Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited August 2016
    Cari Shake off the weekend it's over and done with. I hate when OH/hubby screws up what we had planned in our heads with other plans.
    I know, I’m over it, I’m just hoping this weekend isn’t the same – my OH is a pain in the butt for last minute ‘get- togethers’, it drives me mad, he never plans anything, just suddenly says “oh lets do this” and before I can say anything he’s on the phone inviting half the UK round.
    janetay01 wrote: »
    Cari - I'm so sorry about your weekend (although your telling of the story did make me laugh so thank you for that :). I hear you on the question of why we drink like 20 year olds when we are double the age - I did it back in June for my 40th (gin cocktails for the record) and spent the rest of the weekend wondering what on earth possessed me.
    Exactly. I spent most of the day laying in the garden saying “See, THIS is why I don’t drink very often anymore!”. It took me until Tuesday to feel normal again!
    I hope you get better soon and you get your car sorted out, what a nightmare.
    So I think my body just wants me to by fat. This weekend I started to develop the lovely (not so much) pain in my side which continued to get worse so off I go to the doctor Monday. I ended up with a CT scan yesterday - meaning I had to cancel my lunch date and my pedicure :( ), so today we just wait for the results. She is thinking it is diverticulitis or a cyst on my ovary. What really sucks is I am on a bland/clear liquid diet until it is all figured out. I AM SO HUNGRY and have been unable to workout due to the additional pain. On a positive note, since I am starving the scale is going down some, hehe.
    Oh no! A friend of ours has diverticulitis, he has to be careful about what he eats, but otherwise he’s in good health and it doesn’t affect him too much, still I hope you don’t have this.
    I’ve had a cyst on my ovary, it haemorrhaged, and it was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. Better that they find it now and get it sorted if it is that, but again, I very much hope not.
    Cari - get right back on the wagon girl you can do it. I am 45 and overtime that happens to me I am the same why; "I am never drinking this much again" I will say I think it has been about 3 years since I have been that bad off.
    It will probably be 3 years before I can drink again….
    I want a cheeseburger!!
    Me too!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Congrats on the loss!!!

    Welcome @cballers23!

    @ShyCush6 Let us know how Lexi does on her tryouts. Sounds like you have another busy week planned!

    @CariTJR Your post made me smile, I can totally relate to weekends that get thrown entirely out of wack. At least your hangover gave you a nice reminder of the joys of moderation?

    @ngolden3320 Congrats on the loss! After our rainstorm last night the weather finally got nice again so I'm hoping it's the same for you

    @FitEqualsSmile Liquid diets are brutal. How long are they keeping you on it? I hope you're able to get a cheeseburger after that!

    @Health_guard Let us know if you end up trying one of your gym's classes

    We were trying out some Thai boxing stuff at class last night and it was a lot of fun but I definitely have bruises in new places. I've gotten sick of wearing long pants in this hot weather so I wore a dress today. I guess I'm wearing my bruises loud and proud at work!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @health_guard LOL I could have sworn someone else on this thread was from CO, But hey a Bronco fan is a Bronco fan no matter where they are from. LOL

    @CariTJR Best laid plans never seem to come through the way we think they are. Keep at it, you will get there.

    @ngolden3320 Stupid upgrades/new programs always are a pain. I think I would be ready to kill someone after all the issues you have been going through. Great job on the weight loss.

    @janetay01 Oh my it has been a rough week. Medicine and rest will help. Sounds like you have a fantastic husband though. :)

    @FitEqualsSmile Ugh! I hope everything turns out okay. A cheeseburger does sound great.

    @Rachel0778 New Bruises! You should be proud of those suckers, I bet you earned everyone of them.

