Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Rediscovered Quest Bars this weekend. Good way to add protein with little sugar. The chocolate chip cookie dough has 21 g of protein with less an 1 g of sugar. Hoping this will help satisfy my sweet tooth and help me avoid co-worker's candy dish.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Sara- I was thinking of putting that image on my phone somewhere I can access easily and when I think of eating, I can look at that. Instead of the picture where I look amazing, maybe the - holy crap I look real bad is more of a motivation.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Salad with chicken and PB2 for dinner.

    Have heard about Quest bars - wish they werent so expensive. Found the high protein bars have a in "interesting" side effect. Fiber One if eating too many has the same effect. But - if this will keep your hands out of candy dishes, it may be just the ticket.

    Amazon package came with 2 cookbooks and my pepper spray for walking dog and walking to work in the mornings.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,956 Member
    TUESDAY Aug 23

    More tomorrow
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning,

    Up early, will try for a little more sleep. Cats at midnight are not my friends.....

    Will take picture at work (coworker with phone that has picture and internet) of hearts/flowers I am making. I was trying last night to make one more and the pattern failed me (I failed the pattern) so I will try again today. Dawn I got many of these patterns on SimplyDaisy or HappyBerryCrochet on youtube.

    Window open for a little while longer. Oatmeal almost ready and then if I am lucky more sleep.

    See Lana up there!! Glad you made it through surgery. Was the hospital food any good??

    Wave to all who follow.
  • 1201april
    1201april Posts: 35 Member
    I'd love to join :)
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    G'morning, Lana! Glad to hear from you!

    Braved the scale this morning and learned I am back up again. It seems my scale only has two numbers right now and I go between them. "Official" WI will be Thursday, so hoping to see better by then. Apparently, I am in maintaining mode right now. Feeling a bit disheartened. And stressed that pants will feel too tight as fall approaches. But will take a deep breath and move forward.

    Good day yesterday. Today will concentrate on little to no treats from co-worker's dish. Got a good walk with dog/kids and then finished on the treadmill to get my 10,000 steps for the day.

    Argh! Locked out of bank account due to trying wrong password too many times. Need to call in to re-set.

    Haircut and color tonight. Long overdue.

    Have a great day, everyone! I'll BBL!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    1201April, welcome and stop by when you can!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Lana- Yay- so happy to see your "peep" Big hug and smile!

    Sara- Cat's at midnight? Ugh

    Annie - How are the first days of college going? (both son and husband). Had a rough go here. Had to let our Network Admin go- then everyone is back and problems with wifi etc etc. Ugh. Anyway. Gee, 7th grade is such a hard year. Everyone I speak to no matter where in the world (have friends in australia etc) say that age is tough. Someone said they should build an island and send all 7th graders to live there for a year. LOL. I wouldnt worry about the tests either. I think we as a society put too much emphasis on these tests and some of your most brilliant and successful people do poorly on tests and some of your best test takers do poorly in life. What grade is our littles one?

    Joined the gym last night. 24hr fitness. It's like a meat market. Of course I look like a piece of old jerky in comparison. It was so big and crowded. The positive is I have a friend who dragged my butt there and so I will have some motivation.

    Have any of you heard of stickK ? It's a program that motivates you to stick to a goal. You set your goal (friend and I are doing some sort of exercise 3 days a week) and a time frame (6 months) and if you do not meet that goal you give a certain amount of money to something (charity). You have a referee that monitors your progress. My friend is giving X amount to a charity I picked and I have to see her fitbit each week to see that she did her Xamount of steps. Hopefully this will help too. But at least I got the membership and joined!

    Have a good day everyone-

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Hi Jen,

    DH survived his first day back to teaching. Things will settle into a groove over the next couple of weeks. He is also taking 2 classes. One is an undergrad JAVA programming class. The other is a Master's course...not sure of the actual topic, but it's for computer science.

    DS doesn't leave until Thursday - although now he's talking about moving in on Wednesday night. (He could have moved in already last weekend but was waiting for the big MOVE-IN Day...but now it's interfering with his on-campus job.) So, we'll see. He's feeling nervous and overwhelmed. Last night I threatened to take him for drug-testing for how forgetful he was being! It's a symptom of his nervousness. But he did start packing his clothes and said tonight I should show him again how to do laundry. :)

    Our littlest one is 6 and will start 1st grade this year.

    Good for you for joining the gym!! And I like that you have someone to help with accountability and vice versa.

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    6 is a sweet age-- enjoy that time. : )
  • dimsdales_pookie
    dimsdales_pookie Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Beth and I am a serial starter. I've never done ww or any other franchised program. I am a construction worker so my work takes me out of town and some weird hours so my exercise is very sporadic. I need a community that is encouraging so that I don't lay in a motel room instead of getting out and exercising. I promise the same. I wish everyone much luck and hope this is everyones last start
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Good evening,

    Beth, we can keep you out of the hotel "snack bar" anytime. Stop by and post!

