

  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Just a quick check in on this first day of school- my senior in HS didn't let me take the traditional first day pic so I caught her in motion out the door. My student teaching daughter was very excited to pose.

    I just "faced the music" and updated my weight. Up 5 pounds since last recording (in July? maybe June...) Owning it and getting back on track. Packed a healthy lunch (steamed cod, spinach and cauliflower (the cauliflower has a "sauce" with eggs, yogurt and tahini for my carbs). Have an edamame snack for between work and the swim meet. Dinner will probably be my basic salad- greens, turkey, blueberries and a sprinkling of feta with balsamic. Then am sure I will collapse into bed!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Margaret, that is so sad about Jacob and all the other kids that terrible things have happened to. I think it’s cool that you have put the ribbon on your tree every year. You are a good person. ((((Hugs))))

    Heather, I did have to laugh to see that MFP didn’t allow Dick’s last name. At least the part after Van. Some censoring goes a bit too *kitten* far. (I typed the kitten this time) tee hee hee Gosh I can’t believe that Christmas is close enough to be making plans, but I guess it will be here before we know it.

    Miriam, what a beautiful child. I’m curious….does he get to wear the wig at home? I know you said his parents don’t accept his identity.

    Marcelyn, I hope you have a good trip. I think you probably missed some cooler weather in Texas for a few days.

    Betty, glad you had a getaway.

    Mary, glad you and DH got to visit his uncle. He sounds like a wise man.

    Katla, glad you are back at the yoga because I know you enjoy it.

    Purl, you are so right in that we have to stay on top of this “eating thing” for the rest of our lives. Many of us have different problems or reasons that we eat but it takes constant attention, no matter.

    Joyce, sorry to hear about the noisy grand and loss of electricity. I hope you slept well last night. ((((Hugs))))

    Liz, I think most of us agree that this group of ladies and their willingness to share is very therapeutic for most of us. Just hang in there and I hope things get better for you.

    Kim, when I first read that today was your gardening day, of course my first thought was, “Don’t you do that nearly every day?” Then I read the next sentence. Glad you got to work in your yard. And what a great friend to help.

    NYKaren, I ‘m anxious to hear how the tracking goes. Do keep us posted!

    KateUK, that is sad about your DGD. I guess that is a new one to me??? So she doesn’t want to identify with either sex?
    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I have line dancing class this afternoon and then I’m going to meet my friend that is having the grand children problems. She’s leaving for Texas on Thursday and will probably be gone a month or more. She is going on a cruise with her sister. After they get back, she might go to Cabo San Lucas or someplace with her sister and her DH. She really needs to get away as it’s been so terribly stressful at her house.
    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    Purl - Nice food! :drinker:
    We are having Hairy Dieters tagine tonight. Moroccan Lamb. Very yum. With fresh spinach.
    Then I'm off to the W I . Not enthusiastic, but will put in an appearance. I will have the stewed fruit when I get back.

    DH has just come back from scouring our lanes for wild blackberries. He picked over 3 lbs! <3 We will make a cordial with them tomorrow. Spices, sugar, water and brandy. Delicious in Prosecco or soda water. Or over fruit.

    Just heard DGS will be going to the bilingual school. I hope it's ok. DH has his doubts, based on the old reports, but it has a new head, so who can say. He will be having some of the lessons in Spanish. I definitely like that aspect of it. :)

    Went to yoga, then after lunch I did 10x10x18 swings. Then 68 calories on the bike. I hope I can break even on that amount.

    I am now 19% fluent in German. :D

    Love Heather UK
  • mamatigerj
    mamatigerj Posts: 106 Member
    Larisa ~ ((hugs))

    Liz ~ I am glad you are feeling better, and I am grateful to you for sharing some of the things you do to deal with your anxiety.

    cdicostanzo ~ Great weight loss! I am new here, too; welcome!

    Lillian ~ I love that name; I had an aunt Lillian. How many grandchildren do you have? I only have one so far, a boy, 20mos. I also take care of a little girl the same age; I call her my substitute granddaughter.

    KJLaMore ~ That certainly was an exciting game! We are big Longhorn fans here. My Daddy went to school at UT, and one of my daughters will be going to nursing school there.

