

  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    @mousemom18 Sounds like you and I are in about the same place. I like the below 140 thing. That would be awesome. Can't say for sure when was the last time I was there... 08 or 09? I agree about the PNW....oh the food!....Whoops!:)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    When I get to either go to the grocery store; or send DH to buy the ingredients; I'll make the spinach and feta pie. He likes spinach. I hope it goes as well as it should.

    August plans:
    Work my 'plan'
    Get into the pool and do my exercise program

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Janetr I see sadness in your sister eyes. Considering what she has gone through it is understandable. Your sister is a survivor. She is fortunate to have such supportive family.

    :heart: Margaret
  • evinston
    evinston Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for the welcome Katla49 and exermom. Katla49, thank you for sharing that lovely Tibetan proverb! I'm printing that one and posting it on my fridge.

    Further to my short introduction yesterday...I live in Florida near Ocala. I'm married. We have three adult children (plus one lovely daughter in law). Our son and DIL just welcomed a sweet baby daughter. I sure wish they didn't live clear across the country! My daughter and youngest son still live at home and I'm enjoying this extra bit of time with them before they fly the coop.

    I was interested to read the analysis of the eliminator vs. the moderator. I'm definitely a moderator. My struggle is and has always been quantity control. I eat well, just too much. I also sit too long! I really struggle (as most people do) with the motivation toward exercise. I walk. That's pretty much it for exercise. I'd say I also swim, because I get in my pool most days, but truthfully I just relax in my pool after walking
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    DJ ~ Happy 48th! We will have our 47th this month.

    Miriam ~ That cat picture brought a smile to my face.

    Janet ~ Lovely photo of you and your sisters. You look so pretty.

    I printed the recipe for the spinach pie. I am wondering if I could use self rising flour (which I have) instead of whole wheat with added baking powder.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2016
    Margaret, thank you. She and I had always been the closest. I miss that tremendously.

    Janetr okc

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    morning peeps -
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My inner thigh muscles are a bit sore this morning from doing goblet squats yesterday. I'd love to think I'm doing some good. :)

    Janetr okc
  • teriwymore
    teriwymore Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! Thanks Barbie for mediating this community... I am very excited to find this thread / accountability group :)

    My name is Teri. I was born and raised in WA (Columbia River Gorge)! Hello all you PNW peeps!!!... but now am living in the outskirts of Memphis TN.

    I'm almost 52 and have a food baby growing around my middle that I want to give birth to over the next 9-12 months!!! ...I've put on 30+ pounds in the last three years mostly because I'm a sugar addicted stress eater and then secondly from this damn thing called menopause.

    The majority of my life I was on the thin side, energetic, happy, and healthy... then one day recently I looked in the mirror (the culmination of 30+ weight gain) and there's this old fat woman looking back at me... I barely recognize her; how can this person be ME(?), in my mind I still feel in my early 30's, youthful and energetic.

    The current me: I'm plump all over (look pregnant around my middle), tired looking, two chins, have little energy, and emotionally on the sad/disappointed side most days. Each day these past 3 years have melted into the next and my sugar/carb cravings seem to win out each day perpetuating more weight gain.

    What has put me over the edge to make a committed change was the embarrassment of how I looked (in person and IN PHOTOS) at my daughters wedding this past month...I am so embarrassed! How did I let myself get out of control like this?!?

    I am ready to get serious about making changes!


    * Stay encouraged (multiple ways)
    * Log in every bite & water intake on MFP
    * 12,500 steps per day (M-F) on FitBit
    * Work out at least 30 minutes per day 3X a week
    * Participate in the Elvis 5K at Graceland
    * lose 2 pounds per week

    Blessings to everyone this month as we all journey toward better wellness- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

    ~Teri in Tennessee
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning all. It’s going to be hot and humid today…bleh. Benny is going to the vet at 1; DH is taking him. Now he won’t eat the jam sandwiches. So frustrating. I just don’t know what to do about his eating anymore.

    I’m meeting with a person here at work who is a fitness trainer…not the kind who meets you in the gym, but a corporate health and wellness kind of person and I’ll see what she has to say and if she has some new ideas because I am getting frustrated with this too.

