

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited August 2016
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon~ Dear Fellow Oregonian, I am giving you a ticket on this loverly train called "Accountability Express"!!! You are a lucky winner and can sit in the luxury car, but there are limited tickets to the diner car, due to the fact that you have been naughty. (giggles).... Gunther, the Chef will bring a meal tray to your cabin, so no worries! I have instructed him to wear nothing but his chef's hat, and an apron.... I have also instructed him to make idle conversation with you as you eat a healthy meal. ENJOY the trip!!!

    your travel agent
    with a sense of humor
    in Oregon down a bit from you.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    MrsGLT wrote: »
    Good morning! I don't think I checked in yesterday. It was busy with the grandkids. Both grandsons have gone to spend a couple of days with my folks. My oldest granddaughter has come to stay with us while her brother is gone so I have both my grandgirls. One is 11 & the other will turn 3 tomorrow. The 3 year old is a pistol. Her mother is going to have to toughen up or this one will run her over like a Mack truck.
    My 11 year old granddaughter has a weight problem. I've talked to her mother several times but she's like oh she'll grow out of it. Well, she's not growing out of it at all. The child weighs 158 pounds!!! She's asked me to talk to her mother about the way she cooks. I normally try to stay out of my kids business where parenting is concerned but this is very serious and I'm about to butt in like a nosy neighbor. I love this child and we're talking about her health, her life and her future. She's about to enter 6th grade and 6th graders are a hormonal bunch of little jerks. They're not little kids anymore and they're not teens either. She has already been bullied and I don't want her to suffer anymore. I would really appreciate some prayers for wisdom and guidance on how to approach my daughter and how to help my sweet girl.
    I have to get busy and get my house ready for a birthday party tomorrow. Y'all have a great day.

    I am sorry your oldest granddaughter is having weight problems. Maybe you could give her some cookbooks that were age appropriate, and books on information that she would benefit from. Tell her that she needs to be informed on what healthy looks like. Have her treat it as an assignment, and meet up with her periodically to discuss what she doesn't understand. Hopefully your daughter will understand that she needs to change her cooking habits and her mindset. On the good side, 6th thru 8th grade every kid is in that in between stage. But once high school hits, kids can be cruel. So three years to get it under control is doable! Tell your granddaughter that she is strong and can do this!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    MRS. GLT: Good luck helping your granddaughter with weight issues and especially figuring out how to have a positive talk with your daughter. Our MFP friend, Kim, teaches kids to cook. Perhaps you could volunteer to help DGD learn to cook. You could start with portion control, healthy lunches & after school snacks. :heart:

    Becca: Gunther the Chef will not be welcome in my cabin unless fully clothed. I have no desire to find hair in my food. :sick: If he wants to do a strip perfomance in the ship's lounge after the dinner hour, I might be persuaded to join the audience. :wink:

    I have an appointment for a hair trim and pedicure this afternoon. DH was going to do the dame, but he ahs an upset tummy and has cancelled his appointments until he feels better.
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    BettyROC – We have a small Mexican Restaurant that has been here for many years; it’s pretty good; and we have several in Albany that serve a slightly different variety. About a month ago, we went to Americus and went to a very ‘high end’ Mexican Restaurant … and we all agreed that we’d make the trip (about 20 miles) to have Mexican food (unless we just do it spur of the moment, we’d stay in town).
    Logan’s Roadhouse is closing in Albany, which was really one of the ‘favorite’ steakhouses; but, difficult to get to because you had to go through the parking lots of another business. Ryan’s closed about a year ago; but, I don’t eat at any ‘buffet’ restaurant. I don’t like knowing that things have been picked up by hand and then put back down because they have changed their minds. Unless a steak is ‘mooing’ at me – or burnt to a crisp, I don’t send food back either.

    Sopapillas? Is that pretty much the same a ‘cinnamon toast, only better?

