Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • doloresvelas24
    doloresvelas24 Posts: 5 Member
    Okay so I didn't have a scale at home and it took me a while to get one one. I finally weighed myself again on Friday and I was actually down 6 lbs! I was so excited. I had been dreading weighing myself because I don't feel like I am making any progress at all and it has been about a month since I started tracking my meals. I haven't really done much exercise except maybe walking one or two times a week for a few minutes. Now I keep wanting to weigh myself all the time, I have to force my self not to get on the scale to see if I am progressing each day....It's hard but I don't want to become obsessed with that number and that scale :s . I am trying to keep myself in control...It will be a struggle for the next week or so.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    My mom also has a hard time getting protein in without adding too much fat. The thing she found was the small shrimp that they typically make shrimp cocktail out of. She buys them frozen and then rinses them out in cold water. They can be added to just about anything and they are a good source of protein with little to no fat.

    I really love my protein drink. But it has Splenda in it and my mom is trying to avoid all artificial sweeteners. Let me know if you are interested, it has 30g of protein and 160 calories and its 11oz so it fills you up!

    How kind of you to offer these suggestions. I'm not much of a fan of artificial sweeteners cause most of them leave an unpleasant taste or set off a true sweet craving that's hard to resist later in the day. :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    OK guys. I need help and encouragement!!
    It's been a rough month for me, between the constant sickness and stress, not to mention the school year starting back up once again. Any friend requests would be helpful! Any Fitbit users too! I don't want to lose the momentum I had throughout the summer, but dangit I'm so tired! :(

    Feeling better yet? Wish I could friend you ... but I keep my newsfeed private. However, I can be your friend on this thread. Don't use a Fitbit either, but am thinking of saving up my loose change until I have cached enough away to buy one. Hope you got some rest to ease your tiredness. ... or is it that you need a bit more protein or carb in your day?
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    Anyone here on thyroid meds? I had my thyroid removed in 2007 because of suspicious nodules and an inconclusive biopsy (after removal, there was no cancer.) For a couple years I was on Synthroid and kept gaining weight and the doctors kept dropping my dosage, based on blood tests, and then I would gain more weight. I also became almost totally crippled with Achilles tendonitis and a variety of strange muscle and joint problems. I pushed a new doctor into trying Armour Thyroid, and within 3 days the tendonitis was completely gone. However, I found it impossible to lose weight by just calorie restriction and my body temperature was around 97.3 or lower most of the time. This spring I got a tadpole trike and fell in love! I started riding every day, getting to an average of 10 miles a day on rolling hills and now have moved up to 15 miles a day and have lost 25 pounds since the second week in July. However, I have started getting some strange muscle pains (one calf and neck/shoulder) which seem totally unrelated to the exercise, and my body temperature is even lower - maybe 97.3 right after finishing my ride, and even lower most of the day. I see my endocrinologist next month and will have blood work done before that, but I am wondering if the increased activity means I should be taking more thyroid meds? I do know that, based on my calorie intake and the number of calories expended in exercise, I should have lost more weight than what I have lost.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Having a difficult time eating properly this week. I came off my anti-depression meds because I was feeling better but then the blues came back big time. Was trying to meditate and starting crying. Walking in the woods yesterday and started crying. I called in for a refill today and will get back on, just don't want this to be a forever thing.

    The good news is that I went on one of the walking trails yesterday and though it was strenuous the peacefulness of it made it doable. I got a call halfway thru that the cable repairman was coming and so I had to hurry back and was I ever sore last night.

    Today I did the Goldfinch trail and that is the trail for me. There is a creek that runs most of the way and it comes very near the lake. In all I walked 3/4 of a mile and a lot of that was hills. Didn't know I had that in me. Worked up a nice sweat

    Tomorrow I start my grief share class. Hopefully that will be helpful though I know no one there. The folks in my neighborhood have been so nice, inviting me to play cards, and visit, but I keep "isolating" myself. It's not like I don't have a lot to do with just moving. Yesterday and today, I got my bedroom and master bath totally straightened out. All that if left in there is organizing the closet. Of course, I moved a lot of stuff out of there and put in others rooms, so I have to organize them.

