Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member
    Jen!! Glad you found us, many people are doing FB, Proboards and I know Lana knows the other one. It was important for us to remain an open type of discussion so people could drop by and not all of the boards had that option, so we landed here. The WW boards are done end of this month with "Connect" starting on the website sometime in August. I got so miffed that I cancelled WW and dont really care what they do :o ..... Glad you had a good time in Hawaii - I am assuming that is true.....

    I get to go to a BBQ so I am hoping to make good food choices. Got message from PCP to have a follow up appointment.... yikes open the door and I get flooded with things to take care of medically.

    Will stop by later. See if any of the CBoys show up at the BBQ. I needed a laugh, sorry
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member
    No Cboys and sat with woman I really wanted to get away from, so I left early. Will drink another bottle of water and see about ignoring the kitchen.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member

    Good morning, shouts out to Annie/Mimzy for leaving ice cream alone and doing anything else, but she went shopping and did treadmill work - that is 2 wins!! I think Lana suggested to weigh in so you can see where you are and adjust from there.

    If I am lucky and I remember to.... I will get to Michael's and see what kind of cord necklaces I can get in their jewelry section. Yarn is dong the trick for now.

    HOT weekend so I get to quote "Love Shack" this weekend, I know you are looking forward to it.

    Able to help coworker with her file because I cleaned mine up so well.

    Message from Dr wanting a follow up apt, so hopefully it is a true follow up apt not results of mammogram.... we shall see. She gave me her working hours and she starts at 6:30 so I might catch her before work.

    TGIF one more time. Wishing all a good day.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    TGIF! Yes, Sara, I believe it was Lana who urged me to weigh in. I finally did so this morning and am at 151.4, which is 4 lbs up from my lowest weight of this summer. My goal is to get down to at least 145 and my ultimate goal (which I have never reached since I started trying to lose weight) is 140. So, now I know where I am and can work from there.

    Our shopping last night was to purchase school supplies for my kiddos. We looked for the best deals but it is still an expensive proposition, especially when both really needed new backpacks. (We always re-use backpacks until they need to be replaced.) The two younger kids were very excited about it all. DS who is heading to college did not come along but we picked up a planner and some notebooks, folders, pencils, and pens for him. Will have to look into his need for textbooks soon.

    I have one homework assignment to finish for the course I am taking and then can request to have the test open for the weekend. Hoping I can fit the assignment in on my lunch break today.

    Going out to a Plant Nite (similar to a Paint Nite) with some co-workers this evening so will not be exercising but will try not to eat/drink too much and will keep it very light through the day to offset.

    Sara, I hope the follow-up needed with your doctor is not serious.

    Have a good day everyone. Very hot here, as well. Drink your water!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member
    Good evening, Tillie is being my shadow now that I am home. She is getting groomed tomorrow so she will be pretty - not happy but pretty. Waiting for frozen lasagna, thought about something else for dinner and then got lazy.

    Find me under Lana's Palm Tree snoring ....... Wishing all a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member
    Dawn, meetings are so dull, I probably would have done the same thing!! Lucky little kittens...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    That's what I thought! Where's my Protein?!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog keeps me on schedule. She is taken care of and now I need to go back to sleep. Dog is going to groomer this morning so I could not sleep in and get all of my errands done.

    Hot temps today, will comment later.

    Wishing all a great Saturday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member

    ......Dog is going to groomer this morning so I could not sleep in and get all of my errands done.

    Hot temps today, will comment later.

    Wishing all a great Saturday.

    Good morning Sara ....
    Sara, when you have a dog like Tillie, is it her breed (and luxurious coat) that determines how often you take them to the groomer? Or is it nails and glands and such?
    I am dreaming of a day with Shih Tsus. I can give them baths in the kitchen sink, and I think I can learn to brush their puppy cut (for sure a puppy cut) and plumey tails, but the trimming etc must be done by professional. Is it once or twice a month, or as needed? Is Tillie on a regular monthly appointment with groomer? Just dreaming and planning ahead. I love dogs, but never had one.

    Waves to Annie and Liz and Jen and Chamie and Dawn~~~

    I've got a bunch of stuff to do today, most of it healthy ;)

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member

    THE BECK DIET SOLUTION Starting Monday August 1st ......

    over on The GDT ExPats boards, for anyone interested:

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member
    Back from errands to pick up dog to go to groomer.

