Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kirby7067
    kirby7067 Posts: 1 Member
    This is day one on MFP. I did a 20 minute Zumba DVD tonight. I'm trying to get motivated and having a hard time. Meal plans are hard for me.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    kirby7067 wrote: »
    This is day one on MFP. I did a 20 minute Zumba DVD tonight. I'm trying to get motivated and having a hard time. Meal plans are hard for me.

    Welcome @kirby7067. Good job with the zumba, it's a great burn and can be fun (even though I'm a terrible dancer).
    Meal planning is hard for me too. I have never mastered the ability to plan it out in advance. The one thing that works for me is that as I go I build up a number of recipes that I know are good and fit my days so it gets easier.
    Good luck.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,096 Member
    I am probably one of very few people who hates Zumba.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,096 Member
    “If it weren’t for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn’t get any exercise at all.” ~Joey Adams
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning. Yesterday was kind of a big fail on the food, but today is a new day.
    I went to the Fit and Fall Proof session with DH. It was a great session. Are any of you familiar with it? It is from Idaho Health and Welfare and offered free of charge to seniors. I'm thinking it might be offered in other areas, too. The exercises vary from walking in place to stretching, along with bands and light hand weights. It felt really good. We can choose bands and weights that fit our fitness level. My only frustration is figuring out how to count the calorie burn. I thought I could use my fitness bracelet, but it only registered a small part of the session, so it didn't give me hardly any calorie burn. Any suggestions?
    Tomorrow Cathy, Nicole and I will be participating in a 5k run/walk for a local cancer support group, Angelwings Network. Nicole will be running. Cathy and I are walkers.
    Hope you all have good plans for your weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • FlabtoFab209
    FlabtoFab209 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello, just found this thread, this is the first time I have been to the forums on MFP. I have 100+ pounds to lose, and I am going to need all the help I can get. Sorry to just jump in!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Friday fitness
    Great week for me for excercise
    Walked everyday except Tuesday for an hour 3 to 3.5 miles. Kayaked for an hour and a half Saturday. It was beautiful on the water. Yesterday's walk was a payback to my walking partner, I took him to the school and hiked the fields with him, he ran free. There is joy in motion, watch a dog hunting smells in a field, chasing birds and just running because he can. It makes you smile on the inside.
    I hit two milestones this week: under 300 and over 40 gone as of this morning. It seems like so much and so little at the same time. I still have 110 to go. I need to do this 2 1/2 more times. Daunting but possible. I posted on my page this morning of my lingering fear. That it is out there waiting for me to trip up. That it can afford to be patient because it knows me. That the seduction of complacency will get me and it will all come rushing back and more. My fear. I am not giving in to you today. I'm different today so hide and wait. I'm determined. I can't fail.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    ... I thought I could use my fitness bracelet, but it only registered a small part of the session, so it didn't give me hardly any calorie burn. Any suggestions?

    Kaye, from what I've read on MFP, only cardiovascular exercise seems to be trackable because of the arm/leg movements. When you use stretch bands, or lift weights, those calories aren't calculated because it's not possible to measure the energy used, which is dependant on force, (weight, length of time held, etc.,etc.) ...

    So, thinking along those lines, know that the exercises you and hubby did are good for you but don't plan on using it to increase your deficit on the calories you can eat. :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... and talking about meal plans ... @kirby7067 and @dreawest -- thinking of you here ...

    That's something (meal planning) I have never been good at either, try as I may to create a plan of foods to cook and shop the plan. And recipes? I have a zillion of them, both in electronic form, and in print ... and very seldom do I ever follow one.

    I've stumbled upon my own method of 'recycling menus' so that they are easy to prepare (meaning quick), and taste good to me. One trick is to keep staples on hand in the pantry, fridge, and freezer.

    Breakfast revolves around these choices ... porridge, yogurt, left overs, eggs ... Most days fruit and/or nuts are part of this meal. What I make depends on how long I have to go before my next meal, the longer the wait, the more hearty the meal.

    Lunch is pretty much the same deal as breakfast ... in fact lunch is often the first meal of my day. Except I usually don't do a salad as my first meal of the day, and many lunches are a big salad of veggies and a piece of protein of some sort. Salads have been my dinner many times over.

    Dinner ... ah, dinner; here too, I have a routine. Each dinner is a different type than the one before, and each is put together within 15-45 minutes. One night a week is vegetarian (no egg, no dairy, no meat), one is meatless (egg and dairy allowed), Two are seafood based, One is red meat (beef or pork), One is chicken -- that's 6. The 7th is a toss-up ... It could be any one of the other types depending on what's on hand and what I feel like eating ... a favorite here is a casserole or stew, or a bake of some sort (this one will usually have leftovers, or this one might be something new and different when I do want to try out a recipe that caught my eye.