    Didn't get up this morning for water aerobics. Just could not do it.

    @NewCaddy congrats on your success with your surgery. My daugher had the surgery. She lost 125 lbs and has maintained about 75 of that. Taking the vitamins is critical. She wound up (years later) in the hospital with such low blood that she required a transfusion. She got lazy about the vitamin shots and started drinking cola again. She is losing again because she took a job that requires lots of walking. Don't feel bad about the surgery. I doubt there are many of us that haven't considered it.

    @AngelinaM08 Welcome! Like you I need a workout buddy. But I have managed to walk on the woodland trails in my subdivision. They say not to walk alone but I have been to depressed to reach out to others to ask them to go with me. Hopefully, I will overcome that.

    @Manasayx Welcome! Much sucesss to you

    @Oberon21 My daugher took 12 years to get her PHD but it can be done.

    @dreawest Everyone wants to lose fast but whenever I have tried that I always gain back fast. Slow is better if we can tame the mind.

    @Susnhenz. I've had thyroid problems for years and I've been taking different types of thyroid meds. Now I'm on Naturthroid and I am so tired. Now the FDA is trying to ban the natural thyroid problems and they work best for me.

    I'm thinking of getting a bike like yours but am going to get my bike fixed first and see how I do on that. I find I lose better on a low carb diet but I hate low carb diets because I love fruits and veggies


  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Okay so I didn't have a scale at home and it took me a while to get one one. I finally weighed myself again on Friday and I was actually down 6 lbs! I was so excited. I had been dreading weighing myself because I don't feel like I am making any progress at all and it has been about a month since I started tracking my meals. I haven't really done much exercise except maybe walking one or two times a week for a few minutes. Now I keep wanting to weigh myself all the time, I have to force my self not to get on the scale to see if I am progressing each day....It's hard but I don't want to become obsessed with that number and that scale :s . I am trying to keep myself in control...It will be a struggle for the next week or so.

    Great news on the weight loss! Be careful on the scale addiction... because it can swing the other way if you weigh after too much salt, etc. and then send you crashing off that high. I weigh ever day at the same time, but have also learned what to expect based on what I ate the day before (lots of soda/salt will put me up). Other people pick 1 day a week to 'normalize' the process. You have to find what works for you, but weighing all the time can be counter productive. Good luck!
  • donella82
    donella82 Posts: 38 Member
    edited August 2016
    Goals - I'd like to get put and hike a couple times this week. The heat and humidity have made doing that kinda icky, but we'll power through it. I'm so ready for fall!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    KATRENAJ wrote: »
    Having a difficult time eating properly this week. I came off my anti-depression meds because I was feeling better but then the blues came back big time. Was trying to meditate and starting crying. Walking in the woods yesterday and started crying. I called in for a refill today and will get back on, just don't want this to be a forever thing.


    katrena, I used to be on anti-depression/ani-anxiety medication and am off it now ... but it is not a medication, usually, that you can just start and stop willy-nilly. I was weened off mine over along period of time ... like a really time. This was done by lowering both the dose and then how often I medicated. The time I tried to stop it quickly, I had a rebound just like you are describing.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    KATRENAJ wrote: »
    Today I did the Goldfinch trail and that is the trail for me. There is a creek that runs most of the way and it comes very near the lake. In all I walked 3/4 of a mile and a lot of that was hills. Didn't know I had that in me. Worked up a nice sweat

    Tomorrow I start my grief share class. Hopefully that will be helpful though I know no one there. The folks in my neighborhood have been so nice, inviting me to play cards, and visit, but I keep "isolating" myself.

    Katrena that trail sounds lovely, good for you for conquering those hills. I hope your grief share class goes well. Sometimes it is easier to be open with people you don't have to see every day, especially if they have some understanding of the pain you are experiencing. Even hearing other people express how all consuming it is for them as well may help you feel more normal, that it is a process and that things will hopefully improve with time. Unfortunately the time heals aspect can take forever, especially when you are depressed. Good luck and much respect for being able to log on here.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    My Tuesday goal is to get on my elliptical every morning this week. I did it yesterday and today, I want to start making it part of my routine. I will be going on holidays in a week and a half so I can't do 21 days in a row this time but I hope to start normalizing this behavior. I'm only doing 15 minutes right now, if it goes well maybe my next goal will be to step it up. I'll let you know.

    and @Oberon21 - what's your dissertation going to be on?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @drea-- where are you going on holiday?

