Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    My to do list is half done, letting the heat outside dry my clothes. CA does not have the humidity so on days like this it is easy. Half of my list done by 9:30 - have a netflix to watch "confessions of a geisha", an area of junk to deal with and vacuuming (dog hates it so I dont do it as often). Gee, a nap should fit into there somewhere..... right??

    Dog looks extra pretty after grooming, which makes me run up and hug her. Sometimes I see the dirty look from her.......

    Having frozen banana and peanut butter for after dinner treat. Bananas were not going to make it and so I peeled them wrapped them loosely in wax paper and put as many as I could get into a freezer bag.

    Based on Myfitnesspal I am under eating calories, dont mean to, hence the peanut butter and banana.

    I am considering another Question of the week.....

    Yesterday I popped into my Supervisor's office and asked if she knew Sesame Street - just to make sure .... and I told her that "today was brought to you by the number 2" - the number of invoices I have over 90 days in my workfile which I guess is unusual in our department :s - she picked the letter Q - so yesterday was brought to you by the number 2 and the letter Q.

    Enough about me...... Dawn - fishing?? It can be a very relaxing thing to do and I know people who love the peace and quiet. I get sunburned thinking about it, so I hope you get to go and have a good time (imagine me on the shore under an umbrella).

    Lana - hey to have a place to meditate that close is wonderful. I have no clue where there is one in my area. I am glad you went. My dinner is leftover fried rice with the chicken I will cook up for meals/salads for this week.

    If you are still reading, extra sparkly fishy stickers for you!!

    Stay cool out there, easy day to get our glasses of water in......
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited July 2016
    Lana- I am in the wonderfully great state of Misery... Err, Missouri... Lake of the Ozarks to be precise. It has been triple digit heat indexes for 2 weeks. Supposed to be slightly cooler (80 deg actual temp) unfortunately we do have humidity.... sometimes it's enough to take yer breath away... jumping in the creek wouldn't be a bad idea, actually

    Sara- I might have to be under an umbrella, if I were to sit on the shore.. Not looking like a plan, at least for this morning...AC kicked on before 10:00am, which means it's gonna be a little warm, today.

    Nap sounds pretty good, too... still lacking motivation...

    PS... What's our letter and number, today? Hehe. I had to laugh at that
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    Lana- where do you go for meditation? I started TM in California but saw they have a center in Manhattan too. Have you ever been to this place in Queens called Spa Castle. I think that is the name. Its supposed to have all these hot tubs/pools etc.

    Sara- I have finally made it back to NorCal so weather has been nice up here. Warm but not too bad and nights are pretty comfortable. Better than the weather I had in NY and while Hawaii was wonderful- sure was humid.

    Dawn- do you do fresh water fishing? I used to go sea fishing for Blue's when I lived in NY, it was fun to just be out on the ocean.

    I'm still unpacking. 10 days in Hawaii and feeling good is gone already. Been cleaning, moving etc and I am sore and achey. Ugh. I have not been eating much as I have been busy but I dont think what I have been has been that great. Late dinner last night was nutella and a banana.

    I just bought (and assembled) and outdoor electric grill. Anyone use one before? I usually like propane but since I have a deck in a small complex, I thought they may not allow propane. I have heard mixed reviews. Will try later in the week. I am a big griller so I hope I like this. Well I have a ton of styrofoam I need to dump and have no idea where- guess I'll just drive around with garbage till I find a dumpster.

    Have a happy Sunday!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Jen- We live at the Lake in Mo. No Ocean here. We fish for Crappie and Catfish, mostly.
    We have an electric grill. We use our charcoal one mostly. But, when we're in a hurry, we use the electric one. It's easier for me and it cooks really nice. I think you will like it at the very least, just for the shear convenience.
    Well, back to doin nothing on this incredibly warm Sunday!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Our high was 106 yes I get to remind you of Love Shack's lyrics at the end where a man whines "its hot in here".

