P90X: Bringin' it! June-Sept



  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    PLYOMETRICS-- Complete!!!!!!!! woohoo i am so proud of myself. My only down side is my bad hip hurts a little but thats ok. woohoo!!!

    :tongue: :happy: :laugh: :wink: :smile:
  • morgan511
    morgan511 Posts: 17 Member
    Sooo... I am a day behind =/ but I finished the Back and Chest today along with the Ab Ripper X. I plan on making Plyo up on Yoga day which I have done before so I am not too worried =) Happy I got on the ball and started today!! Hope everyones workouts went well!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I decided to post my HR monitor readings for each day for anyone that is curious.

    P90X Day 1 complete - Chest & Back & Ab Ripper X
    Duration: 01:15:27
    Calories: 712
    Fat Burn: 00:38:37
    Fitness: 00:36:45
    Average HR: 118
    Maximum HR: 155

    P90X Day 2 complete - Plyometrics (including bonus)
    Duration: 01:00:29
    Calories: 768
    Fat Burn: 00:10:39
    Fitness: 00:49:50
    Average HR: 138
    Maximum HR: 167
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I can do the push-ups pretty good, but even though this is my 3rd round of P90X I still struggle with the pull-ups. I've finally lost enough weight so that I can actually do a few pull-ups without using the chair but I still have a LONG way to go.
    P90X Day 1 complete - Chest & Back & Ab Ripper X - 712 Calories

    Sweet! How was it?
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 3 done!! Did shoulders & arms/ ab ripper x and compared to Pylometrics it was easy! walk in the park lol... ok I did kind of cheat I only had 5 lbs weights and it's safe to say I outgrown them and need heavier weights cause I was barely feeling a burn but can't get me more until payday :( oh well I'll get better weights for next weeks shoulders & arms day... also I really need a HRM I can't afford one yet so I'm logging it under calistethics since there's nothing else that comes close luckily you all have a HRM so I am getting a better sense of what I'm burning its not accurate but the best I can do...
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    day 3 done here too - also shoulders and arms, didnt have time to fit in the abx because the baby woke but i'll do that once he's back in bed later.

    406 cals burnt doing it though, i used 6lbs - thats all i have at the moment but for someone new to weights i think that was good.

    still not got my pull up bar in the post, hoping it gets here before i need it on friday :ohwell:

    Just about to start the blog seen as the computer is working again!
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Okay everyone. I started Tuesday with the back and chest, ab ripper x combo. I could barely lift my arms afterwords. SO Many pushups. first round went okay but I was wasted when I finished the second set. ab ripper x ... I am not a fan of that workout. too many motions I just cannot perform.
    Looking forward to the 2nd day. I will be a day behind some of you until I can double up ( like that will ever happen) .
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Geez, you did day 3 at 12:30 AM. You're an animal!

    Day 3 done!! Did shoulders & arms/ ab ripper x and compared to Pylometrics it was easy! walk in the park lol... ok I did kind of cheat I only had 5 lbs weights and it's safe to say I outgrown them and need heavier weights cause I was barely feeling a burn but can't get me more until payday :( oh well I'll get better weights for next weeks shoulders & arms day... also I really need a HRM I can't afford one yet so I'm logging it under calistethics since there's nothing else that comes close luckily you all have a HRM so I am getting a better sense of what I'm burning its not accurate but the best I can do...
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    Hey all,

    I am a bit late starting, but got a quick run in this morning and completed ab ripper. Husband and I are doing core tomorrow - feels good getting back to Tony... glad to see everyone is already bringing it - super motivating to catch up with everyone!
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Hey all,

    I am a bit late starting, but got a quick run in this morning and completed ab ripper. Husband and I are doing core tomorrow - feels good getting back to Tony... glad to see everyone is already bringing it - super motivating to catch up with everyone!

    yay for you being able to start now :)

    well i've just done the ab ripper Oh my goodness that was tough tough tough but i needed it, my abs are rubbish and hidden beneath lb's of fat so its nice to get them working hard!

