Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    Lovely sunny & warm day here today. Went straight to the cinema from work with my 3 daughters. We saw Bridesmaids. It was very funny. My 14 year old did'nt quite get some of the more rude jokes, which made me and the other 2 girls laugh even more. :laugh:
    It was lovely to spend some time with them without having the babies in tow. We have said we will do it more regularly, but we shall see what happens. Sometimes life just gets too busy.
    My diet was'nt too good today. I managed to stay just slightly over. I had to grab something quick to eat. Not very filling and now I am starving but it's too late to eat. I will get heartburn if I do:frown:

    Judy: I just missed your post last night. You must have posted while I was posting. Love the joke:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Marie: So happy that Jerry has been given a clean bill. Go celebrate:drinker:

    Jacke: Sounds like you will be having a real fun time on Saturday. I love pimms too. Have a great time:drinker:

    Birdie; It does sound sad after such a long time but, it will be fun starting a new and exciting chapter. You will always have your memories but you will create lots of new and happy memories too.:flowerforyou:

    Piquilter: Sounds like you are having a very busy time. Great job you are doing with donating your platelets. (I take this to mean blood)?:flowerforyou:

    Marilyn: What do you do for a living? You are one busy lady:flowerforyou:

    Becky: I don't know how you managed Zumba while smoking. You must be very fit:bigsmile:

    Barbie: Your'e day out sounds lovely. What is the Lavender farm?

    Buzz: Have you returned to normal yet?:laugh:

    Connie: How you doing? Hows the night noshing going?

    Sandy: Hope you had a great time at the medieval night and got stuck into those chicken drumsticks. Well done on not having dessert. You are stronger than me:drinker:

    Bada Bing: One more successful day. Well done:drinker:

    Well off to bed now. Only managed to get 4 hours last night, so i'm pretty pooped. I am impressed that I stayed awake at the cinema though:laugh:

    Take care
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Well I got my cookies baked (8 doz.,), 2 batches of rice krispie bars, did a load of laundry, put the binding on my 4th of July quilt, and have my sewing machine packed up and will drop it off at the sewing store Friday morning after exercising so it can have a 'spa' vacation while I'm gone. I've had it for 6 years now and it's never been in to be serviced and cleaned mainly because I never seem to find a time when I'm not using it. After these last 2 flannel quilts I just feel like there is probably a ton more lint inside that I can't get to with my little vacuum attachments so I got myself organized this year and will take it in before we leave. Kind of hated to spend this beautiful day inside but I'm hoping for a week of beautiful days at the lake.

    Deb--Yes, platelets is donating a blood product I guess it would be called. It's the part of the blood that aids in clotting. A machine draws blood out, it runs through a centrifuge where it spins out the platelets and then pumps the red cells back into you. It keeps alternating back and forth until it gets it's fill :laugh: Because I have a high platelet count they can get a double from me which is enough for two patients, some people do only singles & some can do triples. Because they return the red cells I am able to donate more often whereas my dh who donates whole blood can only donate like every 6 or 7 weeks.

    Am going to update the vacation list, throw the workout clothes in the dryer & kick my feet up and relax for a bit, more likely try to stay awake. dh works til 11 tonight & I wait up until he gets home about 11:30.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from very warm and sunny Saskatchewan. I am just stopping by quickly to tell you, Jeri, how happy I am that the first step is over. I hope the rest of your treatment goes as smoothly.

    Marie -- I am also shouting hurrah for your Jerry! So glad all is well.

    Take care all. Be back soon. Gayla :heart:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Jeri so glad to see you are back home.......................The doctor gave Jerry a clean bill of health today. He has to go back n 6 months. What a big relief

    Thanks Marie and glad to hear the good news about Jerry. WTG
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words and good wishes. I've been up and down all day but I am feeling pretty good this evening. Hopefully I'll have a good sleep tonight and will feel better again tomorrow. Let's just say it I WILL FEEL BETTER TOMORROW. Perhaps I'll get a chance to take photos of our peonies. They are blooming so nice.

    Have a good sleep all and a good day tomorrow.
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi everyone - I seem to have run out of time to post so here's little joke instead.

    A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink she says,

    'I'm on this cruise to celebrate my 80 th birthday and it's today...'

    The bartender says, 'Well, since it's your birthday, I'll buy you a drink. In fact, this one is on me.'

    As the woman finishes her drink, the woman to her right says, 'I would like to buy you a drink, too.'

    The old woman says, 'Thank you. Bartender, I want a Scotch with two drops of water.'

    'Coming up,' says the bartender

    As she finishes that drink, the man to her left says, 'I would like to buy you one, too.'

    The old woman says, 'Thank you. Bartender, I want another Scotch with two drops of water.'

