
  • I like it I am totally doing this!

  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Well. Have managed 64 minutes today - am going to try and do this just counting 'planned' exercise - but not yet worked out how to update ticker - computers ugh

    Okay - so I worked out how to change it - having forgotten pass word and needing to create a completely new ticker.

    Am I the only one who has trouble with this???????
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    It's a rest day for me today but thought I'd better check in to keep me motivated to get back to it tomorrow! Great going everyone :bigsmile:
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    No you're definately not alone, I spent ages trying to fathom it out only to find I'd already done it technofobe that I am lol !!
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    165 min of 1200 completed
  • Nlakshmi
    Nlakshmi Posts: 72
    It looks like everyone is on the go.. I did only 140 min so far. does gardening for 2hrs count? lol that is what i did today..

  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    check out my ticker y'all! I'm burnin' this thing up!!! lol. My burn the week of the 11th-17th is gonna be cuh-razy!!! I'm working at a day camp...
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    July 1st -- 913 calories (This is the highest I have ever posted) -->149 mins
    July 2nd -- 270 calories ---> 81 mins
    July 3rd -- 347 calories ---> 56 mins

    1530 cals and 286 mins
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I did my first 60 minutes today and plan to do at least 30 minutes more later.
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    We walked probably 6 miles today with the stroller! 160 mins!!! Yicks my legs are kinda like jello right now :)

    What work out DVDs do you guys like?
    I have to be kinda careful with my broke butt feet though. I had surgery on the right one 2months ago and I have crazy pronation I am waiting for my orthotics and my doctor says I should be able to run again. :) okay what I am saying is a DVD with not too much impact on my tootsies but give me a good work out. I have walked crazy amounts since my surgery and I am getting board!!

    ~~***keep up the good work everyone***~~
  • blacrasberri
    blacrasberri Posts: 102
    So proud of myself! Went to the gym today and did some swimming, and cardio strength training. Then when I got home I played some Wii Tennis, & Wii Cardio Dancing= a total of 1,451 calories burned
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    So proud of myself! Went to the gym today and did some swimming, and cardio strength training. Then when I got home I played some Wii Tennis, & Wii Cardio Dancing= a total of 1,451 calories burned

    Good job girl!!!
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    The long weekend is almost over and I am 3 days and 300 minutes into the July exercise challenge, I hope to have my minutes done by the middle of the month. :love: having extra calories at the end of the day.
  • acrowebeahm
    acrowebeahm Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! 1,200 Mintues!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Busy weekend, not much time for any real exercise (well I probably could have fitted something in :tongue: ) Anyway finally got back to the gym this morning for 75mins.

    Have kids on School Holidays for a couple of weeks now and the weather is going to be terrible all this week (of course :grumble: ) I will just have to try extra hard to fit the exercise in around them!!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Yesterday, I went sailing on Lake Champlain for 3 hours with Hubby so that is another 180 minutes done for me. Today, I am a little sore so I'll do some stretching and some squats. Beleive it or not, sailing a raceboat, even at moderate speed, is demanding on the legs.

    390 minutes done, 810 to go.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Yay managed to sneak in another 35mins on the treadmill tonight. Only 1026 minutes to go :smile:
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    The long weekend is almost over and I am 3 days and 300 minutes into the July exercise challenge, I hope to have my minutes done by the middle of the month. :love: having extra calories at the end of the day.

  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Okay - have fitted in another 62mins and now feel absolute rubbish.......

    Well done all for keeping it up and I am pleased I'm not the only technophobe!!
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