Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Thursday, friends! Sounds like everyone is having a productive week. It took me forever to catch up on the thread! I was away for five days over the weekend and holy, I was so far off the wagon I couldn't even see the dust in the distance! But man did I have a good time! We went to visit friends 6 hr drive away, they live on 10 acres and have quads and dirt bikes. We had a riot. LOTS of drinking, so much fun, too much food, and great memories. I feel like I'm just recovering today and we have been home since Tuesday! Lol. Needless to say I have not weighed myself, might wait until Monday?!?? I forgot to do my 30 day challenges so I am on day 4 today. Oops! I can't believe it is August already, summer is flying by so fast!
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Does everyone realize today is National Chocolate Chip CooKie Day!! So unfair. Good luck to everyone and put down the cookie.

    @Rachel0778 - the is funny. My husband is always asking why we have an empty bag in the fridge. It is the hard boiled egg bag. He just does not realize when it is empty and I refuse to toss it and continue to use a new one.

    @jdelaroy - nothing better then fitting into smaller jeans. Love packing away the old ones. CONGRATS.

    @bluepoppies777 - we all deserve it. Sounds like a wonderful time.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,600 Member
    I made vegan chocolate cupcakes with matcha buttercream frosting this week for a game night with some friends. We typically do a potluck dinner, so it was nice to be able to have some control over the dessert. They were absolutely delicious! I wanted to use the frosting recipe that was also on the cupcakes' website, but I did not refrigerate the coconut milk beforehand, so I ended up making buttercream frosting instead. It was still very delicious, and the hint of match at the end of every bite was killer. Also, vegan cupcakes turn out super fudgey -- so I am a huge fan!

    We're going to a free concert on Friday, and then my brother's birthday party is Saturday. He typically grills up a variety of food (eccentric -- like frog legs, goat, and quail will be on the menu for Saturday) so that should be fun, and then we are planning a beach day for Sunday, so I am excited to get my swimming on!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Happy Friday. So glad this wk is almost over. This new system at work is a nightmare. Erything I try to do something I don't have access or the path isn't right. Somehow I have managed to not hurt anyone so I guess that is a plus. Weighed in today. Gained 3 lbs since my last weigh in about 6wks ago. I'm chalking it up to my dads death. Jenna grad party TOM and just life. Next weeks weigh in will b better.

    Start weight. 179
    Current weight 167.8
    Goal weight by 10/1. 157

    I will reply to everyone after I have a chance to catch up. You have all been busy.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @AJF230 Thanks for the tip! I tried it this morning and it worked like a charm, breakfast is saved!

    @jdelaroy Way to go on the smaller jeans! Awesome NSV!

    @bluepoppies777 Not a bad idea to wait until Monday for the sodium to cycle it's way out. Welcome back! So glad to hear you had a great time away!

    @FitEqualsSmile I sadly had no chocolate chips yesterday. I might have to make up for that this weekend!

    @wishfuljune I'm having complete food envy for your weekend, yum!

    @ngolden3320 3lbs amidst all of that is totally understandable. The important thing is you're not giving up and back on the wagon

    So it is officially Rib Fest in my town, which means awesome BBQ food and I am looking forward to every bite! I pre-tracked so I am ready to rock it! Happy Friday everyone!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • bigguyreed
    bigguyreed Posts: 64 Member
    Hey Shycush6

    You can add me I've always been a positive persons and try to motive others. I've been married almost 45yrs. to my high school sweetheart. Retired with 30yrs. G.M. always took care of myself and very active. Until age 42 had TIA stroke Drs. told me to stop heavy weight lifting. I quit everything. Have went down hill from there, no ones fault but my own. Now 20 years later, sugar out of control 3 years ago started at 335lbs. last year down to 290 just from walking. Started back to gym last Jan. 2015 at 285lbs Dec. 2015 hitting gym 3 times week. Still at 280 got discouraged quit going to gym. Friend told me about MFP and I see now foods that I was eating were not good for me. I now can track what foods that I'm going to eat the next couple days. Now I've been back to the gym Just before my friend told me about MFP. But as soon as I put in the foods that I thought were good for me, I could see they were not. God bless and have a great day
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ngolden3320 3 pounds isn't bad at all, and you are here still working on it. Not killing anyone/anything at work is always a good thing. I hope today goes better.

    @Rachel0778 mmm bbq ribs! I had some Wednesday. Way to pre-log and have it all planned out. Always good to tackle with a plan.

  • sharonmlynch28
    sharonmlynch28 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am totally new to this and really need the motivation to keep going. I am really bad for not sticking to anything and normally last only a week or two, I am nearly 3 stone over what I would like to be!! Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated :):)
  • MsSGriff
    MsSGriff Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am totally new to this and really need the motivation to keep going. I am really bad for not sticking to anything and normally last only a week or two, I am nearly 3 stone over what I would like to be!! Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated :):)

    Welcome and Good Luck! My advice would be to cook. Even if you don't know how, you can Google tips and ideas. Eat three meals a day that are high in protein and fiber. I like to eat a lot of steamed green beans, but I also like broccoli, black beans, pintos, raspberries, blackberries, squash, and mushrooms. It's about learning what's healthy and what's not. Just because it's healthy doesn't mean it doesn't taste good. (:

  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Friday MFPeeps! Man, summer is just flying by! Can't believe how fast. I've got tons of events and fun planned in August so it is hard to stay on track! Went out last night and only had 1 beer!! That is my NSV!
    Karen I had no idea it was chocolate chip cookie day! Yummmm!
    I'm kind of failing at the eating 6 small meals a day right now. Does anyone else find it hard to stick with it when they are not at work? When I'm at work I just bring what I am going to eat for the day... At home I'm not being as diligent! Too easy to snack!!
    Have a great weekend everyone! Rachel have fun at rib fest, that sounds awesome!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    This week had better end in a hurry 34 minutes and counting. Not sure I can't make it that long without hurting someone.
  • projectjen
    projectjen Posts: 25 Member
    Taking the family camping! So excited to relax....AKA drink beer by the bonfire.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @health_guard enjoy your day off with your fiancé.
    @projectjen have fun w the family camping. Sounds like a good time.
    @Rachel0778 yummy. Rib fest.
    @bluepoppies777 I'm not doing the 6 Mimi meals but I do have trouble w not snacking on the weekends. Not sure what gives because I have the same food in the house all week and don't want to eat everything in sight then.

