Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • MeinProgress
    MeinProgress Posts: 77 Member
    Welcome @margie633 - Post group
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Holy crud it has been a busy day. I have gym'ed for an hour, grocery shopped mowed the lawn and for some reason decided to trim back the trees in the backyard. I got tired of fighting them when I was mowing. If that does not get me to my calorie burn goal I don't know what will.

    Had my first appointment with the pain management clinic. They reviewed all my X-ray's and my MRI and I got the best news possible, just basic advanced arthritis that is causing the radiating pain. So I am going to start cortisone shots on Monday in my neck. Hopefully it will help and I will be back to full strength.

    On a fun not I have a new UPS man, hunka hunka...I think I will be ordering even more from Amazon, hehe.

    Have a great weekend if I don't have time to check back in. We are watching out twin nieces this weekend so holy busy.


    Joy - I am so jealous of the kayaking. I miss the water.

    Rachel - I am a big happy scale girl. Been using it for a while. Love to see the arc go from red on the way to green.

    Janet - great job on staying away from the muchies. That is a true NSV.

    Joy - great job on the 1 pound lose!!

    @margie633 - welcome aboard.
  • juanitagardner07
    juanitagardner07 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,
    I am 41 and would like to lose another 40 or so pounds. I have been on here since the end of April and have lost 26 pounds so far... I too work at a desk all day, have been for the last 9 years or so. I have put on a lot of weight since then. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!
  • jordiblu
    jordiblu Posts: 145 Member
    anyone can add me - I offer tips all the time! my diary is open
  • MeinProgress
    MeinProgress Posts: 77 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile - Nothing wrong with a little eye candy

    I just found out that my 11 year old, who has been playing soccer since she was 5, did not make a team this year....I have no idea how I am going to break it to her...Poor Baby :(

  • melsouth1972
    melsouth1972 Posts: 198 Member
    I would love to join your group. I have actually reached my goal wait however I struggle with maintenance so was hoping this would help ❤️
  • melsouth1972
    melsouth1972 Posts: 198 Member
    That's goal weight!
  • Samgrim91
    Samgrim91 Posts: 25 Member
    edited July 2016
    Back after a long absence! Quick recap: lost Nan to cancer end of last year, dad was and still is severely ill - we finally know what is wrong with him though after 7 months of tests and appointments. He has a cyst on his T10-T11 veterbrae and needs an operation to remove and to fuse the vertebrae after that to re-stabilise his spine since it's currently being pushed out of line by the cyst. He's dropped from 12st in weight to under 10st now and is still going however and they can't tell us if this is related to the cyst or not. So me and my husband are still running around lots since he's unable to drive. I've put back on the half a stone I managed to lose at the beginning of the year but am determined to just try again. I have my diet protein shakes ready and my gym membership waiting for me - that's tomorrow's goal of this cough I have doesn't prevent me from doing too much! Current Weight: 15st 10.4lbs First Goal: 3lbs lost
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @melsouth1972 We would love to have you! It is pretty much check in as your life allows. Almost everyone checks is during the week, weekends are usually quiet.

    @Samgrim91 Welcome back, Sorry to hear about Nan, and your dad. I am sure your dad is lucky to have you, glad they have a plan to start helping him recover. I am very happy that you are starting to take time for yourself. It is important when taking care of other people, that you take time for you to recharge. Best of luck.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @danan01 Great idea, what 4 did you decide on? And my dream is totally to eat all day and not gain an ounce!

    @MeinProgress That's rough news for an 11 year old. I can't believe it's that competitive! Is there a different team she can play on?

    @juanitagardner07, @melsouth1972, and @margie633 Welcome!

    @FitEqualsSmile Gotta love a little eye candy to brighten the day ;) Maybe this is Amazon Prime's new marketing strategy?

    @bluepoppies777 Congrats on your loss! Doing anything fun for the long weekend?

    @jdelaroy Great NSV with the ice cream! I have a hard time too when those cravings hit!

