

  • MaryHeadley1
    MaryHeadley1 Posts: 5 Member
    I have 59 pounds of excess baggage. This too shall pass!
    SONKISSED1 Posts: 48 Member
    Good evening all! I had a very early morning and couldn't check in. It has been a very trying work week (and it's only Tuesday). I'm trying to stay positive though. I missed my water intake goal yesterday by 1 glass. Can you believe that! I couldn't even get anyone to pour the last 8 ounces down my throat :D. Today was a total water bust too, but tomorrow is another day. There's an old saying that I grew up on "if at first you don't succeed, try...try..again." That's exactly what I'm going to do.

    @Hi Mary and MissDi... I will be 61 with some of the same challenges as you. I am so thankful I found this group - everyone is so friendly and encouraging. I can already see the change in my attitude.

    Have a blessed night y'all. Talk to you tomorrow! :)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!

    I had a long yesterday, got home about 9:30. So 4th day good. I am eating more calories, but more protein and less carbs and yesterday because I was never actually sitting down to eat I ate more fat than I should have thanks to the peanuts.. I STILL actually has sugar grams left over yesterday. YEA for ME. Now I have to work on the fat calories. I got my walk in and didn't get my 10K steps in,I was only 500 steps till I met my goal..but could get my legs to go with my head..LOL or I would have been good in what I ate yesterday. But all is good I feel. I am going to try for today as well. I did get all my water in...but to me it was a good day as I didn't eat my normal craving of sugar or ice cream with peanut butter!! YUM.. I have 2 more days like yesterday..I get up at 2am and don't stop until about 9pm. So hopefully tonight, though I will get home in time before worship practice/church to grab something good and not a handful of peanuts. :)

    slightedge: where are you? I thought maybe I missed a page...hope all is well.

    Karla: remember us and how you LOVE coming to the boards..LOL miss you hope all is good on your side of the country. (besides the heat) Someone at work yesterday just got back from vac and said it was 70 and it was hot...I said are you crazy, that's perfect weather here. She said there was no air conditioning. :)

    Peru: looking for you...hope your day went well and if it didn't we are here to help.

    mduplin hope I didn't scare you away. :)

    sonkissed : I laughed so hard about the water...that's how I felt about my walking..couldn't someone just come get me and make my legs move? LOL So glad you found us, I love having company and visiting!

    danka: I am wanting to do the step on WI..just haven't got there yet. From the looks of my week, it may be Friday before I get there!!! Glad you like that, it's one of my favorites. I used to go to the Y every Saturday and do step class. I wasn't very coordinated, but finally got it and loved it. I have a bad knee from a break in the 90's so I have to watch it sometimes, but I still love doing it.

    miranda: looking forward to seeing you today and hearing about your day :)

    lore11: waving hi!

    Jackie? glad you are back to normal! I need to clean my place, didn't get to the normal weekend clean and my floors show it. :( I should do that it's good exercise. LOL

    MissDi321:Morning and welcome to the group. I get that way sometimes..just don't WANT to get on the treadmill. I would say to you, find ways to get your walk in like sometimes I have things that I left in the living room that need put up, shoes or book or something. So I will take (1) thing at a time so I have to make 3 trips to the bedroom instead of 3 things in my arms to make (1) trip. It's a little game I play in my head, but it begins to get me motivated to get more steps in that day. I sometimes have to play games with myself..LOL

    Mary: Welcome!! I love the Hula Hoop!! :blush: See I forgot about that, I need to do that too! I have never cooked a whole chicken, my mom used to do that, but I never really learned how and didn't like cleaning the chicken. I buy the canned chicken from Sam's and use that in my salads. But I love your idea. I love the food prep, it makes the week easier. Sometimes I don't always get to it and then I don't always make good food choices. :(

    Okay gotta run, hope I haven't missed anyone

  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Nice sunny day here, had a couple of appointments today so I parked in the middle of the appointments so I had a distance to walk to each
    Off to do some laundry and dishes
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning ladies
    So nice to see this thread moving along and all the new members!! I'm loving it.
    Had a rough day yesterday with the hubby and today I'm pretty tired. Trying to get back on track, but hubby being home really throws me off for some reason!!!
    Will be back for personals, but wanted to let you know that I'm here!!!
    Hugs to all!!!!
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    cbabie, haha, those people are lightweights. Though I whine loudly when it's 104 like this week. We've got some humidity going too, which is annoying when you purposely live in the "desert", you know? OK, so my desert happens to be coastal, lol. Went on a hike yesterday at the old L A Zoo at Griffith's the old zoo that they abandoned in 1965 when they built the new big one. It's fun and a little creepy exploring around there. Then my friend dragged me out on our walk this evening. Trying to stay moving one way or another.

