Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    That's so sweet that you're wife is here, too, encouraging you. :heart:

    One thing I would advise... forget the scale for a bit. Pick a fitness related goal and focus on that.

    For me, it was running. I was never a runner. Thought my knees and lungs were too bad to run. Hated it. But I heard about the Warrior Dash, and it sounded like too much crazy fun to miss out on. And I realized that genetically, I can't be too much different than my healthy and strong brother and niece who run 5k races all the time. If they can do it, why can't I? My focus became learning to run, and I realized that it didn't matter if I gained or lost. It only mattered that I was healthy and strong.

    You're already strong. You know that. You couldn't do the heavy work you were just doing if you weren't strong. If you're strong enough to do that, especially with the excess weight you're carrying, you're strong enough to lose the fat.

    But there's some things you need to know. Your weight is going to fluctuate. It happens to all of us. I "gained" 8 pounds between Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon, thanks to going out to eat for breakfast twice (BACON! Yum!) and having a pile of pork, pasta salads, chips and cake (and booze) at a luau Saturday night. That's not gaining weight. That's retaining fluids.

    If you have stuff that's salty, you're gong to retain fluids. If it's really hot and humid, you're going to retain fluids (ever notice how your wedding ring is loser in the winter than the summer?). If you don't drink enough water, you're going to retain fluids. If you do drink enough, but you're body isn't used to it yet, you're going to retain fluids. If you bust your *kitten* and work out really hard and heavy (you know, like hauling rocks!), your muscles are going to be fatigued and swell and ... you guessed it... retain fluids.

    If you're eating at a deficit and working your bum off... you're not going to gain weight. It might not show on the scale right away, and you may need to tweak your calorie intake to find your own personal sweet spot, but you'll get there.

    Don't give up. Not that you have a choice in the matter. I know your wife won't let you. :smile:
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    WOW with so many comments so fast I cant quote all of them and respond so ill do it real quick right here. Yes, I felt down from this mornings weigh in. And thank you all the negative people that want to call me a quitter or they feel apauled because I felt like quitting your posts started becoming very funny and I was picturing you on a soap box preaching to everyone who read it like none of you ever thought about quitting so I am going to say this........GO PISS UP A ROPE.

    For everyone else thank you for the kind supportive words I am not going to quit. I tried to friend as many as I can I love and appreciate the help. Thank you

    Way to go! I do understand the discouragement of stepping on that scale and not seeing what you had hoped and worked for. Progress is measured in so many ways. Like today, I am wearing short for 4th of July that I couldnt wear last year at this time. I can walk and not feel out of breath. I have been able to see that I am bigger then the food and it feels awesome to exercise that control.

    Journey on my friend! we are all here for you.
  • HarperVT
    HarperVT Posts: 5
    WOW with so many comments so fast I cant quote all of them and respond so ill do it real quick right here. Yes, I felt down from this mornings weigh in. And thank you all the negative people that want to call me a quitter or they feel apauled because I felt like quitting your posts started becoming very funny and I was picturing you on a soap box preaching to everyone who read it like none of you ever thought about quitting so I am going to say this........GO PISS UP A ROPE.

    For everyone else thank you for the kind supportive words I am not going to quit. I tried to friend as many as I can I love and appreciate the help. Thank you

    haha, Good for you man! Good Luck!
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    For everyone else thank you for the kind supportive words I am not going to quit. I tried to friend as many as I can I love and appreciate the help. Thank you

    YAY!!!! I'm so glad and I look forward to taking one day at a time with you. Have a Happy 4th!

    me too!
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    WOW with so many comments so fast I cant quote all of them and respond so ill do it real quick right here. Yes, I felt down from this mornings weigh in. And thank you all the negative people that want to call me a quitter or they feel apauled because I felt like quitting your posts started becoming very funny and I was picturing you on a soap box preaching to everyone who read it like none of you ever thought about quitting so I am going to say this........GO PISS UP A ROPE.

    For everyone else thank you for the kind supportive words I am not going to quit. I tried to friend as many as I can I love and appreciate the help. Thank you

    ummm how does one piss up a rope?? lol

    haha, Good for you man! Good Luck!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Okay guys, whats up with all these negitive comments, your P***sing me OFF!! :explode:

    YOU are the real losers, not Rebel. Very immature!! I know its not my place, but can not stand when hes being put down like this!!

    Negativity breeds negativity. If you have a negative attitude then generally people will be negative's a fact of life. It annoys me and a lot of people who work hard and try hard and try to have a positive attitude.......if the poster wanted motivation and support and inspiration then he could ask and it would come flooding in by the bucket load.......oh and for the record all of us who have worked hard and lost weight and got fit and healthy we are not losers (at least not in the sense you intended ;)) we are just people who made a choice....the right one :)

    Well so did I. :smile:

    I'm only calling those losers who are just plain mean..personally, can't stand people like that.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Maybe examine your attitude and have some accountability. MFP isn't a diet. It's tools to help you make a healthy lifestyle change.

