Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Friday Fitness - GET TO THE $#$#%^&$##$%% GYM!!!!!!!!

    Happy Friday all!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,965 Member
    My therapist reccomended a book to me about sustaining change. Here's what I have learned so far about making changes:
    1) Do what you "want"; not "should", "need" or "must". *And you can quit anytime you "want" too.
    2) Keep it small. If it feels too hard, you won't continue it for long.
    3) Banish all thoughts of "I can't". People who believe in their dreams are more likely to make them come true.
    4) The perceived outcome of the change must be better than the status quo and thus worthy of the effort required to change.
    5) Prepare in advance. Anticipate obstacles and learn from mistakes.
    I am only about a third of the way thru the book so far and there is a second book on the same topic that my therapist also reccomended to me. I will keep you posted how it goes.
    <3 Rach
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    @skinny Yup, West Virginia University. Although as of this afternoon, I picked up another handful, and both my sections are maxed out. I've now got 305 students between the classes I'm teaching this semester.

    I'm glad that it's Friday, because I need to lift heavy things while swearing a lot under my breath. It's been that kind of week.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @cherylhauble - welcome. Remember it's a journey of baby steps, not giant leaps. We're not on the moon, but on earth where gravity will drag us down if we let it. I know that you wish you could be svelte at your daughter's wedding, but remember that she's the star of the show. All you need to do is be there for her and support her. If your dress isn't what you really wanted, that's ok because few will be looking at you; most will be concentrating on the bride, as it should be. Remember to have fun and don't worry about appearances.
    Making time for yourself and your own health, happiness, and goals is the hardest and most rewarding thing you can do. I know, I care for my disabled DH and it's hard to make myself go away and work on me, but you have to. Women are naturally inclined to care for others above themselves, but if we are not healthy and happy, nobody else will benefit from our care. Set a do-able goal for yourself to begin with: "I will take 2 hours a week, be it in 30 minute increments or in one chunk, to exercise and play". Sit down and really think about your schedule and work that time in, put it in writing on your phone calendar or wherever it will slap you in the face, and then make it a priority to stick to that. Once you get used to doing that (4-5 weeks) then you can tweak your goals and add other stuff in.
    Buy a good set of measuring cups and spoons if you don't already have them, and start using them every time you cook or prepare a meal. Get an inexpensive digital scale for things that go by weight. Don't worry at first about staying within a particular calorie goal - just get in the habit of weighing & measuring everything you eat and drink and learning portion size. Use smaller plates and bowls, and try to limit yourself to one serving of whatever it is. And track everything, even if you binge or go hog-wild. Honesty with yourself is the first step to making a real change. You won't change if you lie to or hide the truth from yourself.

    AFM: I am considering making a change to my hours at work. I have been having to take leave without pay (LWOP) to care for my husband, and it's stressing me out big time. I discussed it with him last night and we have 3 options: 1) switch to days, 2) switch to a later schedule at night, or 3) go part time. My preference would be to go part time. The pay difference between what I'm bringing home (with LWOP) and working part time would not be much, and my stress level would be reduced. I may be able to get paid for the 8 hours a week of HHC that we are entitled to through the company that we were using, it would only be about $60/wk but better than nothing. It might affect my retirement date and leave accrual but it would only be short term (less than 2 years I'm sure) so might not be too bad. I'm waiting to hear from my payroll department to see what they say about it. Going days would be extremely difficult (we are both night owls) and would be hard on DH, and I might still end up missing a lot of work. Working a later shift might work, but I'm sleep deprived already, I would hate to be so fatigued on the way home that I fell asleep and killed myself. Not far fetched, since I work an hour from home and would be driving at 1:30-2:30 am. I just feel like even tho it would be a financial hit, being able to relax a little and not stress so much might be worth it. My DH has income and can cover the difference as long as he quits spending foolishly(!) and like he hasn't a care in the world.

    Not much else to report. Everyone have a great weekend!
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    Friday Fitness

    Sad to say I have not been to the gym or ran in over 3 weeks. Between vacation and my weird schedule I haven't made the time. I will make myself go to gym tomorrow I have got to get going regularly or it will never get easier.
  • curvymegan89
    curvymegan89 Posts: 98 Member
    Saturday Success.
    This week has been full of weight ups and downs. I've only been on my journey for a couple of weeks, so having my first small gain was a little bit disheartening. I only count my Saturday weigh in's though, and I'm down 700grams from last week, which I'm thrilled with!
    NSV: on Thursday I passed my Level 3 pole dancing assessment. I didn't think that I would, as I've found this level incredibly challenging and there have been a lot of upside moves that I've struggled with. I teared up a little because I was so proud of myself for giving it my all and sticking at it. I can't wait to start Level 4 pole, and Level 1 aerial hoop next week!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    I have been going to our local Y! I take a low impact water class and on the days that I don't have class I walk the indoor track! Saturday's I am taking a Pickleball class! Sunday is my rest day.

    I am a little scare but it is ok so far! I am enjoying it but I have been noticing my joints being sore! That is why I normally stick to water exercises! I have been wanting to try more so i will give Robin's dance challenge a try!

    We have been busy working on getting our house ready and meeting the other requirements so that we can become a certified Family home. It will be nice when this is done! All of these years of having a special needs child why I never did this before!
    @Tracy from Texas -- i can relate that you just do what you half to . Hang in there I know it is hard I always put myself way last but I a finally getting it if I don't take time to fill me up rest, eating good, exercise spending time with friends or on hobbies (which I don't know what those are any more! ) I if I don't fill me up from time to time I have nothing to pour out!

    @cherylable -- welcome!

    @Mermaid Rach That book your therapist recommend sounds interesting!


    Caldwell, Idaho
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,965 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I can do a lot in just 10 minutes; even talk myself out of a ten minute walk. :neutral: Does anyone else do this? Here's how the conversation went in my head:
    "I want to go for a walk outside with a cup of coffee like I use to do But I can't because ...
    1) I look awful! I need a shower and my hair is all greasy. My clothes are dirty and I'm not wearing a bra. (Sorry, TMI)
    2) I probably woyldn't get credit for my walk (I wear a Garmin Vivofit2) because I wouldn't swing my arms freely. I want to twirl my hair and I'd have to hold my coffee cup and my dress doesn't have pockets (to put my activity tracker in) but I don't want to change clothes until I've had my shower. But after my shower, it'd be too late to take a walk (DH will be awake soon and we have a busy day planned) And it just wouldn't be a leisurely walk if I had to change clothes to go.
    3) What good would a walk do? I might fall, like I did before and I don't want that. That hurt!
    So, I won't go for a walk."
    I swear I'm not crazy! I just have some negative thinking patterns to change.

    :heart: Rach
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rach--I often have those kinds of conversations in my head. Like I want to go to the gym, but I need to go to the store, but I'm too scuzzy to go to the store without showering, but once I shower I won't want to go to the gym, and I can't go to the store after the gym b/c I'll be too smelly until I come home to shower, but then I won't have time to go to the store after showering b/c I have to do x,y, and z later tonight. I find I need to really plan out my schedule--including when I will shower and get "presentable"--in order to keep to my workout commitments. The struggle is real.

    @liz-- What is a certified Family home? Is it kind of like daycare certification but for kids with special needs?

    @megan-- Congrats on your NSV. Those classes look so fun, but there's no place near my house that offers them. There are a few studios in the city that offer classes, but it's too far for me (and usually very expensive).

    @cj-- Yes, just force yourself to go once, and you'll get back into the routine. :smile:

    @tracy-- if you can swing it financially, I think you are wise to switch to part time. You've had so much on your plate, the reduction in stress will be well worth it. I hope it all works out for you. That pool treadmill sounds awesome!

    @badnoodle -- wow, that's a lot of students. At most, I've had maybe half that many in a semester, but it's rare my numbers are that high. Of course, I imagine it's different with your college students as they probably don't meet daily, or need the same regularity of practice through homework assignments. Still, I don't envy your workload.


    @cheryl-- welcome!

    @kelley (kah)-- I start school this Monday and the students come back on Thursday. I don't have any speech course this year b/c our Junior honors split to 5 sections. I will be teaching 3 and my teammate will teach the other 2. Then I also have 2 sections of AP Literature again. Very low numbers in my AP sections, so that will be awesome! I will miss the speech classes b/c there's not as much writing to grade, but it is also nice to get a break from 3 preps. I hope your job search goes well. :smile:

    I haven't posted in a couple of days, so time to catch up.

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm really not looking forward to going back to school, but not for the reason you'd think. I am fine with getting back into a schedule, and even though the amount of grading I have is always a challenge, I look forward to seeing the kids everyday. The one thing that has been grating on me lately is the amount of complaining from some of my colleagues. Or district is a unit district, so as HS school teachers our salaries are a bit lower than some of the nearby HS districts. However, what some of the teachers fail to understand is that many of those top-paying districts require a lot more work from their teachers. There school year is longer, or they have mandatory summer hours which we don't. We also have great kids and parents. Of course there are always some challenging students or parents or both, but overall, we have a wonderful and supportive community. Yes, some of our administrators suck, but I don't know a teacher in ANY school district who doesn't complain about admin. We are getting a new superintendent this year, and I'm trying to go in with optimism that he will make some positive changes. But it's hard when certain people just complain about every little thing, and it especially grates on me when they complain about money. Of course, I agree that teachers aren't valued or paid as much as other professionals with similar levels of education, but it's not like we don't know that when we choose this career. It also seems like the people who complain the most, do nothing to help enact change. They could serve as union reps, or join committees for contract negotiations, but instead they just complain. Sorry for the rant, but it's been bugging me a lot lately. Thanks for letting me vent. :smile:

    Friday Fitness:
    I had a zero fitness day yesterday, but overall, I've been pretty active this week. Today I will go to the gym and run my 2 miles. Hoping to get closer to the 23 minute goal than I was last week.

    Saturday Success:
    I finished several of my goals from Tuesday, but I still need to clean my fish tank and mow the back yard. I have little hope of finishing The Plague--I'm finding it tedious and difficult to get into for more than a chapter at a time.

    Tuesday Goals:
    I have a few goals I want to accomplish before school starts Monday--
    1. clean fish tank
    2. get gunner to salon (appt. Friday) DONE
    3. make a cheesecake for my DH's bosses (will make this on Wed. DONE and drop off on Thurs.DONE friday)
    4. Finish reading The Road DONE
    5. Finish reading The Plague

    Fitness Goals for the month of August:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 10:32; Week 2 = 10:14
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 25:33 & 24:46; Week 2 =
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end

    You vs Year Challenge:
    241 k done/ 759 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + lots of walking at Ren Faire
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + do dance videos WILL DO WED
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE + do dance videos DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + mow lawn DONE (front yard)
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • carabelle2014
    carabelle2014 Posts: 2 Member
    How is everyone doing?
  • curvymegan89
    curvymegan89 Posts: 98 Member
    Sunday Share
    Had a bit of a sulk on the way to get lunch today. I wanted McDonalds, but I ended up talking myself out of it. Then I got frustrated at myself for having to always be conscious of what I'm eating, and that I can't just eat 3000 calories a day like I used to, and lose weight.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member

    It is 2:49AM I was going to take time out and post for Saturday and Sunday! But I am really tired so I will come back later today!

    Have a good night everyone!

    From Idaho
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,965 Member
    Sunday Share
    Had a bit of a sulk on the way to get lunch today. I wanted McDonalds, but I ended up talking myself out of it. Then I got frustrated at myself for having to always be conscious of what I'm eating, and that I can't just eat 3000 calories a day like I used to, and lose weight.

    I do the same thing. I find it is best to prepare my food at home. If you are a creative person, then get creative. Try new combinations of foods. Try new vegetables or fruits. If you dont know how to prepare something, do a Google search. Get as far from your old 'norm' so you can become the new, sexy, confident you.
    <3 Rach
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Sunday Share
    Had a bit of a sulk on the way to get lunch today. I wanted McDonalds, but I ended up talking myself out of it. Then I got frustrated at myself for having to always be conscious of what I'm eating, and that I can't just eat 3000 calories a day like I used to, and lose weight.

    I have two little kids so going out to eat at a place like McDonald's ends up happening. But for me this isn't a diet it is a way of life, so now I ask myself am I going out as entertainment or because I'm lazy? If it is because I'm lazy then I need to find a healthy option and stay in my calories for the day. If it is where the meal is the entertainment then I'm allowed to splurge. It's shocking how that mindset has changed how I eat when I got out. I don't feel guilty when we go out for a nice dinner and all the times we go out because we are lazy I eat healthier or smaller portions.

    I used this this mindset Friday night when the whole family went to a Giants game. We talked about bringing dinner but we got off work late. So we got food at the game. I had a hotdog, garlic fries, peanuts, and popcorn. But due to a supportive family I was able to have healthier options or a small portion only and I was able to lose 0.7lbs that day.
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    Sunday share

    Motivation for Change...severely lacking here. I come home from work, and hit the sofa. All weekend, I barely move from the sofa.

    I want to change, but I barely have the motivation to do anything. I am taking medication, at least that helps me get to work.

    One day at a time. Today I will clean the house. Starting with a shower.
  • Marinedog66
    Marinedog66 Posts: 5 Member
    I think I need this group so I'm glad it's here
  • damaddox7
    damaddox7 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm kind of new here and am looking for inspiration. Trying to exercise daily is hard that's my goal for next week. Any suggestions welcome or things on here that's worked for you.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,965 Member
    As for exercise, the first step is sometimes the hardest. But once I get to the gym or get moving, then I usually feel good. And afterwards I am proud of myself for doing it. (Unless I exercise too hard or have unrealistic expectations of myself, but that's another story.)
    I am going to try to go for a leisurely walk tomorrow AM before work with my cup o joe. Earlier this year I did that every AM ... till I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and fell and had to go to work with a banged up knee! Hope that doesnt happen again.
    And I want to swim laps regularly in the PM.
    :heart: Rach
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... I've become adicted to the Netflix episodes of Mad Men ... the series is over now, and it ran for 8 seasons. I just finished watching season 4 and cannot get it off my mind. I want to watch it non-stop!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Sunday Share ... I've become adicted to the Netflix episodes of Mad Men ... the series is over now, and it ran for 8 seasons. I just finished watching season 4 and cannot get it off my mind. I want to watch it non-stop!

    I need to watch that series. I am in advertising so I know I would love it!