Pregnancy- July 2011



  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Congratulations Brittony! I'm so glad you and Emma are doing well.

    Anne - I don't think it's unreasonable for you to consider getting induced early. You have been so sick for so long and it seems to be getting worse recently. You know your body better than anyone else. I know it won't be an easy decision but you need to do what's best for you and your baby.

    Julz - congratulations on your son's baptism.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Anne -- If I was in your place, I'd consider the induction option, too.

    I couldn't stay away from Gymboree. :laugh: I got super cute 6 hats, a headband, some knit tights, and a pair of mittens for $7.65!!

    Also, since I was already in a mall, I decided to return a pack of bibs someone had given me from Belk (department store for those of you not in the south) since we have about 20 other bibs and I really didn't care for the design of them at all. I got a $15 credit for them which blew my mind because I was expecting about $5. So I went to browse the 75% off sale rack and got 3 creepers, a 3-piece outfit set with 2 shirts and a pair of footed pants, and another 3 piece set with a tank top onesie, a tshirt, and a pair of shorts all for just $2.61 out of pocket after the store credit. All Carter's stuff. Ugh, so good.

    It's funny because with going for a walk, and doing stuff around the house, and then going shopping, my husband keeps warning me "Don't overdo it!" And I keep replying, "Um... I'm TRYING to overdo it!" :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies. I don't need to make my decision for awhile so I am going to mull over it :)
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Finally home....

    Just wanted to say congrats to Brittony on the birth of Miss. Emma! On your iPod touch you can upload an image for you user image on here if you want to show her off :) I will try to catch up with you ladies tomorrow!
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Anne Elise - As against induction as I am, I would be highly tempted to take the option given how sick you are feeling. Just make sure that you understand induced labors are generally stronger, harder than natural labors - a lot of women compare it to being in transition the entire time. They increase the interventions in labor and more often than not lead to a c-section. If you understand all of this and still feel like it is the best option for your family, then I would go ahead.

    You ladies are killing me with the shopping. J wanted to buy baby clothes when we were at the mall and I had to reign him in. The fall consignment is coming up and I'm trying to decide whether or not I should go and get generic stuff for the baby or just watch for clearance and sales?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Anne, you need to decide what is best for you, but I would suggest tying the daily Ivs before an induction. If you think you don't like needles... Wait for the induction! Big needle in your hand!! Induction is exhausting, you feel like crap the whole time. Mine included a migraine and lots of puking. Might have been the maganesium for the pree though doing that. Not to say don't do it, but you have an option in the meantime that may help, and really- if you needed a csection for your LOs health you'd do it in a heartbeat right? Even though its not ideal. No "well, i dont like scalpels, so lets skip the C/S". Not liking needles or it being less convenient is no reason not to opt for the Ivs to get the nutrients you and LO need if it's that bad. Not trying to be harsh- just putting out another way to look at it. you know whatever you decide we're all 100% supportive!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Katrina/Anne -- I'm sorry, I have to comment. And I really hope I can do it without offending anyone because I promise that's not the intention. I KNOW Katrina didn't mean anything by it, but according to the statistics I've seen, inductions do not "more often than not lead to a c-section." Katrina, do you have an information source you'd like to share (I promise I mean this in a curious and non-snarky way! :laugh:)? Of course you can always ask your OB for their personal/hospital statistics, Anne, if you were very concerned about it.