    @health_guard Those berries look delicious, looks like your primed for a good healthy week. I'm not sure what to do with a teenager but I can say there's no way to make a teenager do anything unless they want to do it themselves. Making healthier recipes and asking her if she wants to join you for a walk/fun active activity is about the best I can think of.

    @Samgrim91 Sorry to hear about your Nan. It sounds like you've had a lot of stress to combat. Welcome back!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Had a wonderful weekend. I ended up eating almost 1000 over budget on Saturday, but I did a 2 hour Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class, biked 17 miles, and walked the dog for an hour that same day so I'm calling it even. I didn't weigh in this morning because I still feel sodium bloated but I'll check in once I feel more evened out since I'm still in for the challenge!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @health_guard - agree you can't make a teenager do stuff but I would try and encourage her to get involved with you and your mum - both with making nice food and getting her involved in the activity. If you make it a social thing she might find she's involved and enjoying it before she knows it! And beyond that, set her a good example and hope that she does decide to follow when she is ready.

    @Rachel0778 - sounds like a great weekend and I suspect you were better off than you think - that's a lot of exercise :)

    @Samgrim91 - sorry to hear about your nan and your dad. Welcome back and hopefully you can find some time to focus on yourself whilst still supporting everyone else.

    Welcome new members :)

    We had a lovely weekend - 25th wedding anniversary lunch do for Alistair's god parents on Saturday and a very chilled, nice day yesterday - spent most of it in the park and the garden. And I learnt a valuable lesson - too much chocolate brownie puts a 19 month old up in the clouds and makes getting him to sleep in the evening almost impossible!!

    And my diary is completely and totally blown already today - lunch at Wagamamas and I'm hundreds over my target already - ah well, at least I've logged it! Hope Monday is good to you all.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @health_guard Have her help with the meal planning. Explain to her you need to eat better and it would help you out if she picked some healthier recipes.

    @rachel0778 Wow, that was a very active weekend. I would call it even too.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Well Saturday I did nothing. I wasn't feeling so hot, laid in bed most of the day. Managed to stay under calories.
    Sunday I did laundry and more laundry, some unpacking, donated 2 trash bags full of clothes either too big, or just not ever going to wear from out of my closet, a bunch of walking and up and down the stairs. Barely staid under calories, but that huge bowl of ice cream was worth it. LOL

    My NSV for today, I looked in my food bag for work and the unhealthiest thing I had in there was cream cheese. Oh my, when did I start eating such good for me things?
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
  • projectjen
    projectjen Posts: 25 Member
    Hi guys - I had to delete my old account...but this is Jen - meinprogress
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @danan01 I love this meme. I need to remember that when the SO offers me ice cream. I love it, and usually have enough calories for a bowl, but he gives me a heaping bowl of ice cream. So, if I want it, I need to dish it myself. LOL Did you get more done on the house?

    @projectjen Welcome Back.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,600 Member
    Hey guys!

    It's been a while. I've been super busy and active on MFP with the various challenges. I do LoTR and Hogwarts, and Game of Thrones, when that pops back on, so if anyone is interested in those, let me know. More than happy to share my thoughts/let you know when they are open.

    I've started a new weight-training schedule that is weight lifting 4 days a week, and HIIT cardio 2 days a week, including sprints and 3 days of core/ab exercises. It focuses on good form while performing heavy supersets with minimal rest periods to get that heart rate going. I've completed one week, and I'm on week two. I'm already feeling a difference in my body and strength.

    I'm watching my macros more too, and trying to eat more protein and simple carbs. So far, so good!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @projectjen - welcome back!

    @wishfuljune - welcome, sounds like you've got a good plan in place. Would certainly be interested in when either the Hogwarts or LoTR challenges are open again ;)

    @jdelaroy - hope you are feeling better. Well done on the NSV - it's amazing the changes we make.

    So having lost the plot big time yesterday with my lunch, I'm back on the horse today. Working from home but I've got a coaching meeting over lunch. Going to try and get a workout in after work as well - need to get myself moving as I know I feel better when I do - just got to make the time to do it. Have a good day all.