    Well u made it through the week at work without hurting anyone. I'm really not some psycho. Buy this week was tough. Maybe the will get all the bugs worked out of the new system the weekend. NOT. Well weighed myself again this morning and I'm down so it was definitely TOM.

    Starting weight. 179
    Current. 164.1
    Yesterday. 167.8
    Goal. 157

    Everyone enjoy your weekend.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @health_guard then I hope you pick something for the new of you that is fun and enjoyable. Enjoy your full day off.

    @ngolden3320 Fantastic! Not only did you save yourself from jail, you made it through a stressful week, ToM and you lost weight. Weekend snacking is usually boredom for me. Being a mom it amazes me that I find the time to be bored. I am sure you feel the same way.

    my NSV for yesterday, took the whole family, even the dog. We walked for a half mile, the mom uses a walker and hasn't been doing much so we had to do a short walk. After we did our family walk, The bf and I walked to the park by ourselves, did some swinging, then came home.

    The bf and I have a hiking date planned tomorrow. So excited I haven't gone hiking since I was a teenager (20 some odd years ago) Cross your fingers I can keep up.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Sorry for not posting yesterday - days get crazy busy!
    Tonite I am having my garden club over. The plan was to sit outside on the patio with firepit going, have hot chocolate and roast marshmallows. But -- winds are 20+ mph, and its 55 degrees, so I know it will be so cold, and we would have smoke blowing in our face. So had to do a quick clean-up of the house, and it will just have to be wine instead of smores! Just hoping my daughter will be OK with all the people inside!

    But didn't get my walk in at all last nite, and gave into eating ice cream. Hubby wanted popcorn, which seems to get my cravings going, and that lead to ice cream AFTER the popcorn!

    Nites are the worse for me - anyone else have this problem. I do great all day, until the evening.

    gotta run, but will try and read everyones posts later tonite (instead of eating!!)

    Definitely agree with cravings at night!!!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Morning all and be warned - this is a bit of a whinge! But also a request for advice :)

    I'm tired, I'm run down and I lack energy. It's 10:13 on Monday morning and I'm just drained and over the week already! I've got a cough that just won't go away - something to do with my young one bringing every joyful bug and lurgy back from nursery and sharing the love with me - but usually I would be better at fending these things off. So my question is, what do you guys do to maintain/enhance your energy levels? I'm taking a multivitamin tonic (only started yesterday so can't really comment on effectiveness yet!). I am very aware that exercise would help and that I'm not getting enough at the moment - despite living in constant motion with Alistair. But I tell myself that I don't have the time or energy and of course that is self fulfilling in the end. Lunchtime and shortly afterwards at work is a killer for me - within an hour of lunch I'm ready for a nap! So, hit me with food suggestions that will keep me going after my lunch break and also what won't?

    Anyway, sorry - rant over, just feeling a bit like I've been run over at the moment! In positive news, had a lovely weekend - swimming and playing in the park and visiting my parents.

    @jdelaroy - hope the hiking date went well, that sounds like good fun. Totally understand the boredom point sometimes despite being a mum - my life is tied to routine at the moment and sometimes the boredom of reading the same book 5 times/playing with the same toy cars does get to me!

    @joan6630 - don't talk to me about ice-cream, that was my failing last night - so good though!

    Anyway, have a good Monday all - am going to top up my glass of water and try to kick my sorry a*s into gear. Thanks for listening to me grumble!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi everyone! Checking in quick since I'm running around like crazy today. The weekend was rough. Between Ribfest, the burlesque show, and having friends over I ate like crap all weekend long. The Monday weigh in format has started psyched me out so I think I'm going to hold off weighing in for awhile. Wish me luck on getting back into the game today
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 Ugh, sounds like you are having a rough day. First, take a deep breath and let it out. Stop beating yourself up!!!! Being a mom is a tough job, takes a lot of energy, and being sick on top of it is horrible. Allow yourself to eat at maintenance this week. I love emergen C when I feel a cold coming on. Drink twice a day. I also double up on prenatal vitamins for a couple of days. I don't normally take vitamins, so I figure 2 days of a double dose won't hurt me. Try finding 10 minutes in your day to meditate, stand in a warm shower, read (might be dangerous), or anything else that helps you blow off some stress. Take advantage of a family/friend and ask them to take your son for an hour or two so you can just rest. Rest! Sometimes you just need some extra TLC and rest from yourself. It is like when you are plane and they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first, you must first take care of you, before you can take care of anyone else.

    Ended up doing lawn work on Sunday before our date. Had a wonderful picnic in the foothills by a small river, in a clearing nestled between a bunch of trees. It was beautiful. Then we decided to go to a small town close by, and did our "hike" through the town, and along the river. It was so beautiful, and found a park I thought the kids might enjoy going to. Finished off by having an ice cream in town. I ended up going with a sherbet instead. It was about a third less calories, light, refreshing and yummy!