
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • finally2002016
    finally2002016 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 52 and in the middle of the change. Losing weight is extremely difficult. I've been counting calories from January to end of March and lost 7 pounds. Then went on Fast Metabolism Diet by Haley Palm Roy for 28 days and lost 3 pounds. 10 pounds on 4 months.
    Any advice? ????
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    finally 2002016 - sounds like you are doing it right, slow and steady, you probably put it on at a slower pace than you are taking it off... this is a lifestyle change not a race - if you learn new habits about food and exercise you'll get it off and keep it off.

    Kim in N. cal.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Yikes! That hospital bill is a whopper. Shouldn't the guy who hit Kirby be responsible? :huh:

    Marcelyn: I hope the guy from your DH's work was just mouthing off but I would take it as a serious threat, too. Sending good thoughts for your DH's safety. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thanks for sharing your dad's photo. :star:

    Michele: Rhodies are definitely evergreen but some azaleas are evergreen and some are not. When you're ready to shop for them be sure to ask so you know what to expect. :smiley:

    finally200206: Welcome to a great group of women! Best advice is log every bite and swallow. It is good to measure your portions by weight or measuring cups. Portion control was always my problem. I ate good food, but ate too much of it. Quick results are likely to be temporary. Be patient with the process. If you're going to keep the weight off you will need to learn a new lifestyle and that takes time and persistence. This group is great at keeping spirits up and helping sustain the effort it takes to succeed. :flowerforyou:

    Today has been a good day. DH & I went out for lunch and explored a rural part of our county that we'd never visited before. It was pretty outside and nice to see new places.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    When we wake up each morning we never know what will transpire between there and bed time. As I type this my oldest grandson, the one I mentioned who is back into his drug addiction and in "love" with a woman more than twice his age, is sleeping in our guest bedroom. He called me around 4:00 PM, it sounded as if he had been crying. He asked if I could come and pick him up and take him to the bus station in OKC. As it turned out no bus for his destination until tomorrow. This is a 2 hour drive round trip to pick him up where he had been staying with his Uncle, but had gotten kicked out when he got back on drugs. He's been homeless again for a week or so. He says he wants out of this way of life and needs help, but he has been in and out of rehab since he was 16, he will be 23 in August. However, for the first time in his life he took the step himself, called a facility where he knows a guy that told him to call him when he was ready to get clean, made the effort to find the phone number and place the call. They have paid for his bus ticket from here to the facility in TX. I feel positive as this is the first time he has ever taken initiative to call someone himself and work out the details of getting there, etc. On the other hand we have been here before, so full of hope and then so disappointed yet again. Trying to stay positive. We will drive him to the bus station tomorrow.

    Janetr OKC (praying for my grandson)
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Kim N California: Nope not silly...just trying to figure out how to replicate it and protect my shoulder but get good results. Thanks for the explanation. 49.gif

    Carey- Northern Alberta
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Michelle I've come to the conclusion that you bake and give all the goodies away so you alone will have the best body in town . . .sneaky! Lol
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    edited May 2016
    Janetr - I've been where you are and know how difficult it is to feel positive when they go in and out of rehab only to go back to drugs once again. . My son started smoking pot when he was 12 after our next door neighbor molested him and later got hooked on meth. He was 33, had lost his wife and girls and later his boys (the 2 I'm raising) before he did what your grandson is doing - put himself in rehab. He has been clean for over 7 years now. I will pray that your grandson has the same outcome.

    Hugs to you & your family
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    First a cheering photo. Horses among the buttercups in the field behind us. :D Pity it's a cloudy day and you can see it was a chilly night as the horses are wearing coats! I just took it through the window this morning.


    Had a bit of a chat with DH this morning. Feel better now. I was getting a bit upset that DH wasn't showing any interest in the cruise, in fact was just evincing negativity. To be honest, I'd rather he stayed at home than come and be a wet blanket. He is only coming because he doesn't want to be left alone for two weeks and thought I would like the company!!!!!!!!!! However, he pointed out that he is always like this about holidays, never does any preparation or pre reading and only gets excited when he gets there. Judging by past experience, he always loves it once he is there, but prefers not to think about it beforehand as it makes him nervous. I am the opposite. I deal with my nerves by wanting to know everything so I feel more in control. So I do lots of research, learn the language, read the books, watch the films etc.
    I felt a lot better once we had had that conversation. I was reminded of our very different styles in relating to the world and so I am not taking it personally any more. :D:D:D<3

    Hair cut today. 5pm. I will go in earlier and pick up some pharmacy bits and pieces. Preparing, you see.

