Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    I feel myself slipping in my eating habits. I'm starting to worry less about the quality of what I am eating which is leading me to come closer and closer to blowing my calorie goal every day. Lack of time for planning and preparation is what is leading me to grab for more food items that are in wrappers and that I can microwave. It was so much easier when I didn't have to think so much about it, that's why I am going back to protein shakes at breakfast and lunch. It's just so much easier and I felt better when I was doing that.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited August 2016
    Wednesday Wish ... that I decide if I will use that sourdough starter I am growing or not.

    I've been keeping a loaf of packaged bread in the freezer, and whole wheat wraps in the fridge; and plan/havea couple of servings several times a week ... but that's not my favorite kind of bread or baked good, so passing it by is easy. Somehow I have it in my head that I can become an expert baker, given time and practice, and will be able to turn out beautiful sourdough black rye artisanal loafs or multi-grain sandwich bread on my own ... or maybe english muffins. However, there's all that discard sourdough to deal with! Today I made 12 Russian Crepes ... they each weigh about 2 ounces once cooked and come in at 70 calories per one. I had some today with a couple tablespoons of sour cream and 1/2 cup of blueberries. Not as good as when my mom made them, but pretty OK for a beginner! But ... do I really want to eat crepes again anytime soon? Probably not. When we had them in the past, it was as a family all around the dining table and when they were gone, that was it for a good long time. Maybe I need to grow my family size from1 to 3 or more? At least for meals ... but who would give up eating with their family to come eat with me?

    @wadwrich ... if you are starting to slip, it's probably due to the amount of time and effort you have been expending on your weight loss goal. Perhaps it's time to slow things up for a few weeks ... say 4 to 6, and practice maintaining the weight you are at right now. You can still work out - actually your body is used to it as a normal thing by now and it would be unwise to discontinue that, but you could make it a more life-time sustainable schedule. After you have given your mind and body a short rest you can crank it up again. That's a better way to go than ending up feeling like you are failing. You are not failing ... it's that time and the hidden human brain is catching up with you.

    PS - edited to add ... Also, if you do try maintenance for a while ... ease into that also. Don't go from your present cut to your maintenance calories all in one fell swoop ... instead, decrease the amount of deficit you are trying to maintain to a lower percentage ... like, if you have been cutting 20% of your calories, try cutting 10% for a week or two, then 5% for another week, then maintenance for a couple of weeks. Otherwise you might have more or a sudden gain than you can mentally handle right now.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited August 2016
    Wednesday wishes:

    I wish for the bravery to start at the gym!! Yesterday I worked up the courage to go in and sign up but I felt really awkward and embarrassed after that so instead of checking out the women's section and locker rooms like I planned, I ended up walking back home haha. I'm pretty shy and struggle with social anxiety so going to the gym while I'm this overweight and out of shape is really daunting... but... I'm determined to do it! I know that if I start now, I'll have 4 solid months of weight training before seeing my family at Christmas, and I really hope for some noticeable results by then. So I just need to dig deep and find some courage for these first few trips to the gym, then it'll become habit and get easier :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited August 2016
    Ha-Ha ... when I posted earlier this morning I must have been having a 'senior moment' cause I thought it was Wednesday ... and the garbage sanitation workers just showed up to pick up trash ... and then I realized it is

    Thursday Truth ... Getting addled in my old age? Maybe a little. But one thing that is getting really exercised a lot is my irritation with people who dump on other people in the threads here on MFP. I read one today where a young woman was using milk as a means to fill herself up at meals hoping it would help her to eat less solid stuff and thereby trim calories. That post was taken over by so many of those 'I know better than you do' or downright ridicule posts that I was very angry at the 'community' as a whole.

    People, if you cannot say something constructive, why are you saying anything at all? Of course ... that doesn't happen on this thread. Thanks for letting me vent.

    PS --- my mini goal weigh-in today shows that I have 3.3% of my starting challenge weight gone and my goal is 5.7% .... to stay on track I need to lose a pound a week for each of these last 6 weeks of the challenge.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,944 Member
    Thursday Truth ... I am not a great swimmer and I havn't step foot on a beach, dispite living in west central Florida, in over 4 years!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach I'm not a good swimmer either, and I don't really like water. But I developed this bizarre allergy to my own sweat and the only way I can work out is in the pool. So I just walk in it, or do some of my own exercises. When I was in So Cal a couple of weeks ago, I noticed that the ocean is really a good workout even if you don't go in. Maybe you could just walk in the sand, which is a challenge all on its own, or even wade in to your calves or whatever. I noticed it was a pretty good workout just to stand there against the waves.
  • luckylaw
    luckylaw Posts: 18 Member
    Thursday truth- I fell at the gym on Tuesday and I felt like such a cow. I hate how my gym makes me feel. And it's not as if people have been rude (just one). Something about the whole place makes me feel self conscious.

