

  • Igilchrist
    Igilchrist Posts: 11 Member
    cityJaneLondon - You are giving me the guidance which I need. I'm off to the stationary bike to begin with:)
    I've picked up a book which records my cardio, etc. etc. I should get that out as well.

    I'm mom to 5 amazing sons, with 11 grandchildren with 2 coming in the world in June and September. I know life is much too short to remain a couch potato - as I've been since retiring from out company nearly 3 years ago.

    Thanks again Heather,
    Irene (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Remembering those who gave their all for us this Memorial Day.

    Life in the Houston area continues to be stressful. We got through our heavy rains okay. About ten trees came down in our neighborhood because the ground is so saturated it just can't hold anything. The creek behind our development has now had two 500 yr floods in the last month. Now the flooding has moved from us to downstream and they are really underwater there. Two of the main rivers are flooding and well above any flood previously known. I am tired of rain and water! Hard to believe we had four years of serious drought...

    My husband has a situation at work that is quite frightening. Last week several people were laid off and he was the "lucky" guy who did the laying off. This weekend a co-worker of one of the men laid off reported that the former worker had been mouthing off and said he was going to go back and shoot up the place. So..... extra security in place and everyone is being super vigilant. The police were notified and at this point it is considered just an unsubstantiated threat. They have not been able to find the guy to talk to him. I just want everyone to be safe. Hopefully the guy was just letting off steam but it sure made me realize that what you say has a powerful impact on other people's lives, whether you mean it or not. Watch your words, if not your actions.

    Headed out to do more clean-up in Houston

    Wowzers, scary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    Igilchrist wrote: »
    cityJaneLondon - You are giving me the guidance which I need. I'm off to the stationary bike to begin with:)
    I've picked up a book which records my cardio, etc. etc. I should get that out as well.

    I'm mom to 5 amazing sons, with 11 grandchildren with 2 coming in the world in June and September. I know life is much too short to remain a couch potato - as I've been since retiring from out company nearly 3 years ago.

    Thanks again Heather,
    Irene (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

    t113013.gif Irene, I hope you will keep coming back...that was part of my recipe for success...it was important to me to be inspired by other women near my age who were succeeding in the journey to health and fitness....I started with baby steps and stayed open minded to new ideas. I am 70 years old and have lost the weight I wanted to lose and maintained the loss for several years thanks to this wonderful group of women and the things I've learned from them.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Just got Kirby 's hospital bill from the accident, over $92400.00

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Remembering those who gave their all for us this Memorial Day.

    Life in the Houston area continues to be stressful. We got through our heavy rains okay. About ten trees came down in our neighborhood because the ground is so saturated it just can't hold anything. The creek behind our development has now had two 500 yr floods in the last month. Now the flooding has moved from us to downstream and they are really underwater there. Two of the main rivers are flooding and well above any flood previously known. I am tired of rain and water! Hard to believe we had four years of serious drought...

    My husband has a situation at work that is quite frightening. Last week several people were laid off and he was the "lucky" guy who did the laying off. This weekend a co-worker of one of the men laid off reported that the former worker had been mouthing off and said he was going to go back and shoot up the place. So..... extra security in place and everyone is being super vigilant. The police were notified and at this point it is considered just an unsubstantiated threat. They have not been able to find the guy to talk to him. I just want everyone to be safe. Hopefully the guy was just letting off steam but it sure made me realize that what you say has a powerful impact on other people's lives, whether you mean it or not. Watch your words, if not your actions.

    Headed out to do more clean-up in Houston

    Wowzers, scary

    Beth safe- at home, on the roads, and for DH, at work.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Karen in VA: Awesome pic of those grandkids.. the weekend wasn't a whole lot better with the exception that I got to see my folks.

    Becca: Hope that the wait results in a good report. Your car is very cute

    Lillian: Yay for rain, we're getting some too. :)

    Kim N California: I'm trying to visualize kettleball swings with your arms crossed on your chest are you just bending over forward as much as possible and then standing up with some momentum?

    Katla: Love the poem - I'm going to frame it and give to my son who just moved out as a moving away gift. :D

    Irene Calgary: My solution to getting started with exercise was to do a few minutes on my recumbent bike which is non weight bearing.. and by few minutes I think I started at 5 and tried to increase by 1 minute every couple of days. I also joined Tai Chi which was recommended to me and I started out in the health recovery class which meant I started doing seated movements. This was a great way to start getting active and was a lot of fun too (more like a really gentle stretching to get muscles moving). If you are interested PM me and I'll send you a link to the Calgary website.

    Marcelyn: Scary stuff

    Carey- Northern Alberta
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Allie ... You said "I had a glass of wine with friend down the street, fed her moms cat ..." This just has me in stitches ... Which is a clear sign that I am officially exhausted from today's activity! :smiley:

    However ... I logged ever bite and made my calorie goal for the first time in many moons!