    Cheri ~ Beautiful flowers, gorgeous graphgan, and impressive stats! Exciting that your son will be nearby. I do so tire of the hot, humid sticky here.I love and long for Autumn.

    Heather ~ Sounds as if you had quite a productive day! And yes, little Bea is indeed a beauty <3

    Katla ~ Glad to hear of your DH's improvement, and praying it continues! I used to do respite care for a little boy with severe cp; they had him on baclofen for a while and had all kinds of trouble with it. NW Oregon certainly is beautiful!

    Joyce ~ I hope you got a good night's sleep!

    Vicki ~ ((hugs)) I struggle with depression also. Praying you and the doc can find the right balance.

    Barbie ~ Cute!

    Kate ~ Glad you got a good report from the doc.

    Marcelle ~ You are so right about the importance of this group encouragement.

    Karen ~ Peace is never overrated!

    Becca ~ You are definitely a great mom! I am going to pass along the spinach tip to my DH, who regularly donates blood.

    Lauriekins ~ Welcome!

    Allie ~ I am so sorry! I hope you weret today able to have a peaceful night's rest.

    Kim ~ Yay for all you accomplished in your garden!

    Margaret ~ HOPEing and praying with you.

    Miriam ~ Lovely Granddaughter, and you are a loving Grandmother!

    Betty ~ Walks in the woods are one of my favourite things :)

    DJ ~ Thank you :)

    Mary ~ So glad you were able to spend precious time with your loved one <3

    Well, I think that catches me up with yesterday's posts!

    Central TX
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Karen in Virginia
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Thank you everybody for your support! My DH and I were very privileged to be able to talk with his uncle. He is truly a very blessed man!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Another work day, been a long weekend in more ways then one. Today I am working the shorter shift 7-3:30. Weigh in this morning was bad and I was expecting that. I am so upset with myself. How did I let this happen?? I have no excuse.
    Last evening DS called to let me know his wife"s uncle passed away yesterday morning. Then last evening the DGD's cousin passed away. She was 15 and been fighting cancer since she was 7. So please keep them in prayer. Thanks.
    Heather--I have been thinking about what is going on. I think I just let things build up. Between work, my mom's health and her house not selling, people from our motorcycle group. I have to make some decisions and praying about it. Thanks for caring, all you ladies mean so much to me.
    Marcelyn--I agree and am so glad I am able to start again with a new day.
    Allison--Hugs!! Sorry the weekend went that way. Those we love can hurt us the worst. Just remember you are a good person and do so much for others.
    Joyce--I am so glad we are all in this together and each day can be a new start. I so want to get back to losing weight and feeling better.
    Margaret--I read in the paper about them finding the remains. Prayers to the family. I like your ribbon and what it stands for.
    Mary--Hugs! Sounds like a very wise man.
    I agree services for teens and gender issues is bad. I have a grand daughter that decided to live as male. She is lucky in the fact her family accepts this and the school she is in doesn't give her a lot of problems. I am concerned when she goes to college next year what she will face. She has changed her name. Life is confusing enough. Also I have another DGD that is dating a person who was born female and lives as a male.
    Well ladies I am keeping up day 2. They are going to do some updating on computer lines at where I work and taking out dept down tomorrow evening. So my boss and I have been going over what we are to do and how we are moving into another area for the time it takes. So at this time I am coming in around 7:30 tomorrow evening to make sure things go well. They have started giving the flu shots today for employees. I want to waite until next month so it will last longer. If we don't get one then we have to wear a mask while at work. I have one guy that will not get it so every year he wears the mask.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hello Scrumptious Sisters!

    I spent the long weekend doing regular life stuff…. I went out and got myself a couple of Kettlebells on Saturday – a ten and a fifteen pound. I wanted to start slow – and I thought – THOUGHT – that ten pounds would be too light – but, I started with that, anyway.

    Well, by the 4th set of swings – I was extremely glad I had started with the ten lbs – and let me tell you a little secret – my thighs are crying and whining after that workout…. two days later. My glutes whined a little – but after 1 day, they fully recovered. My thighs, not so much. This tells me that I definitely need to keep doing the swings!

