Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • initials1248
    initials1248 Posts: 429 Member
    I cant
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @bluepoppies777 Sounds like you had so much fun. Great job planning for your camping trip this weekend. ( I am envious of your trip)

    @lrivera54 Welcome, and you are right we can do this.

    @initials1248 Why can't you?

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,330 Member
    New to the site. This group looks interesting/fun/supportive. And you all make me look like a slacker with your camping, running, hiking, horse riding, yoga etc activity. I think I'm doing good if I manage to get a 30 minute walk in.

    I've been trying to lose some weight for several years now and succeeded in gaining 40+pounds (after losing about 10, so, net +30). My wellness coach (insurance based employee program) recommended I try this. Two days in...

    I actually need to drop about 60-65 pounds but will start with 10 by December. If I lose more, great...but I have to start losing. Pretty badly asthmatic and, even with maintenance meds, limited in a lot of activities. Lots of motivation but not a lot of confidence.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Good morning All,
    Welcome to all the newbies. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.

    Joy have fun on you camping trip.

    Cari Welcome back we have missed you.

    @FitEqualsSmile I'm with you on the Olympics. Hubby turned it on last night to tennis. It is on 10+ stations and he picks the one with tennis on it. At least he could have stopped on gymnastics, volleyball or swimming, but tennis. How did it go at aerial yoga last night. That sounds like so much fun. I'm pretty sure I would hang myself with that sheet/rope thing. LOL

    @jdelaroy Great NSV. Keep up the good work. Picnic by the river sounds nice. And great choice with the sherbet.

    @janetay01 I hope that you are starting to feel better. Have you tried the emergen C? Do you like it? I think I may try it. On the plus side, before long Alistair will have caught every bug know to man from day care and then he will be able to fight them off.

    System still not working properly at work. It seems like every time I try to do something I have to stop because a function is not working properly. At least I am not in the shipping/receiving departments as they still haven't figured out how to receive some stuff in yet. :#:s Have had a stress/sinus headache since Sunday. Didn't make it to the gym last night as my head felt as if it was going to fall off. Today I have a sinus headache again and now my nose is stuffy. :'(

    Well it is hump day so that is something.

    Great job to everyone.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy A loss is always something to celebrate, great job!!!

    @bluepoppies777 I hope you have a great time on your trip. Social calendars definitely make weight loss hard but it sounds like you've got a good plan for the upcoming vacation!

    @Irivera54 Welcome!

    @melaniedscott Welcome! A 30 minute walk is a great accomplishment. I didn't start out as active as I am now, it took years before I built up the endurance I have now. Any activity is activity to celebrate!

    @ngolden3320 Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather on top of the work stress. I hope you're able to do some self care this week.

    Kickboxing last night was just what I needed. I felt really strong and I feel like I'm making progress even though I still can't punch my way out of a paper bag. Hopefully today goes smoother than yesterday. Had to deal with a parent who was a real *kitten*. Seriously, who sends their 18 year old kid alone to college orientation and then gets mad that they as the parent didn't receive the information? Not my fault they skipped because they didn't think college orientation was important! *growl*
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @Rachel0778 I agree w you on that one. That's like sending my 47 year old husband and expecting ALL of the information. Lol. Glad kickboxing made you feel better and you will be showing that paper bag whose boss in know time.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @melaniedscott Welcome! Good luck with your new journey. There are a lot of great threads on the boards, check out the ones that are pinned at the top. They have a lot of helpful information to some of the basics most of us have when we first start. Don't worry about not being able to do what everyone else can do. We are each on our own journey and need to take the steps that we can do. When I first started, I was lucky to get to 7000 steps a day. (I just used a free ap for my phone) Most people recommend you start out by just logging your calories. After that you work on staying within your calories. Once you are comfortable with that, then you add in another small change. You Can Do This!

    @ngolden3320 The picnic was a blast. It sounds like you might be getting an infection. Take care of yourself. I can only imagine your frustration with work.

    @Rachel0778 I wish I could do kick box classes. (I am nowhere close to ready for that) Silly parent, College is a time for your kid to be an adult now. He/she should be responsible. If you want the info get it from said kid.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Hi, my name is Susan. I started back at MFP at the beginning of this year and have lost 77 pounds. Having support on MFP definitely helps! I am near my goal weight and want to start lifting weights more to firm up the flabby areas. Encouragement is good for all of us. I love a group that checks in daily.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,576 Member
    @Rachel0778 - how long have you been doing kickboxing? it's something I want to try; but I think I need to lose a few more pounds before I get there.

    @melaniedscott - welcome! walking and just logging your calories to see how much you eat a day is a great way to start off. soon enough, those pounds will start falling off! :)

    Started off my morning with a nice back workout with three supersets, and then some core work. I'm already starting to see some definition in my shoulders from my new workout regiment. Tomorrow is chest and shoulders, and I'm trying a vinyasa beginners class at this new yoga studio I joined.

    I need to start adding running back into my workout schedule; I have a 5K coming up at the end of next month. My last 5K I completed in 40 minutes, and I'm hoping to do under that this time around (even if it's 39:59!)
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Well it has been a busy day so far - happy it is already 1:30. Woke up last night around 4:30 in the middle of a terrible thunder storm and that was the end for me. I was up for the rest of the night. Had my trainer and then did 30 on the elliptical. I was told Monday I could go back to the rower in a month or so, I am so excited to get back to it. We really worked up my back and arms today and I can not tell you how good it felt after not being able to lift for months.
    The most exciting news. I started to throw stuff in a suitcase for my cruise in October...I am crazy and maybe a little excited, hehe

    Have a great day!!

