Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,958 Member
    @Elizabeth2360 I joined the Y a year ago for the water aerobics class too. Unfortuneatly I dont care for the instructor and there are no other water clesses with different instructors that I am able to attend because of my schedule. In the gym, I really like the bike. And for strength training, arguably the most important form of exercise, I like the classics: sit-ups and (wall) push-ups. I know some people say you can do those things at home but for other people, like me, we need a special place where we are there for one reason and we mean business. Above all else, be kind to yourself. It is a big accomplishment to just show up and do anything. Keep at it! We'll get there!
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Saturday - Success: we went out to McDonald's for dinner this week and I was able to eat a grilled chicken sandwich without feeling deprived. I didn't have fries, I didn't eat from my kids food (which they left over half their chicken nuggets) and I didn't feel like I needed to go home and eat more. I've kind of decided that there are two kinds of eating out: laziness and enjoyment. If we are going to McDonald's it's because I'm being lazy. If we are going out to a fancy restaurant it's to enjoy the food. If we are going out for laziness then I need to eat responsibly and stay within my points. If we are going out for enjoyment that is when it's OK to indulge.

    I'd say that 90% of the time we go out its for laziness. A lot of times it's because a group of us are getting together with kids. Who wants to cook or clean up from a big group? So we go out. But I used to treat that as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. So from now on I'm asking myself this question before we go out. Are we going out because we are lazy or for pure enjoyment?
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Saturday,
    @MermaidPrincessRach -- Thank you for your encouraging words!
    @trinati2001 -- I applaud your success at McDonald's it can be hard to make the right choices and you did! We do a lot of eating out and it is an excuse after working all day tired etc! But being mindful of what I choose to eat is hard at least for me! It is a retraining of my mind! I started looking into healthy freezer meals that I can take a couple of hours make enough food for the week! That is the goal. It help us eat healthier and save money!

    Saturday Success went to the Y with DH and tried our hand at Pickle ball! First time I am really obese! This is supposed to be easy for me no but I can learn how to play it was fun! The success part is for me to try something new!

    Wishing you a wonderful day!

    Caldwell, Id
  • homeymoney
    homeymoney Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all. First time on this site!! I'm 67 years young and have been struggling most of my life with the weight. Now I really need to lose the weight and it's not easy at my age !! I do love swimming and played around at it for over an hour today. Fun!!
  • Windyhill_8970
    Windyhill_8970 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everybody...My name is Denise my long term goal is to lose 150 pounds.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    My success - I canned 9 pints of homegrown tomatoes this afternoon, and a quart of tomato juice. No added salt, just lemon juice and 'maters. But if I don't see another tomato again for a couple of weeks, I think that will be OK.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... Wish I could take the time to greet each and every new poster personally, but that would make this post too long to bear! :) ... So; Hello to all the newbies, welcome to sharing your weight loss journey, come back and let us know how you are progressing.!

    I'm trying something different this week ... taking a gamble on myself to do something that @skinnyjeanzbound and
    @kah68 do for their goals ... spell them out, right here, right now ... then I can check off done or not done as the week goes by.

    So this is all based on activity ... not because I am an adherent of your gotta move to lose cause I don't believe that. For me, losing is in the kitchen and health is in being active ... and gosh, I do want to be healthy!
    This week 8/7-8/13/16 ... I look forward to
    1 rest day
    3 days doing yard work
    2 days doing cardio & core exercises
    1 day walking

    Let's see how this 'old lady' does ... actually, I feel better at 71 than I did at 65.
  • nanknits
    nanknits Posts: 16 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good Day, Everyone! And welcome to all the new folks! :)

    Word of warning ... if you use a scale to weigh your food, make sure you have replacement batteries on hand! Mind take the little disc batteries and none of my local stores carry them. And my scale just this morning decided to give warning and quit working. GRRRR. At least I snagged a few dozen cheaply on Amazon and I'll have them soon enough.