    I need to feel better about myself as a whole.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Thursday truth My diabetes numbers very high today! They are stubborn anyway not going down as hoped! Doctor had gave me new meds in hope not to go on insulin. I need to call up the Doctor but i am putting it off
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    My blood pressure finally looks great. I just hate that it takes 4 pills a day to get me there...
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,944 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach I'm not a good swimmer either, and I don't really like water. But I developed this bizarre allergy to my own sweat and the only way I can work out is in the pool. So I just walk in it, or do some of my own exercises. When I was in So Cal a couple of weeks ago, I noticed that the ocean is really a good workout even if you don't go in. Maybe you could just walk in the sand, which is a challenge all on its own, or even wade in to your calves or whatever. I noticed it was a pretty good workout just to stand there against the waves.

    Thats very intetesting about your allergy. Its not that I dont like swimming, I am just not good at it. When I do go swimming, it is usually at the YMCA pool. Its closer than the beach and there are less people who I feel are judging me in my bathing suit.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,944 Member
    Friday Fitness ... Today I accepted a challenge to do 10min yoga everyday for 30 days

    Tonight I will drink a gal of water in prep for my plasma donation tomorrow AM.
  • carabelle2014
    carabelle2014 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi,I'm Kelly. I started at 253 a d now in the 220s. It has been slow though. Making it a goal to post here to motivate myself!
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    I really need to make some changes. I have slipped into some bad habits, and need to change those habits.

    I get home from work, crash on the sofa, and do nothing all night. I make a "plan" to clean house, or exercise, and then, it just falls apart.

    My behavior is not in sync with my goals. I am not sure how to even start to change. Everything is so overwhelming.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... I just finished a wonderful 15-minute Cardio & Core Circuit exercise routine that was in today's Hello Healthy feed on my homepage.

    While I was not able to do it with the style the person filmed did it, I was able to raise my heartbeat to it's active zone and break a sweat. It is really great and I plan to do it twice a day (for a total of 30 minutes a day) and see how much I improve in my motions by the end of the month.

    The thing I liked the most about it is that you did 3 segments of 5 minutes each that had you doing some different movements for each piece, starting with some in place movement to get yourself moving, it was 1.5 minutes of cardio, 2 minutes of core, 1.5 minutes of cardio for each of the 5 minute segments. There was 10 seconds between the 5 minutes but otherwise it flowed one into the other pretty much non-stop.

    Has anyone else tried it?
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,944 Member
    @mickey2942 I too have had this problem. Sometimes the hardest part is just the first step. So make a deal with yourself. Do your activity for just a few minutes to "earn" your couch time. My therapist reccomended 30 minutes of activity equals 30 minutes of tv. Let me know how it goes.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Ha-Ha ... when I posted earlier this morning I must have been having a 'senior moment' cause I thought it was Wednesday ... and the garbage sanitation workers just showed up to pick up trash ... and then I realized it is

    Thursday Truth ... Getting addled in my old age? Maybe a little. But one thing that is getting really exercised a lot is my irritation with people who dump on other people in the threads here on MFP. I read one today where a young woman was using milk as a means to fill herself up at meals hoping it would help her to eat less solid stuff and thereby trim calories. That post was taken over by so many of those 'I know better than you do' or downright ridicule posts that I was very angry at the 'community' as a whole.

    People, if you cannot say something constructive, why are you saying anything at all? Of course ... that doesn't happen on this thread. Thanks for letting me vent.

    PS --- my mini goal weigh-in today shows that I have 3.3% of my starting challenge weight gone and my goal is 5.7% .... to stay on track I need to lose a pound a week for each of these last 6 weeks of the challenge.

    I agree so much with this post. It's partly why I retreated to a single thread til it kind of died off. I migrated here the other day because this seems like a nice, encouraging group. Just what I was looking for.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Is there a pattern here? Wednesday wishes, Thursday truths? Friday fitness? I have to read back and figure this out. :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Is there a pattern here? Wednesday wishes, Thursday truths? Friday fitness? I have to read back and figure this out. :)

    Way, way back, the originator of this post put up some general suggestions to use as guidelines if you want to post and aren't sure about what to post about. It's on page 1. We sometimes adhere to this pretty well, other times not so much. It's nothing that is set as a rule, just a guideline you may wish to follow to keep the thread the way it was intended. ... and that is as a motivator to get that weight off!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Is there a pattern here? Wednesday wishes, Thursday truths? Friday fitness? I have to read back and figure this out. :)

    Way, way back, the originator of this post put up some general suggestions to use as guidelines if you want to post and aren't sure about what to post about. It's on page 1. We sometimes adhere to this pretty well, other times not so much. It's nothing that is set as a rule, just a guideline you may wish to follow to keep the thread the way it was intended. ... and that is as a motivator to get that weight off!

    Thanks for the tip! I'll go back and read it. Yep, that is why I am here!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone and Happy Friday too!
    @Mickey 2942 -- I can relate to what you said! But you are trying that is the first step!

    Friday fitness: today after work I went to the YMCA for my water class it was good! I like being in the water and it easier for me cause of my bad ankles! But I am thinking I need to start adding a couple of machines.

    I am really grateful for the Y for many reasons but right now there are a lot of fires in our area the air quality is so poor. That you really shouldn't be out side for long!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!