    I am having a stressful week, there is so many things I need to get done, having issues with my bank, which is causing me issues with everything else, and my car was towed. Ugh Hope it gets better soon. On the plus side I was craving brownies yesterday. I mentioned it to the BF. He bought me brownies and flowers as a surprise when I got home from work yesterday. Let me tell you that brownie was good, and even better I had room for it in my calories.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Cari: LOL!!! We can still do it at 40!! We’re young! ;) Or so we think at the time! Oh well… maybe you needed a night to let loose only at our age that turns into a day of recovery as well.
    Nicole: Thanks… she is excited about volleyball… been working at it all summer! So excited to be there to back them up… Hope Cassidy makes varsity!! =) Exciting! The humidity is a killer… I hope the same holds true and it’s gone for the rest of the summer… then to eliminate mosquitoes!
    Jane: Hope you are up and running with the new meds soon! No fun being sick in the summer! Sorry about the hubby’s car! Ugh! Always something! “Mommy poorly”… too cute!
    Karen: So sorry about your pain! Yikes! I hope you get it figured out soon! That sounds awful! I can eat a cheeseburger for you! =) Sorry… that sucks! Your cruise sounds wonderful!!! I’m worried as my daughter gets older, she will be that way too… Kids… =)
    So my well laid out plan last night died before I even left work!! My good friend had her birthday yesterday and my hubby was meeting the group out at 3:30… I had to work until 6pm and she was suppose to leave to pickup her dogs from doggie daycare by 6pm, so I was going to miss out… Key word… *was* So her boyfriend went and picked up the dogs and she stayed out longer… they were only a few blocks from my office so how could I say no… Ugh! A couple beers too many and I was ready for home… Damn… Up ½ lb this morning… thanks to that… Working a half day today… don’t have much planned but maybe raking or doing a little canning… unless Lexi feels up for the lake!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    HA! Cari, that made me laugh so hard! Yes, why do we try to drink like we are 20 when we are 40?! It takes us so much longer to recover than it used to, doesn't it? LOL. Well, we've all been there, that's for sure, but isn't it funny how summer is the hardest time of year to lose weight? (well, maybe minus Thanksgiving day and the leftovers, and of course Christmas/New Year's). But really, summer is so full of spontaneous get togethers, camping, bbq's, drinks on the deck etc. I've basically resigned myself to just trying to maintain for the next few weeks and then hitting it super hard in September.

    Karen, fingers crossed that your scans come back with nothing major! Hopefully everything will be ok! I find the older I get the more the old body is falling apart! Knee, elbow, wrists... what joint will be next to wobble and be sore? lol! Here's hoping you are all in the clear and can go back to cheeseburgers!!

    Shy, keep us posted if Lexi makes the vball team! So exciting. My 21 year old played high level volleyball and basketball, it was so fun to watch. We've been watching the Olympics (not helping with the getting my *kitten* off the couch lately!), and I love the passion the athletes have! Especially in volleyball after a kill! I'm making pickles next Tuesday, I've never made salsa, but I do make jam (we have a cherry and apricot tree) every summer. Good job on the steps!

    Janetay - haha! mummy poorly. That is funny! I always have to roll my eyes and bite my tongue when my hubs is sick. Being "man sick" is just pathetic around my house! Hope you feel better soon, chest infection is awful!

    Health guard - good job on the zumba and aqua fit! I'd like to try an aqua fit class one day, I did one years ago and the average age was about 90, so I didn't go back! But I think it would be good exercise for sure.

    I registered my 9 year old into swimming, volleyball, and indoor soccer starting in September, so I'll be busy chauffeuring him around all over. I'm going to try to do something active when he's doing his stuff, even if it is walking. I figure 95% of the parents are looking down at their phones anyway, so I can get some exercise in while he's exercising too.

    Rachel - love the pride in your bruises! you are one tough cookie, good job!!

    Hope everyone has a great day! It's hump day - Let's all try to do something active!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Oops, forgot to say Nichole, too bad work is sucking with the new system right now. Why is it that we have to work when we have so many other, better, more fun things to do ??!! LOL

    and Jdelaroy - sorry your car got towed, I hate it when things like that happen! BOOOOOO! The last time my car got towed a few years ago, I came out of a restaurant after a lovely dinner and was like ummmm, didn't I park right here???....??? yup, gonzo. So mad!!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Getting your car towed is rough! Great job staying on track during all of that stress!

    @ShyCush6 It's so hard to stay on plan when life changes around us, especially when alcohol makes it extra hard to say no! 1/2lb of likely water weight isn't bad though!

    @health_guard Aqua fit does sound like a fun summer class. I hope you gave yourself kudos for being fitter than the class level, that's awesome!

    @bluepoppies777 Sounds like you've got a crazy fall coming up. I love your idea of staying active while your son does all of his activities, that sounds like way more fun than mindlessly browsing the phone

    The SO was actually home last night so we got to hang out and watch Stranger Things on Netflix. We're only on episode 2 but we're both hooked! It felt so nice to just have a cuddle pile on the couch.

