

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Di: Good luck as you begin your weight loss journey. Counting calories works, and it is about calories in through what we eat and drink and calories out as we work and exercise. The short term for that is CICO, calories in/calories out. You'll see in now and then in people's comments. This is the place for lots of good ideas and encouragement. I also use Karen's appetizer strategy when dining out. I let others order what they want, and I order appetizers that are high protein &/or raw or steamed veggies, and have them delivered with the meal. It works well for me. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I hear your frustration about having the care of things like jewelry passed down from our mothers. I gave my son my mother's wedding ring. He sold the diamonds & gold and used the money to help pay for the ring our DDIL really wanted. Mom played work up with her wedding rings over the years. The original set had a tiny diamond and they traded it in for rings with larger stones as they could. I'm not overly sentimental about it. I have other beautiful rings from mom that I'd like to give my daughter some day. They're old fashioned and absolutely gorgeous in my opinion. I've never had them appraised. My own wedding ring is hand made via a lost wax process & is a golden wave. I love it. I'm not currently wearing it because it is too big since I lost weight. I'll have it reduced in size one of these days. :heart:

    Charleen in CO: I'm so sorry about your right knee. I hope it sorts itself out quickly. :smiley:

    Barbie: I'm doing the same thing with Olympics at our house. I watch what interests me and fast-forward through what doesn't. :bigsmile: If you're line dancing at the fair tomorrow I hope it is in the cooler part of the day. Drink plenty of water and be extra careful in the heat. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie & Sue: Our high was 102 today. I went to yoga this morning while it was cool, and did my kettle bell swing and some weight machine work as well. We spent most of the day inside our air-conditioned house, but ate dinner out on the deck. The sun was behind the hill and we had a lovely breeze. :heart:

    Joyce: I've always had a low heart rate and low blood pressure. My doctor in my mid-twenties told me I was going to live forever. I hope not to live forever, but I'd like a good long life as long as I'm healthy enough to enjoy it. :star:

    Tomorrow DH's highschool classmates are meeting for dinner at the Olive Garden that is just off of I-5. We have a Garden Fare Nutrition Guide and have planned what to order in advance. It is a list of all their foods and the nutritional information includes calories, fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, fiber and protein for each menu item. What a fabulous tool to help us make better choices. I have a plan in mind that should be healthy & moderate calories too. I wish I could get this kind of information everywhere we eat.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie- Good luck to you and your line dancing ladies! Have a great time at the fair!

    Lenora- Happy Anniversary! The Kettlebell calorie burn is different than cardio burn that takes into consideration of weight, heart rate, exercise. It is like weight lifting and has a muscle after burn that can't be measured. It is supposed to average 20-25 calories a minute.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies,

    @GLo sorry for the loss of your Father!
    @Becca wow that is great sing, sing, sing!! I can't carry a tune in a bucket!
    @Lenora I like the story about the swimsuit! I take a water class 3x a week so I wear one a lot! As a very large gal I just put it on don't dwell on it !
    @Penny sorry hang in there! Hopefully you will get good feedback from your Boss regarding your note.
    @grandmallie ouch about your toe! I have diabetes type2 and have lot of feet issues so I relate not fun!
    @Barbie thank you for keeping this thread up and running!
    @Diane from Pa I have struggle with Anemia most of my life! Laziness has nothing to do with it.
    @Katla0127 we have been watching the Olympics too! My DH and DD really enjoy them so it has turn into a nice thing to share as a family.
    @Michele love turtle!

    Busy day tomorrow- DH has Cpr and first aide class
    have electrical inspection on Monday i need to make sure things are ready for him! So it can be done easy and quick! They cost $75 an hour. We have been so focus on getting everything done for becoming a certified family home will be nice when it is done! We are so close the training meeting is this Wednesday it is all day!
    We were suppose to go on a short vacation to Oregon coast so looking forward to it! But we needed the resources use for this so had to cancel. So frustrating we haven't had a vacation in a long time a short one looking at the ocean would have been so wonderful! I will keep dreaming about it! Next year!

    Pickleball tomorrow!

