Senior Golden Sneakers..........July, 2011

Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member

Sorry, I didn't remember it was a new month.........there are some postings on the June thread so here is the link to read them....


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member

    Hope all you Canadians have a wonderful and safe day!!

    Have lots to do today, so will check in later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member

    happy Canada Day to Gayla and Jeri and all Canadians

    I am wearing my Canada shirt to line dance this morning.

    My goal for June was to dance more and one way I did that was to make a playlist of favorite dances for my mp3 player and dance while I was out with the dogs......I'm old enough and smart enough now not to care what people think of me LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm not sure what my goals will be for July but being outdoors on the long days will be part of it.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you, Sandy, for starting the new thread
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Happy Canada Day. Thanks all for the wishesbb 4th of July coming up soon.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member

    I want to wish a Happy Canada Day to all my friends up there. Do all of you have the day off? Let us know how you celebrate.

    My goal for July is to lose 10 pounds. And to not miss a day of exercising.
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member

    My goal for July is to stop fretting over low carbing and start eatting healthier. LOTS OF GOOD FRUITS AND VEGETABLES!! SO I can finally lose this last 11 lbs and reach my goal weight. :)
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Happy July to everyone. Just went and had the Canada Day Pancake Breakfast at the local Co-op Store, food was donated by Co-op, pancakes were flipped by the salesman from the local Ford dealership. It was great and busy. The most people that I have seen there since it started about 5 years ago.

    Yes Becky it is a holiday in Canada the same as July 4 for the USA. We have fireworks usually in the evening and there are things to do all day if you want. Otherwise you can do yardwork or lay around or go to the lake! Very few businesses are open........well, Walmart of course! lol

    I think I will mow the lawn and lay around and read a good book. Visiting daughter is going with son and mate to visit their cousins about 1 hr away so I will have lots of time for myself (if hubby leaves me alone).

    Had a great shopping trip with daughter yesterday...can't believe how much walking we did. I actually can feel it in my lower back..guess I should do a big of Yoga and loosen up...think I will wait for the kids to leave.

    Everyone have a great long weekend whereever you are and .......track those calories....whatever they may be...ha, ha!
  • KotyTyler
    KotyTyler Posts: 3,601 Member
    Greetings Everyone! I'm Koty from Vegas and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!

    Happy Canada Day to the Canadians and happy new month as well!

    My goal for July is to lose 2#s. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I'm 114 now so those last #s always seem to be the hardest to get off. Been there done that. I go to Curves and do Zumba at Curves along with walking, climbing stairs and swimming. It's going to be 109 today and tomorrow 112 so I'm pretty creative when it comes to indoor activities when the heat is here. I was skimming the pool at 5:30 this morning and believe it or not, it's good for my arms!

    In my profile picture that I have up right now I'm the one in the turquoise to clarify who you're looking at!

    I don't drink alcohol, haven't eaten red meat for 35 years, have two daughters one in CA and one out here, and two Grandsons that live out here too that are the joy of my life! That's all for me for now...See ya!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thank you Sandy for this new thread. You are the best thing that happen to us. Thank you for your caring ways,
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Thanks Sandy - love your new profile seem to be looking younger every time you change it. Happy Canada Day to all of you.

    After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target.

    Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse.

    Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Target:

    Dear Mrs. Harris,

    Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband, Mr. Harris, are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras:

    1. June 15: He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people's carts when they weren't looking.

    2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.

    3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom.

    4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, 'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away'. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time and costing the company money.

    5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layaway.

    6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.

    7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.

    8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' EMTs were called.

    9.. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.

    10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.

    11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the ' Mission Impossible' theme.

    12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look' by using different sizes of funnels.

    13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'

    14. October 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!'

    And last, but not least:

    15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    hello ladies, can't stay, pain in the butt going on,, threw the back yesterday ouch, keeping pain relievers close. catch you on a better day

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    And last, but not least:

    15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.

    Love it. So funny.

    MARIE. As to Sandy, I agree 100%. We are so lucky. Thank you Sandy.
  • viliberty1957
    I don't post much these days, but I keep track of you all. I'm marking my place.:heart::heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Sandy - love your new profile seem to be looking younger every time you change it. Happy Canada Day to all of you.

    After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target.

    Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse.

    Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Target:

    Dear Mrs. Harris,

    Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband, Mr. Harris, are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras:

    1. June 15: He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people's carts when they weren't looking.

    2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.

    3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom.

    4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, 'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away'. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time and costing the company money.

    5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layaway.

    6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.

    7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.

    8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' EMTs were called.

    9.. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.

    10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.

    11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the ' Mission Impossible' theme.

    12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look' by using different sizes of funnels.

    13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'

    14. October 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!'

    And last, but not least:

    15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: sounds like something Jerry would do while he is waiting on me. Judy He gets so irritated waiting on me.

    And last, but not least:
    from Judy
    :laugh: 15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.:laugh:

    Not really. but I don't like him waiting on me either. I much rather for him to go back home and give me an hour or two to brwse Then come pick me up when I called him..

    Its been another hot one.