    Tony makes me laugh a lot which is nice, nothing worse than having a rubbish trainer!

    think i'm going to have to stop doing my workouts in the am though and shift them to evenings which means switching around my eating habits - felt bad for my eldest today to have to entertain himself for so long :(
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    Just finshed shoulder and arms. I'll do ab ripper a little later. i'm feeling great!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Forgot to report in yesterday, I worked last night and kinda forgot. For Plyo I burned 683 calories, I think. I also made a protein shake afterwards and actually felt good when I went to work later that evening. I'm still feeling it in my shoulders/chest from day one and my legs are sore from yesterday. The first time I tried Plyo I did have to get my boyfriend to help me get off the toliet, it was that bad! I'm about to do shoulders and arms in a few. I love this workout! I'm going to try really hard to finish ab ripper too.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I think I have a new favorite workout!!! Just finished Arms and Shoulders, and I feel GREAT! Granted, my arms are trembling as I type this, but its a great kinda tremble ;)
    My back and chest just started to really get that deep burn this morning, and my legs are getting more an dmore sore throughout the day. Im used to the "pain" or burn hitting me the very next morning, but Im just glad to know I am FEELING it and proving that I worked hard.
    I did 8-Minute Abs right after P90X and liked it much better than Ab Ripper. I liked Ab Ripper 100 and 200 from Power 90, but the P90X Ab workout is just too much for me right now. I am hoping to incorporate it before Day 60.

    How is everyone doing on diet/food? Im okay so far, but can tell I might struggle to eat all my exercise calories back some days...while going over on other days. As long as Im eating in moderation and not going too far under or over, Im not going to worry about it just yet.
  • morgan511
    morgan511 Posts: 17 Member
    I finished Arms and Shoulders this morning. I love that work out. I pushed myself as hard as I could =) I still have to do Ab Ripper X but I can't wait for Yoga tomorrow. It's my favorite!!

    As for the diet, I have done very well today especially. I don't eat back much of my workout calories but manage to check off almost everything on the checklist other that recovery drink. I don't think I ate enough yesterday because I went to bed starving, but I woke up almost 1 lb down for the week so far. Not complaining too much here!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 3 complete - Shoulders & Arms (including bonus) & Ab Ripper
    Duration: 01:11:43
    Calories: 608
    Fat Burn: 00:56:10
    Fitness: 00:15:03
    Average HR: 112
    Maximum HR: 159
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    day 4 done!! Did yoga X and it was long!! 90 long minutes finished most of it but really had to stop with 20 minutes to go because I had somewhere to go and it was getting late since I work out with the hubby after work... yoga x wasn't as kind to the husband he was just awful at it lol but hey he's trying...
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    I think we're all doing really well so far, i got yoga x tonight, looking forward to it.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Yoga tonight ... YUCK!

    I usually substitute this with either Kenpo or Cardio X, but I'll give Yoga another try tonight. I've lost quite a bit of weight since the last time that tried Yoga so all the twists and turns should be easier.

    Not only is it an extra long exercise but you'll sweat your butt off doing it. So much for Yoga being relaxing ... LOL
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    So with 3 days of P90X behind you, how sore are you?

    My inner thighs are sore from Plyo and my Abs were burning so much last night that I couldn't complete Ab Ripper.

    By the end of week 2 the soreness should be gone.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Hubby was literally wincing and groaning as he got out of bed this morning. haha Its a good burn though. :wink:

    I am definitely tight/sore, but not sooo sore that I cant function. I looove this feeling since it is proof that I am eventually going to see results if I keep it up.

    I have gained weight so far (only 1.3 lbs) and i know thats water/muscles retaining water, so it doesnt bother me one bit. I can tell my body will be completely changed if I stick with this.

    I was significantly under my calories yesterday, which I dont like to do...but I just wasnt hungry and wasnt going to force myself to eat more than I wanted. I had froot loops for dinner and a package of starburst....im no expert but i doubt those items are on the P90X food plan :tongue: haha Some days are better than others :smile:

    Yoga today...and hoping to get a short run in.
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