    I'm with @Nikion901 (and @skinnyjeanzbound and @kah68) ... I like the idea of writing out goals here to help hold myself accountable. This week, I have a goal to:

    1) Finish knitting this derned scarf. I'm so close to done but also SO BORED.
    2) Keep myself between 1,500 and 2,000 calories a day. I struggled with this one last week due to unusual circumstances. I'm looking forward to getting back to my usual eating habits.
    3) Going back to eating high-protein snacks. Last week I ate more high-carb snacks and found that hunger was a bigger issue (despite eating more calories in general!)
    4) Take another honest look at the clothes in my closet and get rid of the ones that are too big.
    5) Walk at least 10 miles.
    6) Talk with my doc about my latest intertrigo (it isn't responding to my usual topical treatment) and the occasional light-headedness I'm feeling.

    Think that is going to be it! Have a GREAT week everyone!
  • nanknits
    nanknits Posts: 16 Member
    edited August 2016
    @BaJu58 Congrats on wanting to make a difference in your health! It sounds like you are off to a good start.

    What's worked for me is taking time (when I have time) to make healthier options the easier option (when I don't have time) and just trying to make better choices. Also making changes in manageable chunks (example: It took me 6ish months to cut the 2Tbs of sugar out of my tea ... I did it by cutting out a little at a time!). There is nothing shameful about baby steps!

    And YES! exercise can be a good stress-reliever. It was more stress for me when I just started (finding time and/or feeling guilty about taking the time, not to mention the stress that came from my body's inabilities!), but now I realize that exercise helps keep my stress-levels down and I actually enjoy the workouts! One thing I have done during busy work days is just to take a break from my job and find a little exercise that I can spend 5 minutes doing. For me, this was doing a "step circuit" around my building. I work in a loooooooong, narrow, three-story building and I'd get up from my desk and walk a few figure 8s (up one set of stairs, down the hallway, up another, down the hallway, down the stairs,... you get it). I probably didn't spend more than 5 minutes at a time doing this, but it got me up and moving. And people in my office were supportive of the quick "move" breaks.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Happy Sunday! My Sunday is starting out nicely!
    @BaJu58 That is great! It is a good feeling to just do something and you are! That is great!

    Today is my rest day! It has been a full week for me! Enjoying going to the Y this week!

    Food has been okay! I am older 56 trying to figure out what will work for me now! I have a tendency to use methods that I did in my twenties! So many of my peer group that I am friends with are trying to get healthier or using low carb high protein methods! I am researching them! I have type 2 diabetes and my doctor isn't a total fan of those for me cause of my numbers-- I just think it is somewhere in the middle! Right now I just follow the numbers on MFP!

    My success for the pass week is I have been patient with myself! And consistent!

    Have a nice day!
    Caldwell, Idaho
  • gransassy
    gransassy Posts: 4 Member
    I am 69 years old and started my weight loss journey about 14 months again . I have lost 95 pounds and have about 54 more to go . I began going to water aerobics five days a week but am out at the present time during to receiving a pedicure injury about 5 months again . I am now off insulin and trying to keep a positive attitude since my weight loss has slowed due to the foot injury .
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    edited August 2016
    I too am 69 years old!! Where did all the years go? Today is DH's birthday, it's been raining ALL day (very unusual for Florida in the summer) and we are going out to dinner later, so I will not be going out on my bicycle today. I'll go out tomorrow, even it if's raining, as long as it isn't lightning. I had to ride through 3 BIG puddles yesterday (30'-40' long and about 6 inches deep) and got drenched, so rain isn't a big deal- the puddles will be even bigger tomorrow, so a little water from above isn't going to matter. I usually ride my bike (actually recumbent trike) about 10 miles a day, with longer rides usually on two days, when DH is out playing horseshoes. I've lost 22 pounds in the last month and feel really great- I still want to lose at least another 110 pounds or so. As long as I keep losing, I have motivation. The hard part for me is a plateau, but I think with my exercise (my TomTom Multi Sport GPS watch says it's over 1000 calories a day), I should keep losing. Right now I'm dealing with summer temperatures here in Florida, so when it cools down, I plan on riding longer. You should see me when I get home at the end of a ride! I look like I rode through a car wash- totally drenched with sweat. It feels great! I have found foods that satisfy me for breakfast (high protein pancakes and turkey bacon) for breakfast and try to make something every couple days for lunch. One time it was chili made with ground turkey. This week it's turkey burritos with fat free refried beans on light flour tortillas. Dinner changes from day to day. I just know that the vigorous exercise has really reduced my appetite (plus, when I work THAT hard, I hate to throw that effort away by eating a donut or cupcake at church or "sneaking" something unhealthy. The carb cravings are, so far, completely gone and hope they never come back.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,958 Member
    @suznhenz I feel you. I live in florida too; tampa/brandon. I am 35 and have lived here all my life. Good job riding your bike! It is admirable!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I'm back again. Went thru deep depression after my husband died, but am coping well now. Just moved to new home in active adult community and meeting new people. Feeling the need to exercise more as everyone really6 is active here. Have started back to emotional eating, a habit I broke about three years ago. Havent been able to get serious about my weight, but had a successful day today. Going for a walk in a few minutes. It has been too hot to walk lately, but I joined a bowling team so I bowl tomorrow and then will work with my grandson in my new house

