Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @health_guard - agree you can't make a teenager do stuff but I would try and encourage her to get involved with you and your mum - both with making nice food and getting her involved in the activity. If you make it a social thing she might find she's involved and enjoying it before she knows it! And beyond that, set her a good example and hope that she does decide to follow when she is ready.

    @Rachel0778 - sounds like a great weekend and I suspect you were better off than you think - that's a lot of exercise :)

    @Samgrim91 - sorry to hear about your nan and your dad. Welcome back and hopefully you can find some time to focus on yourself whilst still supporting everyone else.

    Welcome new members :)

    We had a lovely weekend - 25th wedding anniversary lunch do for Alistair's god parents on Saturday and a very chilled, nice day yesterday - spent most of it in the park and the garden. And I learnt a valuable lesson - too much chocolate brownie puts a 19 month old up in the clouds and makes getting him to sleep in the evening almost impossible!!

    And my diary is completely and totally blown already today - lunch at Wagamamas and I'm hundreds over my target already - ah well, at least I've logged it! Hope Monday is good to you all.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @health_guard Have her help with the meal planning. Explain to her you need to eat better and it would help you out if she picked some healthier recipes.

    @rachel0778 Wow, that was a very active weekend. I would call it even too.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Well Saturday I did nothing. I wasn't feeling so hot, laid in bed most of the day. Managed to stay under calories.
    Sunday I did laundry and more laundry, some unpacking, donated 2 trash bags full of clothes either too big, or just not ever going to wear from out of my closet, a bunch of walking and up and down the stairs. Barely staid under calories, but that huge bowl of ice cream was worth it. LOL

    My NSV for today, I looked in my food bag for work and the unhealthiest thing I had in there was cream cheese. Oh my, when did I start eating such good for me things?
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
  • projectjen
    projectjen Posts: 25 Member
    Hi guys - I had to delete my old account...but this is Jen - meinprogress
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @danan01 I love this meme. I need to remember that when the SO offers me ice cream. I love it, and usually have enough calories for a bowl, but he gives me a heaping bowl of ice cream. So, if I want it, I need to dish it myself. LOL Did you get more done on the house?

    @projectjen Welcome Back.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,587 Member
    Hey guys!

    It's been a while. I've been super busy and active on MFP with the various challenges. I do LoTR and Hogwarts, and Game of Thrones, when that pops back on, so if anyone is interested in those, let me know. More than happy to share my thoughts/let you know when they are open.

    I've started a new weight-training schedule that is weight lifting 4 days a week, and HIIT cardio 2 days a week, including sprints and 3 days of core/ab exercises. It focuses on good form while performing heavy supersets with minimal rest periods to get that heart rate going. I've completed one week, and I'm on week two. I'm already feeling a difference in my body and strength.

    I'm watching my macros more too, and trying to eat more protein and simple carbs. So far, so good!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @projectjen - welcome back!

    @wishfuljune - welcome, sounds like you've got a good plan in place. Would certainly be interested in when either the Hogwarts or LoTR challenges are open again ;)

    @jdelaroy - hope you are feeling better. Well done on the NSV - it's amazing the changes we make.

    So having lost the plot big time yesterday with my lunch, I'm back on the horse today. Working from home but I've got a coaching meeting over lunch. Going to try and get a workout in after work as well - need to get myself moving as I know I feel better when I do - just got to make the time to do it. Have a good day all.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Geez you guys have all been kicking serious *kitten* this past weekend.

    I must confess I fell off the wagon. this has been a week from Hell at work. Switch from regular inventory to an AX system using bad codes. They have been feeding us donuts and food everyday for 4 days and its not over yet. Haven't ate the best but did get some exercise in.

    I haven't weighed in in a while as I have ate like crap and now it is TOM. I will weigh in on Saturday morning. I will catch up with everyone's posts and reply later as I am at work. Wish me luck that the urge to hurt someone stays at bay today. I have a sinus headache and everyone is on my last nerve. :#>:)
  • MelL138
    MelL138 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I love the sound of a core group and would love to be a part of it. I was recommended My Fitness Pal by my PT at the gym as I need to lose about 3 stone (about 40 pounds to our American cousins :wink: ) I really need the motivation to keep this going. Good luck everyone
  • projectjen
    projectjen Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome @MelL138 !!