    Love to all from Heather, enjoying her ice free freezer in the UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Another week, another paper! Memorial Day ceremony yesterday was... stirring. Watching men and women of every age lay the wreaths at the stone nearly brought me to tears. They asked me to sing the national anthem, and I did--my whole body was shaking, but I got through it without embarrassing myself too much. Got a lot of nice remarks, but as one lady said, "Don't worry about it, most of 'em can't hear anyway." :wink:

    Made my goal for the month - was 182 at the beginning, 181 today. Goal for June will be the same--"Be lighter." Probably see y'all in the new month thread, on deadline today, go to press tomorrow.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Far from new, but just starting over. Hey Barbie, how are you? Here I am back again, finally. Looking for a thread to get involved with and this is found this....................felt 'home'

    May Resolutions :smile:

    1. Log all my food
    2. Elip or walk 3 days a week.
    3. Three planks morning and night.
    4. Bring lunch to work.
    5. Pick up the weights. PICK THEM UP!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Returning to work today after 4 fun days with lots of walking and eating. I think it will be easy to get back in the swing .
    Facing cuts and layoffs at work today, not to me but other people. Change and stress lay ahead of me and I intend to keep shoulders back, head up and breathe through it all (and be as big a support to others as I can)
    Will see y'all on the June postings. Hang in there we've got this! Karen from NY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend, I didn't sleep well. am getting antsy... Tracy, Kyle and Taliah will be here tomorrow evening, the truck is all packed up and they are ready to go... my Ex is coming with and staying overnight at my dads because his apartment,he wont be able to get the key until thursday..Rich(ex) has closing on the house today so they will leave early a.m.tomorrow..please keep them in your prayers for a safe trip
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    edited May 2016
    Requesting prayers for my mom - Laura - she is in hospital and not doing well, cannot walk or care for herself. Received a text from one of my sister's saying that they thought she'd had a stroke but all tests have come back normal. I don't know how I will cope with her passing when the time comes.. It was hard with my dad, then my bio-mother but this is my mom who read to me about Jesus, took me to my fly up from brownies to girl scouts, made my prom dresses, helped me choose my wedding gown, and so much more. I haven't seen her since October 2014 and have been planning to hopefully go this summer. I think I need to go now to give and get a hug and let her know how truly blessed I have been that she became my mom.

    Gloria crying in WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Gloria~ thinking of you... if there is a way to go see her, GO.. you will never forgive yourself if something should happen..I have been able to say goodbye to a few family member's and only regret is my grandmother.. mom and grandma stopped by and I was yelling at my kids, so unfortunatly that was the last thing my grandmother saw me do and I have never forgiven myself for that..
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    A little bit about me for those who do not know me. I have been on MFP for a long time, maybe 10 years? Found this site when Mike had just put it up and 10k users at best. Became a moderator to help out because that was the first time in my life I felt in control of my health, and I LOVED the MFP community. It now reminds me of the church I left. It was small and homey when I started, then grew exponentially and I felt engulfed. The tools are all the same, I just need to hang out with the cool kids. LOL. I started out 169 lbs, lost 36 and maintained for years. Went through a divorce,the loss of my job of 23 years when it was deleted, had a minor TIA which lead to a small heart surgery, and on and on goes the excuses. Still maintained until all of the above turned into more serious health issues. Lost weight down to 112 (lowest but not sustained) by not eating. An MFP friend Skyped me and showed me my stats..........400-500 cals a day. No Bueno!!! Here I was THE proponent to 'eating back calories' and 'hitting your calorie goals' and I was not eating in the name of a size 2. Cut to meeting a nice man (actually REmeeting, as we were friends in middle school :wink: He is Italian and couldn't believe I didn't eat bread or pasta (wondering if he is 2nd guessing that 20 plus lbs later :blush: I am looking to get a healthier body. Not perfection, just 20 lbs down, increase strength, and endurance. We are pretty active with SUP, kayaking, jet skiing, walking on the beach. I need to be in shape to keep up with his butt! Oh and I cant stand my thighs rubbing :cry: Whew..............I said a LITTLE didn't I? LOL> Once you get to know me you will see that is impossible :lol: Have a great day!!! Drink you water!! Be kind to yourself.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member