    20 Million pounds lost...MFP works if you do! won't be missed!

    WOW!!!! YOU are not a nice person!! Just sayin'

    but honest.
    I agree with the first two lines.
    the bye you won't be missedpart was a little too much, but otherwise, amen.
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    Look at your little girl in your profile picture. Do you see how happy she is? She won't be that happy when has died from something that was completely preventable. If anything, you need to lose that weight for her. What are you teaching her? That quitting is ok when the going gets tough?
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    LOL dude gave it 9 days? It can take up to 6 weeks before your body starts changing. Its totally frustrating but taking pride in small victories makes a difference. Today was the first day running that I didnt feel like I was going to have a heart attack, yet I've only lost a pound. But I know by exercising I am getting my heart in better shape, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, elevating mood by endorphins, and making healthier eating decisions.

    If you are just going to quit then you might as well tell your children you are going to die much earlier because you afraid of failing. Go ahead and tell them that by the age of 50 you will probably be on 20 different medicines and will have to ride the motorized cart at WalMart because you weigh so much your knees can't handle the stress. I'm sure your child wont feel embarrassed. Or how about the example you are setting your child by being fat and quitting? You are going to raise fat kids who will have no self esteem and probably raise fat kids themselves.

    It's the harsh truth every one of us has to face. Get back in the game! If you try it for 12 weeks and dont lose a pound then something else is certainly wrong. But what do you have to lose by trying? Weight? Oh yeah, thats a GOOD thing!!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Dude, I feel ya. I've been overweight almost my whole life. If you are honestly eating a reasonable (and honest) diet of say 1800-2000 calories per day and still gaining weight then I think you should see a Doctor. There may be something medically wrong that needs to be addressed. Don't bother "dieting", just try to eat a reasonable amount of food with as much balance as possible. If you do nothing else at least you will feel well and be healthier than if you simply throw in the towel and go back to eating poorly.

    All that said, it just isn't easy and I wish you luck in your journey. I too have a daughter and would like to be healthier so that I can be an active participant in her life, but at the end of the day I have to find a way to make it work for me. No one else can take these steps, only you can do that.
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    You have a really nice wife!
  • gmullens
    gmullens Posts: 1
    Get the Fat Flush Diet Plan and do what it says. You will loose the weight.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    To the OP:
    I just read a good bit of this thread. I'm so glad that you decided not to give in to the discouragement that naturally stems from what seems like a setback. I'm glad you have a wonderful supportive wife who clearly sees that you are succeeding and cheers you on. I'm glad that you have found more positive and helpful friends on MFP to help you on your journey.

    Taking control of a part of your life that has been out of control is a huge step for anyone. It is daunting to grapple with all of the lifestyle changes, the emotional issues and the physical challenges of the task all at once - especially in the beginning. Those who were negative and harsh in their responses need to take a long hard look at their own humanity - to flippantly dismiss your pain and confusion, kick you when you are down and mock your very real concerns reveal MUCH about them, just as the fact that you have come around and decided to persevere reveals much about you.

    You are strong. You are committed. You love your family and want to give them the very best self you can. You are human enough to falter, but wise enough to get up and try again. You're going to succeed. That is the destiny you are writing for yourself every day that you keep working toward health and happiness. Keep up the good work!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    This is difficult. You've got to be ready. I've tried so many diet plans and programs, and have found MFP to be the best (for me). Please add me as a friend, if you'd like. The MFP community is the best. Please don't give up. Please don't give up on yourself.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    This is what I get from this thread. It's not about instant gratification. Establishing the habits for a healthier life takes time. But, it's easy to get frustrated and want to quit. It is never helpful to lash out and be judgemental towards others. Losing weight takes time and has it's ups and downs. And speaking of up, I can't shake off the image of p*ssing up a rope. Maybe some firworks will take that off my mind. For those of you in the States, have a happy 4th.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    My children are now 20, 18, 17 16 and I have just in the last two years been able to run around, swim, play ball, and things like that with my kids. I think it's hugely important for us to get ourselves healthy and be active with our kids. It's so important for bonding and for educating them! A huge motivator, makes me extremely sad thinking about how often I sat out and just watched, rather than participate in playing with them.

    I too have a daughter and would like to be healthier so that I can be an active participant in her life, but at the end of the day I have to find a way to make it work for me. No one else can take these steps, only you can do that.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I absolutely agree, I'm actually pretty disappointed in how many responded so judgmentally. This site is fantastic, there are a lot of fantastic people here!
    it's easy to get frustrated and want to quit. It is never helpful to lash out and be judgemental towards others. Losing weight takes time and has it's ups and downs.
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    Good for you for sticking with it. Those temporary increases in weight are extremely frustrating to see. As others have said, keep your chin up, remember why you're doing this, and remember that non-scale victories feel good--focus more on those than on the scale. You'll be better off for it. Friend me if you like, I understand what you're going through. Good luck with this.

    Also: 13 pounds in as many days? Nothing to sneeze at. Better than I've ever done.
  • rickster2663
    rickster2663 Posts: 6 Member
    Weight loss isn't easy. I can go a week and never lose a lb. Fact is sometimes I gain when I work out realy hard, go figure. I think controling sodium is one of my problems, and the conversion of fat to muscle could be another reason. I haven't quit however. myfitness pal is a boom for me since starting it i have lost 20 lbs before it I lost 107 but the calorie tracking sucked. Quittig is easy I have done it also. Sticking it out is hard but becauae I did I can walk up a flight of stairs again.
  • blesliemeow
    Your attitude is everything! Clearly you arent trying that hard. Stop taking your frustrations out on MFP and start blowing off steam by EXERCISING! If you keep telling yourself your not making any progress -then you WONT!