    Happy Tuesday all! I need to watch my intake today, as it is my anniversary and the OH wants to go out to dinner and drinks..Celebrating 13 years!

    Weekly check in - Somehow managed to go down a lb this week....I will take it!

    SW - 167.4
    CW - 165.3
    GW - 154.0
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 Kinda jealous of your lunch out, it sounds delicious!

    @jdelaroy Way to go on your lunch planning! That's a huge NSV

    @wishfuljune Welcome back! Those challenges sound like a lot of fun!

    @MelL138 Welcome!

    @projectJen Happy Anniversary! I hope you enjoy it to the fullest!

    @health_guard I feel you, waking up that early is rough! Sounds like you planned well for a healthy day though

    @ngolden3320 That sounds like an awful week. I hate it when they switch systems poorly like that. Hopefully it will ease up soon for you.

    I am still in a funk today. I'm in a depression cloud for no reason and it's driving me crazy because I can't pinpoint why I feel so down or what will make it better. I'm going to go to kickboxing tonight to see if I can punch myself out of it. Maybe a few knocks to the head will jog me back to normal? I'm also not weighing in this week because I feel bloated and unmotivated and I feel like the scale will be a water weight bully.

  • projectjen
    projectjen Posts: 25 Member
    @health_guard - Sometimes when I do a longer run than normal, my body retains water for a few days to protect my sore muscles....Blame that
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Janetay: Hope your anniversary lunch went off successfully! And trying to feed your kids healthy meals is a battle…. Hopefully you find some great options he likes!! Hope Alistair came down from the clouds and let you get some sleep! But brownies are just so good! =)

    Rachel: Hope your biking adventure was super fun! Sounds like you had a great Saturday!!! I’m tired just reading about all your adventures! =) Hope you can shake the funk!

    Dana: Yes all 8 challenges is probably a little much… I have yet to download the app… My phone is running out of space… Maybe I will charge up my tablet and download them there! So agree… 120%...

    Jdelaroy: I am very lucky my daughter still loves to hang out with mom… Not sure what I’ve done to extend that but I’m hoping it will continue… She will be a freshman this year and I just pray that doesn’t slip away! Love your NSV!

    Joy: Love the crossfit cartoon!!! So me! I love Friday forums and all the funnies!! Hope you had a wonderful trip to Canada!!!

    Karen: Glad you found the source of the pain… and hopefully the cortisone shots will help immensely! Have fun shopping on Amazon as well! Lol!

    Project Jen: I can’t understand how they can cut kids at such a young age.. Let them play until HS and then worry about cuts. They are still learning… Our schools do not do cuts until sophomore year. Hope she took it ok. =( I would think there would be a rec league for them at least to keep them active… Happy Anniversary!!

    Healthguard: Way to go on your 10 miles! That’s awesome! Yum! Look at those yummy fruits!

    Samgrim91: Sorry for your loss. And hope your dad can get back to healthy. Scary to see our parents go through these things. You have a lot on your plate and one step at a time! You can do this. I just got over a nasty cough as well and am ready to move forward. It stuck around for over a week and a half so hopefully yours goes away soon!

    Nicole: I had TOM over the weekend and that is the worst… I’m not looking good either but back on the wagon and going to put it in reverse! I hate those days where people just irritate you by being there! Here’s to a quick work day!

    Welcome Meil138!

    Well I had a great Thursday kayaking with Lexi, we then headed shopping for a bit and relaxed with a fun family movie night!! If you have Netflix, I recommend “The Fundementals of Caring” very good/funny movie. Friday I was left to myself with crafting, shopping and yard work! Lots of it! I got the closet door painted, then ran errands, came home and crafted for a bit, then mowed the lawn, crafted some more and in between all that had lunch with the hubby! I had a great day and got so much accomplished!! Saturday we had a lazy morning, then headed to a 50th birthday party at noon, then to a wedding at 3pm. Had fun with family Sat evening… ate WAY too much as the meal and cupcakes were amazing!! Sunday we went to a local town festival… spent the day outside but didn’t get much exercise in. All in all a great weekend but little sleep and exercise… so we were all lazy yesterday and I will admit, another bad day as we didn’t do too much. So back on the wagon today, TOM is over and I’m ready to get some exercise in. Not a great day as I will be working 10 hours but I’m riding my bike as I work so hopefully burning a little more than just sitting here!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @wishfuljune Welcome, sounds like you are doing awesome

    @janetay01 Well great job getting back on the horse. I also find when I am moving I feel better. Last week killed me, not being able to do much.