    Ice pack on toe (nail issue) , heating water for hot water bottle for neck. Boy I am glad I have tomorrow off so I can get some extra sleep. I will go show my toe to the lady who paints my toenails and see if I need to see doctor....she is in same area as hair dresser (reason for day off)

    Thinking (or tinking as I just wrote) of you Lana -

    Jen - can you use measurements instead of pounds to show success? I wouldnt want you to be a slave to a number. But if it works.....coworker has to go to gym to work off her weight and that works for her.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Wine + haircut & color = nice evening. Treadmill to follow.
  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member

    Back from wedding and 3 lbs higher. It's crazy. I work so hard at losing weight for a period.. and rock it, and then a couple weeks or even days of bad behavior kills me. I guess that would be a binge eater. I do look around at what skinny chicks eat and it's like nothing. air.

    CALNY- Hahaha "like a piece of old jerky".. ya, I think I need to join a gym so I can start lifting but the scene scares me. I read that article you posted about why women can't lose weight and he had my pattern down cold. I think my floor is 155 and then yes, I start to go a bit crazy. Starving and lots of working out and constant weigh ins with no results. I'm also considering a nutritionist cuz I just can't seem to figure this out log term. I eat similar to my husband who is pretty fit. Now it makes sense. He is building muscle just by drinking beer.

    What is WW connect? I have not been back to their site recently.

    Has anyone hired a fitness and nutritional coach? I'm thinking.. but I want someone real, not someone who hawks protein powder and bars.

    I will track, track, track this week and drink my water.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- peep back! Good to see you!

    Sara- I have not checked any videos, yet. Still stuck on show... Almost over...then, back to reality...

    Jen- stikK sounds very motivating. I need something like that. Unfortunately, funds are very slim, here. I need a friend to kick my booty into gear and keep me on's so easy for me to lose motivation and get off track...
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Arniedog- I just found out that you can do it without money too! You can just have the other person (referree) be your check in.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning,

    Cham! You dont know if these "thin" people work out 3 hours a day, run 10 miles, or have extremely bad nutrition. They may have genetics of thin people. All you can do is improve yourself. There are places that have work out and nutritionists in the same place. I get home from work and plop, so it would be money down the toilet for me.

    Lana - Sent card Monday will get there soon?

    Woman at work who has new job in another department is very angry to those in our department who are not her friend. Walking home last night I realized what a fool she is. Like management wont see or hear about it. I was a little surprised she is being so stupid about it, as she was "the smartest person" in the department (she thinks). She is asking for a one way ticket out of the company if she is not careful. I decided to let her make her fate and work on me keeping my job. I was going to write this last night, but ran out of energy.

    Dog is up and taken care of, sitting by me at the moment. Will find more sleep as I have been short last couple of nights. Had coworker take picture of my crochet flowers, cannot get it to this site as it is not on my thumb/flash drive. It is on my FB page. I considered that a huge victory last night and walked away.

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning,

    Cham! You dont know if these "thin" people work out 3 hours a day, run 10 miles, or have extremely bad nutrition. They may have genetics of thin people. All you can do is improve yourself. There are places that have work out and nutritionists in the same place. I get home from work and plop, so it would be money down the toilet for me.

    Lana - Sent card Monday will get there soon?

    Woman at work who has new job in another department is very angry to those in our department who are not her friend. Walking home last night I realized what a fool she is. Like management wont see or hear about it. I was a little surprised she is being so stupid about it, as she was "the smartest person" in the department (she thinks). She is asking for a one way ticket out of the company if she is not careful. I decided to let her make her fate and work on me keeping my job. I was going to write this last night, but ran out of energy.

    Dog is up and taken care of, sitting by me at the moment. Will find more sleep as I have been short last couple of nights. Had coworker take picture of my crochet flowers, cannot get it to this site as it is not on my thumb/flash drive. It is on my FB page. I considered that a huge victory last night and walked away.

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Wednesday. I was wishing it was tomorrow or Saturday when I could catch a few more Zzzzzs. But, I'm up and at work!

    Chamie - I do think the key is track, track, and track. Diet is 80-90% of the equation with exercise/activity really only making up a small portion. I, too, seem to be able to get down to a certain weight at times, but never below, and then I gain several lbs back again. I'm telling myself I need to consistently track - through the weekends, too - and stay within my calorie/carb ranges and eventually the scale/inches will follow. It hasn't been working real great for me lately, but my weekends have been off kilter. Hoping to keep the upcoming weekend on track.

    Did my 2 miles on the treadmill last night. Missed 10,000 steps by about 500 but right hamstring was hurting. Walk was slower than I would like but didn't want to irritate leg any more than necessary.

    Tonight is finishing packing to move DS to college tomorrow. Also cleaning up house as MIL will be stopping by tomorrow to pick up two younger kids to spend time with them while we're busy moving DS.

    Work is all meetings today. Will not help with my feeling like I need a nap.

    Sara - some people at work just don't get it. Just keep your head down and do your work. Since I changed jobs, I really enjoy staying out of the fray.