    We made a pretty big dent in the outside work that needs done and even got the pool opened. Not swimmable yet, but mechanicals running and water filtering. It's a huge job for my husband and I. We talked a lot today about our future and whether this house will be in it. Frankly, I'd move in a heartbeat, but it's wheelchair adapted for my older son. And while he lives independently at the moment, the future is not certain. Nor is husband's long term health. So we will need to see how to either make the work easier or hire people.

    I saved calories for some popcorn which I'm going to now get and then off to bed!

    Beth near Buffalo

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member

    CJ: My dad and uncles served in WWII, I lost a dear cousin in Viet Nam, and my son is active duty.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon[/quote]
    We were lucky, our VN serving cousin made it home, although Purple Heart. I am so sorry yours did not come home. Too many names on the wall.
    Every time I go to VA, I think, these are just babies who are hurt. I think every generation thinks the same thought and about the servicemen and women.

    They and yours and Becca's and Janet's and everone else's children are all our babies whether or not we are their own mothers at home.

    For everyone who lived through Vietnam, I have a book recommendation: My Father, My Son by Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Jr. and his son Elmo, lll. Beautifully written with no self-pity but with lots of love and respect and honesty.

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Just got Kirby 's hospital bill from the accident, over $92400.00

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    With the other medical expenses, over 110k. With any luck his ins will pay for it because it was an emergency and he was unconscious so he had no choice as to which hospital they would take him to. So hopefully, crossing our fingers, toes and eyes this will b paid for 100%. We will c
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    I'd like to remember the squadron that followed my Dad in the mission that earned my father the distinguished flying cross during WWll. They did not come back. His plane found the decoy that was trying to pull forces away from the Battle of Midway.
    :heart: Margaret
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    The stories of service, current and past make me proud of all and shows me that we can pull together and look over the differences that the media and some candidates want to use as wedges to drive us apart.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi gals,

    Irene – the other gals beat me to answering you… hope you have it now.

    Marcelyn- wow! Wow the water and wow the stress DH and his co-workers are under… hope it turns out ok

    Carey – ok when you write it that way it sounds darn silly but yeah it’s a butt out modified squat and then a tuck of gluts and an upward swing of my bod…


    Kim from N. California
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – I know you’re proud of your men. Something about a man in a uniform is … mmmmm, sexy! I sometimes ‘think’ that being in the service for a couple of years would do a lot of young men (and women) a lot of good and make them appreciate things more. I’ve rarely met someone in the service that doesn’t show respect to others; yet, will fight to the end for others, giving their all. Happy Memorial Day to all who have served, are serving, have family members in the service.

    I don’t know about up there; but, down here … you can’t ‘buy’ a doctor or dentist after Noon on Friday. I’d rather have my heart and teeth ripped out than to go sit in an ER waiting room. The ‘only’ way I will go to the ER is in the back of an ambulance. I finally told my DH a few months ago, that ‘if’ he did not allow me to take him to the ER; I was going to call the ambulance. We decided to go to Americus, rather than Albany and from the time we left our house (20 miles), waited for MD and got seen, and back to our house – 4 hours tops! If we had gone to the ER in Albany (same hospital chain) we would have still been sitting there after 4 hours. Phoebe Americus is only 20 miles from our house; and Phoebe Albany is 25; so, our choice will be to go to Americus in the future. Phoebe Downtown is the ‘city’ hospital and therefore treats the indigent … who use it as if it is a ‘clinic’. They have finally built an ER clinic; and the triage nurse decides if they should go there to be seen or if it is a ‘true’ emergency. The only time I have gone to the North campus, it was in the back of an ambulance and I did not have any choice.

    When I passed out when the EMTs got me out of the car to sit on the gurney, they had to catch me. Hospitals are for ‘sick people’ … not a place to congregate and visit.

    I’ve enjoyed seeing your family and you have every right in the world to be proud of them!

    CJ – Nice job on the patio, that took a lot of ‘hard work’.

    Irene – To get back to this site; you need to click on the ‘outline’ of a star in the upper right-hand corner of this thread; it will turn yellow; so that when you click on the gray star (between the gray bell and gray gear), a drop down screen comes down and will show you any sight that you have bookmarked. If you have some that you don’t go to anymore; open them up and click on the ‘yellow’ star and they will no longer show up. Also remember, barbiecat will post a ‘new’ link sometime tomorrow to take you to the month of June. Make sure you bookmark it when you get into it. Hope this makes is clear. Sometimes I tend to over-explain things.

    Pip – OMGoodness … sure hope the person that hit Kirby stayed around and gave y’all his insurance information. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t stop or stay when they hit a bicyclist … they either don’t realize they’ve hit them, don’t know the ‘rules of the road’, or they are afraid of what will happen to them for hitting them. That’s unbelievable. Now I know why we pay for much for ‘insurance’ to protect us.