    @lrivera54 and @melaniedscott - welcome aboard and feel free to add me as a friend. Check back often for encouragement as this is a great group of people and feel free to ask questions. We have all been around the block.

    @ngolden3320 - being sick in the summer stinks. It always seems worse. I am getting used to the olympics if only my husband would STOP TURNING THE CHANNEL!!! Last night he chose to stick with boxing, boxing for heaven sacks - holy crow. Aerial is great. I love it. Not the most intense work out but it is a lot of laughs. Yesterday I was doing an inverted move and was supposed to catch my foot on the silk before I flipped through and nope, totally missed. If my coach had not been there I would have so ended up on my face.

    @wishfuljune - I love vinyasa yoga. Good luck. I take a really gentle class which is a hour stretch and then a moderate class which right now is outside - TOTALLY AWESOME - on Friday mornings I head to a different studio and take a class the totally kicks my butt. It is my favorite class of the week. I hope you love it has much as I do.
  • Dragons1997
    Dragons1997 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey guys my name is Lisa and I'm 38 from Texas I've been getting up at 5:50am everyday and leave to go walk at 6am and I'm usually gone almost 2 hours and right now I'm doing over 5 miles a day before coming to work at 9am. I have attached a pic of one taken 3 weeks ago and the other taken yesterday please feel free to add me
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited August 2016
    So, I went for a run, my first in over 2 months now, and it was such a struggle - it's amazing how fast your fitness level can drop when you eat crap and sit on your butt too much. Anyways, I tried, but I was finding it hard just to run for 3 mins straight, so I switched to 1 min intervals. I manged a total of 4.46 miles altogether, so not all bad.
    I'm not too worried though to be honest, because when I first went back to running I couldn't even manage 1 min straight, and with a bit of hard work and perseverance I soon built it up to a 5k. I just need to get back into my 3 x's a week habit and I'm sure I'll be up and 'running' again in no time.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Cari. You will be back to where you were in no time at all. I think your body remembers we just have to remind it to get its *kitten* in gear. No worries.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Cari - you can do it!!! Just remember it is one day at a time. We have all had to take a break for personal reasons, injury or fallen off the wagon and had to start again. The most important part is you have to start.
  • lrivera54
    lrivera54 Posts: 20 Member
    Hope your all well. I just received my food scale I love it my banana weighs 104 grams. Who knew. This is my 3rd day so far so good.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Good morning all, Thank goodness it is Thursday, though it feels more like Monday. Ugh. I am so tired and just feel like I am dragging *kitten*. I stayed up way too late last night.

    my NSV for yesterday, managed to make my steps, and then went for an extra walk to blow off some steam last night. I didn't shove a bunch of food down my throat. Lets just hope I can manage to not do that today.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @health_guard glad to hear about your awesome zumba class!

    @1skholloway and @Dragons1997 Welcome!

    @jdelaroy Sadly most 18 year olds have not developed the life skills yet to be independently financially conscious. I like it best when parents and students come together and are able to openly communicate about loans and budgeting....but I get a lot of not so healthy family dynamics in my office that don't follow that trend

    @wishfuljune I just started kickboxing in April so I'm really new. Boxing can be made low impact if you're worried about your weight. It's honestly a great exercise for all bodies!

    @FitEqualsSmile Sorry to hear about the early morning thunder, but it looks like the rest of your day is looking up!

    @CariTJR 4.46 miles of intervals is fantastic! I hope you're giving yourself a big pat on the back!

    @Irivera54 Way to go on getting the food scale, it is such a great tool!

    I had an early morning meeting and was starving after and so I fell for the bagel trap. It was delicious, but 600 calories later I am still hungry *grump!* Oh well, live and learn. It's tracked and the rest of my day is veggie packed so I'll still be on point for cals
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I have a new work out partner as of last week. She is pretty timid at the gym so she only uses the exercise bike and machine weights. That's ok because it's good to know someone will be waiting to see me at the gym. I am back at it after a 2 week absence and attending much more regularly. I am lifting more weights trying to firm up and lose the belly fat.

    I'm meeting with the gym trainer tonight to get guidance as to how I need to change up my workouts. Hopefully he can help me decide on a goal weight. According to the BMI charts I need to lose 17 more pounds to be in the normal weight range. Ugh! Most people would tell me I don't need to lose that much, if any more. Maybe I just need to focus more on firming up right now and take a break from trying to lose. I have been concentrating on losing all year and have lost 77 pounds. I'm okay with the size that I am but I would be happy to be smaller also. I would be most happy to lose the layer of fat that still pads my body, particularly the extra thick padding on my stomach.
  • darciew2
    darciew2 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome!!! I'm in the same boat and in need of cheerleaders!!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited August 2016
    Well, i'm 3lb down this week, I know it will mainly be water weight, but i'll take it. That puts me back to 1 stone lost since January, i've just got to work hard to lose the remaining 11lb i'd lost up to April and then regained, and then i'm back on track towards my goal weight.
    OH is out on his mountain bike with the 'boys' tonight, so i'll probably do the housework and go for another run, if not tonight, then Sunday (very busy day Saturday!), but I will get a run in somewhere over the weekend.
    All newbies please feel free to add me, i've been away for a while but intend on being around much more again.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend what ever you may be doing, and just to kick it off as it's Friday, here are some memes (you can tell i'm back again! hahaha). :)