    Becca – When we go through a large city, we really try to stay in the middle lane if we are on the Interstate … that way you don’t run the risk of finding out at the last moment you are in a ‘turn only’ lane. Atlanta and Jacksonville both have interchanges over other interstates and the bridges are really high up. If you make the mistake of being in the wrong lane (some turn ‘only’ in both directions) it’d take you about 30 minutes to get to an exit to get turned back to the right direction. Newcomers could really get ‘screwed up’ if they haven’t read a map or don’t have GPS in their car or on their cellphones.
    We bought a new mattress and box springs for our king-sized bed several years ago. It already sits up 22” because of one of my skirts that I have decided to leave on it 365 days, instead of changing it out; but, both mattress and box springs are ‘thick’; so I am thinking it won’t be long until we need to buy the low box springs which is more like 6” or less for us to be able to get into the bed. I have to have a step stool; and DH uses the rung on my dressing table stool, to get up into bed. It sits over 4 feet off the ground; and, it also makes the room look and feel smaller. But, it is easy to make up.

    SugarDarling1… - I feel the same way … when we used to go out to eat at a particular restaurant; they’d bring 3 rolls for 2 people. Why? Just so that we’d get an extra plate of them during the meal? I don’t need the rolls; but, I’m going to eat them anyway! Or take them home.

    Klanders30 – I don’t know how old my DMnL was when she finally got a license to drive; but, she was well into her 30’s before she could ‘legally’ drive. DH had the largest paper route in Jacksonville and on rainy days she’d drive the car, and he’d lean out the door to throw them as close as he could to get, or on ‘on the porch’. Got a picture of him depositing his first paycheck into the bank. When he used his bike; it was packed on all 4 sides of it. I don’t know how he could even steer it. He said, very carefully; and, sometimes he would do another’s route if they were sick or out-of-town.

    Michele – The road is paved with ‘good intentions’ and I did not actually do any of the DVDs that I wanted to watch to see if I thought I could keep up and how many pieces of furniture I’d need to move to do them. I’ve never wanted a doggy door; seems like it could be dangerous depending on how big of a dog you have? We don’t get the local paper(s). Not the Dawson News not The Albany Herald.

    I was also ‘floored’ when I got my ‘engagement’ ring appraised; glad I did, because the amount that the insurance would pay for under a normal policy would not have covered it; so we got a ‘rider’ to our policy and I think it only went up about $8 a month. .

    You are always whacking weeds … that must be one helluva dirt mound.
    Sounds like waiting for the door that needs to go on the back porch. I am beginning to start ‘nagging DH about it’. How difficult can it be to bring it here and install it? MMmmm!

    Re in TX – I don’t think they know what is causing the ‘dizziness’. I get up in the AM with it and then it will disappear somewhat if I take the ‘dizzy’ medication. They did an EKG on me when I went in the last timev (earlier this week; and, it had not change any since the last time he did one. I had gone for my weigh-in and told the nurse that I had felt tired all week, and when we got home from the beach … was so tired I almost wanted to go back to bed in the AM. She took my BP and it was something like 112/70; and, she said I needed to be seen by one of the MDs … I don’t know what was going on; but, they moved my appointment up with my GYN. By the time they saw me my BP was back up to 120/80 in a more ‘normal’ range. That’s the first time it had ever been that low, except once the bottom number was 50. I had picked up the girls from school and on the way home, felt really bad … so I stopped by the EMT office on our way home and asked if they would check it. They would NOT allow me to leave until I had talked to my MD. They were the ones making the call, so I did not get ‘put off, with the message needed to go to the MD’. But, that was also a time in my life that it was ‘spiking up and down’ all the time. Every time I went to the MD … they did an EKG on me for a while until they got the dosage of my BP right.

    This time it was as normal as the last one; but, they did take blood; and, the only thing they saw was that my kidneys were on the low side of functioning; but, that also was no different than the last time either. I’m not sure that maybe it has something to do with the weight I have lost and my seizure meds; but, until the MD tells me to eliminate some of it, I am not doing it. He upped my Lamictal I had been taking to 300mg in the AM; 300mg in the PM.