    Dawn is that one dog or 2 in your avitar and we love to know pets names......
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- It is 2 Boston Terriers... both rescues... Domino has been with us for about 6 yrs or so. She is about 10 yrs and spunky as ever. Although, she recently injured herself and has a torn ACL that is giving her trouble. We have only had Max since late May. He is 8 yrs old and acts as if he's 2. They are the best dogs we have ever had. They truly are like having small children. They have very distinct personalities and very emotional. Love them to pieces.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Down .2 this morning, weighted myself twice and took the better of the two....

    Hot here and Monday. What joy. Have Wednesday off to get hair colored. Never want to rush anyone coloring my hair, and the apt itself takes well over an hour so I just take the day off.

    Need to have blood drawn as part of annual physical, so I will do that same day. Have not been taking BP per pcp instructions (pcp is primary care physician or your main doctor who is a general practitioner) so will try and take it more often this week. We shall see.......

    Some lunatic likes to set off fireworks around after 9 at night and dog was all crazy. I said lunatic because they set them off here in the parking lot where there are close enough buildings......Luckily it is not every night.

    Bought 2nd pair of stronger reading glasses for around $20 at store so I can read things that have insanely small print.. other pair will stay at work. One pair is purple and the other is fusia.

    Will lurk from work. Wishing all a great Monday - make the best of it.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    had a squiggly line that is Fuchsia.....
  • sdmlr
    sdmlr Posts: 22 Member
    Please help, I have been a lifetime member WW only to gain all of it and some more back. I got on the scale this morning and weighed 195. I don't want to keep doing this. I had gotten down to 154 a 1 1/2 ago and now back to this. I use food as a reward, medicine and everything else.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Good morning! Have not weighed myself since Friday. I'm sure it would not be good. Weekend was fun and busy but contained too many treats and carbs. Got in lots of steps, so that is a plus. I have to find a way to not let my family drag me off track. Today will be a challenge as we have a potluck at work, so I ate an egg for breakfast and will plan something low-cal, low-points for supper. For lunch, I will do what I can based on what others bring.

    Finished up week 3 of a 6-week class last night, so happy to be halfway through! Lots of homework again this week, which will keep me busy.

    Participating in a meeting from 9-2 today and not looking forward to it. I have a lot of REAL work to do and this meeting will accomplish nothing. Grrr.

    I'll CBL!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Hi Ladies

    Sitting in Imaging place waiting to have breast biopsies done on both breasts.
    Fingers are crossed that the things they saw on the mammograms were nothing.

    So many medical facilities are merging and changing here in NYC that the place I've had my mammograms done for 20 years no longer exists! And the whole building right across the street from huge major hospital tossed out most of the practices that had been there for decades. I used to go there for all my care. Sad.

    I'll be back tomorrow or later today to pay attention to everything you all are up to. Don't know how sore I will be.

    Won't have results for a week or so.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Sending good thoughts, hot water bottle afterwards if possible. My ultrasound is not this but next Friday. Will keep good thoughts and get the CBoys to make a comfort care package for you. At work bbl.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Finally a break from the heat, today. Was up off and on all night due to dog being terrified of storm that I didn't know was coming. Poor girl just shakes and pants whole time. Finally let up this morning and she's been catching up on all the sleep we missed. Still raining but no thunder.
    I need a hair apt desperately. I no longer can afford to pay to have it colored. The box isn't so bad. My grey just comes thru so quick... Drives me crazy! I have decided to just keep chopping it off, tho. It gets in the way at work and I'm tired of ponies. It grows super fast, tho. There's been times I really just want to shave it.
    Good thoughts your way, Lana and Sara on your blood work.
    Another lazy day for me before back to work tomorrow.... I feel the stress already... Grrr
  • Chikachikaslimshady
    Chikachikaslimshady Posts: 8 Member
    This is my third and hopefully last reset. I haven't been able to lose weight again after being down 20lbs last year and then gaining it all back again. I need MFP friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Such a strange set of circumstances have led me to your group. I've been in WW for years (thank you insurance co. for paying for it) and I've been here even longer. I really let myself go lately and need a group to help with motivation. I was going to come back to the WW boards for some new inspiration, but found out they are getting rid of the forums. So here I am at MFP looking for a group of like minded people and am so happy to have found this group! :) We are not paying for etools and don't use WW to count, MFP has always been easier.