    I did 8 x 10 x 10 – that’s 8 sets of 10 swings at 10 lbs – hope I got the numbers right.
    Also did some halos – since someday I want a waist like Mary’s… :] 4x5x10

    Did the whole shop, mow the lawn, gym thing all weekend long and was rewarded yesterday with a new low on the scale – Whoot! So, I am only two pounds “behind” on the 24 week challenge! YAY. 15 weeks to go…

    GOAL WEIGHT: 220

    But, I will probably be largely absent this week. One of my co-workers is on vacation, so I am pulling double duty all week long, and I really shouldn’t even be here, now – except that I had started taking notes over the weekend… and I didn’t want y’all to worry. Please note – I only made it to page 9 – so a lot of this will be old news… Sorry, Girls.


    Mary – I know what you mean… there are things I won’t give up, either… but the sour cream dip is such a big calorie hit… I may experiment with a half sour cream, half cottage cheese blend… at least then I will be getting a little protein with my calorie hit. When I grow up, I want to be you… LOL. Hope my thighs toughen up, soon.

    Sandra – Welcome! Never too late to stop in here…

    Pip – Whoot! GOOOOO Pip! And Awesome nails!

    Rori – Wish I could join you in the daily telecommute – but, I am happy to have my Fridays.

    Janet/OKC – That squirrel is hysterical. She just flops down on the deck, or the edge of the roof like she didn’t have a care in the world. An Earthquake? In OKC? Yikes! So glad everyone is OK. I am sure your treasures will be taken care of while you are away.

    Jessica – 3 is plenty on the goal front… because you have other things in your life besides this….

    Kim – yep… peanut butter and cheese… *sigh* The good stuff is just calorie dense. Aw, I am so glad the lizard made it!

    Joyce – wow… that Halloween body bag sounds really gross… FUN! And why is a nap a No No? I am a fan of a good nap. Happy Belated Anniversary! Glad to hear your BP is holding steady. And yeah, the phones… at my house, we call those people whose hands never leave the cell phones Phone Zombies… the Talking Dead.

    Katla – Doctor’s just tend to keep throwing new meds at you, without ever stopping the old ones… I know my DH has that problem with his Diabetes. Now he gives the doc the third degree every time he tries to add a new med and sometimes he just says “No.” Hope you feel better! And SO glad your DH is doing well with the change in meds! Trotting is a bad thing?

    NYKaren – I only log a weight drop when it sticks for at least two days in a row… I tend not to log the increases at all – since they are always just water weight, anyway. IF I start misbehaving – and eating like a mad thing, I suppose I will have to log the increases – but for now, I don’t bother. Sorry about the oven. Good luck with the DIY.

    Lisa – Uh huh. Not Logging... It’s like spending money with your visa card… if it didn’t come out of the bank account, you didn’t really spend it. Life does just keep on moving, doesn’t it. So glad you are feeling less stress now. It’s very hard to be the main breadwinner… or, as in my case, the only one. Gratz on Hubby’s new job! ROFL – I, too, am a Cheesetarian… but, I do love veggies. Sounds like DH is finding ways to sneak them past you…

    Miriam – (Hugs) George! Awwww, so cute! I am glad you Grandson can be himself at your place. At least he as one place that he can just be.

    Rita – Good Luck in your house search.

    Want8.. – Your profile pic is pretty cute… but, to post a pic, you hover over the icons above the reply box… there is one that looks like a sheet of paper. Click it and then browse for your picture and attach.

    Carol – Soooo, enquiring minds want to know… were you able to duplicate the styling on that gorgeous new hair of yours?

    Linda/IA – enjoy DD#1! OMG… Baby Rio is adorable…

    Juanita – I actually picked up a couple of beginner belly dance videos at the library, tonight… DH will record them for me, so I can give it a go. We will have to compare notes... And did the entire PNW move to TX? I came here from Portland. Miss the mountains… miss the coast….

    KJ – It sounds like, although you were not on the “diet” trail, you had a lot on your plate last month… now, with the kids back in school, you should be able to focus more on you… Just remember – it’s never too late… (hugs) So glad you got to enjoy some quality time with your DS. And gratz on the coming DGC! And that “Do not waste food” mentality was pretty pervasive for women around our age… it came from our Parents – who often had memories of insufficient food during their early childhoods. My Mom not only was a kid during the Great Depression, but she also had a less than stellar mother – and regularly had to take care of herself – including finding food – starting at about 12. Throw in a Grandmother who LOVED to prattle on about the starving children in china, and we were doomed.