    According to the few articles I've read, although the rate of c-section for induction *is* notably higher than it is for those who go into labor naturally, it's still not more than 50%. One article I read says 44% rate of c-section for 1st time moms who were induced ( Another source cites a study where 25% of induced 1st time moms who were "low risk for induction" (as it sounds like Anne would be) ended up with a c-section versus 14% of those "low-risk" women who went into labor naturally ( So 25% for low-risk inductions or 44% for all inductions -- neither is more than half. And it's not that I think CNN or Reuters are super reputable sources on the subject but at least they consulted a doctor or cited an actual study which is more than I can say for most message boards or blogs on the subject (from what I've seen). I apologize if this seems confrontational because I don't mean it to be. It just concerns me when I see information thrown out there like that and then I can't find any reputable source to back it up and then instead find several sources stating otherwise. I know Anne will and is perfectly capable of doing her own research and talking to her doctor about everything. :smile: And again, I ask for sources out of curiosity & wanting to learn in the case that I'm misinformed, not in a "prove it" kind of way. :flowerforyou:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    OK, so mine wasn't exactly an induction, but I did need pit at the end. Basically I got stuck in transition (hours and hours and 9 cm, ugh), and contractions were really hard and inefficient. The pitocin actually really evened things out. Not just subjective, but from watching the monitor it went from really sporadic and irregular to smooth, regular curves. So, don't know if my experience was just odd-ball (hey, I like to stand out!), or if sometimes pitocin isn't as harsh as natural.

    Anyway, IMO, your doctor should be a really great resource for info. After all, they've done years of school and training, and years more of experience in the field. I know that my doc is really open minded and his approach has always been as little medical intervention in the natural process as possible, so when he tells me something extra needs to be considered, I think about it :smile:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks for the info ladies- and no I didn't take any of it in a bad way :)

    Katrina- I do understand what you are saying because I have heard that induction can stahl labor more often because your body isn't ready. I need to talk to my doctor more about this because she said we could decide not to do it if my cervix wasn't ripening at all (no dialtion, no effacement).

    Mel- You arn't being harsh it makes prefect sense what you are saying. I may end up having to try the IV's. At this point non of this would be for the babies health. Baby (so far) is growing just fine ( ahead actually) and she is getting everything she needs. This is would be for me purely which is why I am having a hard time because I feel like I am being selfish. I know that physically I feel like crap daily (but I have since 7 weeks) so I think mentally I am just starting to really wear down and I think that being on IV's every day might hurt that more than help that. (I don't know if that makes sense). I remember that you and Lynn had long not great expierances being induced which is something I am considering because I really don't want that.

    Julie- Thanks for the information. I understand totally where you are coming from just trying to make sure the right info is out there. It really is hard to find because I have been reading for days and it is TOTALLY conflicting info from one source to the next... I may just have to wait and trust what my dr. says.

    Julz- A lot of what I read says that if your cervix is semi-ready then induction usually does what you are saying exactly but if you start it when you arn't ripe at all it can cause a lot of strong contractions that last longer because you arn't ready. You are right though, I need to discuss it with dr. next week.

    Part of me is glad that she told me a week early to consider it so I wasn't just shocked at the option at my next apt. but now I feel like I am over thinking and over researching and will for the next week haha. I believe that my midwife will give me the honest information because she isn't biased one way or the other in this case (she doesn't believe in intervention if not needed).

    My DH basically said that if the dr. says it is fine for the baby then it is your choice 100% and I will support that choice... while it is very nice that he is being so supportive a small opinion could help :)

    Just another note, I do plan on getting and epidural at some point during labor either way so that isn't a concern for me.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Brittony – so you and Emma are doing well. I can’t wait to see pictures!!!