    I've been crazy busy (what else is new?). I had a meeting for my teaching job today, and tomorrow we are giving a trial class so families can come check it out, so I prepped that today. I'm getting pretty excited about teaching this class this year. I hope I don't kick myself later. It's just one day (4 hours) a week, and not a ton of prep work, as the school owner is going to be doing a lot of that herself (it's the part I hated about it before). Hopefully I'll be starting my other new job soon too...they're waiting to get my background check back.

    Haven't been doing the greatest with tracking or making the best choices. I get stressed or tired and then I do bad. And it's been so hot, that the greatest thing has been downing an ice cold soda. Ugh! Have to pull it together. Having a hard time getting hubby to eat right, even though he "wants" to. I'm going to try to get him to use this app, so then he can see how he's doing with his nutrients. If he sees he's going way over in sodium, carbs, might help him make better choices. His doctor told him to lose weight and not to eat fast food all the time. Of course, if I'm too tired to cook and my kitchen is a disaster...that doesn't help either of us.

    Off to bed...I need enough sleep if I'm going to be wrangling squirrels...errrrrr, I mean, teaching children...tomorrow morning! I have GOT to get into a regular habit of posting here. I did read and see we have new people - YAY, welcome new people! - and I want to post personals. Love you guys!
    Karla :-)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    cbabie I don't want dh exercising with me. He would be saying You're doing it wrong. Look its like this. As I look over and glare. Yaaay on 3 good days. I didn't check in as I was looking for organization ideas on Pinterest and got sucked down that time hole and then my Ds skyped then time for bed lol. I said there's always tomorrow. Did you ever get ahold of Believe?

    jackie Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    danka Yaaay for your walk I'll be glad for cooler weather.

    Missdi Welcome to the group. I have the same problem with exercise. so let's do this together. Let's start off this week and do at least 15 min and then tell each other about it. Do you have a weekly goal in mind?

    Mary welcome to the group You can join MissDi and I in exercising.

    sonkissed Hooray for all the water you did drink. That is your success..Lets make it a good water day. go fill up your glass. I'll get mine ready for tomorrow.

    peru I have a hard time when dh is home too. So let's get it done and lose thisnweight.

    karla so how about crockpot meals or make double portions and freeze the other half. That way when you are tired you have a Plan B Chip away at your kitchen Set timer for 10-15 min and you and dh work together. Now it might end up just being you but keep at it.

    goals met today

    tracked and stayed OP with carbs
    went out with friends ordered salad and grilled chicken. No dessert

  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi all xx so far so good im trying more protein less carbs which is tricky as i
    Love pasta bread etc but i need to cut back weigh in tomorrow so heres hopin for result have a good day kate x :*
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    I had another long yesterday, got home about 9:00. So 5th day good. I am eating more calories, but more protein and less carbs and yesterday because I was never actually sitting down to eat I ate more fat than I should have thanks to the peanuts and Greek Yogurt.. I STILL actually has sugar grams left over yesterday again. YEA for ME. Now I have to work on the fat calories. I got my walk in and got my 10K steps in, I did my arms. still didn't make the Wii. :)

    slightedge: LOL I can see you or any of us giving our DH's that look when we are exercising...

    Karla: I am glad to see you, so happy your are teaching again. At least you are getting to do the part you like.

    Peru: sorry about DH being home, I hate when my routine is broken. It puts me out of sorts. But it's only one day, you can do this. :)

    danka: I love bread too, too much like my father. :( but so far this is my 5th day. We had a vendor fair with education/school as the theme and they brought PB&J sandwiches...oh how I wanted one..but I didn't!!

    Jackie? great job on parking to give you more movement!!

  • MirandaAB
    MirandaAB Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 2016
    Here I am!! Whew!. have had grand-daughters visiting and staying with us for the past 3 days so I have been busy " entertaining / feeding" them..all Good! and wonderful to spend the time BUT! I am now back to having the house to ourselves and eager to get back to where I am wanting to be without ' extra' this and that in the house. Sent ALL home with them! because we did a bit of Baking, extra food prep/meals etc..
    I decided I wasn't going to do the " well *I* can't eat this! or That! or whatever" .. just Enjoy the time we had together and just 'portion control' for myself. Much easier and far less Stress
    I SO WANT to stay with this!.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Hi Miranda, That was a good choice to "just enjoy the time with no I can't" Glad you enjoyed them and so glad to see you back. You can do this.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    danka I love pasta and bread too Im just learning to enjoy smaller portions

    cbabie 5 days. You got this.

    Miranda sounds like you enjoyed your family. Portion control is the way to go.

    So far OP and did the Happy Walk.

  • MirandaAB
    MirandaAB Posts: 9 Member
    one thing I would say I learned while attending W.W. meetings? This is a Journey we are on, right? not a ' Get Fixed Quick'.. game... so if we can just be patient and have a few weeks of " 80% ON / 20% portion Control but not Quite? spot on plan?" I think it's better than just throwing it all into the Wind.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    MirandaAB, I know how you feel. I have two of my Grand-kids this week and it has been a challenge food wise. I love spending time with them but I have been indulging a little. Getting ready to go walk on the treadmill and then it is laundry, cleaning house and see what the Grand-kids want to do today. Everyone have a great day!!!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good Friday morning to all:

    I think I ate a little more than I should have yesterday, but still no sugar and watching carbs. So I feel good about my progress. I so wanted a bowl of ice cream yesterday, but sat on my hands. LOL I am working from home today and resting..I have been exhausted all week. I think some of it is the heat. I am going to go walk now..

    slightedge: thanks for the encouragement.

    Miranda, yes 1 step is better than not moving!! Thanks for sharing that, most of us give in to. ..Well I have already went over my points or my calories and I might as well "ENJOY" the day..LOL

    Lore11, I say enjoy those grandkids, they will not always be around!!

    waving Hi to all my missing newbies...

  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    hi everyone 2lb off at wi so happy i like 80% 20% idea think that would work better for me too off to have a walk in the glen although horrible day rain wise the trees keep the path dry have a lovely weekend kate xxx
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Dankas: Congratulations!!! Great job!!
    SONKISSED1 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all! Taking a moment to eat a "healthy" lunch (I was shamed into it by my boss). I had you all on my mind today (kind of down in the dumps). Last night my DH (I think that means Dear Husband (at least I hope that's what it means. lol)) watched me down my meds for the night. He quietly said "Don't take this the wrong way, every night I watch you take pills for your heart, diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension; do you think that if you lose weight some of your health challenges will disappear?" I said "yes." He said "What can I do to help...I don't want you to get sick". I thought about it and came to the realization that He can't help... ultimately it is MY decision, MY choice. I told him that the only thing he could do was to support me. Then the tears started to flow. I was so angry at myself. I need to make a plan. I have so many excuses why I can't - early mornings, late nights, too tired to cook. Grabbing fast food on the way home is easy, but expensive and unhealthy. Thanks for listening to me moan and groan. :(
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    awe sonkissed xxxx you know you can change this & think your hubby is just concerned i think you should set yourself small targets xxx i think nightime is most difficult for me i do well all day then come night time i take sandwhich n hot drink or biscuit when theres no need for it or chocolate bar danny my dh came in the other night with box of chocolate means well but i cant just take 1 hope you feeling bit brighter n remember small steps more water or healthier choices i dont think we can stick to realistically a cold turkey approach someone mentioned earlier about 80% good choices 20% not so good. good luck hunni were all here for you :*
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Miranda well said. Right now my journey seems long. I checked my stats and in the last 30 days I've had only 3 days above my calorie goal. Most above is 110 calories. While I have exercised more intensely the past week my stats show me with 2% less steps than month before. I have increased my water intake average from 6 to 15. But I will persist.

    lore enjoy your grandkids. Did you do your treadmill

    cbabie good for you for sitting on your hands. Have you considered sugar free ice cream?

    danka Yaaaay your loss

    sonkissed sometimes dh is dear husband then other times I've been known to use it as darn husband or worse ;) Thats great your husband is willing to help That's half the battle right there. You can't change everything at once. Pick one thing and commit to doing it every day. What will have the biggest impact on your health? Starr making you an excuse buster list. Write down why you didn't do something. Then you can start finding ways around it. I need to make my own list for exercise.

    My current new strategy this week for exercise. On my MFP dashboard it shows my calorie goal - food +/- exercise
    When I see it go to a negative number I will work to make it positive.

    goals met
    tracked but over carbs by 44 under calories by 95
    yogurt parfait