    I got a little nervous looking at the calendar for this weekend because I don't have anything planned and I was worried about feeling lonely/left out of the fun of summer. But then I realized that I have a whole weekend to myself to do whatever I want! I am fully embracing going to both my exercise classes, biking with the significant other to a local town for drinks, taking an afternoon to read books in the park with the dog, going to the dog park, taking myself out to fancy coffee, and getting a pint of Halo Top to eat while watching the next episode of Stranger Things. I am going to make this weekend awesome!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 368 Member
    After work yesterday I just wanted to come home, make supper, then veg on the couch watching TV. My friend ask to go for a walk, I said sure I needed to take the dog for a walk anyways. While on our walk she downloaded "Pokémon Go" I thought it sounded silly.......well 1 1/2 hrs later I'm thinking maybe not so silly after
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Rachel0778 Sounds like a fantastic weekend. I wish my plans were as grand. I need to get a new car, get the lawn mower fixed/mow lawn/yard work.

    @jenhul Great walk!

    My daughter started her first day of Kindergarten. I did some stress/bored eating while waiting to take her to school this morning.
  • organizedrxhck
    organizedrxhck Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone
    I'm alicia looking for positive supportive friends. Feel free to add me
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Health_guard: Aqua Fit sounds fun… I did a deep water running class once and it was so refreshing! And you hit zumba too!! Go girl!!
    Joy: I’m with you on the September Boom… Gotta break this fun time soon!! Lexi is so excited as she has some great friends on her vball team!! I’m excited to start watching some games… first one is the first day of school… weird!
    Jdelaroy: Hope your week gets better!! Sorry for the car towed… that sucks… Way to have room for a yummy brownie!! That had to be the start of a better week!! First day of kindergarten… stress eating is forgiven… awwwwh!
    Rachel: I’ll have to check “Stranger Thing” out n Netflix… just wrapped up a series with the hubby so we are looking for something new! Sounds like a wonderful weekend that is all around you… You deserve it! Have a blast and make the most of it!! That’s what summer is all about!!

    JenHul: Way to rock those steps lady!!! Ha! I’ve been wondering if Pokemon Go would be fun for Lexi and I to do… I just might have to get on that train…

    So yesterday… Lexi was whipped… she was up for relaxing… so I let her… Instead, I went out and burned some calories sweating my *kitten* off in the humidity working on my yard… I widen my flower bed a little and got rid of the weeds there, Put in 4 new stepping stones to stretch my path longer… I also did some raking up of the acorns that I didn’t get to the other night… about 12 more nights and I might get it done! How crazy!! This humidity and heat can chill out anytime soon. Tonight I am running to a volleyball meeting for Lexi and then off to play my own game of volleyball as well. So I won’t get a walk or anything in tonight… Last night I stood by my bed and finished off my step goal as my husband rolled his eyes and laid there playing with Bentley… but I hit my goal.. all that matters!!
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Well, it is an ovarian cyst so I finally got to eat today - yea!!!. I have more test tomorrow and more appointments next week but they are hoping it will eventually re-absorb. Who knows. Hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow but we will see.

    Sounds like everyone is doing a great job. Keep up the awesome work. We are rocking the summer.

    @jdelaroy - OMG, how did your car get towed?

    Shy - it should like you had a great time on Wednesday and that is what counts. Good for you. Who needs the lake - rock on with the yard work.

    Joy - I remember those days of running the kids from this to that. What I remember most was starving. I finally got to where I packed myself a cooler, in those days of not so healthy stuff. But then again I also remember putting a beer in my coffee cup while watching my son practice football. Gotta do what you gotta do, right?

    @health_guard - I used to take an aqua aerobics class and I loved it. Have fun.