    Heather – Picky bits? Like, what we would call Nibbles? Or Appetizers? Finger food? I think I get it, but just want to be sure. Love me some leftovers… LOL. Ahhhh… That face… so adorable! Thanks for the Bea Fix

    Purl – I would hope that neither of them laugh… My heavens, I am amazed that you went for it. Go, go GO! LOL – Love me some stew. Fed the last of it to DH for breakfast, today. My happiest days are the ones when I hit the recipe just right, and I know that he will be happy to eat that food for the next couple of days. Every now and then I have a “miss” and then I find myself cooking again, far too soon. :]

    Kate – I think there are “Stuff” gremlins… they come in the night and make more “stuff” to spread around.

    Nomad – Welcome! Whether you need a hug, a kind ear, or a kick in the behind, you have come to the right place.

    SueBDew – Me too! Lawn Mowing, yesterday… *sighs* Protein… aside from the obvious, eggs, milk products – cottage cheese is particularly good as you can get low-fat and it’s not too awful on calories for the protein you get. If you really want to get more in, and you have an extra 160 calories to spare… Premier Protein shakes. I throw one into my coffee in the morning. For me, it’s the closest thing to breakfast – but it has a bunch of protein – 30 grams – and not a bunch of carbs… Like 4 or 5 grams, depending on the flavor. Google High Protein Foods – you will get some hits. And man… I saw your note about the road trip and immediately started to hear Willie Nelson in my head… Hope you are having a great time!

    Jane – Glad your surgery was a success! And your post is just fine. Glad you are sleeping well.

    Karen/VA – *snorts* Nope, you definitely need a few more tomatoes… How will you ever make salad for the 7th battalion if you don't have enough tomatoes?

    Barbie – Wish I lived close enough to come and take your class! So glad you and Jake enjoyed your visit to the dreaded IHop. Oh and I am so with you on the cheese biscuits… They are my Kryptonite! Thank goodness DH is not a fan of either Red Lobster or the Cheese Biscuit.

    Sue/WA – Did you find any dry wood?

    Kay – the fish pond sounds like fun… of course, I make it a point never to drink anything with calories… except for my coffee and protein shake lattes. Hope the party is a smashing success.

    Liz – take care of yourself, take care of your daughter…. Everything will work itself out. (Hugs!)

    Lily – Did you meet your guests in your jammies? Or did you find the time to change before they arrived?

    Mwopm3 – MOST of the abbreviations are family = DD = Dear Daughter. DGC – Dear Grand Children. DH = Dear Husband… TRX is an exercise program – prolly need to google that one. :] And oh yeah… exercise is great stuff – especially in combination with calorie monitoring. Gratz on the five pounds!

    Marcelyn – So sorry about the delay in the surgery. I am thinking good thoughts for whatever the problem might be. (hugs!)

    Margaret – Logging works! Gratz at stopping the creep.

    Tracey – Don’t worry about catching up… just start here.. you got enough stress right now. (Hugs!) Take care of yourself, Sugar… relax if you need to – indulge if you must. Sometimes you have to cut yourself some slack.

    DJ – ((Hugs!))

    Melissa/SFL – Welcome Back… time to focus on YOU.

    Allie – hope you had a fantastic weekend.

    Birdie – well – habits can work for you… you just have to build some good ones…. Then the next time crisis strikes – it will be a habit for you to make better food choices, or exercise to relieve stress, or whatever. September is officially “Birdie Month” for you… Go for it.

    Becca – Sorry you are having a hard time. Our minds play all sorts of tricks… Oh… and try turning off the TV… really. Turn. It. Off. They use subliminal advertising, to this day… and 2/3rd of the commercials are about?? Uh huh. Food. And the worst kind of garbage food, at that.

    Peggy – Still stressed about work, Sugar? (Hugs!) Wish I could throw some your way… *sighs*

    Vicki – Sorry you took a fall. Hope you heal up, soon. And I got my boot on, Honey. You are just lucky my thighs are too sore to kick you very hard... you know how to do this...

