Women over 40 who want to lose weight, support and motivate each other.



  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Good Morning! I'm a 41 yr old Mom to 2 kids who works part time. I fell off the wagon when I went back to work in the fall and I really need to get my butt in gear! I would love some new, active friends on MFP to help keep me accountable!
    I was debating WW, but I hear the new point system is really not that great. The points are not based off calorie value as much. I don't know how that helps you lose weight. I had lost 40 pounds between WW and WATP way back in 2004. I was down to 140! That was as low as I could go and I loved my body at that weight! I'm like 30 pounds north of that now! And being short really doesn't Help. Is it just me or does it get HARDER to lose weight as we get older??
  • dmcatlady
    dmcatlady Posts: 65 Member
    RedheadHen wrote: »
    Good Morning! I'm a 41 yr old Mom to 2 kids who works part time. I fell off the wagon when I went back to work in the fall and I really need to get my butt in gear! I would love some new, active friends on MFP to help keep me accountable!
    I was debating WW, but I hear the new point system is really not that great. The points are not based off calorie value as much. I don't know how that helps you lose weight. I had lost 40 pounds between WW and WATP way back in 2004. I was down to 140! That was as low as I could go and I loved my body at that weight! I'm like 30 pounds north of that now! And being short really doesn't Help. Is it just me or does it get HARDER to lose weight as we get older??

    It definitely gets much harder. My weight has slowly crept up since I passed 40. I got down to close to 145 back in 2010...and six years later I have been hovering over 170 and I'm only 5'2" tall. When I saw my doctor earlier this year for my annual physical she told me I gained 5 pounds in a year. UGH! I don't feel like I'm eating worse and I am exercising just as much as always, some weeks moreso, but nothing has helped. Now I'm learning to really pay attention to EVERYTHING I eat and that's working for me so far. It wasn't easy at first, but it gets a bit easier with each passing day. I've only been at this for a few weeks myself, but I am motivated to keep going until I get back to a much more reasonable weight again. I'd be thrilled with 145 for sure again...and it would be better if I could get below that!

  • zoning25
    zoning25 Posts: 38 Member
    I haven't followed here closely in a few days but I do love seeing you all on my news feed. If your not on my friends list please add me! The activity is so motivating. Such a positive place to be.
  • dmcatlady
    dmcatlady Posts: 65 Member
    There is something about that scale that makes me so happy. I wish I could post my weight every day, just to see the ups and downs but seeing me closer to 160 than 170 today is very promising. My official weigh-in day is Wednesday, so I'll hold off on putting my weight here until that day, but I'm motivated even more to keep going. After almost 30 days on here, it gets easier each day and I really pay close attention to everything I eat now, and when I do slip and indulge a bit...I just get back on track the next day or try to work in some extra exercise somehow to make up for it. The rain today AGAIN is so disappointing as I had two tennis matches on the schedule and tomorrow's two matches don't look so good either. We are going to try to play them individually this week and hopefully that will work out. Tennis is really my main source of exercise so when we are constantly having rain here it makes it harder to get my workouts in my schedule. Have a great weekend everybody!
  • chx4more
    chx4more Posts: 39 Member
    I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's. I think it started 10 yrs ago. I was between doctors and never got tested properly despite my insisting that my thyroid be tested. The levels showed pretty good but my new doctor listened to my other symptoms. Unbearable ovulation. Adrenaline surges. Sore difficult to move hands. Dry skin and eczema. Tired. Brain fog. Stress (school band teacher is stressful.). 60 lb weight gain in 10 yrs and increasing. Diarist 3-10x a day. Doctor also suggested seeing a Naturopath. He did some food and stress testing that cost a fortune. Still waiting on those results. Hopefully things will improve. I'm on Synthroid. Hands are better ovulation not as painful. Very few adrenaline surges.
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    45 in September. Looking for friends my around my age with similar goals. I'm in.
  • dmcatlady
    dmcatlady Posts: 65 Member
    Another birthday dinner at Sakura last night. Wow is that rice sooo addictive? I tried to control myself...I did...and at least I didn't eat it all but definitely overindulged on the carbs. Scale wasn't so kind this morning. Getting back on track today. Have some tennis planned for this week in the evenings, plus will try to get out as much as possible in the evenings provided the sun stays out! Still doing my 16 hour fast every day so hopefully that helps.
  • losing_it_2013
    losing_it_2013 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm here again. Lost 30 lbs and gained it all back - so frustrated! Looking for some accountability to help me get started again.
  • DylsGrandma
    DylsGrandma Posts: 69 Member
    I am 55! I am wanting to lose about 50 pounds. I just started on here this week. I have been logging every day even while at the beach. :)
  • zoning25
    zoning25 Posts: 38 Member
    RedheadHen wrote: »
    Good Morning! I'm a 41 yr old Mom to 2 kids who works part time. I fell off the wagon when I went back to work in the fall and I really need to get my butt in gear! I would love some new, active friends on MFP to help keep me accountable!
    I was debating WW, but I hear the new point system is really not that great. The points are not based off calorie value as much. I don't know how that helps you lose weight. I had lost 40 pounds between WW and WATP way back in 2004. I was down to 140! That was as low as I could go and I loved my body at that weight! I'm like 30 pounds north of that now! And being short really doesn't Help. Is it just me or does it get HARDER to lose weight as we get older??

