

  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    Options heres some walking ones too
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    edited August 2016
    sorry meant to post link but video instead :|
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good Sunday Morning:

    I did better yesterday, I was determined not to eat sugary foods. I didn't and I was under, this time!

    I was over by 16 on my carbs, under sugar 16 grams, under protein 57 grams...
    Let's see how I do today. :)

    Thanks so much for posting the videos...we could never do this on the WW site. I have it in my mind to
    do STEP on my Wii...Sundays I can't usually get to my treadmill as my DH sleeps in.

    One day at a time. My mindset is it's the overall week that means something. but healthy is more consistency
    and not so much the roller coaster effect. LOL

    I will touch back on personals later today.

  • MirandaAB
    MirandaAB Posts: 9 Member
    thanks for the Welcomes :) .. did well yesterday! i love how you can get the Nutrition Graph to see how you are coming along .... I was WAY high on Carbs yesterday... must get more protein involved. When i went to meetings some would get deli turkey? to munch on with celery etc? just to increase the proteins.. maybe i will try that.. altho i am not fond of most deli meats? they seem too processed?
    One option would be to bake a couple of fresh chicken breasts and then shred/ chop those and have in a Zip lock to munch instead? Sorry! talking to myself here ....
    looking forward to sharing and yes! the videos are nice to see. I also have OsteoArthritis in my one knee so it makes it so painful to try to go walking or anything. But I WILL do something once i begin to feel better..
    I added an App to my Ipad called Hydro? to keep track of drinking water. That is a toughy for me... just can't seem to get inspired to drink more water. So I hope this will help. Enjoy your day, ladies.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning all!!! Thank you for all the nice welcomes. I went to Church this morning and came home. My daughter, son-in-law and 2 of my grand-kids are at my house visiting me. They recently moved to Texas and I really miss seeing them. Anyway, this week I am going to try real hard to drink more water, watch my calorie intake so I don't go over and try to get more exercise in. Have a good day all!!!
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    I need to go, and I"ll be gone til late, but I wanted to comment @MirandaAB - I have had osteoarthritis in my knees, primarily, since my early 20s. I'm 55 now. I have been so bad that I could hardly walk...all slow and painful like an old lady (20 years ago). I couldn't go for walks. I got in the water doing aqua aerobics. In a week I could walk almost normally and with minimal pain. I did aqua aerobics for years. I haven't the last few years, except once in awhile, but I keep walking. Walking is what keeps it from getting worse. Yeah, it hurts, but the alternative is that it will hurt worse and I won't be able to do anything. When I'm walking daily, especially when I get some aqua aerobics thrown in to the mix, I only feel a twinge now and again. I also suffer with fibromyalgia, so the pain is compounded. But keeping moving is KEY! Glad to see you are using a water app. I use one on my android called aqua alert. The point is, you need water for your joints to be healthy. A little more than someone who doesn't have joint issues. So definitely drink that water! I have some collagen that I haven't started taking, but those who do swear by it. I'm going to start taking it...I'll let y'all know how it works.
    We're out the door now...I'll check in tomorrow, it will be late tonight when I get back. @dankas001 I'll take some of your rain. I'm in Southern California. Not only is it hot, but we're in a drought. Ok, so CA is desert and always in a drought, but it's worse right now. Oh, and @slightedge and @cbabie , don't get all dirty mouthed now that we aren't word-policed...hahahaha.
    Karla :-)
  • MirandaAB
    MirandaAB Posts: 9 Member
    thanks for the good advice bugmom92... we don't have a pool nearby but i will keep working up to getting out there.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    danka thanks for the zumba link. I did it today. tomorrow I will do the Leslie Sansone one.

    cbabie see you can do it. just repeat it again.

    miranda Protein has usually been a problem for me. I have been adding in a yogurt with some frozen strawberries and stevia and either making a smoothie or I just eat it as a parfait. That has helped. What if you made some homemade protein bars and took those to the meetings Water apps don't help me. But I did add some cucumber and lemon slices to my water bottle and drank more that way

    lore Have fun with the family. Just take one day at a time

    Carla did you take your walk I did the zumba video then my fitbit didn't register it as exercise WHAT? I was almost passed out. Maybe with my arms flailing it thought I was having a seizure lol I checked my settings and they were correct so anyway had to manually do it. I need to work on my step levels.

    Goals met

    tracked OP
    exercise 30 min (zumba and treadmill)
    under Protein goal by 9 gm without my yogurt
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    So glad to see you all made it to the board. I think we are still missing a couple, but Sundays are usually a busy day for me too!

    I did it, I have stayed within my goals for food for 2 days now. I am counting on my to do it another day. I got a hair cut on Saturday...I was hoping I would lose a couple of lbs off that. My hair is thick and pretty long. They took 2 in off, but no I didn't lose any weight.LOL I didn't get my steps or exercise in this weekend. Here is me getting back on the exercise.

    Karla: great job on posting even when you are busy!!
    Miranda: you can do this, I broke my knee in 94 and sometimes it still gives me trouble..cold weather is the worst. Luckily I live where we don't get snow. LOL
    slightedge: looks like you met your goals...keep up the good progress!!! If you can do it one day "we" can all do it another day right?
    dankas: I still haven't tried the video but will
    lore11: yes please visit with family, they are so important!!!
    Jackie: hope you are feeling better.
    Peru: missing you!!!
    sonkissed: hope you had a great weekend

    Okay gals I have to be at work early, so I have to get a move on..over slept.

