August (2016) Running Challenge



  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    @karllundy you were probably too close to the nest. we have a trail by us that the owls would do that because the nest was right next to the trail.

    I had that thought as well, but I run in that spot ALL the time...several days a week. Maybe a new nest? My neighborhood has a lot of barred owls, so this could become a recurrent problem :wink:
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @greenolivetree Thanks and big gargantuan virtual hugs to you!!!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @Stoshew71 10 days into the month, and you're at 100 miles? Awesome!
    @karllundy owl attack? Yikes! I've only had bats buzzing me!
    @greenolivetree Sending thoughts and prayers your way!
    @TattooedDolphinGirl78 great job!
    @skippygirlsmom nice run.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    @karllundy you were probably too close to the nest. we have a trail by us that the owls would do that because the nest was right next to the trail.

    I had that thought as well, but I run in that spot ALL the time...several days a week. Maybe a new nest? My neighborhood has a lot of barred owls, so this could become a recurrent problem :wink:

    maybe the babies are popping around on the ground now learning how to fly. so parent owls are swooping...
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited August 2016
    I need advice. I've been using the Vdot Tables to calculate my paces and I calculated from my last 5k I did back at the beginning of june 21:57.

    My I pace is 4:18 min/km and that is supposed to get me to vo2 max.

    Today I had 1000 meter repeats with 3 min rest and so I did them spot on at 4:18-4:16 min/km. I know vo2max pace is about 95%-100% of max heart rate. Problem is I hit a heart rate of 180 max in each interval and my max HR is about 198-200 (i hit 198 before). 180 is about 90% of my max heart rate.

    Does that mean I ran the workout too slow? Should I try and do them by heart rate next time? My hypothesis is that 4:18 is probably closer to my 5k pace and these are supposed to be done at faster than that
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Today I failed miserably in my attempt to get up early and go running, so I once again ran on my lunch hour. I did an easy 3.5 miles (39:03 5k, not my best) and a little bit of walking after. My knees are once again giving me issues with stiffness, and I still have the twinge in my lower back right above the glute. I'm very familiar with pain in this area, having endured a pinched sciatic nerve and muscle inflammation above the sciatic nerve. I've even had to have PT for my back issues in the past. I will have to monitor this twinge very closely, as I do not want it to develop into more serious issues. It loosened up quite nicely after about a half mile so I think it's just a tight muscle in that area. My knees, OTOH, I'm not sure what to do about. I think it may be shoe related. I will have to go over to Runner's High and ask the dude there if he's got a different shoe that won't give me knee stiffness.

    Oh! My ticker:

  • TravelBear87
    TravelBear87 Posts: 98 Member
    edited August 2016
    Logging another 4 miles for August! Total 12.5 for August.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    8/1 - 2.23 - HS XC Practice
    8/2 - 6.0 - Easy
    8/2 - 4.15 - Easy
    8/3 - 15.03 - Easy
    8/4 - 6.0 - Recovery
    8/5 - 11.06 Easy + 3.47 @ MP XC Practice
    8/6 - 7.0 Easy W/ 10 x 160M Strides
    8/7 - 10.22 MP
    8/8 - 4.38 Recovery
    9/9 - 9.53 Easy
    9/10 - 11.05 VO2Max workout with 6x600 w/ 400 recovery @ 5k pace.

    Total 90.13 of 285 miles

    This was a tough workout. It was 75 degrees with 90% humidity again today. I ran 5 miles easy then met the guys for xc practice. I had intentionally scheduled this for them today so I'd have a few kids to compete against to push myself. After explaining the workout and course layout to them we headed out. Since it was humid i told them i'd like them to walk off about 100-200 meters to recover then jog the remaining 200-300 before starting back. I typically am able to jog the recovery and get HR back but that was not happening today. I did the first 3 repeats jogging the recovery but the final three I needed to walk off 100M to get HR recovery back into z2. I'm fairly please with the repeats and did them at an average 6:45-7:00 pace, which got me ahead of all but 2 of our varsity boys who are 18min 5k runners, and even those guys were gassed after this workout. I got my HR to between 184-195 on the intervals which is pretty good for a 43 year old. It's safe to say 220-age is a bit off for me. Finished off with a 2 mile cool down. I'm glad there are not too many of these VO2Max intervals on the schedule since they are leg crushers.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @RespectTheKitty Great mileage so far, but sorry to hear about the pain. :confounded: I'm sure one of our fellow runners will be better equipped than myself to help you though.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @skippygirlsmom So sorry about your mom. My hubby is abnormal in staying a little overweight :-p He's had Crohn's 20 years now and he got thin in the early years right out of high school but since I've known him he's always been a big guy :)

    I got the paperwork from the post office and his tests are scheduled for early September. So we'll wait and see.

    @karllundy I appreciate the comment about the challenges of being the healthy spouse. We've missed so many events over the years due to him being sick or hospitalized or I've attended events alone. He also has had major issues with kidney stones and is diabetic. He's a mess :-p

    @MNLittleFinn Thanks :)

    @RespectTheKitty Not quite sure about the "stiff" knees. Lately when I've been sitting awhile mine will feel like a tight rubberband feeling when I first walk around. I don't know what's up with that either! On the getting up early, just keep setting the alarm even if you don't get up :) Over time you'll get used to being awake.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @karllundy I appreciate the comment about the challenges of being the healthy spouse. We've missed so many events over the years due to him being sick or hospitalized or I've attended events alone. He also has had major issues with kidney stones and is diabetic. He's a mess :-p