    Rachel - I just finished Stranger Things - I call it Stand by Me on steroids. Loved it. Those are my favorite kinds of weekends. Enjoy.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Rachel, my friend at work just told me about stranger things today! I will definitely have to watch it! I really like the sound of your weekend, my hubs and I love biking downtown for a cold beer!
    Karen, yup, having 2 kids 12 years apart is a bit of a mind *kitten, some days it feels like déjà vu! Like I've already done all of this once with the older one! Haha! I will just enjoy it as the younger one will be all grown up sooner than I can blink an eye! Beer in the cup, love that!
    Well, no exercise for me last night. I was in emerg with my mom until 10pm. She's fine now, but we have cancelled the camping weekend with them (family reunion on her side). Staying home and just chilling. Beach and drive in movie! I'm so glad, even though I love camping, I feel like I need an at home weekend too. Just too busy and summer is going so fast!
    My coworker wants to start the 30 day challenges again, since we both epically failed. So I will re start!!
    I also need to remind myself to drink more water and to quit snacking!!!! Lol
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,582 Member
    Rachel -- I LOVED Stranger Things! That tv show was so good. I think we finished it in two days. The opening credits and the music alone are amazing. I hope Netflix does a second season. And Halo Top is so good! What's your favorite flavor?
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited August 2016
    Rachel – Well here’s the thing, usually I do exercise moderation for this exact reason – I can’t handle hangovers anymore, they last for days and I’m a wimp and I just can’t be arsed with feeling like crap forever after. So normally I’m the sensible one, I drink, but I know my limits and will stop before I get too far gone. Didn’t happen this time though, and I paid for it dearly. P.S. You wear that dress girl, I’m sure you look fabulous bruises and all. I am also going to check out Stranger Things and see if it’s on the UK Netflix (some programmes differ).

    @jdelaroy – Sorry your car got towed, how annoying! Fitting brownies into your daily cals though, that’s a definite win. Hope your daughter settles into Kindergarten ok.

    @shy – haha! You sound like me, “I will stick to my calories! I will stick to me calories! Oh, drinks you say? Go on then…” hehehe. I also walk around the house to hit my step goal on less active days, as long as that buzzer goes I’m happy lol

    @health_guard – Well you seem to be rocking it. Keep up the good work.

    @bluepoppies777 (Joy) – Summer is definitely the hardest time, we have such a short summer here that when it does arrive it’s like a frenzy to make the most of it. Every time the sun is out it’s BBQ’s, drinks, days out, anything to get outside before the dreaded bad weather rolls back in again. It’s hard! I think I’m just going to take your approach for now, if I can stay around maintenance levels for the next few weeks I’ll have done well. Sorry to hear your Mum was poorly, glad to hear she’s better now. Staying home and chilling sounds good, it’s needed at times.

    @jenhul – Good going. I know Pokémon Go has been getting a lot of slating, but let’s be honest, anything that motivates people who don’t usually do a lot of activity to get out there and move about can’t be all bad I think.

    @FitEqualsSmile – Sorry to hear you have a cyst, but I’m glad they worked out what it is and can now take the appropriate action.

    Well, I’ve really been trying this week but my OH keeps sabotaging my efforts – another evening with drinks last night (Bacardi and diet coke, as low a cal drink as I can have) and a another curry. But he is going out on his bike tonight, so housework and a healthy dinner for me which should balance it out, as long as he doesn't change his mind again!

    We’re also off into town (London) tomorrow with good friends of ours, they have booked drinks reservation in The Shard, I am very excited as I’ve been wanting to go there for ages, the views are meant to be spectacular. I will try my best to make good food choices as we are also heading out for dinner whilst down there, but I’m not going to beat myself up about it and ruin a wonderful evening by worrying about every bite I have.

    On a Netflix note, I’ve been watching Making a Murderer, about the Steven Avery case, very compelling viewing I must say.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Geez everyone has been so busy. Great job!

    Cari you Saturday sound like fun. Enjoy it. I wish we lived near someplace great like London. Cleveland is it for us. LOL

    @Jenhul Might have to try that Pokémon Go.

    @FitEqualsSmile Sorry you have a cyst, Jenna had one of those before. She said it hurts like crazy it had me worried sick because the hospital thought it was her appendix. Hope it goes away soon. :'(

    Joy Glad to hear your mom is feeling better. A weekend at home with nothing planned sounds great.

    @ShyCush6 YEAH :);) Lexi made the team. Good for her. Might I suggest getting one of those cushion seats. Sitting on those bleachers is pure torcher. I want Cassidy to be able to dress and play varsity but UGH that would mean sitting through the JV games and then the Varsity games, and they always seem to go to the 5th game. Let me know when you start the 30 day challenges again. I am still doing them but not like I should. I think my day says I'm up to like 50 sit ups. I can't do 50 situps yet. WTH!