    @donella-- I wish there was someplace near my house to go hiking, but I live in a very suburban area. The closest forest/nature preserve is only about a 15 minute drive, but it doesn't have the best hiking --really no more challenging than walking/running around my neighborhood. There's another preserve with some nice hilly trails, but it's quite a drive, and the couple of times I went in the past, it wasn't heavily populated which made me a bit nervous about hiking there alone. As much as I'm not looking forward to going back to work next week, I agree that I'm ready for some cooler/less humid weather.

    @katrena-- Your trails sound lovely--see my post above to donella. I hope your grief share group brings you some comfort.

    @dolores-- I concur with oberon. Weighing everyday at the same time is supposed to be the best for those trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight, but you have to be mentally prepared for the daily fluctuations and focus on the bigger picture of an overall downward trend over the course of weeks and months. If you can't do that, then follow oberon's advice and just weigh once or twice a week and see how that goes.

    @oberon-- I hope you made it to the gym today. Like drea, I also was wondering about your dissertation topic. I have great respect for you--my M.S. Ed. thesis was plenty for me, thank you very much. LOL! Don't you just love cool race swag? The race I usually do in late July got moved to late August. Not a great time of year for me as I'm just starting back to school, so I'm skipping that one this year. There's a 5k in mid-September that I've always wanted to do b/c they have great chicago-flag designed swag, but it's quite a hike for me to get to the city for an early morning race. Still tossing around the idea of doing it, but not ready to commit yet.

    @liz-- good luck with the schedule change. I also start back next week, so I feel your struggle with trying to figure out how to continue to work out regularly.

    @wmander1 --that same thing happens to me every summer. My circadian rhythm naturally shifts to staying up late and waking later when I'm not on a work schedule. On top of that I also suffer from insomnia--once every week or two, I'll have a night where I just cannot fall asleep. Last night it happened and I had to get up at 6:30 to meet a colleague at work to prep for our course. I didn't fall asleep until past 4 am. :(

    @cjbrummet-- That's great that people are starting to notice your weight loss!! Congrats!!

    @niki-- I sometimes also feel like I should know what works for my body by now, but then I remember that my body has changed, so it only makes sense that what works will also change. In fact, after the first 35 lbs or so, my weight loss has required constant adjustment. I guess if it were easy, no one would be overweight, right? ;)

    @angelina-- welcome!

    @tracy-- I was the same way with not worrying about macros when I was successfully losing. Then I stalled out, and needed to increase protein/lower carbs to make any progress at all. Now, I'm struggling with consistently doing that...

    Monday Check-in:
    Well, I did see 195 on the scale last week which is the lowest I've been all summer, so that made me happy. Also, happy with my attempts at meeting running goals.

    Tuesday Goals:
    I have a few goals I want to accomplish before school starts Monday--
    1. clean fish tank
    2. get gunner to salon (appt. Friday)
    3. make a cheesecake for my DH's bosses (will make this on Wed. and drop off on Thurs.)
    4. Finish reading The Road
    5. Finish reading The Plague

    Fitness Goals for the month of August:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 10:32
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 25:33 & 24:46
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end

    You vs Year Challenge:
    236 k done/ 764 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + lots of walking at Ren Faire
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + do dance videos
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner + do weights and abs videos
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym or mow lawn
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym or mow lawn
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm looking forward to starting this journey again and actually getting somewhere with it. I need to lose 100+ lbs. It's hard as hell with PCOS to go along with it. I nwwdmajor support and motivation. I don't have a best friend or workout buddy so, I lose interest quickly. :'(

    Also have PCOS here. Even though it made me gain a hundred pounds in just over a year, my least favorite part is the lady beard. :'( Oh the glamour.

