Holiday Challenge ( 10% off by Christmas )



  • kickingpounds
    kickingpounds Posts: 42 Member
    Im late as well, but I am so in!

    Starting weight- 156.6
    10%- 15.6
    Goal Weight- 141
    Ultimate Goal Weight- 130

    Today's weigh in-157.2 LBS
    Weight Change- +0.6 LBS
  • darvit207
    darvit207 Posts: 46 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi All! I didn't get a chance to post my update last week. I've decided to make my weigh in day on Thursday so if I have a weekend that I over indulge, I won't get discouraged. So after my first week & a half on my get healthy journey I'm 2 lbs lighter

    Start weight: 216
    Current weight: 214
    Total lbs lost: 2
    Short term goal: 194 (10%/-22 lbs)
    Long term goal: ???
  • Debster634
    Debster634 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everyone, This seems like a reasonable goal, and many of us are of similar weight so I'd like to join too. I've allowed myself to indulge and drop my exercising and have gained 3 lbs in just a couple of weeks. This will encourage me to get back on track!
    SW: 174
    10%: 17
    GW: 157 by Christmas
    Long Term: 125
  • GoldnRampion
    GoldnRampion Posts: 24 Member
    Just checking in during a tough weekend to keep myself motivated and wishing everyone the best!
  • Robyn7762
    Robyn7762 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm in current weight 168 lbs
    Goal weight 150 lbs
    Challenge weight 152 lbs
  • Leanqueen01
    Leanqueen01 Posts: 43 Member
    I might be a little late but im definitely in! Time to get my head back in the game...
  • kelleymj2015
    kelleymj2015 Posts: 11 Member
    Is it too late to join in?
    CW: 161
    10% 16 lbs
    GW: 145 lbs.
  • derbycitycat
    derbycitycat Posts: 175 Member
    edited August 2016
    I would like to join, also. I'm putting in the stats for the start week.

    SW - 283.5
    CW (8/15) - 263.5
    10% - 26.3 lbs
    GW by Dec 20 - 237.2

    8/22 - 262 ( - 1.5
  • sugarandspice0404
    sugarandspice0404 Posts: 27 Member
    Better late than never!

    Highest weight: 185
    Starting weight: 174.6 (today's weight)
    -10%: 157.2

    Tough but doable!
  • mongo2ten
    mongo2ten Posts: 4 Member
    Joining in too - late, and I'm a turtle so I need this challenge!

    Starting Weight - 130
    -10% = 117 GW by December 20th
  • goodreadsgal
    goodreadsgal Posts: 248 Member
    Hi love to join

    SW: 241.6
    10%: 24GW by dec 20th
  • kimb1482
    kimb1482 Posts: 10 Member
    Joining late too :)

    SW: 150
    GW: 135
  • Mandisa58
    Mandisa58 Posts: 45 Member
    Week two check in:
    W174-up this week by 2lbs
  • Kimmy4058
    Kimmy4058 Posts: 23 Member
    i'm late but wanna join in please. infact i'm always late lol
    so here goes

    SW - 259 lbs
    10% - 26 lbs
    GW - 233 lbs
    FW - 140 lbs

    good look everyone!!!
  • Loribh0126
    Loribh0126 Posts: 627 Member

    Starting weight - 201
    10% - 20 lbs.
    Goal weight for Dec 20th - 181

    8/22 - 200.2
    8/29 - 196.4 -4.6