    Beth – glad you had a good week… And try not to damage yourself too much while protecting DH…(hugs!)

    Lenora – LOVE the trophy wife thing… I hope your vacation was marvelous!

    KarenE – LOL – I always feel “all cooked out.” Hope you figured something easy.

    Michele – how cool… nothing like getting in on a great sale…. Especially at the Salvation Army.

    Charleen – Sounds like you had a far more productive weekend that I did… Enjoy the Disco Deck.

    Roslyn – Hello!

    Vicki – (Hugs!)

    Well, Gals - 15 things need my attention RIGHT NOW... lol. So, I will see you when I see you.

    My apologies for not catching up - I hope I haven't missed anything massively important - that can't wait until I have a few minutes.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    edited September 2016
    Re- Great job on the kettle bell! Starting slow is a wise choice! There are health benefits to both sour cream and to cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is a very good alternative. I would eat it if it was smooth I do not like the curds.
    I still won't give up my hidden Valley Ranch! I don't eat enough of it for it to make a difference. Maybe 2 tablespoons a week now that I am back to the keto diet.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited September 2016
    Re - Do you have half fat creme fraiche over there? I use it a lot. Great lower cal alternative to sour cream.

    The chimney sweep talk was great. I'm going to get him to sweep our log burner in the kitchen.

    Love Heather UK
    Re in TX – DH liked the comment, too! RITFLMAO! I’ve been trying to get him to, at least, buzz his hair; but, I think he’d rather B**** about what little bit he has left curling up when it gets the least bit humid. But, for some reason, he’d rather keep it as is. But, he likes my ‘new’ haircut. Now I need to get my regular cosmetologist to give me a perm/body wave so that it will have the fullness that my DDnL#2 said I should get to have it. Got to buy a big round brush; waiting for her to text me back about the name of the gel and hairspray they used on it. Actually had 2 people working on me, DDnL#2 and a co-worker … wow! I love having my head scrubbed when it is being washed; and, brushed hard as well. It feels so good to me, and, thankfully I am not tender headed. My 3 DGDs next door are terribly tender-headed; my DSGD, out in Louisiana isn’t. She lets me comb, brush, braid, and just play with her hair. That is what is fun about DGDs.

    And, I got a 10lb kettlebell as well. My other choices were a 25lb and a 35lb. I could not even pick up a 40lb bag of potting soil … and to ‘think’ that I had been toting that amount around on my body makes me want to get to my ‘goal’ ASAP! I feel so much better, I don’t stumbled anymore (as much, at least). Just feel better generally!

    Becca - I heard on the news that a couple of young people toppled over a rock that had withstood the ravages of time, wind, and sand (maybe even a little water) ... just because 'they thought it was a hazard', in Oregon. Really upset and pissed me off. What do these people think are (quite often) ... Federally protected places for all to see there for. I think they said that it was actually fenced off. It would not be a hazard for anyone, unless they were STUPID enough to climb over the fence. What's next? The Great Pyramids, Mount Rushmore, The Grand Canyon? To destroy or deface something is just STUPID! And they laughed about it. Stupid to post the act on FB - they got turned in. I hope they find them and I hope they put them under the rock.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85/95, 5X5X 100
    BP-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 85
    BR-5X5X 85

    Kettlebell Swing
    Russian kettle bell swing-23X10X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    2 miles


    Mary from Minnesota
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    hey I think I was more aware of my goals today cause of my new habit tracker app. I really focused at work -one of my goals--and followed everything that required daily attention.

    My heart gave a little flip reading about everyone with a high school son or daughter going off to school today! I miss my college girl (she calls every day so I should really not be complaining) its funny she drove me crazy all summer now I just want a hug and a sit down chat with her!