    @ngolden3320 Best of luck, inventory, switching programs all sounds like hell. Feel better, and maybe just aim for maintenance this week? Remember a nice walk and lots of sleep will help with the stress.

    @health_guard Best laid plans... At least you can just grab and go.

    @MelL138 Hi welcome, good luck, and just remember you can do it, and it is okay to have a slip up once in awhile. Start with small changes and consistency.

    @projectjen great job! Happy anniversary!

    @rachel0778 I felt like that all weekend, then ToM came to visit. Feeling much better now.

    @shycush6 I love the under desk bike. Maybe when I get some money saved up I will get me one..

    I did my weigh in today
    SW 250.8
    CW 232.2
    GW 220 12.2 to go. Yesterday I stepped on the scale I was 231.8, darn it take it back. I am sure it is water gain. I am hoping to break 230 next week.

    my NSV, I actually got up and did 15 minutes of yoga, even with the SO laughing at the video/me.
  • Samgrim91
    Samgrim91 Posts: 25 Member
    @ShyCush6 turns out my nasty cough is a chest infection! Work sent me home and told me to go to the doctors. Now laid up in bed having to take it easy and am on antibiotics! Talk about kick a girl while she's down! I'll get there eventually! My brother has just passed his driving test though and lives with my parents still so that should hopefully ease some of the stress and help me recover a little quicker
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Check in -
    SW: 209.1
    CW: 207.8
    GW 194

    I was actually down in weight from Friday to Monday. That never happens! But I was working in major paint fumes all day Saturday and barely ate anything all day because it was making me nauseous. We got quite a bit done last weekend, but there is still so much to do. Sometimes it seems never-ending! But we are taking a couple of days off this week and heading there tomorrow after work. So we are hoping to have enough done to get the house listed next week. Keep your fingers crossed! With all of that stuff going on, I am a few days behind in those challenges. I need to catch up! I am sticking with push-up, squat, butt, plank and cardio. So 5 of them. With the painting I was doing this weekend that was all I did was squats! I was definitely sore on Monday! Last night we went out to eat with my daughter who turned 17. She chose Ihop, so yummy, but not a healthy meal. Tonight my husband and I are going out to eat and then to the movies. I have been waiting forever to see the new Bourne movie-can't wait! I am kind of hoping that they will just go ahead and lay me off at work already! I want to have the time to get up and go exercise in the mornings when it isn't so dang hot out! (but not too early that I have to get up any earlier than I already do) Anyway-hope you are all having a great week so far!
  • projectjen
    projectjen Posts: 25 Member
    @danan01 - fingers crossed on the house listing...let us know

    The Husband and I went and saw Bad Moms and I thought it was going to just be slap stick raunchy funny (which it was) but it was actually super relate-able. Suggest all Moms see it
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @danan01 Congrats on the loss! Let me know how the new Bourne movie is, I heard it's good!

    @jdelaroy Way to go on the yoga! Don't listen to the SO, I'm sure he'll appreciate the results and your newfound flexibility when you stick with it ;)

    @ShyCush Wow you've been busy! I love that you're able to go on so many adventures with your daughter

    @health_guard I wouldn't worry too much about the uptick. It's likely glycogen or water retention

    Well I feel a million times better today (once again for no reason). I went to boxing last night and wasn't feeling it, but I stuck through the entire class. I may have half assed it but I still got a good sweat and my legs are still sore today so it wasn't a total loss. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @danan01 I am so impressed with all the work you and your hubby do on fix and flips. One day you will have to tell me how you got started in it. Great weight loss.

    @Rachel0778 Exercise tends to make you feel better, those wonderful endorphins floating through your body. Good job making yourself go, and at least half assing it. I told him he would appreciate the yoga too, he said he was sure he would. He was laughing good naturedly.

    Yesterday my son was sick, so I was at home with him. So not only did I do my yoga, I did 65 minutes pacing through the house, and 10 minutes jump roping. Which was hilarious. I would jump 3 or 4 times, and my smaller jeans (just moved to them last week) would fall down past my butt. Stop pull them up, jump, fall down, rinse and repeat. I might have mooned a neighbor, but I think they were all at work.