You NEED to stop calorie counting and restricting!



  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    wytey wrote: »
    what I was trying to say is that what you eat does not mean that all of it is digested

    in my case, I don't know the exact amount, but I was taken into hospital and when they opened me up, a section of my intestines were rotten as they put it and had to be chopped out as it were, so my intestines is shorter than the normal person, thus the food goes from one end to the other quicker than a normal person, sorry if you are eating...

    10000 was extreme, for example, right now telling MFP that if I want to lose 2lbs per week, it is saying I should eat just over 1500 cals per day, but even at 1500, not all of the food eaten is digested unless they are easily digested, granted, some foods are harder to digest than others and not everyone will digest them, but for me, more of them are harder to digest if that makes sense

    so even if I eat 1500, unless the body digests and intakes it all, my calorie intake would be 1500 but the amount the body absorbed as it were would not be 1500 if that makes sense?

    I think it should be CaCo, calorie absorbed and calorie out, as like in my case, what I eat does not mean that my body has absorbed it all, even though that is the case for everyone, but for people like myself, unless the food is easy to digest, then the difference is higher than the normal person

    1 calorie eaten, not absorbed by the body and then out undigested is different from 1 calorie eaten, digested and aborbed and then out

    or take 2 people, both eat the same amount of food and calories, 2000 kcal, but both only need 1500 kcal to substain their weight, one digests/aborbs 1750, the other only 1250, who is going to gain weight and who is going to lose weight?

    as for when I was in ICU, yes, at one point, my food as it were was via IV, but that is irrelevant, I brought that up to say that my body has less time to digest the food than a normal person due to the surgery

    Wow! That's so interesting
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited June 2016
    I find that I maintain at a lower number of calories. My TDEE is only about 1400-1600 but MFP says it should be higher like 1750. I don't want to go below 1200 calories because MFP won't allow it plus I am hungry all the time at those calories. I am happy at 1500 calories and maintain there without gaining. MFP says i should lose 0.5 pounds a week at 1500. I don't. But I am stuck needing to lose 10 more pounds but being frustrated at how difficult it is to make headway.
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Sorry. I probably shouldn't have written that. I'll edit it.

    Now I'm really curious to hear what you had to say :D
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    not actually seeing any doctor regarding my weight, just my epilepsy, just says I need to be more active, I'm borderline obese/overweight now, just a few more lbs then I am out of the obese range!

    the weight loss has really only started earlier this year, strangely enough when I started watching The Biggest Loser, I think the size of some of those on the show was kind of like a wake up call

    according to MFP with me telling it I want to lose 2lbs per week, it has told me to eat 1520 and I am sure my nutrients intake is less than it needs to be, but how much less I've no idea, I try to eat a range of food and alot of it is veggies, I already take a load for my epilepsy so try not to take any more

    as for being able to eat more to still lose the same, probably, but the amount I eat now is filling enough, what I keep getting told is to eat slowly, which was my biggest problem before, I used to eat quickly, and get moaned at all the time for not chewing the food fully etc and allowing the stomach to tell the brain that it is full, so by the time I knew I was full, I had already eaten far more than it in reality needed

    for example, whilst chatting here and watching football, I have been eating pasta, before I would have eaten it all, but now I have only eaten half the bowl and am full, instead of eating it all and being bloated

    no idea how much my body is absorbing as it were, I don't think you can accurately count it, especially when you add exercise etc into it, but calorie in, calorie out would probably the best guide, as at least that is something you can keep track of

    anyway, football time! Northern Ireland Vs Poland, don't care who wins, just be a good match!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    ErinSot wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Sorry. I probably shouldn't have written that. I'll edit it.

    Now I'm really curious to hear what you had to say :D

    I don't think we are allowed to discuss it on MFP:hushed:
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    ErinSot wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Sorry. I probably shouldn't have written that. I'll edit it.