    My name is Sue, I'm 53, DH and I live with 3 totally spoiled cats. Our daughter is married to a really nice son-in-law and they have given us the 4 of the most amazing grandsons you can imagine.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Welcome to sdmir and CCSlimShady
    Welcome Sue!

    We Serial Starters have been puttering around together on WW for a few years, and though we are not the fastest losers, I think I can say that we have stuck together and not put any weight on. We tend to stay stable or lose a little bit at a time through our life challenges.

    So see if you like it here. We aren't very formal. We try to come up with something to "work on" for the week, if we have time to. Seems we don't yet have anything for this week, but it's been a creaky Monday start to the week.

    Just so you know, The General/Daily thread aka GDT from WW boards has a big selection of boards/threads/topics on ProBoards at

    and there is a group there getting ready to go through the Beck "Pink Book" starting August 1st. That's the Judith Beck Cognitive Behavioral modification book which can work with any weight loss program. It itself is not a diet or weight loss program. It's good stuff.

    Time to watch garbage TV!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Ooooh, actually I think I fibbed about not putting any weight on. I did go up almost ten pounds during the past month or so (sort of vacationing did that), but I have my fridge stocked with good stuff and Good Lana is ready to battle with Lazy Lana to get going in the right direction.....
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Dawn, such a shame the doggies have to be so stressed during the storms. I guess that there is no such thing as a very mild dog tranquilizer pill to give them.

    I have always done my own hair color; I hate doing it, but at least I can do it at the drop of a hat when convenient at home. Plus I can do little touch ups in between the big jobs. However, I can't cut it myself, so I go to an Aveda school. They do an OK job for 1/3 the cost of a great job at a salon. It's summer now though, so I need that long length to get it up or in a pony tail. Maybe a new shorter cut in mid-September. :smiley:
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Welcome to sdmir and CCSlimShady
    Welcome Sue!

    Lazy Sara cuts and pastes Lana!!

    105 today and will be for awhile. Yuck.

    How are you doing Lana??

    Will make dinner while I still feel like eating and will pop back before lights out / last call.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All-

    Late post. I have not been sleeping well and took for the first time a 1/2 of a sleeping pill (Dr. gave me an RX last November when I was going through a hard time but never used it). I think or know I have an incredibly slow to nonexistent metabolism. Any pill I take that has to kick in, takes me several hours to work and then lasts forever. It said to take one but thought I'd try 1/2. The jetlag has killed me and so I dont fall asleep till 3am and sleep till noon (Hawaii time) but trying to get back on a schedule as work starts on Monday. I took the pill at 11pm and was up till 2am when it finally kicked in- wound up feeling drugged till 11am again. Ugh.

    Anyone else find they have this issue with pills? I really wonder if it is connected to my slow to nonexistent weight loss. My dentist also mentioned that she has to build in extra time when I get novicane because it takes about 30min for it to take effect and it also lasts forever.

    Lana- Did you get hit with that heavy rain? My sister said the lightning was dancing. I loved those summer storms. Stay cool its going to be scorcher.

    Sara- What part of CA are you in again? My friend up in Grass Valley said it hit over 100 today as well. I took a drive down to Half Moon Bay and of course the fog rolled in and it was 65. Turned around to drive back and its now 85 by me. That always amazed me that in a matter of 20 minutes you can have a 20 degree change in weather.

    Hello new folks!

    Ok, so I called the store and they will take the grill back. My deciding factor is the outlets will not handle the electric for it and keep blowing circuits. Going to wait till tonight to return it since they are open till 9pm. I find that I am going out to Target etc all at late hours to not deal with traffic/people.

    Have a great end of the day!