    Kylia from Ohio – Insurance companies are full of some ‘idiot bureaucrats’ … makes about as much sense as being told that you have to have cancer to have a BRAC 1 or BRAC 2 (or even a BART) test done for them to pay for it. I thought this was to make sure you don’t have that ‘mutated gene’ for certain kinds of breast cancer’. The lady I talked to at the place they do these tests (or the only place that do the testing of the blood for results) say ‘they’ve been arguing with insurance companies about this since they discovered the test’. The way I look at it is: If they discover breast cancer in me; because I have 2 sisters who are BC survivors … just give me a mastectomy and do the reconstruction (which I have been told that they HAVE to pay for), something to do with Federal law … but, THAT even scares me. But, both sisters had these 2 tests; and, after my 2nd sister had it they did the BART test on my oldest sister. My DGD already ‘know’ there is a strong family history of ‘breast cancer’ so all I would be doing is to learn whether or not I have this gene would just scare them more. Since both of them were ‘negative’ with both sisters; I have chosen NOT to have it (unless my insurance company would pay for it). I don’t have to worry about ovarian cancer because I had a hysterectomy at the age of 35. I once received an email about a woman who had had a complete hysterectomy, yet she had ‘ovarian cancer’ (according to blood tests). When I took it to my GYN; he ordered a C125 test, which was normal.

    Your grandchildren call you almost the same thing my sons called my parents: “MeMawma or MeMaw” and “PaPaw!” Oldest one called him Granddaddy and “Grandmother”. “PaPaw” seemed to fit him; “Grandmother” seemed too stuffy; but, that is what she wanted my boys to call her. It started when DOS was trying to figure out ‘why’ I called her “Mama”. I told him that I was HIS “Mama” and she was “My Mama”. Ergo “MeMaw or MeMawma”

    Marcelynh – I did not ‘think’ they needed to get on your roof. We have a metal roof and nobody wants to get on it … we have a ‘big’ satellite dish that came with our DirecTV; and, they had put up 4 over the years that got left when we went to the HDTV one. We told them that they HAD to take off the other satellite dishes and we did not care where they took them to dispose of them. When they put the big satellite dish out in the yard (right next to my flower bed) on the side of the house they ‘intentionally’ cut the analog wire to my studio; so now I have to put things on my computer to be able to watch them. There was absolute NO reason for them to have done that. We had even had a regular antenna put up beside it; but, it is turned the wrong way for us to get ‘local’ stations. I’m planning on moving a vine that I have in my flower bed; over there and let it climb up it instead of having to dig the roots out of my flower bed (for a vine with flowers that attract hummingbirds).

    Becca – My 2 oldest sisters would always tell me that I was ‘adopted’ … not true; but, it would make me cry a lot. Now they can’t deny that I am the ‘real’ sister and they can’t get tired of me and ‘adopt’ me out to some other family. I’m the clown in our family for the most part.

    I am deathly afraid of spiders! I had one drop down on my desk when I was in the 3rd grade. Our teacher was seriously ‘mentally ill’ and she had told her to NOT get out of our desks, no matter what. Well, I did NOT get out of my desk; but, I crawled up on the seat and screamed ‘bloody Mary’. She came over there and slapped me so hard I fell over the front of the desk. Then I spent the rest of the school day, sitting outside in the hallway (the doors were slightly recessed, so when the Principal came out of his office, I’d lean against the door so he could not see me. Others in the classes across the hall would do the same. We’d run back and forth across the hall and stand in each other’s place. I think the Principal stopped looking our way after about a week. Spider still bit me and I had a big welt on my arm. I still have the scar.

    We now live in a cypress siding house and the webs are all over the place. Thankfully, the ones by the door must not ever come out. DH will pressure wash the carport several times a year. But, then they are right back there. UGH!

    Navy Dependent. Air Force – My BnL was his children’s Sponsor. His wife became his dependent instead of her Daddy being her Sponsor when they married; then she became her present husband dependent when they married. All of them were 'military families' stationed in Jacksonville, FL. Seems to sound like they are ‘property’. LOL!

    Joyce, Indiana – My favorite dolls were Barbie and Ken. I had one of the original Barbie’s and my mother must have given it away. She make all their clothes because doll clothes were so expensive. The only doll I remember prior to getting that one was a doll with red/auburn pigtails and red plaid dress; named her “Ruth” for one of my ‘great aunts’. It was the only doll I ever got that I did not pull the arms and legs off (and sometimes the head). Wonder if I was just destructive or if I wanted to be a doctor? Probably just destructive. I remember my sister getting a baby doll that was called a “Toottles” baby doll. I was not even allowed to hold it for a little while. They were the first baby dolls that had jointed arms and legs and looked like a real baby. DS’s had hair; and the girl across the street had one that the hair was painted on. DS named her “Katherine Elizabeth” and that is what she named her daughter.

