C25K & C210K support group...



  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    Hi everybody!
    I am really interested in C25K but I was hoping somebody could tell me a little about it. Is it for only absolute beginners? I run a little bit and I'm very active but I definitely want to get better at it! Is there an eating plan or anything else (besides the running chart) that go with it?
    Thank you very much and the best of luck to you! :)
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I have put off W5/D3 and the 20 min run for 2 weeks, but got my head into gear and got back on the TM today. I am proud/disappointed as I did do 16 mins straight, but disappointed because I do think I could have pushed a bit harder and got nearer the 20 mins. Going to try again tomorrow. Super proud though because I couldn't even do 60 seconds when I first started.
  • zojo78
    zojo78 Posts: 29 Member
    Starting this tomorrow - yikes! A little nervous!! ;-)
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Hi everybody!
    I am really interested in C25K but I was hoping somebody could tell me a little about it. Is it for only absolute beginners? I run a little bit and I'm very active but I definitely want to get better at it! Is there an eating plan or anything else (besides the running chart) that go with it?
    Thank you very much and the best of luck to you! :)

    I would probably still start at the beginning because the intervals are going to help you to work on your endurance, so when you get to the long runs you have the stamina. Unless you run a few times a week already, then maybe you could start a few weeks into the program.
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 105 Member
    Just did W1D2. My legs were killing me yesterday, and I was a bit stiff this morning, but my legs actually feel much better after my walk/run.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Started W5 of C210K today. I went out at 9:30 this morning thinking it would still be cool and it was already so hot! I also forgot to eat breakfast, which was not good. Around 45 minutes in I started to feel like I could barely keep going, but I did it. I'm really proud of myself for finishing because the route I took today has a lot of HUGE hills and it seemed like everytime I had to run I was on one of them.

    Keep up the good job everyone!
  • beyondvalue
    beyondvalue Posts: 10 Member
  • eeslee
    eeslee Posts: 3
    I love the C25k programme, completed it once about three years ago and wish I had kept the running up. Was up to week 6 a couple of weeks ago, but got sick, so now am repeating week 4 and building up again. The great news is that hubby has leapt in to do it with me, it makes a difference having a running buddy. Here in New Zealand it is winter and blimmen cold at the moment, yesterday my arms and legs were bright red from the cold and wind and my ears ached...gotta get a good beanie. Am still not totally right, my asthma is playing up, but I am determined to keep on track this time!
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 105 Member
    Just finished W1D3. I have no more leg pain! I guess it was just the muscles getting used to running again.

    Week 2 starts on Saturday.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry, I lost this thread for awhile. I just finished week 10 of c210k. WEEK 10!!!!! If you had told me when I started this that I'd be running TWO 22 minute intervals, I would have laughed at you... out loud... and fallen over from laughing so hard! :laugh:

    I'm still sooo slow (run about 3.5 - 4 miles in an hour - BUT... I've decided to start training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon (Feb 26) when I'm done with c210k (in about another 2 weeks!). Already got my plan and I'm ready to rock and roll! Yay! Funny thing... I'm not scared about the 13.1 miles. I know I'll be able to do that (crazy huh?!?) - what I'm concerned about is the 16:00 pace I'll need to keep. Oh well... endurance first, speed will follow. And... by that time, I should have lost most of this excess poundage I'm carrying around which will surely help speed me up (since I won't be carrying around a 50 lb backpack! :tongue: )
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 105 Member
    W2D1 done today!
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I complete c25k a few months ago. Life became crazy, I got lazy. So this week I started c210k. I started with week 2. Tomorrow I will hopefully get out of bed and do week 2 DAY 3. My legs are killing me. LOL
  • paul_draper
    paul_draper Posts: 91 Member
    I have been running 5K for a couple of months now, still using the NHS Direct podcast. Thinking I ought to move on I decided to try a Bridge to 10K app on my Blackberry. I needn't have bothered. Starting at at slower pace than I was used to I easily ran to the end of the time the app alloted. By this time I had run the 10K but was now quite a way from home. Rather than sit on the bus in a pool of sweat I thought I might as well run until I couldn't carry on and walk the rest. I soon realised I had run over 8.5 miles so decided to carry on until 10 miles. I completed the 10 miles in 2 hours giving an average speed of 5 mph. I've never run so far in my life and it's all down to the C25K programme and Laura's ( the NHS virtual coach) encouragement.

    Keep it up, everyone!
  • levymikes
    levymikes Posts: 1
    Hey all. New to the group. Just finished w3d1. I hate running and always have. When I saw my first 3 minute run I thought there was no way! Not only did I manage to do it, I finished the day without a problem and actually ran a little extra just for fun. Such a crazy cool feeling to actually enjoy this process. I love this app. Trying to recruit all the non runners to try it out. Nervous for future runs but staying positive. :-)
  • Greetings. Did W1D1 today. Been "planning" to start for a few weeks. Today I just up and did it. Wasn't easy, but wasn't so bad either. Appreciate the encouragement in this board.
  • jlb1596
    jlb1596 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on W2 D2 of c210k got a little aggravated that I flew by the first 4 and count do the last run cycle got cramps in my side and just walked so I am doing it again today but I guess the point is to push through! Can any tell me how much they have lost doing the c210k on a normal 1500 cal diet and how long it took to get there
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    There are 2 really good groups-

    For c25k: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/30-couch-to-5k-running-program-c25k

    For Bridge to 10k: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/526-bridge-to-10k

    Both have daily check-in threads and a wealth of information!
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