    Phoebe be careful driving thru the desert and the heat all along the way., Stay cool.
    hope you have no more thruck problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Buzz are you sstill resting up ? I have a grandaughter gettin married in August. But we wont be able to make it up there. I am just not able to take that long of a trip. would love to go but It will be in Missouri,In St. louis.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Welcome Koty, so happy to have you join us. :flowerforyou: You are from my favorite city in the United States, I love Las Vegas. I used to go more often when my granddaughter had her dance Nationals there but since she isn't competing any more it has been a few years since I have been there. There is just something different about Vegas compared to the casinos we have around here, just more exciting in Vegas. You are such a tiny little thing it hard to imagine you wanting to lose more weight. I do understand though since I am also a rocking grandma. :laugh:

    I am much older than you at 69, with a second marriage. I have four children he has two and between us six grandchildren. My oldest son lives in Portland Oregon and his 21 year old daughter just joined the Peace Corps where she will be stationed in Togo, Africa for the next two years. My only daughter lives in Chaska, Minnesota with her husband and three children. My third son lives near me, is divorced and has a 16 year daughter who is like my second daughter. My youngest son is single and lives in Phoenix Arizona with his girlfriend. He is an over the road driver so comes home often. My step daughter is married and lives in Modesto, California and her brother lives within a mile from us and has an adopted daughter who is 6. We have an Old English Sheepdog named Daisy and she is the love of our lives. And there you have all the information and more about me. :laugh: Oh yes, I did make my goal but will continue to stay here with my friends to keep honest and keep tracking calories and exercise. They are like family and I could never leave them.:heart:

    Speaking of family, stop with the compliments do you want my head to blow up??? If I didn't make a new thread someone else would have, we take care of each other. What one does for one, we do for each other, that is what great friends do.

    Marie, you are so funny, we do pick on our men don't we?? I think I would be like you and want my hubby to drop me off and pick me up, I hate when they hang on us and watch our every move. :laugh: Too bad you can't be there in person for your granddaughter's wedding but you will be there in spirit. :heart:

    Irene, thanks for dropping by, prayers and hugs are going your way. (((hugs)))))

    Jeri, we are lucky to have you, you have the best attitude and best sense of humor. :bigsmile:

    Judy, of course I am only posting pictures that make me look young, you don't think I would post those old looking kind do you?? :laugh: Funny joke, I have heard it but it is still funny. :laugh:

    Ba Da Bing, glad you are enjoying your holiday, the breakfast sounds like it was fun and good. Hope you got to enjoy a book and relax as planned. :wink:

    Becky, ten pounds in one month, whoa that is a lot. Don't set your expectations to high, losing weight takes time. Keep track of calories and exercise along with a lot of water and be patient. Just my little piece of advice and only my opinion. :blushing:

    Barbie, would love to see you dancing to your Ipod at the dog park, it would be fun and I would probably join in. You have such a positive outlook on life and you deserve the best of everything. :love: (including a new exercise bike) :laugh: :laugh:

    Been running around all day, took Daisy for a long walk and now it is time to hit the couch and watch a movie.

    Have a great night.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :laugh: here is the story of the exercise bike
    yes, it is really dead and has been taken apart to load into the car to go to the dump........some of you remember how sad I was when it broke:cry::cry: however, once I started walking the dogs for over an hour in the morning and sometimes again for 20-40 minutes in the afternoon, I realized that right now I don't miss the bike:bigsmile: we will revisit the question of an exercise bike or another piece of equipment when we finally move :bigsmile: so don't be concerned about me without my bike :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    :laugh: here is the story of the exercise bike
    yes, it is really dead and has been taken apart to load into the car to go to the dump........some of you remember how sad I was when it broke:cry::cry: however, once I started walking the dogs for over an hour in the morning and sometimes again for 20-40 minutes in the afternoon, I realized that right now I don't miss the bike:bigsmile: we will revisit the question of an exercise bike or another piece of equipment when we finally move :bigsmile: so don't be concerned about me without my bike :bigsmile:

    LOL....sorry was just joking with Jake. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I prefer walking with Daisy to riding the bike in the nice weather also.
  • KotyTyler
    KotyTyler Posts: 3,601 Member
    Thank you Sandy for the warm welcome and your bio! Love that! To tell you the truth I had a very lengthy reply telling more about myself and accidentally hit back space instead of enter on the huge new laptop I'm on right now and everything went poof! It's happened to us all a time or ten hasn't it?!! Now I'm all out of writing brain so I'll post another time to introduce myself further. BTW add ten years to my age on my page and that's truly what I am. I'm trying to stay incognito from my fellow Nutrisystem people that are here and maybe lurking! More about that later! See ya!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, yeah, MARIE, still resting up! Actually 2 of my long posts disappeared totally. And then I had the Mohs surgery on my forehead Wednesday and I thought it would be a breeze. It was until the anaesthesia wore off! Today I have one and a half black eyes, a swollen left lid, a raised left eyebrow, and an ache in the forehead; I need a hug! Actually, it will all disappear, but between the lightening over the 'Glades, and the downpours, and being sleepy, I'm just peeking in so I don't miss too much! Judy had me rolling on the floor, but it hurts to laugh, so I'll return another day to read more! Want to say hello and welcome to all our newbies, and
    H A P P Y C A N A D A D A Y to all our friends up north!

    MARILYN, hope you feel better and
    IRENE, always good to hear from you.

    All the rest of our friends, HI THERE, but I'm too groggy to stay. Take care and have a lovely 4th everyone!