    Rachel Enjoy your no running weekend.

    @organizedrxhck Welcome! I sent you a friend request.

    Not sure of my weekend plans yet. Jenna going to Cedar Point w/boyfriend and another couple. Cassidy wants to go but it seems all of her friends have plans already. Hoping my niece can go with her otherwise I will go so she has someone to ride with. On the plus side I get to hang with Cassidy and Jenna & my steps would just be off the charts. On the down side, It will be hot and humid AGAIN and the thought of standing in lines for hours with all of those smelly people doesn't sound very appealing.

    Didn't make it to the gym yesterday. The football team had a scrimmage so Cassidy had to cheer. Wednesday I got a quick workout in, as Cassidy had a volleyball scrimmage. Not ready for that part of school yet. Cant wait to get the volleyball schedule, so I can figure out my gym schedule. I just know now that games start at the time I usually go to the gym.

    Happy Friday! It sure took a long time to get here this week.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,582 Member
    Last week's weight: 182.2lb
    Today's weight: 181.0lb

    I don't want to get too excited, because it could be just water weight, but it is always nice to see the scale move down. I'm setting a goal to lose 1lb a week for the next 8 weeks (hopefully more) so that I'll get closer to 170lb.

    No plans this weekend! I have HIIT cardio and yoga tomorrow, and then I've scheduled a run in for Sunday morning. Other than that, it'll be a nice relaxing weekend. I'll probably go outside and catch some Pokemon in Pokemon Go. :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ShyCush6 Sounds like you are going to have a beautiful yard. I pace my living room to get my steps in. My kids tend to get a kick out of it.

    @FitEqualsSmile Woo hoo for eating normal again. Cysts suck, but better than some of the alternatives. My car was towed because it was in an accident, and I left it in the parking lot at the old place. Was having trouble getting back over there to deal with it. Sigh.. They want like 600$ to get it out of impound and it just goes up 30$ everyday. :(

    @bluepoppies777 Glad she is okay. Sounds like a nice weekend and good luck with the 30 day challenge.

    @health_guard I love hearing about all the wonderful classes you are taking. I loved aqua aerobics when I took it. The first class were with older people, who were struggling with their weight. They were all so friendly, tried hard and took it seriously. The second class I took, was full of all these pretty young things, in great shape. I felt so out of place there. They didn't do anything to make me feel that way. I am sure it was just me.

    @CariTJR Sounds like a fun time. I would love to visit London. Maybe one day I will make it across the pond. Enjoy your time, and give yourself a little leeway this weekend.

    @ngolden3320 Sounds like you are going to be busy this school year. I am not an amusement park fan at all. Long lines, lots of people, hot weather all for a 45 second ride. ooh and you pay a ton of money to go do it. No thanks.

    My weekend will be crazy again. I have to get a new used car, figure out how to get the lawn mower working, finish the last of the unpacking. I still haven't registered for classes this semester. (Think I might just wait until spring) I am trying really hard not to stress eat, the BF is being a jerk lately.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jenhul Glad to hear pokemon go was such a hit. My SO loves it too!

    @jdelaroy How did the first day of Kindergarten go?! That's so exciting! It would be hard not to stress eat before that

    @organizedrxhck Welcome!

    @ShyCush6 Another busy day for you in the books! Great job fitting in those few last minute steps to goal!

    @FitEqualsSmile Wishing you the best that it reabsorbs no problem! I'm glad to hear it's not anything too serious!

    @wishfuljune I love the lemon cake one, yum! How about you? My SO and I promised each other we wouldn't watch the show without each other so I see a lot of TV dates in our future since we can't binge it solo lol. And congrats on your loss!!!!

    @CariTJR Your evening in the city sounds amazing. I hope you enjoy the food and the views to the fullest! And Bacardi and diet is definitely a sensible option as far as drinks go-it's one of my fallbacks too.

    @ngolden3320 You rock at planning ahead with your workouts/volleyball schedule. I hope it's not too ungodly hot in the amusement park for you this weekend

    I've definitely got a case of the Fridays, I have no desire to work on anything! Luckily I'm pretty much caught up so I won't put myself too far behind. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy Meme Friday!