    She goes to groomer once x 2 months, she gets her nails/glands done at vet every 6 weeks ( I am adding rabies vaccine on this one next Sunday). I got her as an adult and tried to bathe her more often..... if you can get a puppy and train them to sinks then awesome. If you want to learn you can groom your dog - but it is often worth the money to get them groomed. My dog has 2 different nail colors (white an black - just like her fur!!) and so trimming black nails is tricky, so I let someone else do it and get the dirty look from the dog.....

    Many changes in my life this year and I had to say good bye to one of my favorite people she is moving away to start a new career and more power to her. I gave her my username here and who knows? She may even stop by.

    Got on scale this morning wearing less than usual for my official weigh in and the number was one I have not seen in awhile, so that is encouraging. I like this site because it breaks down food and as I have to watch sodium more that is a big help.

    Thanks for the Beck Diet Solution (so nice to be able to write it) and the link. May just be the time to start in earnest.

    Will stop by later.

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All-

    Still trying to get adjusted to the boards. I kind of like that it is one on going thread- I can read and catch up easily. So today I decided to actually join WW and go to the meetings. I am just going to try it for 3 months. I had success when I went to meetings. Something about accountability with me. It's like getting on a scale in front of someone that makes me feel like I have to answer for myself. I went in and got a weird vibe from the woman. Very scatter brained - wasnt following me when I said I did it online etc. Anyway...

    So yes, I've been gone since June 30th - Was in NYC for about 10 days- then Hawaii for 10. I guess on a positive note when I weighed in today I weighed exactly the same as when I left. So on one hand I didn't gain, but I really did not eat that much either. I really thought with being so active - I would have dropped a pound at least. I swear, it's almost like my body does not want to drop lower - I have been at this weight since March! Clearly, something is not working, which is why I decided to try the meetings.

    Interestingly, they are not at all mentioning the other plan (what was core) I follow that online and when I mentioned it, she just said they were not encouraging that. hmmmm

    So I brought the Beck book with me and never opened it. I did read 3 other books though-

    Just trying to settle in to my new place- got the bathroom done- now on to the kitchen.

    Will be back later-
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member
    Calny/ Jen = I guess on a positive note when I weighed in today I weighed exactly the same as when I left.

    That is a huge success. Okay it may not feel like one but you at least broke even. I really like the meetings so I am glad you could get one that fits (location/time etc). I really like WW is going through such a transition it will just take them time to "get it together".

    I like tracking here on this website so I can watch my sodium intake and seems I "under eat" which is surprising, but if this works and it is "healthy", whatever works, right??

    Nap in the cards today. Will stop by later.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Drive by waving. Be back later. Hope all had a good Saturday
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member

    SUNDAY July 24th

    Good morning all.
    I'm off to meditation down in Chelsea, then the health club pool.

    Weigh in this morning was up .8 to 220. I'm OK with that - glad it wasn't more.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,344 Member
    Good morning,

    Lana, thank you for starting. I was trying to find a little more sleep, didnt happen. How far is the meditation place from you?? Enjoy the pool. Good attitude on the weigh in....

    Dog ready to go out. Sprinklers are on, so with any luck they will be done when I finish eating breakfast.

    Groceries then housework, will make black bean burgers again for dinners- hot week all 100 plus so want easy entrees.... made fried rice last night (chicken was still frozen so I will cook that up today).

    Will stop by later, wishing all a good morning.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good Sunday Morning! I feel like such a slacker by reading everyone else's plans for the day. Debating going fishing .. Thinking it's going to be miserably hot again. Ugh
    Black Bean Burgers sound interesting...
    Just chillin for now... Hanging with man and dogs watching movies... Need motivation to do anything...
    Happy Sunday to all... Hope to stop by later...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member

    Sara - the mediation place is about 1.5 miles from my apartment, but definitely not walkable in this heat, so a fairy short subway ride there and back. It was very warm there; air was not on, fans going, so I stayed only about 30 minutes. Good enough. Got vegetables one the way home.

    Dawn, what section of the country do you live in with today's weather being "miserably hot"? I guess it could be just about anywhere with the way things are now.

    DH has gone to the health club. I don't know whether to bother or not. The pool will be filled with kids and families. It's much better on weekdays. It's very tempting to just stay inside where it's cool.

    Dinner is cheap steak, broccoli, potatoes.