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Did well with food today. In fact, didn't even eat enough, but hey I'll take that for a change. Hopefully it will make up for yesterday, but consistency would be nice. Broke down and called an acquaintance about walking with me and called another friend and invited her to lunch. I also picked up my meds

    Nikion901 -Wish Dr had told me. But then I didnt ask and I guess he assumed I would follow orders. Oh, if he only knew
    @dreawest - Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. Good luck on reaching your goal
    @skinnyjeanz - The walking trails were the main reason I bought into this subdivision. I have never seen anyone of these trails. Most of them are less than a mile, but they connect to other trails that can add up to 5 miles. That will be a nice goal to set. They say not to walk alone but the community is gated with a lake on the other side, so I feel pretty safe but am looking for a walking partner.
    Congrats on low weight. I really admire how you set goals each week and hold yourself accountable
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    @katrenaj - at the very least, when walking alone on the trails, I would have a pepper spray (with a long jet spray, not a cone, so you can spray further) and a really loud alarm. You can get them both fairly inexpensively at Amazon, or probably Walmart or any sporting goods or security supply store. My DH's daughter has a pepper sprayer that sounds an alarm when you spray the pepper. I got a little alarm that has a key ring and a pin on a pull cord- you pull on the cord and the alarm goes off. That way, if you are in real danger, you can throw the pin away and the attacker can't turn off the alarm until he finds the pin - more likely that he will just run away. I ride my bike along public roads, but some places can be somewhat isolated, so I have both of those, but am also 'conceal carrying". I'm not normally paranoid, but here in Florida there have been some real wackos running around, and I pass through several wooded areas where I am the only one there at times.
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    I carry bear spray.

    The issue is, if you pull the trigger on any spray, be prepared to run, because inevitably, you will be in a cloud, and get some blowback on yourself.

    I struggle with a very stressful life, and make that my "excuse" for ongoing exhaustion and bad eating. Every one has stress, and most people would find my life not so bad.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    I have my Wednesday wish, it came to me this morning when my cousin shared a video of someone running down a mountain to catch enough wind to parachute down, it was a motivational thing about first you have to run and then you can fly. I saw it and thought 'I wish'. But then I thought why not, I already plan on trying ziplining when I'm at a healthier weight, I should do this too. And I will. But my wish is even bigger. I wish I get to a place where my body no longer holds me back from doing things and that I am adventurous enough to take on new experiences each year. I feel like having goals, even if its as simple as paddling different rivers on different trips, will help me celebrate my health and stick with maintenance (because I am going to get there this time!).

    and @skinnyjeanz my family is off to Southern BC to visit my parents and play in the river. It will be a short trip, just 5 or 6 days, but we enjoy it a lot. I won't have the elliptical and will need to be careful with food but I will get in a decent amount of activity (aside from the 12 or so hour drive on either end).
  • lmuchick
    lmuchick Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm Nikki. I have 100+ to lose and would love to join your thread here!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    lmuchick wrote: »
    Hello, I'm Nikki. I have 100+ to lose and would love to join your thread here!

    Hi, I'm Niki ... so we share a name (evenif it's not spelled the same) and a common goal ... welcome to the thread. Stop back and let us know what/how you are doing.

  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    Wednesday Wish

    My wish is that I can get away from all the drama at work. I am actively looking for a new job. I will see what happens. I am a nurse so I doubt I will have difficulty finding a job but I think I want to change fields work in Cath Lab or maybe work in Research.

    I am doing well diet wise, I have just about lost all the weight I gained on vacation, so now I need to make myself workout so can lose even more. I am just exhausted working those 4 nights in a row. I am too old to work more than 3 in a row now. When I was younger I could do 5 in a row with little effort, now my body can't take it.

    Well I will keep checking in, it really helps me keep logging in and accountable for what I eat. I love this forum it really helps me chatting here.

    Welcome to all new people!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Today was the first day of the semester, and I have 296 students. 194 and 100 in my freshman intro class, 2 in my senior seminar. Thank god I'm not also teaching our writing class. I'd go starkers.

    The scale is really making me angry the past couple of weeks. I know what I've logged is correct, and should have lead to a couple pounds at least, but instead the number is going UP. :# But I'll keep plugging away, cause what else am I gonna do?