    Now I'm really curious to hear what you had to say :D

    Me too!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    The Ca/Co discussion had reminded me of something my son said a co-worker friend had. I don't want to get flagged, so I erased the comment.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited June 2016
    Double Post
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited June 2016
    wytey wrote: »
    not actually seeing any doctor regarding my weight, just my epilepsy, just says I need to be more active, I'm borderline obese/overweight now, just a few more lbs then I am out of the obese range!

    the weight loss has really only started earlier this year, strangely enough when I started watching The Biggest Loser, I think the size of some of those on the show was kind of like a wake up call

    according to MFP with me telling it I want to lose 2lbs per week, it has told me to eat 1520 and I am sure my nutrients intake is less than it needs to be, but how much less I've no idea, I try to eat a range of food and alot of it is veggies, I already take a load for my epilepsy so try not to take any more

    as for being able to eat more to still lose the same, probably, but the amount I eat now is filling enough, what I keep getting told is to eat slowly, which was my biggest problem before, I used to eat quickly, and get moaned at all the time for not chewing the food fully etc and allowing the stomach to tell the brain that it is full, so by the time I knew I was full, I had already eaten far more than it in reality needed

    for example, whilst chatting here and watching football, I have been eating pasta, before I would have eaten it all, but now I have only eaten half the bowl and am full, instead of eating it all and being bloated

    no idea how much my body is absorbing as it were, I don't think you can accurately count it, especially when you add exercise etc into it, but calorie in, calorie out would probably the best guide, as at least that is something you can keep track of

    anyway, football time! Northern Ireland Vs Poland, don't care who wins, just be a good match!

    Hmm you're right, exercise could kind of throw the equation. Yeah from what you said about not absorbing all the nutrients, you could eat more and lose the same, OR eat the same and lose more than expected. There's no big calculation to be done, really. If you've been logging accurately for 15 weeks, did you lose 30 lbs? Or more? Or less? So that's where exercise could kind of throw a wrench into things but i was still a bit curious
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited June 2016
    DebSozo wrote: »
    I do believe in CICO. If one eats less than one burns off then there will be weight loss. The point that I'm making is that it is difficult for some people to lose weight due to medical issues. I'm not sure what percentage of people on here have normal metabolisms vs those who have insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, etc?
    CICO does apply to every person. Nonetheless, there are health issues that impact speed of gaining and losing.

    I suppose a person who has medical conditions has to figure out what their CICO level is through trial and error? YMMV.

    Understood. I've seen a lot of posts where people blame weight gain on medical issues. So, if you have a medical issue that you (in the general sense, not you personally. :)) know affects your weight, it's time to take charge by adjusting your calorie intake.

    You are right though, health issues do have an impact. However, for most people who have gained weight, the problem is eating too much whether or not we have a medical condition.
  • CallyBeth08
    CallyBeth08 Posts: 50 Member
    Wow. People aren't really researching the entire thing Lol. (It's mainly for the extreme calorie restriction, not the 1600-1800+ per day intake.)

    Calorie counting is okay for a little while. It helps you see just how much food you're eating, and you're able to adjust your habits accordingly. But it can have a huge impact on your metabolism. When you calorie count, and restrict yourself to a mere 1200-1400 or less.. It can actually slow down your metabolism so that when you stop counting, you gain even more weight back and much more quickly.

    It's really harsh on your body.

    No, you can't eat as many healthy things as you like, and not gain weight, that one is a lie. I mean, if you eat a ton of spinach, or zucchini, no- you probably won't gain much weight because they don't have a lot of calories to them. If you eat a ton of potatoes, or avocados- then yeah, you will gain weight.

    And I think it also has to do with how much you exercise. If you're a runner, who runs 5 miles a day- sure eating as much as you like wont have that big of an effect. But if you're sedentary- it will.

  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    around 30 from early/mid March, so around 2.5lbs per week, although I expect that to go lower as I get more towards my healthy weight, few more lbs and then out of obese and into overweight
  • gonetothedogs19
    gonetothedogs19 Posts: 325 Member
    Again, I am very happy that so many people on this site have had success with calorie counting. Having said that, I do not know a single person, or know a person who knows a person, who counts calories. And many of these people have lost weight or have maintained the correct weight. Why? Because for most people, weighing and measuring and counting every morsel of food you eat is a total non-starter.