    Today I had yogurt with strawberries and walnuts for breakfast. For lunch I had an egg sandwich on whole wheat burrito wrap with shredded carrot and a bowl of homemade vegetble soup. I did have a second fruit today, I had a snack of 2 fresh Italian prune-plums. Dinner tonight will be a salmon portion atop a big veggie medley with a glass of milk.
    Tomorrow it's something pork. Maybe schnitzels with quick pickles.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you've all had a great week!

    I thawed out some chicken breasts for dinner tonight but didn't feel very inspired or enthusiastic about my usual dishes, so I decided to try something new: grilled chicken parmesan. Here's the recipe I used although I didn't follow it exactly because I didn't have everything on-hand.

    I used a jar of spaghetti sauce instead of making the recipe from scratch and didn't use any pesto at all but it still turned out very yummy! I grilled the chicken for a few mins on my george foreman grill to sear the outside, then baked it in the marinara sauce with a small amount of mozzarella on top.

    My SO wanted pasta with his but I ate mine with steamed green beans on the side instead. :) My portion of chicken came to 330 calories and tasted very good!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @pinkstarberry your recipe looks great. I'm going to make it next week. I think roasted asparagus with garlic and fresh basil on the side
  • dancing_chemical
    dancing_chemical Posts: 18 Member
    Feeling very down today... I'm in college and feel like I can't have the type of relationships I want until I lose weight. It seems hopeless trying to make friends or gain the respect of people in my major. It's a miracle people even tolerate me. Everyone's first impression of me must be terrible... I am black, fat, and a girl... they probably think the worst of me. I try my best to prove my worth but it feels so hard lately. Half the time it feels like people don't even see me... I'm left out of everything and it crushes my self-esteem. I'm literally 160 pounds from my goal weight. I don't understand how it got this bad.

    I am sorry to put a cloud over this thread but I needed to vent.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,096 Member
    Feeling very down today... I'm in college and feel like I can't have the type of relationships I want until I lose weight. It seems hopeless trying to make friends or gain the respect of people in my major. It's a miracle people even tolerate me. Everyone's first impression of me must be terrible... I am black, fat, and a girl... they probably think the worst of me. I try my best to prove my worth but it feels so hard lately. Half the time it feels like people don't even see me... I'm left out of everything and it crushes my self-esteem. I'm literally 160 pounds from my goal weight. I don't understand how it got this bad.

    I am sorry to put a cloud over this thread but I needed to vent.

    @dancing_chemical it is hard being in college; at least it was for me. What type of relationships do you want? I suggest you focus on your grades but I understand it can feel very lonely. What is your major? Perhaps see if you can join a study group. Do you live on campus and have a roommate? If so, ask her if she would like to get a cup of coffee with you or play a game such as pool. My college had a pool table in the dorm. The best way to make a friend is to be a friend. If you are going someplace, ask if someone needs anything at the store or would like to come along. Many colleges have clubs, are you interested in any of those?
    The truth is, many people are so interested in themselves that they dont really notice anyone else. You dont have to prove your worth. If you feel left out, ask if you can join in. People usually dont say no. If you really feel troubled, try talking with a guidance counselor. He/she can probably help you more than I can.
    :Hugs: It is going to be alright. No matter what happens, you can get thru it. Just do the best you can with whatever life gives you.

    <3 Rach
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @dancing_chemical -- welcome to the thread. Rach had some great advice. I will add that it sounds like you are struggling with seeing your own worth which will make it hard for others to value you. You are on the path to building your self-worth by choosing to get healthier. Continue taking care of yourself and you will start to feel valuable--then others will also see your worth. :smile:

    @pneschich --I could eat garlic roasted asparagus every day! I've never tried it with fresh basil, but that sounds delicious. Congrats on all your progress so far and welcome to Twoderville!! :smile:

    @kaye-- niki is correct that most trackers and HRMs don't register strength training appropriately. I've used the "strength training" exercise in the MFP database when I lift weights or do band work and core exercises. Also, here is a link to a site I sometimes use to estimate calories:
    It has a wide variety of activities and exercises, so I bet you can figure out what is reasonable as far as a calorie burn for the class. Though I understand niki's advice to not track these calories, if I recall you are already at the minimum of 1200/day, so if I were you I would log any and all exercise calories.

    @FlabtoFab209 -- Welcome!! We encourage jumping in--just don't count it as a calorie burn. LOL

    @rach-- You aren't the only one--I also dislike Zumba. :smile:

    AFM--Wow, I had 2 pretty bad days. Thursday was our Curriculum Night at the HS, so I knew the colleagues and I would be going out for cocktails afterward. I was so careful all day with my food, so I could have a couple rum and diet cokes and stay under calories. However, the schedule forced me to eat dinner at 4:30, so by the time I got home after 10 pm I was really hungry. Alas, my DH had ordered Chinese take away. I caved and ate an egg roll and 2 crab rangoon which put me well over allowance.