    Anne – you have to do whatever is best for you and your LO. If I were as sick as you have been, I think I’d jump at the chance.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Anne- You do whatever YOU feel is right for you and Elise. You have had a very hard time, sickwise, since being pregnant and if given the opportunity I would probably go for the induction, personally. Unless things change between now and then for you and you begin to feel better, which I hope it does. I know everyone has their stories for inductions but I figured I'd give you a nice one :smile:
    My best friend was induced at 36 weeks because she had an incompetent cervix- the MINUTE they took the stitch out she was dilated to a 5. They just monitored her and checked her out and were going to let her go home but the amniotic fluid was very low and at the risk of infection they kept her and tried to let baby come on it's own for 24 hours. She did not so they suggested inducing with pitocin to keep the risk of infection minimal. She was induced, didn't really even know she was contracting, and laughing in bed! She ended up having the baby a couple hours later and was literally in active labor for 15 minutes, 3 pushes and she was out. So no, not all induced stories are "horrible". In something such as childbirth, no matter the circumstances or way you chose to labor/deliver, etc, we are all going to go through it differently :flowerforyou:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Anne, I think another thing to consider and talk w your mw about is when during an induction they would start talking about a c/s. I wasnt dilated at all and barely effaced when the started me (and that was at 39 weeks, sonor " early"). I stalled for quite a while around 18 or 19 hours in and wasn't progressing and also was having some slight fetal distress. Many dra would have called it and hone for a c/s at that point but my mws were against a c/s as much as I was so the backed off the pit and did something else (I can't remember what, and at that point didn't care!) then went back to the pit later. They also kept hitting the max pit level and adjusting, backing off and restarting after a little. If your m/w is willing to do everything she can to keep you out of the OR it is sort of a different story than an OB that may be scapel happy. Write a list of questions To take with fri... What of I max out the pit dose? What if I stall? What if it's been almost 24 hrs? What if there is a little distress? What do you consider failure to progress? Etc.

    Plus you have time to look up induction and find out what it involves. Funny that w my first I didn't look onto c/s (I actually skipped that chapter on the book!) and ended up with one and this time I never even thought of an inductionor learned what it involved and - go figure!

    A side not I just thought of regarding drs on call- remember - depending on when you get there it might change. They have 12 he shifts and don't stay if someone's in labor. Because of the time I got there 8 pm, I went through 3 midwives before I actually delivered! Honestly though, I barely remember the last switch though to the one that delivered. I couldn't have cared less who was up my who ha at that point! Haha. Ps w my first I thought I wanted a lady but my ins only had guys to pick from. It was no bug seal at all. And thus time there were some male students and I didn't care. Honestly, frodo could have been there to deliver and as long as he knew what he was doing at that point you don't care!!

    Pps Anne ... Look into other things involved too. Membrane striping was not pleasant, but not painful. Then there are things like folley balls. I had never heard of one, they put it up there and fill it w water and leave it until it can pull out, which means you are at4. She said it would be really painful but it was not bad at all but I have high pain threshold so.. Also the drugs to make you cervix ripen, I don't know how those work or if the hurt because I couldn't have them since I was a vbac. Maybe they hurt or maybe that would have made it all go a lot quicker...

    Megan was induced too - you night ask her about hers. She I remember said it came on hard and fast.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Thanks again to all of you lovely ladies for your thoughts/prayers. The funeral and graveside service went really well. None of it was easy but for the most part my family is at peace with it all. :heart: We finally got home around 10 last night after the long 6 hour car ride there and back. Can I just recommend to any of you not to go over 2 hours at this point- even with stopping to stretch your legs etc. It's the most uncomfortable I've been yet and was just down right miserable. It made me really sick (which I never am in the car) and I was contracting some too.

    Going away and not being on normal routine seemed to have made Avery very quiet, he hardly moved Friday. I went to bed and made DH talk to him just to get him going because I hadn't felt him at all that day. He FINALLY moved and kicked/punched quite a few times then. Other than that the trip went well. I might slap my mother the next time she feels the need to introduce my child to EVERYONE and their brother though :grumble:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Anne- ppps- there is no such thing as "strictly for you". You health is going to affect the process and your LOs well being overall, even if she's growing fine. Taking care of you is just as important so DO NOT feel selfish about doing it! You have to make it through preg, then labor, and then recovery and months if sleep deprivation. You being healthy and up for it is critical!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ronya- Thanks for the support :)

    Danielle- Thank you for the support and the nice induction story :) I have heard a couple of those during my research. I am sorry that your car ride was so unpleasant and uncomfortable. I am glad that you go to be with your family.