    'Coming right up,' the bartender says.

    As he gives her the drink, he says, 'Ma'am, I'm dying of curiosity. Why the Scotch with only two drops of water?'

    The old woman replies, 'Sonny, when you're my age, you've learned how to hold your liquor. Holding your water, however, is a whole other issue.'
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: piquilter...not sure what they are doing with your blood but my husband does something where they take out his blood, do something to it and then return it to him. But, he can't donate as often as I do because of this. He has to wait twice the time as I do. I just donated yesterday and he is going to today. He can't do the one where they return his blood this time because we are donated at a mobile.

    :flowerforyou: is warm and sunny in Canada? I was there only once. One of the first things that were pointed out to me was the utility poles being so far off the side of the roads. I was told this is so there will be room to place the snow when it is removed from the road. BRRRR.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Judy, thank you for the joke. I always love reading them.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, your flowers look beautiful.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning Becky:flowerforyou: . look like you are the first one to post very morning. you get us off to a good start. Thank you very much.

    i want to thankdyou all sneakers for all the nice response on My husband illness.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: . the doctor said he could have a recorrant, but we are not thinkg about that. I think that is the normal thing to say to a patents. for he could. But we are thankful for the recocery for the time being. He is out cutting grass before it get too hot this morning. It is going to be another hot one. But we have seen hotters days in the past. Me I am staying in the house with the A/C and work on my quilt.

    Jeri :flowerforyou: How is your day going tis morning. We plant our pansy in the fall for they bloom all winter. and dry up during April and May.. for They are a sight for sore eyes in the winter time.
    So pretty and so many beautiful colors. Looking forward to seeing yours.

    Sandy:flowerforyou: look like you had a good time with the girls. How is babe doing? is he back to normal and helping out on some of the choes around the house?

    Connie. :flowerforyou: i look fowar to your news report on facebook. you certsinly keep up with the times.

    Deb:flowerforyou: you are such a bright spot on our thread. Love all your questions you ask if you are not sure Of things. Way to go.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Barbiecat.:flowerforyou: You have and always will be my inspireation on MFP and the Sneakers

    Barbs:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: . Sure miss you around here.

    Irene:flowerforyou: you know I am thinkg\ing of you.luv ya

    Buzz:flowerforyou: you dear soul Are you still celebrating.your Birthday.

    Judy:flowerforyou: glad to see you back and posting your jokes.

    Jeffrey :devil: I do think a lot about you. getting ready for the wedding?

    Jackie:flowerforyou: good to see you posting again. I missed you.

    pequilte:flowerforyou Soundl ike you have been a busy gal.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I know I left some out and I am sorry, but will catch you next time.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :bigsmile: Summer has officially arrived and the hot weather is here. :bigsmile: It went from one extreme to the other with the highs in the 90's this week. :tongue: I have my meeting today or I would be at the pool keeping cool. :glasses:

    Our girls night out was great, we had a lot of fun. :bigsmile: I did well with the food, not eating all of it and I had no dessert. I guesstimated my calories but the scale was good too me before last night's dinner. :grumble: Our knight did not win and the mean green knight was the cutest according to my 16 year old granddaughter. :laugh:
    Yesterday we spent at the pool where I split a turkey BLT with my granddaughter and that was my first mistake, after the pool I made steak dinners with all the trimmings and ate them. :explode: I know better than that and make myself so angry when I eat over my calories. :angry: I did walk Daisy which helped but I have been so good and get upset with myself when I go over calories by that much. Thanks for letting me vent, I know that I am at goal and shouldn't complain but it makes me feel better. :laugh:

    Marilyn, I think shoes make all the difference in the world as far a walking and I too need a new more comfortable pair. I have those shoes that are supposed to trim you calves but they seem to bother my back. Connie recommended a good pair but I have forgotten the brand. (a little help Connie). Barbie what kind do you wear?? My husband's foot doctor sells shoes so I might go there and see if she has some good walking shoes.

    Jeri, 1360217cc46yhp7lv.gif
    Glad your procedure went well and pray all results come back great!! You are too be admired for your wonderful attitude.
    We love you!! :heart:

    Judy,, when it is so hot here it hard to imagine how cold it is by you. :tongue: Stay warm and now that you are stuck indoors you will be an exercising queen. :laugh: Loved your joke abut the mirror!! :laugh:

    Deb, I love your expressions, the padding pool? That must be our wadding pool. :laugh: I gave up smoking in 1992 after watching my father in law die from lung cancer. I used the patch, it was just easier for me. Even after all these years there are times when I still have an urge to have a cigarette, but it passes. :tongue:

    Marie, so happy for Jerry. 123510vl41zvzjt7.gif

    Barbie, so happy for your friend with 15 years of sobriety, my son is over 3 years and I am so proud of him. :flowerforyou: I did record that weight I lost but shouldn't have as I gained it back already. :grumble: Why didn't I just listen to myself and to you??
    I asked you above about the kind of walking shoes you wear, do you have something comfortable??