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    As we get older it is much harder to lose weight indeed.
  • reggoeller
    reggoeller Posts: 7 Member
    Please add me! I'm 44 and want to lose 40 pounds. It's so much harder once you hit 40....
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I just turned 44 a few months ago, myself and have about 100 left to lose. Accountability partners are awesome! We can never have too many friends! Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • kgregory0612
    kgregory0612 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to focus on the next 20 pounds. I have more to go but I will cross that bridge when I get there.
  • Terrafide0
    Terrafide0 Posts: 15 Member
    I just started my journey, I am 41 and have over 100 pounds to lose. I would welcome all accountability!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Welcome new friends. Join the group Healthy Women over 40 Support/Accountability Group. Lots of support there as well! The link is somewhere on this post.
  • Makingmyselfover
    Makingmyselfover Posts: 47 Member
    edited May 2016
    42. An 8 yearl old girl and a 16 months boy. 60 pounds to lose. And lot of tone up needing! ! Add me
  • changedbyhisgrace
    changedbyhisgrace Posts: 41 Member
    Same here.. i am looking for accountability buddies too. Add me and we can help support each other! I am looking to lose 150 lbs and only lost a pound so far. So i know how it feels.. :/
  • cschmidt1450
    cschmidt1450 Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me!!!
  • alimk43
    alimk43 Posts: 41 Member
    Please add me 47 with 4stone to lose. Need all the help I can get
  • Mags_L
    Mags_L Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 41 in N Ireland, I would love to find some motivational friends. Please feel free to add me.
  • Audreyrunner
    Audreyrunner Posts: 9 Member
    Would love to join! I am 43 and 16 ponds heavier than 2 summers back when I trained and ran a 10K.

    I feel age is creeping in; I can't loose weight as quickly as I once could and it is harder to get back on the exercise wagon if I fall off.

    I would like to loose 25 pounds and do better about consistently exercising every month (including winter!) and build more muscle mass!

  • fuminator18
    fuminator18 Posts: 89 Member
    I'd love to join myself! I need to be motivated!!
  • jsteinmann08
    jsteinmann08 Posts: 6 Member
    Please everyone add me!!! I did good the first 2 weeks, then the chrons kicked in. I don't like red meat, and I'm really picky. I'm feeling really discouraged right now. But I know I just have to put the spoon down and go walk. I don't know how to add people, so please add me! I need motivation!!!!
  • sbaten
    sbaten Posts: 18 Member
    41 and have been steadily gaining weight for 2 years. Need to get rid of this dead weight!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Ladies join our group : Healthy Women over 40 Accountability/ Support group. Awesome place with awesome. gals:s
  • arose542
    arose542 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me, I'm 48 yrs old. I've decided it's time for me I'm always doing for everyone else. I would like to lose anywheres from 30 to 40 pounds
  • janeve58
    janeve58 Posts: 9 Member
    add me. I am 58 and need to lose about 20 pounds. Could use and give support
  • JoanneKendrick
    JoanneKendrick Posts: 151 Member
    Feel free to add me. I need motivation but not criticism. I have been trying to loose weight for a while. I exercise between 4_5 times a week doing Jillian Michaels dvds and run with my boy's sometimes. I eat healthy during the week but on a Friday night I chill with my fella. I am 44 and since being 42 I find it extremely hard to loose weight. I seem to be n a plateu at the moment. I just wish I could reduce my baby pouch as it just won't go no matter how much I exercise. I use to be able to drop weight fast but not even a pound will come off. I am 5ft 5 inches and weigh 9st 4 lbs and would love to be 8st 10 lbs. Any tips would be great