    Good night!
    Liz from Caldwell, Idaho

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Morning ladies~
    have been awake since 3:30 this morning .going to work at 7:30-noon...
    Mary~ you are so right when you said something about your hubby.. Tom is also living to work instead of working to live...will have a chat with him this weekend about that...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    edited August 2016
    Unlike most of you I am sooooooo glad the Olympics is nearly over. This summer has been awful with the World Cup, Wimbledon and the Olympics. I do enjoy hearing of individual's success and seeing a quick video clip, but I have zero interest in any kind of sport. All it does is completely muck up my TV viewing as none of my programmes are airing. Grrrrrrrrrr.

    Today is rainy and very windy. Our parasol blew over. Kind of glad the summer is over. Definitely not my season, apart from all the sport clogging up the TV. I did enjoy being outside with the DGC, but normally I stay inside out of the heat. I love to eat outside under an umbrella, but it reminds me too much of holidays and I want wine. So I tend to avoid it unless we have company. Looking forward to the autumn schedules starting on the TV. The Great British Bake Off starts soon. :D

    Going to do my kettlebell in a minute as I've finished my machines. I'm counting 60 cals for each 5x10 set with an 18 lb weight. That is purely a guess, judging on the weight of my kettlebell. I am only adding enough to take me up to my usual burn, so any extra I do is just an extra gift anyway.

    Kim - That was an auto correct for CAVALO Nero. i. e. Black kale. Love it. Can't grow it round here because of our millions of slugs and cabbage white caterpillars. I even fine netted them to no avail, so I am growing no brassicas now. Shame .

    Miriam - The hair colour is great! I do like short grey hair, but long hair looks better coloured I think. The witchy look is not the best. I keep mine coloured and hate seeing my grey roots. I do it myself, so it's very inexpensive, especially if you use the root touch up packs. I only use a hairdresser for a wet cut, so it keeps the cost down. As I do such a lot of exercise it is pointless having a styling.

    Love to all, Heather UK

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good morning to all on this side of the pond, and good afternoon to our European friends...

    I have been reading every day, but MIA on the posting side. No excuses, just hard to find words for the turmoil. Nothing that needs advice or support, just still all the uncertainty. On the silver lining side, it's brought my husband and I closer than we've ever been, and we were close before. Lovely to be able to feel like his arms are around me, holding me up, even when we're not next to each other.

    We've put the warehouse up for sale--it was worth taking the leap, no regrets... but his being in a temporary job means we have to think about life when this assignment ends. We paid off the camper/trailer, which made me feel much more secure. Means, if we have to, we can simply shut the warehouse down--the cost to keep all the utilities on AND pay the mortgage is more than I can support if he ends up unemployed. Health insurance for the pair of us just finally started at my job, but cut my paycheck by a third, which is why the contemplation of putting the warehouse up began. Should we sell it, we'll be able to live in a local RV park until we find a piece of land to park the camper on.

    I will do one more sale at the warehouse at the beginning of October. I'm going over to see my sis a month from now, pick up one more load of items to sell, and shut down the storage unit in Dallas, which is also a cost we can't support on my salary alone. Also have a bunch of stuff that we're selling to pare all our belongings down to what will fit in the camper.

    I never get too het up over things--and this is the second time we've done this, so it's familiar. It's one of the reasons I usually furnish our houses out of yard sales, etc. Most things are just things--and we both feel that way. There are a few exceptions... I have one piece of furniture of my mother's--a small chest with 12 drawers that I've dragged from Texas to Illinois, back to Texas, up to Oregon, and back to Texas again (sense a theme?). We pulled the dinette and benches out of the camper within a week after we got it, freeing up a lot of room in the main living space, and will put the chest in there and build a narrow table to provide work surface.

    I have been reading every day, and am sending massive, loving, peaceful hugs for those who mourn, and joyful ones for those who've triumphed.

    Time to go haul laundry off to the laundromat, my usual Saturday morning chore. There's seldom anyone there at 5:30 a.m. on a Saturday or Sunday morning, worth going at this time and letting the DH sleep.

    As Rori says, we can do this.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2016
    Loridee Welcome! Love your name. Good luck with your contest prep.

    Lisa I have such a massive task of downsizing ahead of me. I am envious. I know you have worries, but "stuff" doesn't seem to be one of them. Hope you get a good price on the warehouse.

    Joyce Take it easy. Sorry you are having such a tough time.