    I’m glad that you don’t have pneumonia. Did you get a pneumonia shot? Or will your MD allow that? Prednisone was the ‘only’ thing that cleared up my cough after having a bout of bronchitis; and, had had 2 rounds of antibiotics, Rx-strength cough medicine for a month. I sound like a ‘smoking, taxi driver’. Hack! Hack! Hack
    DH was sort of awake when they put stints in … so he could tell them how he felt all the time.

    No telling what DH would find if he ‘cleaned’ up the house. Three days before a couple of Thanksgivings ago, I went into a tear, because I knew my DYS was bring his ‘at that time, girlfriend (now his wife). For some reason I was ‘sure’ that DH had helped me. I don’t think the house had ever be (or maybe has ever been since) that clean.

    Liz – One thing I have to avoid … is an Arcade because of the bells and flashing lights. I might have a seizure.

    Heather – My Mother used a pressure cooker every Sunday. She put our Sunday meal in it and by the time we got home 2 hours later, it was done. But, one Sunday it blew up while we were gone; and, she never used it after that.

    We’ve seen that Instant Pot Due advertised on TV. Does your son like it? Do you have one or just a regular pressure cooker?

    I’m tired of the Olympics after the gymnasts are finished. I watched some of the swimming; but will be happy when the entire thing is over with.

    Lisa from West Texas – You go, girl!!!! Getting ‘hit on’. Hope he did not do it in a 'creepy way'.

    DH is in his (about 10th day) of wearing a urine bag 24/7. I think I have washed the sheets 6 of those days. Got the water-proof mattress pad … wasn’t the kind that zips up around the mattress; so what do I have to do … wash the damn thing every time. The garbage bag goes back under the bottom sheet again. I don’t mind throwing the fitted sheet in the washer; but, this stuffing the heavy pad gets old and takes a while to dry. He has had blood in his urine, now, for 2 days. MD has been out of town all week. His nurse talked to one of the other MDs and they said it was ‘normal’ … UGH! Any problems his MD will be back in the office on Monday. Gave him some pain meds. That should help! Seems to have already ‘kicked in’. Came home from work fairly early.

    I sure hope that this is not going to be an issue for going out to Louisiana later this month. He takes a shower and puts his shorts on. His father became a 'hermit' when they did his post-surgery catheter. And grouchier than he had ever been before. He used to go fishing and we'd all go to the beach. He would not even attend his great-granddaughter's funeral because of it. Seriously, grouchy. I remember when I went to pick up my DMnL, the first thing he said when he came to the door was, "DON'T cry!" No real problem ... I had cried from Savannah to Jacksonville.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,214 Member
    Booked a lunch at our "posh" gastro pub for next Wednesday with my girlfriend. She will pick me up as it's about 8 miles away. Looking forward to seeing her. I nearly always have just two starters there with no bread or dessert. That way the calories are manageable. They usually have seafood choices. :D I might even put on a dress and heels as I haven't got to walk anywhere, except from the car park.

    Lenora - You have your fair share of trials with this urine bag. :flowerforyou: Oh my!

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Lenora, sopapillas are deep fried bread pockets. They're often cut into triangle shapes. One way to eat them is to drizzle honey into the pockets. My favorite way to eat them is with a green chile and meat filling, especially if the green chile is hot. Yum! I grew up in New Mexico and don't get them anymore :/ . Probably for the best.

    Heather, My turn to come to your place for dinner! Your spicy lentil and pork sounds amazing. Actually, could you share the recipe? I bet my family would love it. The sherry sounded good, too. I gave my SnL a bottle of Manzanilla for Christmas last year--he's a fan. It's actually a little hard to get good sherry in the States. It's not very popular, unlike port.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Leona~ Oh wow 4 ft off the floor! That would take me awhile to get used to. I would forever be smacking my body into the sides trying to "roll" into bed!! I am so sorry your teacher was a meany! And you got bit anyways! That must have been one heck of a spider for you to have a scar from it! ((((hugs))))
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Hello ladies: Hot and sunny here today. I have been outside caring for horses and doing yardwork, so getting my exercise in. Later I will do kettlebell swings and rider exercises. Today is DD's 40th birthday, makes me feel old that my youngest is turning 40. We went out for dinner last night as her BF had to go home today because she works the weekend. We will give her a card and have ice cream cake tonight. Saving calories for a small piece.