    I hear you. My wife has rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and a few other random issues all seemingly auto-immune related. No hospitalizations except a knee replacement, but lots of missed functions or me being the only parent for a while.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @5512bf - I'm gonna need a rest day just from reading that.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @greenolivetree @karllundy sucks. i get stones and infections and have a rare autoimmune and myalgia. It's hard to be the person in the relationship that is sick. especially invisible sick.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @karllundy and @mbaker566 Hugs to you both! It's hard for everyone involved. There was many times we put a sleepy kid in the car and dropped him off at grandparents in the middle of the night when we headed to the hospital. The last time my husband was in the hospital overnight for a kidney stone that wouldn't pass, I was thinking oh my goodness I am so over 30 now! I felt invincible in my 20s :-p I was super hard-headed and didn't want help from anyone either. I gotta be better about that.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    To all of you suffering from illness yourselves or living through a loved one's illness, I'm thinking of all of you and sending you strength. I'm unfortunately in the same boat with an ill husband and it can be emotionally draining and physically exhausting.

    Hang in there and I think we've all found a solution to some of the stress! Running!

    Exercise keeps me grounded and gives me an opportunity to tire my body out while my mind relaxes, if that makes sense!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @greenolivetree I'm sorry to hear your husband's illness has flared back up--hopefully he will be back on to good numbers and better health soon. Hugs to you.

    @karllundy I love owls...they are my favorite thing. But I would probably have screamed so loud you would have heard me in the next county over if something landed on my head!

    Well, I intended to go back to trip-me-up-trail for my long run today, to work on that whole mastering my fear thing, but it didn't work out. I forgot one of my kids had a dentist appointment this morning, so I didn't get out for my run until 11:30. Did I mention it was brilliantly sunny and over 90 degrees? Ugh. So I "ran" 6 miles on the streets around my daughter's school while she took driver's ed. I think I probably walked at least a mile of it, just because when I would hit a steep hill I just couldn' Too hot. And now I'm lathered up with pain relief (bah, humbug) neosporin and non-stick bandages on my ribcage from chafing.

    Complain complain complain. That felt better!


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    8/1: 3.6 miles w/ the Coffee Crew
    8/2: 5 miles
    8/3: Rest day
    8/4: 7 miles (am)
    ...... 6.4 miles (pm)
    8/5: Rest day
    8/6: 10 miles w/ the Saturday Crew
    8/7: 18 miles
    8/8: 6.9 miles
    8/9: Rest day
    8/10: 8.9 miles (am)
    ........: 4.2 miles (pm)

    Got my run in after work taking a tour of the business park and surrounding areas. There's pedestrial trails everywhere and I got a solid 4.2 mile loop. I wanted to do 5 miles, but I got back to the parking lot and I was done for! There wasn't much shade on the loop and it was 88F with a "feels like" temperature of 97F (31C feels like 36, for you Celcius folks!)... hot and humd and sunny... yuck! I think I'll reserve this after work route for the fall when it might feel good to run in unending sun rather than like feeling like I'm running ON the sun.

    But I just noticed, I did ALMOST 9 and just OVER 4... that's a @Stoshew71 kind of line up! :smiley:


    Upcoming Races:
    9/11: Lehigh Valley Via Marathon (Several Towns, PA)
    (10/16: Halloween Half (Morristown, NJ) >> maybe)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Philadelphia, PA)

  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    8/01: Off, rest day
    8/02: 4 miles, easy + strides + strength training
    8/03: 8 miles, fartlek
    8/04: 4 miles, easy + strides + strength training
    8/05: Off, active rest day - leisurely biking and walking
    8/06: 13.1 miles, long and super easy
    8/07: 10K race (51:59 - 6.30 miles) + 2.13 mile warm up
    8/08: Off, rest day
    8/09: 4 miles, easy + strides + strength training
    8/10: 5 miles
    Total: 46.7 miles

    Well, it is officially time to take some time off and revise my training plan :cry:
    I had a really painful 5 miles this morning. Training schedule called for 9 miles today, but I got 2.5 miles out and knew it was just plain stupid to do 9. I started walking back, but decided running actually hurt less than walking so I ran the 2.5 miles home. Cried a bunch before work because I always seem to get injured. I have this fantasy where I make it through a whole training cycle injury-free; maybe one day it will come true?
    The shin/calf pain I'm having right now is pretty awful, but it is my fault for pushing through the pain for a few days even though I knew it was a bad idea to do so. Not sure exactly what is wrong with my leg this time; the pain is where my calf and shin meet on the inside about half way up my leg and has radiated up to my knee today too. There is no visible bruising or swelling and it is only a little tender to the touch; it just hurts like hell to walk or stand on it. Definitely feels different from my usual shin splints, and also different from the stress fractures I had in the past so who knows. I don't have an exact plan yet, but I'm going to take at least 4 days off running; if it no longer hurts to walk/put weight on it by then, maybe I'll try running on Monday. Biking around today didn't hurt, thankfully, so I'll at least be able to do some cross training in the meantime. Fortunately we are still two months out from the Chicago Marathon; I may have to revise my goals for the race, but at least I should still be able to complete it! Fingers crossed...


    Upcoming races:
    8/07: Chicago 10K 51:59 - not my best by a long shot but I'll take it
    8/26: Rock the Night 5K
    9/10: Chicago Women's Half Marathon
    9/25: Lifetime 5K
    10/09: Chicago Marathon
    10/30: Hot Chocolate 5K
    11/27: Space Coast Half Marathon
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    My wife is awesome. Normally I run in the morning before everyone gets up but tomorrow there's supposed to be thunderstorms AGAIN so my wife said she'd watch our little man tomorrow evening so I can Run then..... tempo run in the heat....glad it's just 30 minutes plus warm up and cooldown
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ariceroni I'm so sorry to hear that! Hope you are feeling better soon.