    It took all of June & July to clear out my old home but now everything is out except a few throw a way items. The listing starts Friday. The market has slumped some in my area, so hope it sells fairly quickly

    My goals for this week are:

    Attend two water aerobic classes and one yoga class
    Learn to bowl
    Get into at least one social situation this week
    Pray daily
    Walk daily..

    gransassy Wow you mean business. That's great. And the health benefits are great. You really inspire me.



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I can't even imagine @KATRENAJ I would a hot mess. I'm so glad you're bouncing back.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Okay I went back to the beginning and read the day of the week plan.

    Monday check in:
    I lost a bit of the weight I gained over the last few months this week. I hope I can continue the momentum. I had a good week catching up at work but have a big brainstorm on Wednesday I need to prepare for so need to get a lot of work done today and tomorrow. I also need to quit tires inertia holding me back from exercising. I need to get to it!

    So in that spirit and because I like goals, I'll follow the examples above and put my food and exercise goals for today:

    - No snacking!
    - Day 7 #nomorealcohol
    - Swim!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,958 Member
    @tootsanderson you have been on this thread a long time! I am impressed how long ago this thread was started. Any idea what happened to the creator, @RobinsEgg ?

    Monday Check In - Feeling frustrated.
    Is there anyone here my size and my age (35)? It is to be expected that many/most will gain and have a harder time losing after they hit 40 and have raised a family. I have been kicking at my excess weight since I was 22 and I have no children! "Good for you", I was told, "You are young and it'll be easier for you to lose weight." Well, IT'S NOT EASY!
  • beccatneedsaladder
    beccatneedsaladder Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there, new to this thread not so new to MFP!

    Had some success with this a few years ago and have basically out almost everything back on during through careless eating and basically being chained to a desk during deadline months at university so that sucks.

    So I've set a goal of -20lb in four weeks for my holiday to Bulgaria, and as I've over 100lb to loose it's hopefully manageable.

    Today I'm going to walk between 2-3k on the beach (tide dependant) and do some laps and a sneaky sauna at my local community pool.

    This is also my first post on anything like this ever, so I feel weird and awkward and kinda like I'm talking to myself, but hopefully it'll help..I'll check back in later.

    Peace and love,

    Ps. I'll follow for follow on MFP for a while to create and add to anyones support network, if anyone's interested ✨

  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @tootsanderson you have been on this thread a long time! I am impressed how long ago this thread was started. Any idea what happened to the creator, @RobinsEgg ?

    Monday Check In - Feeling frustrated.
    Is there anyone here my size and my age (35)? It is to be expected that many/most will gain and have a harder time losing after they hit 40 and have raised a family. I have been kicking at my excess weight since I was 22 and I have no children! "Good for you", I was told, "You are young and it'll be easier for you to lose weight." Well, IT'S NOT EASY!

    I was also just wondering about @RobinsEgg... I wonder if it's because of the mention of the first page and guide lines for daily posts?