    Barbie - Hope the neurosurgeon is able to give you some options.

    Lisa - Have fun with Rori. I really enjoyed my visit with her here.

    Chris in MA - Sorry the new job is interfering with so much in your life. Hope things turn around soon.

    MrsGLT - I also have an 11-year-old DGD with the same problem. She weighs 160 and will be in 6th grade this fall.
    Her parents are divorced and consistency is not good. She swims on swim team and works out 1-1/2 hours five days a week. She has always been an ultra picky eater and they catered to her when she was little, making separate meals that she would eat. Now there is a problem and nobody knows really what to do. I think some of her problem may be comfort eating or a control issue since the recent divorce. She may feel like eating is the one thing she has control of right now.She is seeing a counselor so I am hoping she gets some good guidance there. It is for sure grandma needs to set a better example! Is that motivation or what?

    Sending healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you all for your input about my granddaughter. I've been talking to her a lot about portion control. I'm going to get her a set of measuring cups & spoons to help her be accurate. I know she can't control what her mom cooks but she can learn to control how much she eats. School is about to start back so she won't be home all day with constant access to food so that will make a difference.

    SugarDarlin1959 - here is a short list of the abbreviations
    DH- dear husband
    DD- dear daughter
    DS - dear son
    DDIL- dear daughter in law
    DM - dear mother
    DF - dear father
    BF/GF - boyfriend/ girlfriend

    This just saves time and space in your post. I used to post on weight watchers for years and we used abbreviations for lots of stuff. Plus on WW you couldn't use a lot of slang & you sure couldn't swear or the monitors would delete your post.
    Hope this helps.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, I guess i missed why your husband is wearing a catheter bag.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,607 Member
    Good Friday night ladies! I am out walking and getting in my steps. also catching up on reading . More entertaining than music! Our driveway is 1000 feet and it goes uphill and has curves. I don't have to pay attention to cars or trucks or any other hazards just have to watch the occasional pothole in the driveway.
    A lot of us seem to be taking care of others in addition to ourselves. Just remember that you've got other people that are supporting you and praying for you and sending hugs your way.

    So far so good tonight with this talk to text while I'm walking I've only lost one post hahaha!

    My personal goal this week was to get 12000 steps in each day. Tuesday I only made 10,000. Working on that 12000 again tonight. The extra driveway steps are actually a great destressor tonight! I really think my DH is in his monthly cycle! ;) He's kind of pissy tonight and I didn't want to be around it so I decided a walk was a great idea. Maybe a little space is what he needs!

    Still hot and muggy here in Ohio but the next six days there is rain in the forecast. That's great for the grass and our business. Sucks for the fact that we're supposed to go to a car show tomorrow and I'm supposed to have the grandkids from Kentucky on Sunday. I'll have to figure out something to do inside with them.

    Have a great night ladies! I will check in later.

    Kylia from Ohio all hot and sweaty
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member

    Went to the Y after work! Enjoyed walking the track but my track buddy didn't show up! I noticed she hasn't been as consistent lately! I need to get a headset or something ! I don't want to stop going!

    Wishing everyone a good night!

    :)Liz, I gave up a long time ago counting on someone else to walk with me. I have a great blue tooth headphone and a smart phone for listening to podcasts, audio books and music so I always have company and entertainment while I walk and if, occasionally, a friend walks with me, that's great...but I'm am never without "companionship" on my walks.