    Marcelynh – Several years after my DH and I moved (because of a transfer) the place I had worked in was shot up due to having his car repossessed. Killed several of the people I had worked for. Thankfully, when I worked there, I sat in the back of the room … they also shot up the other side of the building (same business, just different department). They never ‘knew’ it was coming on and did not have any warning so they could hide. Workplace violence is not something to take lightly.

    Barbiecat – Interesting shot of your father during his time in the Coast Guard.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have forgotten to welcome Irene. Start fresh, try to make changes every week and you will get there. We all do it in a different way.

    I am home tonight at 8 PM. Things have changed a lot in healthcare, some for the good and some for the bad. One of the good things is that they don't have shift report sitting at a desk one nurse going over her patients with the next or putting it on tape like we did it. They go from room to room, the outgoing nurse introducing the new nurse at the bedside and going over the day right there in front of us. They look at the wounds/incisions right there together, go over IVs, new orders, etc. And then she asks me if I have any input or questions. That I like. I do not like and am ready to spit nails at other things. The on call surgeon who has been the only surgeon to care for my husband since another guy who we are paying did surgery. He now says Charlie is ready for discharge tomorrow. This does not mean that the discharge is written. But he increased him from clear liquid to full liquid and soft diet is planned for tomorrow, not written yet but planned. The idea is that if he eats well tomorrow and holds it down will be OK for discharge. But then he orders two units of blood and IV Lasix in between and after the blood, several new labs and medicine. He is still on IV pain medicine along with oral. How in the world can a person go from full liquids which means he can now have pudding and chocolate milk instead of just jello, get blood and IV pain medicine then just go home the next day. So far just eating pudding makes him have to ask for pain medicine right after because of severe gas. The ostomy nurse I'm sure has a list of things piling up on her desk after 3 days off. And how does she have time to teach us for several hours and then asking for feedback in return. And concentrate on being able to get in and out of bed and in and out of a chair without the MAJOR assist of one. And this guy is just supposed to go home the next day just because one man says so????????

    Whooh, glad I got that all out. Joyce, Indiana
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Thought my allergies were getting really bad but turns out I am sick. Still went and sat out in the sun for awhile and tried to enjoy the sunny warm day. Friends stopped by to check on me to make sure I was ok today. Brought me some food. Can't taste much but I ate it anyway.

    I love the pictures today. I have one that is always out of my Dad in his navel uniform. He was very proud of those years.

    I have used my air frier several times. Love it. Did some chicken in it and some sweet potato fries. The fries are way better than if you cooked them in the oven and took half the time.

    Heading off to bed. Cold meds on board.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    The stories of service, current and past make me proud of all and shows me that we can pull together and look over the differences that the media and some candidates want to use as wedges to drive us apart.

    You said this so beautifully. I could not agree more.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 10 minutes Butt Lift DVD, held my plank for 2min 50 sec, took the extremepump class for 50 minutes. I really wish the gals who teach it would start on time. the plan for tomorrow is to do a cardiocore DVD.

    katla - I knew that rhododendrons are evergreens but I always thought that azaleas were decidious. We wouldn't put any plants in front of any others since we do a lot of christmas decorating and we need the room to put stakes in the ground etc. Thanks for the lovely picture. Loved the poem

    Irene - welcome to a great group

    Went to the extremepump class, then took Jess to the Hyundai place so she could get her things out of her car, she needed to stop at PetSmart then she left and I cut the front yard and the sides with the push behind mower. Guess tomorrow I'll be doing the backyard. Let me tell you, 1-1/2 acres is a lot of grass/weeds. I told Vince that we MUST get grass in as I was choking from the dust. Had dinner then we played mahjongg.

    Lenora - I'm in zone 7 for plants. Roses are one flower that I absolutely do not like. I couldn't wait to get rid of the rose bushes we had at the old house and the ones that were here. Bad part is that there are some wild roses that grow at the back of the property. I always cut them down hoping they'll die off. AC Moore many times has a 55% off coupon. At least around here you can use it a maximum of two times. Then, if someone else uses it with your card, you just need to go to another register and they can use it twice.

    Heather - our old freezer was non-self-defrosting. when we moved to NC we left it at the house. I had no problem at all buying a self-defrosting one. I love it so much. It was always a pain to defrost that old one.

    Becca - loved all your pictures. What a handsome family you have!

    I'm thinking that I'll make some chocolate chip cookies for the lady across the street who is moving. They're leaving Thurs to go West for the summer. This will be something for the kids but also to say "thank you" for everything she's giving to Jess. She said she'd rather give it to Jess than donate it, so Jess is getting a lot of stuff.

    pip - what a bill! Hope his insurance covers most of it

    Marcelyn - what a horrible thing to have happen!

    A bit rushed tonight. Apologies to anyone I missed

    Michele in NC