  • jmduplin
    jmduplin Posts: 2 Member
    looking for support and accountability--would love to join this community. please add me.
    SONKISSED1 Posts: 48 Member
    Good morning all! Cbabie I had a great weekend and hope yours was good as well! The kids and g-kids came by after church and we went to visit my MIL... it's her 83rd birthday. The look on her face when she saw everyone was priceless. Well, today is a new day and I've actually set a goal.... 8 glasses of water!!!!! I can do it! Everyone have a wonderful day :)
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi all did 15 minute zumba n 1 mile ls walk steps yesteray 11477 yay welcome jmduplin you will get lots of support on here x
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning ladies!!
    Just a quick post!! Today I start again. Praying that I do good with the eating and will try to go for a walk before the heat comes in. Had another gain this week and it does bother me, but I can't give up!!!!
    I will post personals later.
    @dankas001 loved the walking video. I will try it later thanks!!
    @theslightedgeforever watched a little of the video you posted and will watch the rest later.

    Ok will be back soon
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member

    My goals for today:
    Drink my 8-10 glasses of water
    Get my exercise
    Track my food
    Eat more veggies!!

    @jmduplin : Sorry forgot to welcome you! WELCOME to our board. We are definitely here to support you!!!

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    cbabie I'm meeting my food goal 90% of the time and the scale is stuck. I can usually lose when the food is 50% and some sporadic exercise. But this is where I must take the advice of myself I have given to others through the years. Just stay the course and eventually your whoosh will come. Yaaaay on 2 days. write down this strategy because its working for you

    jmduplin Welcome to the board come join the fun each day

    sonkissed I bet your mil was happy. Mine lives with me. She's probably tired of seeing our faces each day. lol I drank 6 today. onto 8 I just knew I would pee out some weight but I'm thinking of other ways the water is helping my body. It's probably in shock.

    danka I did the 1mile walk today and dh came in and did the last 5 min with me. I need to build up my endurance so I can do both. I opted for 15 min treadmill.

    peru which veggies are you going to add this week?

    Goals met

    tracked food stayed OP with carbs
    exercised 30 min happy walk and treadmill
    yogurt parfait but was low on protein.
    water 6 glasses with lemons and cukes

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning!

    I had a long hard day yesterday, fell asleep on the couch, was hungry but too tired. When I did get up, I ate a little more than I should have, but still no sugar, PB, ice cream, etc. So 3rd day good. My jeans are fitting a little loser in the belly, which is where all my weight went. I am eating more calories, but more protein and less carbs. I actually has sugar grams left over yesterday. I didn't get my walk in and didn't get my 10K steps in or I would have been good in what I ate yesterday. But all is good I feel. I am going to try for today as well. I didn't even get all my water in...I was in so many meetings and forgot my water bottle in one of was on my desk. :( But today is another day!

    slightedge: great on the goals...LOL DH came the last 5 min..tell him to get going on the first half too! LOL

    Karla: I know you are busy, just letting you know we miss your stories. :)

    Peru: you can do this, I know you can....I remember you from before you had the baby. You have this in you. Just take one meal at a time, one day at a time.

    mduplin Consider yourself a part of this group! Welcome to the board. We each try to encourage each other and bring ideas that we are using that may help someone else.

    sonkissed : So happy that your MIL was so happy to see you all.

    danka: hope you have a great Tuesday!!!

    miranda: How are you doing today?

    lore11: Hope youre still enjoying that family!

    Jackie? you doing okay?

    Okay gotta run, hope I haven't missed anyone

  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hey all, quick check in, finally getting back into the swing o life That bug knocked me down pretty good
    Rainy day here so I switched days for one of my clients to today. And ten home and clean my own place
    Hope you all have a great day!
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    edited August 2016
    hi everyone beautiful day today got early walk in with dog this am he hates the heat managed well yesterday with food my hubby finished this morning so planing home made fajitas for dinner n swapping vino for 2 bacardi ill need to step wee bit more to earn them hope your all well kate x
  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi--I'm fairly new here. looking for some motivation to exercise. I'm 62 and the things I did before I just can't do now. I belong to a gym, but only go for Silver Sneakers exercise 2-3 times a week. I know I need to get there and do some cardio or just move, but my motivation is gone. I feel old and worn out. Anyone willing to give me the boot to get moving???? I'm doing good with my tracking and keeping on's just the exercise. I wear out so fast anymore. HELP!!!! Di
  • MaryHeadley1
    MaryHeadley1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am fairly new and a WW lifetime dropout. I quit because the meetings were to expensive. I am 68 married and retired. I have been trying to mix my activity up. Some Wii Fit Plus aerobic step and hula hoop. Plus other days I swim and excercise in my friends pool. I also try to walk. Not all in one day though. It is just like a read in a previous post if we don't keep walking or active in some form daily we won't be able to move. I have osteo arthritis also in my knees. Since I increased my walking it has helped the pain I have when I go down stairs. I need to be more consistent with my walking. I cooked several chicken breasts the other day. Let them cool and diced and stored in bag in fridge. Easier to make salads and useful for other ideas. I was buying roasted chicken, but like to roast my own. Hang in there my friend! We can do this together. Phillipians 4:13. Mary H