    Becky, Zumba looks so hard to me, I give anyone credit that can keep up with those moves. :laugh: And if I read correctly, I think you mean you stopped smoking did zumba, started smoking again quit zumba then quit again and went back. Whew is that corect?? :tongue:

    Jeanne, I am exhausted after reading your post, you sure were busy yesterday. :yawn: A hot tub sounds wonderful, I could use one for my knees and my back. :love: Have fun. Johnny Depp!! OMG how could I forget him, I love Johnny and all the movies he makes. Let's face it I like all the good looking Hollywood men, just wouldn't want to be married to them. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Birdie, I can't imagine how sad it must be to leave your house with all those memories. Saying that is only a material thing and all those memories will stay with you is no conciliation but doing what is best for you and your husband is the most important thing.
    Barbie and Jake are also downsizing so you two should be good support for each other. I wish you the very best with this hard decision and know that new beginnings will bring new wonderful memories. :heart:

    Jackie, yes I agree, I do not want to lose anymore weight other than the 3 pounds to fluctuate. I don't want to look like a sick old lady, I just want to maintain where I am at now. :drinker: Thanks for the compliment, we all appreciate those on this journey. :love:
    Gayla, is going to be so jealous of your time at Wimbledon, she loves tennis. :wink:

    Gayla, always happy when you pop in even for a minute. :heart:

    Judy, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and so true!!

    Marie, Babe is still wearing the walking boot and is still going to therapy but otherwise doing good, thanks for asking. He is doing his own chores now so I am back to being the spoiled princess. :laugh: I saw on twitter that Jeffrey's daughter did get married and it was beautiful according to him. I am sure they are happy that is over. I think you are right about Jerry's doctor, they have to protect themselves from law suits. Jerry, should just enjoy each day and make the most of them. You stay cool!!

    This might be the longest post ever, sorry about that. I was trying to catch up and got carried away.

    Have a great day!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sandy...I imagine you are confused. I was after reading what you wrote.:laugh: Let me try to explain. I quit smoking in 1981. Took it back up in 2006. I started Zumba in 2009. Stopped smoking, Zumba and everything else this past November. Whoo !!! :smile: And, my goodness, can really write. And, you reply to everyone. That is wonderful.

    :flowerforyou: CALIECAT, the only reason I am first to post is that I get to work at 5:30 but don't start til 8. So, I have an hour and a half to kill and I do it here or use my jump room or weights. I get to work so early because my husband has to be here at 5:30 and we have only one car.:mad:

    But, to all you wonderful posters. I just can't do as well as you do when it comes to replying to everyone. You are all so sweet.:flowerforyou:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Untitled by FancyLady, on Flickr

    Beautiful morning here and just as I thought I'm feeling better again today. Thanks again everyone.

    I thought I'd post this picture I took recently before my surgery. We went out to take pictures of the wild flowers and to just sit and enjoy nature.

    Have a great day all.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Love the flower picture Jeri, its just beautiful. I hope my flowers are okay
    after i get back from vacation, I asked our friends to water them.

    Leaving for vacation on the new/old boat so wish us luck, first time sailing
    it ourselves and first time going for a week with the boat. Hubby did do a
    what they call it, A Shake Down, cruise to see if everything was in order and it
    was successful. Weather is supposed to be in the 80's, fingers crossed.

    I will try and keep logging with hubby's laptop so I can stay on top of my
    weight. If I have time I will drop in and say Hi. See you all soon. :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Birdie, my heart goes out to you…….we have moved on a smaller and less emotional scale over the years and I’ve sorted and discarded beloved possessions from my parents and grandparents and cried as I did it…..we recently decided to sell our house and move to something less expensive and are once again going through boxes including the precious stuff that survived all the other discards…..Taking it one day at a time is the perfect approach

    Jackie, enjoy your Wimbledon weekend:bigsmile:

    Jeanne, I love the image of your sewing machine going away for a spa weekend:laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Judy, what a great story….:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Marie, thank you for the kind words……it’s good that Jerry is feeling good enough to cut the grass.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sandy, the tricky thing about being at your goal weight is how easy it is to let your guard down and eat too much or the wrong stuff, but the good habits will get you back on track quickly……I wear Skechers Shape Ups almost all the time for dancing, walking, and working around the house. I love them. Some people feel off balance in them but they work for me in everything I do.