    Then on Friday, I just failed. There's no reason or excuse. I just ate stuff I shouldn't starting with some cinnamon cake someone brought to work, followed by cheese fries and cocktails after work, to more left over Chinese food for dinner. Today I've got my butt firmly back on the wagon. I even passed up a faculty outing to tailgate and attend the Northwestern football game. I had been planning to go for weeks, but I just couldn't bear another day of unwise food and beverage choices. Instead, I walked Gunner, scrubbed my bathroom, and went to the gym before showering and heading to Starbucks to grade a bit. Adulting is hard, but I feel good about my choices today.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/82 motif analyses
    2. 40/40 AP journals DONE
    3. x/40 AP essays

    Fitness Goals for the month of September:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 11:34
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 24:12
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    264 k done/ 736 k to go :smile: PAST the 25% mark!!

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside NOT DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym or run outside NOT DONE
    Thurs-- rest day (open house)
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside DONE
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    @skinny I think, some days, you just have to eat what you're gonna eat. But you did do the strong character thing and cut it off at one day, so kudos to you on that.

    I've been inactive on the thread a couple of weeks (the start of a semester is hard), but I'm still watching and tracking, and trying. I've positively identified one food and one habit that seem to consistently lead to that horrible binging behavior that has come seemingly out of nowhere.

    On the positive side, even when I eat like crap, I'm consistently good about exercising, which I think is blunting the fangs of eating say, 2 lbs of dried mango in a sitting.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    LOL @badnoodle ... I can relate to having identified one food and one habit that derails into binging behaviors! And also to the dried fruit thingy ... for me, it's any dried fruit on hand and the past couple of days it was raisins .. and entire 2 cup box that should have been 8 servings turned into 2. :*

    Fortunately, the 'crisis' has passed and I'm off my food drunk and back on the wagon today, and don't look forward to the next couple of detox days.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound I do a fine chiffonade of basil minced garlic and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and olive oil roasted at 415 (my oven isn't well calibrated 425 burns too fast 400 just isn't enough) for 10-15 minutes. Then I salt it and add more basil.

    @pinkstarberry I am making a roasted tomato marinara for your recipe today. 6 Roma tomatoes halved & seeded 1 white onion cut in 1/8ths and as much garlic as you want 6-8 cloves. Basil and oregano, salt and pepper. Toss in 2 TBS olive oil and Roast at 225 for 2 hours turning the tomatoes over and a gentle stir at the hour mark . Cool and put it in a food processor or blender & chop it to whatever texture you like. Reheats good. My wife usually has a bowl fresh out of the processor.

    30 minutes in and it's really smelling good in here. I chopped my bell peppers for the week but dropped my eggs on the floor! Going to have to go back to the grocery for more. My battle begins in being prepared. If I make myself get ready for the week on Sunday I succeed more. If I have to meal plan and prepare on the fly: I fail!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @pneschich --thanks for the recipe details. I am the same way with planning. I try to boil some eggs and prep at least a few days worth of lunches. For me, it's more about having healthy "to-go" options on hand. I try to keep a supply of Lean Cuisines in the freezer and greek yogurt in the fridge, plus some protein bars to bring as a snack.

    @badnoodle --thanks! Yeah, I'm happy I didn't let one 24-hour binge keep me off track. Good for you for at least keeping up with the exercise--the start of the semester is a tough time to be a student or a teacher. I tend to let my gym visits wane as the grading piles on, so I'm trying not to let that happen.

    Sunday Share:
    I'm, once again, experiencing my biggest challenge in this weight-loss effort which is balancing work and exercise while trying to maintain some semblance of a social life. I tend to sacrifice gym time for grading even though I know it's a bad idea. To compensate, I try to eat better with varying levels of success (see Friday's binge). I know the only way I will drop weight at this point is to both eat well AND exercise, but it seems like I can hardly ever manage to do both at the same time. :(

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/82 motif analyses
    2. x/40 AP essays

    Fitness Goals for the month of September:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 11:34
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 24:12
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    264 k done/ 736 k to go :smile: PAST the 25% mark!!

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner + mow lawn
    Tues-- walk gunner (meeting)
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thnks @Pinkstarberry and @pneschich ... I have a new recipe to try this week for my chicken dish ... Pink's chicken baked in Pnesch's marinara peso marinara!
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    @pneschnich Wow that sounds incredibly delicious!! Do you have room for one more at the dinner table? :smiley:
    @Nikion901 I hope you enjoy the recipe! It tasted much more decadent than the total calories, imo. I think any type of tomato sauce baked in the oven is so yummy, especially with a bit of melted cheese on top :blush:

    I hope everyone's had a wonderful weekend!