    As I sit on my back porch I can hear two little ones playing next door-- such imagination it's adorable!!! Tah for now. NYKAREN
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Does WI stand for weigh in? I guess I don't understand this one. :embarassed:

    Re: Trotting is not a bad thing in moderation. I "blew out" my left knee while trotting during a riding lesson with a different teacher several years ago. She had me posting during a lesson for an hour. It was too much for my knee. I weighed about 70 pounds more back then & my knee responded to the constant ups and downs required to post by developing bursitis. That knee is still sensitive although it is no longer swollen and inflamed. :ohwell: Yoga has been a big help. :smiley:

    I made a list of places to call to ask about a partial lease on a horse. No one answered the phone in every place but one. They will let me take lessons, but have no horses available for lease. Worse, they are about two hours away if the traffic is cooperative so this is not a practical choice. I guess my progress will continue to be slow. I enjoy my lessons so that is not a tragedy.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited September 2016
    Anpther day in MFP land! Hope it is a good one for everyone!

    I'm slowly paying back calories for the neighborhood dinner fest this past Sunday. I was way over my calorie count and I felt bloated and had heartburn all night Sunday night. Yesterday and today I managed to reach the 'break even' point for this week's calorie count.

    I hate being reminded that I am getting older, don't you?? Had my eyes examined and of course they are a little worse for wear, so I bought new glasses and lenses so life doesn't continue to be such a blur for me, literally. Once they arrive I will send my current glass frames off for new lenses so I will be back to 2 pairs of glasses again. I am such a clutz and I need a back up pair for when my main pair go missing or are broken.

    Katla - posting is hard to keep up for an extended length of time. No wonder your knee blew out. So sorry to hear you had an instructor that didn't mix up the lesson so it wasn't so intense with posting. It used to get my abdominal musceles so knotted up I was no good for a week. Then I'd get right back on the horse and do it again because riding is so much fun.

    Charleen in Colorado (My knee is telling me a big cool down is in the offing)
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Evenin' Ladies;

    Mary - a hand blender is a wonderful thing... knocks those curds right out. And OH yes. I am very glad I started at ten. My thighs could not have survived starting any higher... lol. I am going to have to work my way up to thighs of steel...

    Heather - I am sure there is such a thing as Low Fat sour cream - but it never tastes right. If it's going to taste odd, I will probably just go with the cottage cheese.

    Lenora - the head scrub is the best part of a new doo... and I am with you - yank, tug and swing like tarzan - my head is tough.

    NYKaren - Glad you aren't suffering TOO badly from missing your DD. Enjoy the daily calls while they last.

    Barbie - the sooner you get in and figure out what is wrong, the better! (Hugs!)

    Katla - I only asked about trotting because you said (8 pages back - sorry) that you got in trouble for trotting on the trail ride. I was just trying to get a feel for why.

    Charleen - I just accept the whole "getting older" thing with the best grace that I can... it isn't like I can stop it or anything... lol I do, however, resent the neck wattle... facial yoga, here I come.

    Really am going to be swamped this week... *sigh* oh well. Employment is a good thing.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie that's great about getting an earlier. I try to get on a cancellation list whenever I can. Good luck. I hate getting those spine xrays. You are already hurting and they have you lay on that hard cold table and then as you said get different angles. It makes you feel worse to get better. But you have to think of the end result.

    Our oldest daughter is planning on this big vacation next year. They have only taken one 3 day vacation as a family, all the others have been with us and our pocket book. She loved our vacations out west when she was a kid and I tell Charlie that he should feel good that it was because of our vacations as a family to somewhere nature related instead of theme park that she is wanting to do that. They are wanting to borrow or rent a self contained big RV and take two weeks and go to Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Rockies, Badlands. All of our trips in two weeks. Now we know it may not happen and Charlie is trying to talk them out of it. He is having a problem with letting his daughter take that leap out of the nest and take a vacation with her husband of 20 years. I tell him we have reminded her we did those one at a time and the gas cost of an RV for 2 weeks. Now we have to let them decide. And if they try it, we have to let them make their mistakes and accept them. She has taken on a one day a week babysitting job that gives her $80 every week and that is their fund. I think it is impossible, but it up to them to find that out. Both her and and my SIL worked at the Grand Canyon for a full summer during college and her favorite vacations were our ones out west and Niagra Falls. I just don't know how in the world they are going to finance this on $80/week until next summer. But their church is incredibly generous. If a church member has a need, usually some one has a way to supply it. They have been member of this large church for close to 20 years and very involved. One year a church member loaned us a big Lexus so we could go on vacation.

    It won't take me much to go to bed tonight.

    Joyce, Indiana