    <3 Barbie

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.09min, 15.2amph, 129mhr, 2.5mi = 64c
    rowing machine- 10min, 60aw, 1683meters = 57c
    other- 30min, 12# ball toss, various machines 3sets 15ea, 114mhr = 76c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.48min, 123mhr, 11.1ammph, 1.5mi = 45c
    ride b4 wk- 16.22min, 12.9amph, 127mhr, 1.5mi = 109c
    ride dome 2 hm, up rd by car wash & up M st- 18.16min, 8.3amph, 157mhr, 2.5mi = 176c
    total cal 527
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    SugarDarlin1959 - i'm with you on those abbreviations... i don't use them myself, in the beginning i was like, what?????
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello Handsome Honeys;

    Well, didn't I say that excitement was not a good thing? *sighs* Guess who's AC went belly up, today... in the middle of August... in TX. I was thinking it was a little too sticky round here, this morning... and when I got up to check the temperature... 87 degrees. Thank GOD there was a huge thunderstorm a bit ago = it helped cool things down enough that we can survive the night with some fans.

    Guess we are just going to be broke... again.... or should I say still? Since DH was in the hospital for his ankle and such, we have been on a tight budget... then we had to buy a car... now, the AC... I just hope nothing else exciting happens any time soon.

    Since it is hotter than hades in here, there will be no cooking, tonight... so, after the gym, it's time for some sort of delightful fast food. Not that I don't love the stuff - but gosh, I have been trying to be better about eating it. Thank heaven I have eaten pretty sparingly, today. I can at least have something good, even if it isn't good for me.


    Kylia – Hey - threatening to do the job himself is how DH gets ME to do stuff...

    Roxanne – good luck with the Chiro. My only experience with one was when I got whiplash back in college… the Sports Medicine guys got me all fixed up.

    Connie – DH – dear husband, DD – dear daughter – 95% of the time these initials indicate a family relationship – so knowing that, it’s easier to figure out. :]

    Rori – what’s the matter, hon?

    Janet <3

    Becca – We Love you, too. And 21 is too young to be married – but, everyone has to live his own life… You will be there to help him through any bad thing that might happen.


    Katla – No mad jumping, please… we would prefer that you stay in one piece… lol. Hope you have a marvelous ride.

    Joyce – Charlie is worried, Sugar. He can’t control your health… so he is nesting, instead. You are right to let him.

    Liz – yes, headphones and the best, most Kick@$$ music you know. Makes all the difference.

    Heather – gratz on the maintenance… Kids are hard work! There ought to be a cardio category for Baby Sitting. I have been thinking about getting one of those Duo’s – to use the pressure cooker. I might find a whole new avenue of awesome recipes. And one of these days, I am going to have to come to your place for dinner…
    MMMMM.. Spicy pork and lentils….

    KarenE – perhaps we can travel together? Those lentils sound delicious!

    Allie – we are getting that Thunderstorm right now – and not a minute too soon. Thank goodness it brings some cool air with it!

    Lisa – ((Hugs!)) Stay Strong, Sister! And what a fun NSV… lol. Enjoy that vanity moment.

    Chris – Keep doing what you can. Any movement is better than none. Sorry you and MS are not going well, ATM. ((Hugs!))

    Karen/VA – the lurker smiley is adorable. Hope the mundane annoyances move on, quickly. ((Hugs))

    Kate – Hope the doc can help with the back pain… ((hugs))

    Tracey – So sorry about your friend. Don’t you worry about us… you just take care of yourself. ((Hugs))

    Betty – October is just around the corner… Fingers crossed for that new headboard… lol.

    Margaret – sounds like you got off easy with the ER… it was a LOT more for my DH’s ankle break. Course, there were X-rays and such…

    Carol – potato soup is awesome… you can throw a few things into the pot and make it a completely different meal the 2nd day. Shrimp chowder sounds yummy!

    Grace – Good luck. I am sure that your daughter can be coached on cooking with a little more thought toward health… Another thought, since your DGD seems to be aware that the cooking is part of the problem… perhaps she could request lessons? And make some of her own suggestions for the recipes? 11 is old enough, I think.. to at least start learning – and if she can take some measure of control in this, it will do her a lot of good. The food is just the first step. Physical activity – especially for a youngster – is a must.

    Lenora – Well, I suppose if you are taking a variety of medications, the dizziness could be due to some interaction they are having. Hope it doesn’t cause you too much trouble.

    Cheri – I think I jinxed myself, yesterday… My AC went out, today! EEEK. 81 would seem quite comfortable, right now...