    Everyone have a terrific weekend. <3

    I'm off to work today.

    Karen in Virginia
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member
    Good Saturday Morning! Was a great evening. Youngest daughter came over and we worked on a menu for the month. I even found a couple of recipes I want to try in our search for something different! I have lots of cookbooks with little time. Hoping to change that! She even has two shopping lists. One for the main grocery and one for my freezer.  I managed to get kitchen cleaned and fish tank cleaned and moved out of sun. Was a successful day!

    Carol- I hope you had a good visit with your mom.

    NYKaren- I hope that both you and your DH have a productive and memorable weekend. Sounds like some good bonding time!

    Slimcharm20- I too am close to goal and fighting to get it off. It is being really stubborn. I really like the shirt in your profile picture.

    Katla- I have thought of freezing meals even have a cookbook for it. Maybe a good winter project.

    Cheri- It sounds like you are settling in well. Makes moves so much easier when you feel like you belong.

    HeatherUK- I am jealous that you have a husband that cooks! Mine is at least getting a little more adventurous in what he eats, but cooking is a no. Dinner sounds wonderful. I love your gifts to your DGD. BTW- London is on my to do list. Again, DH not adventurous, but I plan on making it one of these days. I have had a fascination since I one of my childhood friends was from London. I love the culture and loved the comic books about the doll hospitals. Love the history as well. I love that you wore an outfit that made you feel so glamourous! My husband doesn’t get that sometimes you just have to get dolled up for yourself!

    Chris- so sorry relationship didn’t hold up. I hope something good comes from your presentation to your boss. It is crazy what kind of hours we have to work to make ends meet.

    Marion- Welcome! Great attitude. I will say that my favorite exercise when I am hurting or stationary are punches. They get the heartrate up and can be done sitting or standing. Great for waist too! 

    Diane- Welcome. I am in the same boat. 9 hours at work, house, sleep, plus any extra work needing done as own our own small business= lack of time for crazy exercise. I do try to fit in even a few extra things when I can. Parking further away, extra passes at the grocery aisles, punches and pacing while on phone. You CAN do this! I am finding that over 50 it is harder to get the weight off and keep it off. That is why a lifestyle change not diet. This is a wonderful and yes chatty group of ladies!

    Miriam- I like your picture!

    Di- I often eat appetizer for meal. That or carryout ½. Happy Anniversary! Also for future reference, double normal calorie count when “matching” food. I don’t know how a restaurant gets so many calories in their foods! Plan ahead early with wise choices during day so you aren’t famished when you go out. Special events are part of life. Small portions and enjoy. I have a festival tonight and county fair tomorrow. Need to pack some healthy snacks as I can’t do high fat/sugar (no gallbladder)

    Charleen- We so needed the rain too. I would like it to take a break though. Too many plans this weekend. We are a little cooler here in OH this weekend. Only 80’s not 90’s. I am not ready for the cooler temps that are coming though. ;)

    Joyce- I am amazed at how long beta blockers stay in the system. My husband was on one for a short time and it has taken a couple weeks to get his heartrate back up. I am amazed at how “nasty” some folks get after someone’s death. Humanity shouldn’t be such a shock at 53!

    Well ladies, I made it to page 48. Will work on more later! Have to get ready for work. Enjoy your day!!!
    Kylia foggy in OH

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    Miriam love the color.

    Lenora have fun on your anniversary tomorrow.

    Lisa sounds like you have a plan.(((Hugs))) during this this transition.

    State Fair starts this Thursday and I am looking forward to it.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Carroll135
    Carroll135 Posts: 5 Member
    Good morning! Its another hot day in Virginia.
    I woke up excited and glad that I joined this group on MFP and thank you everyone for your inspirational words. :smile: I appreciate friend requests and look forward to success for all of us.

    Have a great day!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    morning peeps-

    today we go get twinkie, she should be ready! (aka the airstream).

    have to be there by 9am, so up early so we can get a quick run when they open the gym at 7am

    welcome again new peeps.
  • slimcharm20
    slimcharm20 Posts: 65 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good morning :)

    @GRITSandSLUTS I beleive 10 lbs will be a great start! Yes spaggetti squash can be quite good, (low in cals) when you doctor it up. I have a dozen or so to pull, clean, cut and bake, then shred and freeze. I hope it freezes well, if not our dogs will get , they love the stuff!

    @barbiecat Thank you for the welcome, enjoy your dancing at the fair!

    @DamitJanit Thank you for the welcome , you can call me charm for now.

    @kymarai Thanks I love it too, the pounds just don't want to go . I am working towards cleaning up my diet, staying within reason of my allotted cals for the day and drinking plenty of water. I think IF is working for me,this morning my scale was the lowest I have seen in a few years. :)

    Welcome too all the other newbies , I think we found a supportive group here. <3

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    Lisa - Just reading about all your changes makes me feel dizzy! <3 I do very badly with uncertainty, so I take my hat off to you!

    Did 15x10x18 with my kettlebell. My hip was really sore when I started and I almost gave up, but it eased as I went along and it never seems to do any lasting damage, so I just grit my teeth and get on with it. Annoying though. :grumble:

    I'm altogether grumpy today. ;) Nearly snapped at DH when he asked me what I was planning on doing today. Luckily he took himself off for a walk and I got on with making pesto from the huge shrub of basil on my kitchen windowsill. Made enough to freeze two portions and keep one for tonight. We're having roasted butternut squash on which I will dribble the pesto at the end and king prawns sautéed in garlic and chilli. With sugar snap peas. Going to count 375 cals for that. :D

    DGD 's coat arrived today. Looks lovely! I think she will love putting on "the coat granny bought " her. I have a bit of a thing going on about not buying useless presents that will only be played with for two minutes. I think they have far too much useless plastic, though I would never say so. :* I know she will love her new cooking set which is made of wood and lovely colours. She is always making us "food". Then she puts us to bed, wakes us up and gives us more food. <3

    Nothing on the TV. Just sport. :'( I do have a couple of films, in Spanish and French, but prefer to watch them by myself and DH is in the way. :laugh:

    Will get on with my languages. I've read all the newspaper.

    Love Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I set my recorder for the Olympics and fast-forward through everything but the things I'm interested in watching. I use the feature extensively to record what I want to see so that I can watch when it is convenient for me to do so. I record lots of shows that have to do with animals and several series on the Public Broadcast System. Olympics coverage is filling up the memory, though and I have to delete chunks of it so there will be room for other things. :ohwell: There is current outrage here because the US government is taxing the value of medals won by athletes, while many giant corporations pay no taxes at all. :grumble:

    Lisa: Best luck to you and DH. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I grew up in Salem, OR, where our state fair is held and went every year as a child, often more than once. I haven't been in decades. I did go to the local county fair last summer but missed it this year. This year the state fair will run from August 26-Sept 5. I doubt we'll attend. Traffic between here and there is awful, and DH doesn't feel well enough to put up with the travel and the crowds. The Cannabis Business Council is planning to display nine live cannabis plants this year according to the news, a first in US history. Oregon moves in its own quirky paths. :star:

    We've been planning to meet DH's highschool classmates for a meal later today but he isn't feeling well this morning. Right now it is looking doubtful. I hope he feels better as the morning progresses.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Morning Ladies-
    I'm at work and will be until noon..
    Lisa- they say were God closes a door he opens a window..my thoughts are with both you and hubby..I know your like a cat.. you'll land on your feet..sending you lots of love dear friend <3
    Hope everyone's weekend is going swimmingly.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – My suggestion, if you don’t want to continue gaining weight is to go back to that time you were losing weight and compare it to today. I realize you have some significant health issues; but, I would guess if you set ‘small goals’ to obtain … this would be less frustrating. Usually, a size change means you have to lose about 15lbs to get there. But, at 15lb, this might be too hard to reach unless you make some changes. Even walking out to the mailbox or to the end of your driveway is better than sitting on the couch channel surfing. You might need to get up early or do it at evening time if y’all are having the oppressive humid HOT weather to boot.
    Pack away you ‘larger’ sized clothes and then make the promise to yourself. “OK, self, the largest clothes I own are size 16’s and my next goal is to reach a size 14; when you’ve done that, pack them away as well. And so on, down the line. When I started losing, the first thing I did after losing just 7lbs the first 2 weeks was to go to my closet and my dresser and try on ‘every single piece’ of clothing I had to my name. The ones that were ‘too big’ … I got rid of; not just packing them away … I took them to the “Then and Now” consignment shop or some to Goodwill.

    You realize and have admitted here that you do NOT want to get back into a size 22 to get you back ‘on track’. Look at what you were eating when you were losing weight; again, this is a ‘life-style’ commitment. Do NOT let the thought of gaining back up to a size 22 to get upset with yourself in order to start doing something; let that ‘push’ start today. Take it one day at a time.

    I only get weighed every two weeks and I do not step on the scales we have at home. To do so, only frustrated the "kitten" out of me. Mainly, because they are not accurate. The scales that are in the Publix grocery store lobby are more accurate. Measuring and weighing your food is also ‘key’.

    Ask your MD to tell you how many calories it will take to ‘lose’ weight; not how many it would take to ‘maintain’ weight. Maybe talk to him/her about whether an inhaler would help with your shortness of breath. I was having a big problem with shortness of breath and getting dizzy and faint to boot. He put me on an inhaler; and after 2 weeks upped the number of puffs each day. It’s helped me; but, it might not help you. I was having ‘asthmatic’ type of shortness of breath.

    If you are not able to expend a lot of CO; then your CI, might need to be lowered. I had to go far below the range for my age group to maintain, in order to lose weight. A lot of my weight was due to side effects of the medications I take.

    A sedentary life-style is something that usually means you cannot get up and do any exercise. Maybe if you have a pool somewhere close by that you can get in, think about that. It’s great exercise. Because I have a ‘seizure disorder’ … I always put the ‘inner tube’ … which is tight fitting around the underside of my boobs and waist on; so that 'if' I happen to have one, it will keep me up and out of the water.

    Drinking more water; and making sure you ‘track’ everything that passes your lips. We all know that you can lose the weight; you’ve done it before. Good Luck and know that we will be here to encourage you! {{{{{hugs}}}}}

    My BP (even with BP medications) will spike and drop; I’ve now gotten medication to take when I have the dizzy spells. I am not aware of low heart rate. One day I felt really bad; and stopped by our local EMT station and they took my BP; and, the bottom number was 50. They would NOT allow me to leave until they talked to my MD. I had to stay there until it got up to 70; and, was told to rest; and, if I continued to feel bad, to call them and they would come out and check it again - or take me to the ER. Last weigh-in … felt awful and when my BP was taken, the bottom number was 70; and, although I had an appointment with my GYN late that day; it got moved up. By the time I saw him bottom number was then 80. I was having a hard time breathing, so he did an EKG and then Rx’d an inhaler. Got to go back on the 7th.

    I agree with Katla about pre-tracking your meals and figuring out what you can order; even if it means to cut it in half and bring it home for a meal the next day.

  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    Well, Ladies, I had a wonderful time last night and a great meal! Ate too much I think, but it was worth it. I rationalized saying i don't do this every day (thank goodness) and am planning the picnic calories better. I am making a vegetable salad that is healthy and tasty. Seems to be filling and folks seem to like it. I have a picnic tomorrow and will "freshen" up what is left and take it along. I pretty much know what will be there, so I will plan accordingly. I am having a "light" lunch.

    been busy this morning--wish I had a step tracker to record steps. I went grocery shopping and walked up and down all the isles. It's a large store so....I made the salad, did a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen....It's too hot in the house to do much else.

    Well, I have to track my breakfast and lunch and try and figure out how to track last night's meal. Or just chalk it up to "had a good time" lol

    Thanks for suggestions and support. I hate weekend picnic and stuff like that--throws me off.

    Silver sneakers Monday and I will be ready for it.
    I'll let you know how the picnics went.
    Di in PA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    Cheri - I have used wax earplugs every night of my life since I was 22 and living under a heavy footed relative and now cannot sleep without them. I buy boxes at a time. I know DH will wake me up if something happens! Mine are pink wax cylinders that I squish up and push into my ears to make a seal.

    Heather UK
  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    OK--logged last night's meal and by eating only half and bringing home LO's, I really didn't do too badly. I know that matching isn't really accurate, but I had some exercise calories so I did pretty well.
    Hopefully I can do that well at the picnic today.....