    Mel- Thank you so much for all of the advice. Those are GREAT things to ask my MW. I do plan on taking a list of questions and I am sure she has an opinion to tell me as well when I get there. I will add all of those questions to my list. My dr. is not into c-sections at all so I think that she would be willing to push through with me but I should check to make sure. That is one thing I am afraid of happening. I REALLY think how the induction is can be based on how dilated/effaced you are to start out with (based on the reading that I have done). I am wondering if I am not at all if I can decide to not induve when I get closer. I need to ask that. I have started up looking all the processes and plan to ask my midwife what she prefers to use. I want to know as much as possible. There seem to be a lot of different options so I want to know what she would plan on using. That is too bad you couldn’t have the cervix ripening drugs… I think those are supposed to help a lot! And that is true I know about my health affecting my babies health, thank you for reminding me. It is nice to have a fresh perspective.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    oh and Mel thats true about who will be on call... I don't have a huge preference about who delivers me. I have met them all and liked them all enough... though it is important to ask my MW if the other doctors share her same beliefs about what methods are used/c-sections
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Congratulations Brittony!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Danielle -- I'm glad you made it back home safely. I had to giggle (sorry) about your mother introducing your child to everyone. At some point during the greet-the-family part of my brother's service, my dad no longer introduced me to anyone, he just pointed to my belly. But of course I was only 26 weeks then and considering I still don't look pregnant to some people at 38 weeks, I bet some people had no idea why he was doing that. :laugh: I was pretty mortified.

    Well, it certainly doesn't appear July 3rd will be my day since it's already after noon and I got nothin'. Oh well! :tongue: Nesting has certainly kicked in full-force. This morning I woke up and before I even ate breakfast I suddenly absolutely HAD to clean the pantry. :huh: It took me about 90 minutes before I was satisfied. Insane. Now on to the rest of the house.
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Katrina/Anne -- I'm sorry, I have to comment. And I really hope I can do it without offending anyone because I promise that's not the intention. I KNOW Katrina didn't mean anything by it, but according to the statistics I've seen, inductions do not "more often than not lead to a c-section." Katrina, do you have an information source you'd like to share (I promise I mean this in a curious and non-snarky way! :laugh:)? Of course you can always ask your OB for their personal/hospital statistics, Anne, if you were very concerned about it.

    Sorry - somehow part of what I was writing went missing. It should have read something more along the lines of "inductions more ofthen than not lead to more interventions and can often increase the chances of a c-section as there is failure to progress or fetal distress from the ramped up levels that pitocin can lead too."

    I never meant to put somethign out that that was so egregiously worded. Please blame it on pregnancy brain.

    Anne Elise - I can't understand the not liking needles part as it's not an issue for me, but I second Mel's recommendation to seriously consider the IVs. RIght now you might feel like it's giving up, but it's a lot like having daddy take the baby out on a Saturday morning so that mom can get some uninterrupted sleep. It will chnage your whole perspective after things are restored to balance (more sleep, less sickness, etc.).

    Danielle - I am glad that you made it home safely.

    Maureen - Nesting was my first sign of impending labor. Dh jokes now that he should have known something was up when I was scrubbing the bathroom floor on my butt after cleaning the rest of the house earlier that day.

    AFM: I'm exhausted. My family arrived for an overnight visit - mom, dad, sister, 3 nephews and neice. This, added to my horde of 4, creates diaster of unbelievable proportions. Then today we celebrated J's birthday with a cookout. It was a lot of fun, but the last guest left after almost 4 hours here and J was asleep 5 minutes later. The house is moswtly back to normal - outside is completely done but the kitchen still needs work. I'm going to go upstairs to bed and fold the small mountain of laundry accumulated over the last few days. I am very thankful that we aren't doing anything tomorrow. I'm going to attempt to convince the kids to let me sleep in and try to do the same with my body! not sleeping past 6:30 is getting very old.

    Happy 4th!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    CAn I tell you guys that I am sooooo ready to not be pregnant anymore? I know some women love it, but not me... NOT AT ALL!

    I have spent today on the couch due to extreme dizziness which is only making my nauesa worse than normal. UGH! And I dont actually want her to start labor now, cause I really dont want a 4th of July baby (I have a birthday on a holiday and never liked it). UGH UGH UGH