    So sad 2 nights ago three boys were walking on a train trestle when a train came (of course). One boy jumped off the trestle into the creek below and was only hurt a bit. One boy got pushed off the trestle by the 3rd boy. He is in intensive care but expected to live. The third boy got killed. He lived down the street from us and DD#2 worked with him at Runza so she is in a bit of shock right now. They closed Runza yesterday and all went to his rosary service and a candlelight service and to the manager’s house for snacks and talking.

    Miriamwithcats; that was HILARIOUS. Love the photo, I did not realize you actually had a shelter. So what makes cats unadoptable? My guess is behavior/mistrust of people. So glad they have you. My dream job if money were no object is to open a shelter for special needs animals. I have sure had enough experience! So sorry about the one who passed away.

    Katla: did you have a good trip?

    Mary: here’s hoping the toe gets better soon. What happened with the arm?

    Karen: yes the sweet ones! Now he won’t eat them but I will LOL

    Susan and all the newbies: hi and welcome

    Re: I am with you. Fruit is good for you and like all things in moderation works best. I want to eat “normal” food too. I cannot go on some drastic diet. For starters, I am only cooking one meal! I won’t cook something for me, something for DH, something for this kid or the other. Hang in there

    DJ: good job avoiding the ice cream!

    Vicki: good news on the loss!

    Karen and Vicki: I have a funny joke about Wauneta and Junieta…perhaps you have heard it about how to pronounce them and “where are we”? It’s hard to say on line….you have to have the right inflection and tone….

    Lenora: glad you are home safe and sound and had a good time!

    Janet; great photo. Thanks for sharing!

    Well time to get some work done. Take care and stay cool. Meg from Omaha

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Meg, I have a rescue, and work with our local animal shelter. Often the unadoptable cats are elderly and in need of daily medication (usually twice daily for hyperthyroid). I have had several like that. These elderly cats also often have trouble using a litter box so I have to cage them when I am not actively observing them. So I have two huge dog kennels in my living room. One cat that we currently have was so traumatized from whatever happened to her as a stray (she was originally a pet) and the time spent in the shelter that she hissed and scratched anyone that came near her. So no one wanted to adopt her. She managed to stay alive for three years since this is a very low kill shelter (only terminally ill animals), mostly since one of the managers just adored her and would veto euthanizing her whenever it was brought up since she was unadoptable. She hid under the bed the first month she was here, but will now head butt people that come over, wanting to be pet. I still cannot pick her up, though. I have had blind cats, and currently have a deaf one too. I had one that died within the past year that had to have her back leg amputated- they thought she had been thrown from a vehicle since she was found alongside the highway as a tiny kitten. Her leg was dislocated at the hip from being thrown out. She did just fine. The way cats run, with front legs working in tandem and back legs working in tandem meant that you could not tell she was missing a leg when she ran. But when she walked, she went hippity (front legs) hop (back leg). In spite of what she went through she was so loving with everyone! I do a lot of laundry and cleaning on a daily basis, and have no carpet or rugs in the house.
  • mrspaws91
    mrspaws91 Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning!
    I'm finding these August resolutions very motivating. Thanks for posting them.
    We've got a big change coming soon. dh has accepted a transfer to Minnesota.
    We're all so excited! Minnesota is home. Almost all of the extended family is in MN or WI and we still own our home there. My MN girlfriends are getting it cleaned up and ready for our arrival. I am so blessed!
    Meanwhile, here in Colorado my days are filled with packing and cleaning and trying to sell what we won't need.
    I'm trying to stay on track with diet and exercise but finding it increasingly difficult.
    I am hopeful that posting my resolutions here will help keep me accountable.

    August Goals
    - eat on plan 90% of the time
    - stick to calorie goal of 1500/day
    - exercise 6x/week
    - 12,000 steps/day
    - 100 oz of water/day
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: School here starts after Labor Day and goes through the early part of June. This year we had a glorious and sunny spring, but it is typically overcast or rainy until at least mid June. In the Portland area, they want to keep the kids in school until the Rose Festival so they can participate in the events. :flowerforyou:

    Eava57 & Tracey: Welcome to a great group. We generally have monthly goals and report our outcome from the previous month on our first day in a new month. I've changed my goals into resolutions. It is a semantic shift but seems to fit well during maintenance. :flowerforyou: Tracey: I eat a relatively high protein/low carb diet and wind up with a higher fat content than some people like. I stick to healthy fats like olive oil as much as possible. It takes time to learn what gives you the best results and helps you to feel your best. Be patient and don't give up. :smiley:

    Heather: Hiding animal figures in the garden for the DGC is a great idea. I'm chuckling about your buying pot plants. In my state, pot is legal but you can't buy pot plants at the local garden center. British "English" and American "English" are quite similar but have their differences. We would likely buy potted plants at the garden center. :laugh: I'm probably warped and no one else will think this is an amusing play on words. :ohwell: :embarassed: Your animals are cute & the DGC will love them. :heart:

    Miriam: Hilarious picture of catnipped kitties. I agree with you about the spay/neuter issue. :flowerforyou:

    evinston: When I started with MFP I bought a food scale and a set of restaurant style dishers to help me with portion control. The dishers look like ice cream scoops. I still use both tools on a regular basis, although not as much as when I was learning what the portions should look like. I used one this morning to dish up my cottage cheese. I wanted a half cup, not a mountain of it. I bought the food scale on Amazon for a reasonable price. I picked one with good reviews. I bought the dishers at a restaurant supply store and they were a bit pricey, but not horrid and ultimately worth it to me. Ordinary measuring cups work just fine, but the dishers are a little bit easier for serving food. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today and I'm looking forward to it. One of my favorite teachers will be back from a trip & I enjoy her classes very much. Then I need to pick cherry tomatoes. The cultivar is Sweet One-thousands, and it is well named. I'm trying to figure out what to do with them all. :laugh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    What a start to my day!!! Got to work, did not even turn the computer on yet but took off my sweater and went to open a metal storage cabinet. When I tried to close the door my wedding ring got stuck on the door somehow and the diamond flew off--so I was left with a band with a gaping hole, no diamond, a filthy floor and several boxes of things to go through. After a hour of searching, a heroine (now) co-worker of mine found the stone under a divider!!! Cannot get the ring off because it has formed into a D from an O--heading to get it sawed off at lunchtime--hopefully just the ring, not the finger. Trying to figure out how to refresh the ring and the setting so it will never fall off again.

    Can tell I am still stressed out because I really want a whole passel of calories. Also, where is that margarita I wanted a couple of days ago?

    Hope your days are going better...

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited August 2016
    Janetr - Are you buying the kettlebells online or can you get to a shop? If you can get to a shop then watch the video I mentioned on Utube, it's by Mark Riefkind, starring Tracy Riefkind, who has many helpful videos on swinging and is called something like How to choose the right weight kettlebell. If you are ordering online then that won't work. :) Personally I think a 10 lb jump is quite a lot. You can use your intermediate weight ones for other exercises, so all the weights can be used, even if you are not swinging them.
    My hips are feeling much better today, so it is clearly not the kettlebell that is aggravating them. With RA and OA it seems to be fairly random, but the weather seems to be a factor. I always know when the rain is coming!

    To the lady who doesn't enjoy exercise (sorry, forgotten your name) I was like you and hated almost any form of exercise except perhaps swimming. Gradually, ver gradually, I have got to like it because I like the way it makes me feel and I love the way it makes me look. I used to just exercise because I needed to earn my eating calories as I love my food, but I am beginning to find my life really does not work without it. I have made it a priority in my life. I never would have thought it 4 years ago when I started on here. It is important to choose something easy and convenient for you, that you can stick to and come to enjoy one day.
    I have 3 machines in my spare room which I can do while I listen to the radio or tv. I put my yoga mat in my bedroom where I can do some yoga and weights. Recently I have added a kettlebell routine every other day. I am retired so I have time, but I do make time, even if I have a lot to do. I even do it when we have visitors, who have to wait for us. I get up early if I have to go somewhere.
    I am as surprised at myself as anyone else! My DH is a very dedicated and disciplined exerciser, so I have learnt a lot from him. It helps that we can do it together.
    You have to find a way that works for you and fits in with your own commitments and life style. Any amount of moving is better than none - you are beating anyone still sitting on the couch.

    Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2016
    Heather wrote: Trying to decide whether to go to the garden centre to buy a couple of pot plants and three animal figures for the DGC. I thought we could hide them in the garden so they can hunt for them and then take them home to their own garden. Not sure if it's just a silly idea, or not. ;):*
    Oh Heather, just DO it, they'll absolutely LOVE it! When the grandkids were visiting out at the island place last week, they insisted on having treasure hunts. Since they can't read yet, their father (or I) will draw a picture for each of the various hiding places. The game is so popular I regularly save clues for reuse. The kids don't mind and it saves time!

    Our grandson is frightfully active and one day when he was driving us all crazy, I constructed an all-new outdoor treasure hunt and distributed the clues so he had to run from the top of the hill to the mailbox, to the woodpile, to the far end of the garden, to the compost, to the plank bridge over the eastern streamlet, to the clothesline beyond the western streamlet... you get the picture. Result: kid out burning energy, everyone else breathing easier for several minutes. (Later: I see you've bought the animals. Good on ya!)
    Karen in VA wrote: Some people, like @Lagopus Penny swoop in and entertain us mightily with a post or three, and then may not be back again for a few weeks.
    Haha! Thanks for the blurb, Karen! Here I SWOOP!

    Last I typed I was about to go home to the High Arctic to entertain our old classmate from way back in the mid-1970s and his wife. I was also a bit coughy and sore-throaty. Danged if I didn't completely and utterly lose my voice the same day they arrived! I love dragging people around my adopted hometown and yacking about it at g-r-e-a-t l-e-n-g-t-h (as Heather can confirm) but I couldn't get out anything but a croak. However, I didn't feel ill at all, so I participated in all the activities. One day we went out with an excursion boat past the puffin cliffs, the glacier, Pyramiden (our local ghost town), various trapper huts and other fantastic sites and sights.

    We were out from 8 am to 8 pm and then we high-tailed it to the town's top-notch restaurant "Huset", where they have northern Europe's largest wine cellar, and where our guests had booked us a table from 8:30. Since I was totally lacking a sense of smell, I volunteered to drive. (The place is technically well within walking distance but we had to go home and change from excursion clothing to fancyish dress. We simply didn't have time.)

    Like some fancy places, they had a set menu of either 5 or 7 courses, based on local produce insofar as it's possible in a place where the growing season is 12 weeks long. We chose the 7-course menu, which I reproduce for you here. The seven courses are in italics. The rest are just "amuse bouche" or sides.

    Minke whale carpaccio with sour cream and crispy onion
    Sourdough bread baked using mash from the local brewery
    Homemade crispbread
    King crab with red currant marinade, rice paper, lemon mayonnaise, and sorrel
    Baby turnip and new cabbage medallions under juniperberry cream, roasted hazelnuts and cress, topped with freshly shredded dried reindeer meat
    Tender pork forehead with borlotti beans and whipped amandine potatos
    Arctic charr with herb-seasoned cream cheese, crispy little cubes of rye bread, and diced raw apple in dill oil
    Black currant and applejuice smoothie
    Roulade of baby goat seasoned with lovage, accompanied by Jerusalem artichoke puré and a halved, oven-baked Jerusalem artichoke
    Deep-fried fresh Danish cheese served on pear compote, with deep-fried pumpkin seeds and crushed fennel seeds
    Rhubarb compote, rhubarb crunch, heather-honey ice cream and toasted sunflower seeds, topped with a leaf of white chocolate

    My, oh my!

    We ate and ate, and those who weren't driving had the wine package, specially selected to go with each dish. From time to time somebody would sigh and repeat my father's famous line: "Life is rough in the Arctic!" We didn't finish until after midnight.

    Now my husband has come home and it's time for dinner, so on that note, I will leave you. With luck, I can post a couple pictures from the boat trip tomorrow.

    But for now, ta-ta, my chickens!

    /Penny at the North Pole
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Oooooohhhh Penny - I remember you pointing out that Huset. Wonderful menu!
    DH is going to compose all the clues. He is fantastic at that sort of thing - always does the Christmas Quiz. DGS can read well, but not DGD. so we will have to be inventive. They will have to stand in for Bea. <3

    Yes, Katla, they are indeed potted plants. We have just potted them - one a white dahlia and two cerise geraniums. :D
    Our patio is looking gooooooood.!

    Love Heather, who is going to have a pastis tonight after 3 days of no alcohol B)