    Jeri, your picture is great :bigsmile:

    Shirley have a great trip on your new boat:bigsmile: ……will there be enough things for you to do to burn calories?

    We are still having the wonderful cool weather that the dogs love……I just finished lunch and will be taking them to the dog park to chase and bark at birds……this morning on their walk there several cats to make them crazy:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    After I dropped my sewing machine at the 'spa' I went and got a mancure and pedicure and I now have wonderful 4th of July nails!!! DH didn't get home until 12:45 am so I didn't get up to go work out. I' gotten up at 4 or 4:30 every morning this week and just didn't think I could do it on 4 hours of sleep especially when I have to drive 20 miles. Have to admit that days without exercise calories to eat are a little on the boring side :laugh: I'll be there tomorrow and Saturday. Have some of dh's shirts in the dryer and want to get them ironed yet today. He'll have one from today and tomorrow yet, but I will get those done Saturday. My goal is always to leave on vacation with only the concrete showing under the laundry chute :laugh: Trying to get the checkbook balanced yet today, it's on the computer which makes it much easier, but I've been pretty lax on keeping it up the last few weeks.:sad: Would love to leave personal comments, but just can't get it done today :cry:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Franklin's Lady Slipper by FancyLady, on Flickr

    We went for a short walk this afternoon. The bugs were so bad we couldn't stay long, but I thought I'd brighten your day with a pretty flower picture.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Well I went to my Zumba class again tonight after missing a few sessions due to being unwell. It was hard hard hard:laugh: It must be doing good though cos I really notice the difference when I don't go. Our teacher was telling me that I should do Body Pump class as it compliments Zumba. Its more muscular whereas Zumba is cardio. I'm not sure about it. I'm not too keen on the weights etc. Will think about it though. Does anyone do Body Pump?

    We are off to a funeral tomorrow and will be staying overnight, so I won't be able to post tomorrow. (Can't wait to get a Iphone but have to wait til November when my update is due). It was my dh uncle. He was a very sweet man, but had been battling Parkinsons disease for a lot of years. He caught pneumonia and complications set in.

    I had a customer today who was in the raf during ww2. He joined at 17 and did 3 years. He was wearing his medals with such pride. I would have loved to have given him a hug but the old devil was a bit frisky, so I held back:laugh: :laugh: He was so funny:bigsmile:

    Sandy: Your night out sounds great. Don't be cross with yourself. Going over now and then wont harm you. You are strong and soon have evrything back under control again.:flowerforyou: Hope your meeting goes well.

    Jeri: So happy that you are feeling well today and that flower is beautiful:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: You always give such good advice:drinker:

    Jeanne: Have a wonderful time at the lake:drinker: Where is this lake btw? What a great job you are doing donating your platelets. You must have helped loads of people by now:flowerforyou:

    Shirley: Your boat sounds heavenly. So jealous:tongue:

    Judy: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I love your jokes:drinker:

    Gayla: Still have'nt seen much tennis:frown: Wimbledon hold a ticket lottery each year which I enter. Have been lucky twice. My sisters and the rest of my family enter too. Usually one of us gets them but none of us did this year:sad:

    Marie: When can you start eating your melons? You and Jerry make sure you keep cool and drink plenty of water ( says she who struggles to drink it)lol:laugh: ::drinker: :drinker:

    Hello Buzz: Have you recovered yet?

    Becky: Hope you find an exercise partner soon. Would have loved to do a zumba class with you:flowerforyou:

    Has anyone heard how Phoebe, Maddie and Ellie are doing? Miss them:heart:

    Well I think I have gone on for long enough, so i'll say nite nite. Have a great day/evening:heart::heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends.

    Neil is home for the weekend. He called me many, many times over the last few days crying about his seizures. So far none at home. I ate too much popcorn tonight and have a bit of a belly ache. I suspect it is more than the popcorn but whatever, I don't like it!!

    Jeri -- The Franklins' Lady Slipper is gorgeous. I don't think I have ever seen one. Thanks for sharing.

    Jackie -- I will be with you at Wimbledon in spirit. You might just hear me cheering!! You wouldn't if it were the girls as they make too much noise!!!

    Deb -- Sorry your tickets didn't come through this year!

    Sandy -- It looks like you had a great time with the granddaughters. Glad you had fun.

    Marie -- Stay cool! I hear the roar of thunder so am guessing we will have more rain tonight. I hope it won't cause problems for the parade tomorrow!

    Barbie -- Thanks for posting the lovely Canada Day maple leaf and flags!

    Much more I was going to say but it will have to wait for another day. I didn't open a new window and I can't remember what I was going to say.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Happy Canada day - Gayla and Jeri..
This discussion has been closed.