
    Rachel if you can see and feel progress that's brilliant. focus on that til the scales catch up.
    glad you enjoyed it cGibs. its fun is nt it. more fun when you finish looking back then at 14 minutes in!
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    there are some good breakdowns and reviews of t25 and lots of other beach body work outs on diapers and dumbbells.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Just did Rip't Circuit it's a killer workout but I used the 5lbs today instead of 2.5lbs and just about survived.. dvd finished just as I was wanting to give in thank God! Theres one part the half tuck jumps whete my legs are like jelly my stomach and back ache and i just want to die. I also love the speed 2.0 like you all.. it's the weights I feel the most burn with and any planking.. love core and legs with jumping.. any day after weights are involved my whole body is sore. I actually just booked in for a massage which is tomorrow now yayyy and hopefully might do my doubles tomorrow too before hand as sat. I have alot in at work!
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    I upped the weights on rip' t to 5kg too. had to go back to 3 for one of the exercises though. cant remember which one now. 24 hours and my brain forgets. bit like child birth! just done core cardio. so glad the countdown timer is there! my thighs were complaining loudly at the last pike ups. couldn't do them as fast as the super fit group could! I have just been doing one a day in order through alpha, beta, gamma . then back to alpha. wonder if I should follow the programme properly. lost the sheet thing though so will Google it. do you think its better to do them in the order Shaun says?
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    Did Rip't Circuit last night too @RachelRiley87- I used 3lb weights hoping in a week or two I can move up to 5lbs. I liked the workout for the most part- I really don't like anything to do with planks though haha
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @chookywillow I'm pretty sure the order is important for how you build your stamina core strength and then onto the next stages which is then core then strength in game. I'm sure there is good reason on order of dvds with what muscle groups you focus on so that you don't understand or over train. Well done on the 5lbs!!

    Well done @cgibs87 and I'm sure you'd be surprised how you can actually move up after a couple with lower weights trust me if I can anyone can because I'm so weak in my upper body in fact I'd say I had no to very very little upperbody strength into alpha started. Haha those damn planks!! I'm actually enjoying the workouts nor and more as I'm able to push more each time. In Alpha I could never really 100% nail it in beta I can though and feel improvement. Can't wait to do everything all over again either for some reason.. although I may sing another tune soon but now after hating workouts I look forward to them and doing two wasn't too bad for the first time doubling up... in fact I find after one workout sometimes I feel ready for one more now. Who woulda thought that 6weeks ago!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I'm still on vacation but had a second so just caught up on the thread. Glad to see everyone still at it!

    I'm eating horribly, but at least I have gotten in some form of workout everyday while I'm here. Will be sad for vacation to end, but glad to get back to T25. Have a good day everyone!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @motivatedsister now that's dedication checking in while your away. Vacation is for treating yourself and by keeping active you can do just that so enjoy what time you have left! So nice to get away and relax once in awhile. I havnt had a holiday in years. I used to work as a masseuse on cruise ships so have been a few places one day I'll go when I'm not working 16hr days! Looking forward to your return.

    So after yesterday (I did speed 2.0 and upper focus) I feel completley knackered today even though afterwards yesterday I had so much energy and pazzaz I felt like I could of done another crazy I know. Well needless to say really glad I didn't get carried away as I have Rip't circuit today and a bit nervous with how achey I feel, it's probably just what I need to stretch out these muscles though im pretty sure why fridays are double is because you surely need recovery day afterwards or I do with the weights.. even after a relaxing massage yesterday. On a bright note I dropped .4kg on scales this morning.. let's see if that holds true on my Tuesday weigh in.

    Does anyone else ache like crazy the day after the weighted workouts?? I'm just scraping by on 5lbs as I feel near to exhaustion on the last couple of reps in each exercise so perfect whereas with the 2.5lbs it was still tough but I wasn't totally drained towards the end of each weighted exercise, which tells me these are the weights I should be on (5lbs). Will I always ache or will it get better?
  • rkaegeecee
    rkaegeecee Posts: 13 Member
    I'm starting it today. I've done it before & loved it. But excuses got the best of me. So now I'm finally done with making excuses & am excited to be doing t25. I also hated the double days. I can't ever complete both in one day. Hmm, gets me discouraged sometimes
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @rkaegeecee welcome to the thread, really excited to have someone else new join us! I think alot of us here doing t25 have had the problem with finding excuses. As for the doubles I've split them all up to fri/sat or fri/sun so far and no problem.. I have only done stretch once in first week however as I found no benefit of it at all. Your work it out I'm sure so don't be discouraged find what works for you.

    Just did my Rip't circuit and boy did I sweat just drinking a hydrating fitness drink now.. got alot of paperwork today but feeling better to have this out the way!

    Hope everyone's doing okay, have not heard from a few of you in awhile. I really hope your all doing great on your fitness journeys whatever you have been upto and had a fantastic week so far!

    In England it's a bank holiday weekend (3days) and so hot, unfortunately I'm working Saturday and Monday with a sporting event Sunday (i do recovery on athletes) but it keeps me in check so I don't over indulge on alchol or chocolate cake and bbq... well I'm not 100% sure on the alchol and bbq there's a huge event Saturday with both and I might make it a half way through treat to have a beer (or 2) and a burger!! (Any advice on alcoholic low calorie drinks welcome here).

    Goodluck all on your long weekend if you have it, I know I'll need it! :wink:
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    hi rkae I 'm new to the board too .been doing t 25 a few times a week for a year or so. now doing it everyday, and dieting. I have lost my plan sheet though so need to find a copy on Google.then will try to follow it properly. realistically not sure if I will be able to double up workouts though. I have 2 children and half an hour in front of the tv is their max ! are you starting tomorrow?
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    hi Rachel I did upper body today. used 3kg for the long lever exercises and 5kg for curls etc. definitely knew I'd gone up a weight. my arms felt the same when I went to 3 from 1 so I am sure as your strength improves and you get used to the higher weight it will stop aching. I made a bench for the garden today(my Phone wanted to type harem which made me chuckle!) . I had to saw through some left over fence posts and decking. my sawing arm is aching already. goodness knows how it will feel tomorrow.
    I'm in the UK too. off to see my parents tomorrow who live in a town with a big folk festival. much Morris dancing and hanky waving! I tend to drink gin . and for a few weeks have just had glass of slimline tonic with a slice of lime. nearly as good!
  • Blessed_Mommy86
    Blessed_Mommy86 Posts: 52 Member
    Double day today but the first one is Speed 2.0 and I'm not looking forward to it! But I have to push through because after today I will only have one more week left of Beta and then I start Gamma! Peeked at the scale this morning and I'm 157 lb. Only 7 pounds away from goal! (But not at all close to the physique I'm hoping for.) Official weigh in is tomorrow. I hope I don't blow it this weekend... I'm attending a bridal shower tomorrow and we're having a BBQ on Sunday. I just have to remind myself of my goals and not go crazy with the food.
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    Just ordered Gamma today! I won't start it for 2 weeks. Its gonna be a great summer.
  • rkaegeecee
    rkaegeecee Posts: 13 Member
    @rachelriley87 thanks for that. I'll for sure be splitting it.

    @chookywillow I've started this morning. I've had to modify though on some stuff.
  • lvmamaduke
    lvmamaduke Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I'm new to the board, glad to find you guys. I'm on week 4 day 4 of Alpha and love it so far.
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    welcome! its lovely here. its a great work out ist it.