    Sue – Good luck with your DGD, too. Show her how it’s done…

    Well, Ladies... off to the gym... they have Air Conditioning!

    Hugs for everybody!!

    Re in Sweltering TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,346 Member
    Did 30 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical then 15 minutes on the rowing machine. I think I've lost some with the HIIT, I wasn't sprinting as fast. Well, I'll get it back. The plan for tomorrow is to do an Upper Body Bikini Burn and Sweaty Fusion DVD

    Re - I'm so happy for you. Losing inches means so much. So how many sizes of clothing have you gone down? I'm so sorry that happened to you with the carbs. Lately, I'm finding that I want less and less of the bread-stuff (chips included). I seem to always ask for my sandwiches when I go out without the bun. Tonight I'm having edamame in my salad. Which reminds me, I should have hard boiled more eggs. Right now I'm searing some scallops, maybe when they're done.

    The husband of the couple we were going to go to dinner with tonight called to say that a good friend of theirs passed away and the viewing is tonight, so could we make it for tomorrow night. Not a problem. I have this recipe for "no Pudge" brownies that I'm thinking I'll make tomorrow for them.

    Exercised this morning, went to the post office, then Walgreens then WalMart

    Kylia - how did you get the stump removed? To be honest, I'd start to take the tree down myself (we have three that I'd like to get rid of but two of them are fairly large) and let happen what happens.

    Worked on the weeds a bit more today -- 2-1/2 hours. Tomorrow I'm going to take the hedge trimmer up with me, trim the weeds that are starting to grow back on the dirt mound that Vince can't get with the tractor (yet) and then I declare the weeds DONE.

    SugarDarlin - isn't ACE Fitness having to do with exercise. Did you do that?

    Becca - I believe it IS legal to use your finger to get the last remaining bits of food. I do that when I measure out my cottage cheese! How wonderful about your son. You are a hoot -- trip advisor!

    We were just out by the pool - Vince was fixing one of the lights. anyway, he told me that one thing that helps the pool (since this year we seem to have some dirt in it) is if someone uses the pool so the dirt goes into the filter. Gee....it looks like every night after dinner I'm just going to HAVE to go in the pool. Life's tough...huh? Cleaned the lights and the jets. Now this is just terrible, I know, but I HAD to get in the pool to clean them. Like I said, life's tough.

    Heather - meats cooked in the pressure cooker come out so so tender. I mainly use mine for hard boiling eggs

    Lisa - give Rori my very best. Be sure to post pics of your get together.

    spikeyhair - found out that the MD has to send in an order for a DEXA for me, so I called his office to send it. It's early, I think I'm not due until October or thereabouts. But I was thinking of it, so I called to ask him to send in the referral. Also made the appt for my mammo, even tho it's a month or so away.

    Carol/Peach - yes, that's why I took down the blind in the bathroom -- because I knew that once I started it, Vince would take over because I probably wouldn't do it right. Honestly, I don't care, only that it gets done. Vince has problems, too, if he eats too many nuts in the evening.

    katla - that IS amazing about the fencing having suits that light up. Hope it's on again, I want to see that. If not, next time around. I'm having a real bad chocolate craving. Trying having some of the cocoa/tofu mixture. Hopefully, that'll be enough

    MrsGLT - does your granddaughter live near you? Perhaps she can come to your house to eat if her mother insists on cooking the way she is. I know how hard it'll be to lose the weight. My heart goes out to you and her. Maybe you can show your daughter how to make a new recipe?

    Lenora - The Ryans (that closed) by us used to make things to order. I asked them one time for something grilled and they made it that way for me. Actually, the dirt mound really isn't that big. But there were weeds all around it. And most of them were those wild raspberry bushes which are sticker bushes so they take even longer to cut down. I know that some seizure meds do affect the liver. I never leave my pressure cooker, I'm always home whenever I use it.

    Sue in WA - happy birthday to your dd

    Re - so sorry about your AC. And in august, no less!

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I've walked the dog, picked, washed & put blueberries on a tray in the freezer. I like them on my cottage cheese in the morning for breakfast and in the occasional pancake or rare individual cobbler. Last year I bought all my blueberries from the grocery store because my plants didn't produce. They've sure made up for it this year. :bigsmile: