August (2016) Running Challenge



  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Seriously considering going to the store to get a bag of ice and filling the tub with ice water to see if that helps with all the aches and pains from yesterday. What you all think?

    Epsom salts in warm/hot water in bathtub and soak for a while. Not sure why it works but it does.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I got so excited about my 5K this morning that I forgot to put my ticker up!

    08/04 – 1 mile
    08/05 – 1 mile
    08/06 – 3 miles
    08/09 – 1.3 miles – HR 135-140 HR running flat surface………154 running hills
    08/10 – 80 min Strength Training + 20 min Xtraining – Stairmaster and Stationary Bike (140 HR)
    08/11 – 3.05 miles – AVG HR 143, lower on flat (lowest 127) higher on hills (highest 153)
    08/12 – 1 mile – AVG HR 144 + 90 min strength training
    08/13 – Rest Day
    08/14 – 3.3 miles, 12 laps at park, HR average 155 & took 35 seconds off my mile time
    08/15 – 1 mile - 85 min Strength Training
    08/16 – 2 miles – Easy Pace AVG HR 132
    08/17 – 1 mile – 85 min Strength Training
    08/18 – Rest Day – 35 min swim
    08/19 – 2.1 miles - AVG HR 144
    08/20 – Rest Day – 35 min swim
    08/21 – 5K Tiki Run – 3.1 miles
    08/22 - Begin training for 10K


  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited August 2016
    Legs were pretty shot from a bit too much biking, so I ended up taking two rest days (gasp), and ended up doing a 15 miler with a faster finish tonight on the treadmill while watching the closing ceremonies. Definitely enjoyed seeing the marathon this AM, as it was interesting watching things break apart in the last 5 miles. Planning to do another 20 miler next weekend, then one on September 12th before I start a gradual taper for my Ironman 70.3 (9/25) & Chicago Marathon (10/9).

    8/2 - 11 miles (w. 2 at MP)
    8/3 - 4 miles (w. 2 miles near threshold HR)
    8/5 - 12 miles
    8/6 - 11 miles
    8/7 - 20 miles
    8/8 - 7 miles (w. 6 at MP)
    8/9 - 11.5 miles
    8/11 - 10 miles
    8/12 - 20 miles (last 5 at MP)
    8/13 - 2 miles
    8/14 - 6 miles
    8/15 - 10 miles
    8/16 - 9 miles
    8/17 - 3 miles
    8/18 - 6.5 miles (w. 5x1K repeats at HM pace)
    8/21 - 15 miles

    Total: 158 miles, 5 session with MP/threshold HR/speedwork running
    Goal: 200 miles, 8 faster sessions
    Remaining; 42 miles, 3 faster sessions

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
    Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas 10K - Nov 13

    @ddmom0811 - The Friday morning ride is almost a race simulation, with everyone on triathlon bikes. Two folks on the ride just qualified for the ironman world championships 2 weeks ago, and usually the line moves at about 28-30 for about 15 of the 20 miles for the ride (as it is pretty short but intense and flat). My pulls usually just last about 30 seconds, but given the size of the crew, it isn't unusually short. About half of the riders get dropped at some point (after which I'll drop down to about 23-25mph for my ride of shame to the finish), and I'm only recently starting to be able to make it to the end of the ride. On the plus side, now that I'm getting pretty light, I'm starting to finish in the top 2-3 on most causeway/bridge climbs, but still am frequently beat by one of the 15-minute 5K racers as he's about 130lb soaking wet.

    @mnlittlefinn - At this point heat & compression are probably your best friends for soreness (along with the usual rest).

    @_nikkiwolf_ - Congrads on surviving the 30K. Often my long runs feel better when I break them into chunks, especially if I can do parts of them with friends. Approaching marathons the same way often helps as well. Did my 15 miler tonight as a 7 miler, treadmill reset/bathroom break, then an 8 miler with the first 4 easy/second 4 faster, which also made it seem less long and boring than usual.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @luluinca & @shanaber - so cool you two were able to meet! Great job both of you!
    @ohhim - Wow, that is quite impressive that you all switch out every 30 seconds and go so fast. One of the faster groups in my club does something similar, can't remember what they call it. But it is like a constant rotation.

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    @orphia and @ddmom0811 Thanks. I had a lot of fun and it was inspiring to meet Shana and see all the other runners. I see why people enjoy race day so much.

    Just wish I really knew how to improve my times............just keep working I guess. Sometimes I wonder if this old body can really go any faster but I'm not going to stress over it. I'm working hard and looking forward to working harder to get to a 10K.

    Everyone here is so helpful and inspiring too!
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    Well, I did no running this past weekend. Friday, I went to a local amusement part after work with some friends. I am an amusement part enthusiast, but I am not, at all, a fan of Knoebels. Most people around here absolutely love it, and I still can't quite figure out why. Regardless, it was great catching up with my friends. Saturday, I was at the Rod and Gun Club at 8:30am for our last 4-H Shooting Sports meeting of the year. I then spent the rest of the day catching up on DVRed episodes of Chopped, reading the first part of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and napping. Sunday, I watched the men's marathon, cleaned the house for hours (I'm going to the UK for 10 days in less than two weeks, and I cannot stand leaving my house sitter with an unkempt house.), read the second half of Harry Potter, and finished watching the last two episodes of Chopped I had on my DVR. Today, my boyfriend and I are making a trip to Costco after work to pick up stuff for our long weekend "down the shore" this weekend. Since the closest Costco to me is about an hour and a half away, I'm not sure I'll get to run today, either.

    Side note: I enjoy Harry Potter, I've seen all the movies, but this is the only "book" I read. I now cannot wait to see the plays on the West End in a couple weeks. I am very interested to see how they manage to achieve all the "magic," and some of the scenes include things going on in the audience, so that should be fun.

    All excuses, I know, but it was a lovely weekend. I should be able to get some sort of run in tomorrow right after work before I head to a picnic...I hope.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    Took the weekend off and disconnected from the forums. It was liberating to say the least, but that would explain the over 800 posts on the threads I follow that I missed. lol

    Saturday was a rest day, which was good because I really wasn't feeling it.
    Sunday was a life day, unplanned rest day, but I guess I needed it. I ended up sleeping 10.5 hours!

    Today's run was a little tough, but I'm happy to be back into my routine. I may not get my goal this month, but I will try!

    Happy Monday to you all!


    1/8: REST
    2/8: 5.30 km + 20 mins yoga
    3/8: 5.38 km + 20 mins yoga
    4/8: 5.39 km + 20 mins yoga
    5/8: 5.43 km + 20 mins yoga
    6/8: 4.50 km (Walked Colour Vibe due to terrain on course, and it wasn`t even a true 5K)
    7/8: 6.05 km + 20 mins yoga
    8/8: 5.37 km + 20 mins yoga (New PR! 5K in 34:31)
    9/8: REST (early morning meeting; walked all over instead)
    10/8: 5.40 km + 20 mins yoga (New PR! 5K in 33:59)
    11/8: 5.42 km + 20 mins yoga
    12/8: 5.16 km + 20 mins yoga
    13/8: REST
    14/8: LIFE
    15/8: 5.22 km + 20 mins yoga (New PR! 5K in 33:25) + 4.24 km in the evening
    16/8: 5.40 km + 20 mins yoga + some strength training (tried Strides for the first time, only managed to do 3)
    17/8: 5.39 km + 20 mins yoga + some strength training (1 Stride done)
    18/8: 5.42 km + 20 mins yoga + some strength training
    19/8: 5.44 km + 20 mins yoga + some strength training (New PR!!! 5K in 33:01)
    20/8: REST
    21/8: LIFE
    22/8: 5.44 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises
    28/8: REST

    Current PR: 5K in 33:01 / 10K in 1:17:??


    6/8: Colour Vibe 5K
    24/9: Obstacle Course “Coureur des bois”
    20/10-01/11 : Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run
  • libelulla1
    libelulla1 Posts: 22 Member
    8/1 - 3.0 miles
    8/2 - 3.0 miles
    8/5 - 2.0 miles
    8/6 - 6.2 miles
    8/8 - 3.0 miles
    8/9 - 3.0 miles
    8/11 - 3.8 miles
    8/13 - 5.0 miles
    8/15 - 3.0 miles
    8/19 - 3.0 miles
    8/20 - 5.7 miles
    8/22 - 3.1 miles

    Goal: 45
    Total to date: 43.8
    1.8 to go

    Upcoming Races:
    Peachtree City Classic 15k 10/15/16
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    edited August 2016
    Going to try a short (1 mile) run this afternoon, after taking 11 (!!!) days off from running! My knee is not back to 100% yet, but with only 7 weeks left until Chicago it is time to at least see where I am recovery-wise. Wish me luck!
    Also, sorry I haven't been so active here lately; it honestly is really depressing to not be able to run :neutral:
    Great job on all the races and PRs! And welcome to any new members that I missed :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    ...vacation house on Isle of Palms, SC. I love this vacation because it's just nothing but relaxing and enjoying the company of family and time off work. I tend to run a lot when I am there. Typically, I am floored by the humidity, but this year I think it has been as bad here as it ever is there, so it shouldn't be much different. Plus, ocean breezes.
    Do you run ON the beach? Tried that earlier this summer, and really didn't enjoy it. But then again, I'm not a trail runner, so that prob makes a difference.

    I just like knowing that the asphalt isn't likely to shift under my nearly-200# weight landing on it....

    @9voice9 - I can't run more than a few miles on the beach. I usually run to the beach, run a mile or so in each direction and then run back or around the island on asphalt paths. The tide level definitely plays a big role on if I can run on the beach. Low tide brings more compact sand and flatter surfaces, which are crucial. I run in both directions to balance out the natural camber of the beach. I can definitely feel it in my hamstrings afterwards, but the gorgeous views, the roar of the ocean and the nice ocean breezes make those couple of miles the best part of the run!
  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    8/20 - 8 mile run. My longest run of the year so far and my slowest pace ever. Intentionally went at 11:00 min/mile pace. Was reading that based on my 5k pace of 8:00 min/mile my long run pace is most beneficial between 10 - 12 min/mile. I think that even closer to 12 would be better but may take some practicing to get even slower.

    42.5 miles done with goal of 70.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Aug 1-Rest Day
    Aug 2- 3.5 miles AM, 7.4 miles PM cruise intervals, 0.7 mile run with puppy
    Aug 3-5.9 miles
    Aug 4- 6 miles easy
    Aug 5- 5.5 miles speed intervals on the treadmill
    Aug 6- 10 miles easy with the group
    Aug 7- 10 miles with speed play
    Aug 8- rest day- Of course it's the nicest day we have had in weeks!
    Aug 9- 5.8 AM miles
    Aug 10- 6.1 AM miles with 4 @tempo+ 4.3 PM miles
    Aug 11-4.3 miles easy
    Aug 12-5.6 miles of treadmill sped intervals
    Aug 13- 13 miles
    Aug 14- Rest/ travel day
    Aug 15- 5 miles beach run
    Aug 16- 9.3 miles
    Aug 17-6 miles
    Aug 18-4.6 miles +1.1 miles with pup
    Aug 19- 1.5 miles with doggie on beach (rest day, but too much fun to run with her!)
    Aug 20-12 miles
    Aug 21-5.7 miles

    Made it home from the beach. I ran 45.9 very hot and humid miles while there, but it was a blast. So many gorgeous sunrises and lots of fun with the puppy, who loved the beach and riding in the golf cart. I think she is a beach bum at heart. So many posts to catch up with while I was gone. As usual, you all are a busy bunch.

    It was great to come home to some really moderate temps. This morning was cool and maybe even a bit brisk! I did not have time to run because I had to get to work early, but I am definitely looking forward to running this evening. Evening temps should be in the 70s. We haven't seen that in a loooong time!

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for August
    8/1 9 miles - 9
    8/1 4.5 miles - 13.5 << Daily Double
    8/2 9 miles - 22.5
    8/2 4 miles - 26.5 << Daily Double
    8/3 5 miles - 31.5
    8/4 9 miles - 40.5
    8/4 4 miles - 44.5 << Daily Double
    8/5 5.25 miles - 49.75
    8/6 20.97 miles - 70.72
    8/7 REST DAY
    8/8 7 miles - 77.72
    8/8 4 miles - 81.72 << Daily Double
    8/9 9 miles - 90.72
    8/9 5 miles - 95.72 << Daily Double
    8/10 5 miles - 100.72
    8/11 9 miles - 109.72
    8/11 5 miles - 114.72 << Daily Double
    8/12 5 miles - One Hundred Nineteen, point seventy two
    8/13 16 miles - 135.72
    8/14 REST DAY
    8/15 8 miles - 143.72
    8/16 8 miles - 151.72
    8/17 5 miles - 156.72
    8/18 9.5 miles - 166.22
    8/19 5 miles - 171.22
    8/20 13.1 miles - 184.32
    8/21 REST DAY
    8/22 10 miles - 194.32


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    k_it_10 wrote: »
    I am in for 100 this month . I haven't been running for awhile but am eager to get back to it . Also, letting everyone know poppetsmaster is alright.

    @k_it_10 Tell poppetsmaster that we miss him and that we wish him the best. I hope he comes back soon.